class TestAStar(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        time_step = 0.005
        self.arena = Arena(10, 10)
        self.biased_grid = BiasedGrid(self.arena.get_dimensions())
        self.agents = [Agent(0, 0, time_step), Agent(1, 1, time_step)]
        self.a_star = AStar(self.arena, self.agents, self.biased_grid)

    def test_a_star_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.arena, self.a_star.arena)
        self.assertEqual(self.agents, self.a_star.agents)
        self.assertEqual([], self.a_star.path)

    def test_check_blocked_square_fails(self):
        self.arena.set_blockage([0], [1])
        status = self.a_star.check_target_location(0, 1)
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.TARGET_BLOCKED, status)

    def test_check_reserved_square_fails(self):
        self.arena.set_reserved([0], [1])
        status = self.a_star.check_target_location(0, 1)
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.TARGET_RESERVED, status)

    def test_route_to_blocked_square_fails(self):
        self.arena.set_blockage([0], [1])
        status = self.a_star.route(self.agents[0], (0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.TARGET_BLOCKED, status)

    def test_route_to_reserved_square_fails(self):
        self.arena.set_reserved([0], [1])
        status = self.a_star.route(self.agents[0], (0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.TARGET_RESERVED, status)

    def test_initialize_nodes(self):
        start = (0, 0)
        target = (0, 4)
        start_node = AStarNode(start)
        end_node = AStarNode(target)
        self.a_star.initialize_nodes(self.agents[0], target)
        start_eq = start_node == self.a_star.start
        end_eq = end_node ==

    def test_get_new_nodes_in_empty_area(self):
        # initialize the search, and then get neighbouring tiles
        start = (1, 1)
        expected_neighbours = [(2, 1), (1, 2), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
        parent_node = AStarNode(start)
        new_nodes = self.a_star.generate_new_nodes(parent_node)
        self.assertEqual(len(expected_neighbours), len(new_nodes))
        # make sure all of the correct nodes are returned
        for node_location in expected_neighbours:
            test_node = AStarNode(node_location)
            node_exists = test_node in new_nodes

    def test_get_new_nodes_in_corner(self):
        # initialize the search in a corner, and then get neighbouring tiles
        start = (0, 0)
        expected_neighbours = [(0, 1), (1, 0)]
        parent_node = AStarNode(start)
        new_nodes = self.a_star.generate_new_nodes(parent_node)
        self.assertEqual(len(expected_neighbours), len(new_nodes))
        # make sure all of the correct nodes are returned
        for node_location in expected_neighbours:
            test_node = AStarNode(node_location)
            node_exists = test_node in new_nodes

    def test_get_new_nodes_with_blockage(self):
        # initialize the search, set some blockages, and then make sure only the free tiles are returned
        start = (1, 1)
        self.arena.set_blockage([2], [0, 1, 2, 3])
        expected_neighbours = [(1, 2), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
        parent_node = AStarNode(start)
        new_nodes = self.a_star.generate_new_nodes(parent_node)
        self.assertEqual(len(expected_neighbours), len(new_nodes))
        # make sure all of the correct nodes are returned
        for node_location in expected_neighbours:
            test_node = AStarNode(node_location)
            node_exists = test_node in new_nodes

    def test_calculate_heuristic(self):
        start = (1, 1)
        target = (4, 4)
        start_node = AStarNode(start)
        target_node = AStarNode(target)
        heuristic = self.a_star.calculate_heuristic_cost(
            start_node, target_node)
        self.assertEqual(6, heuristic)

    def test_routing_simple_path(self):
        target = (4, 4)
        status = self.a_star.route(self.agents[0], target)
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.SUCCESS, status)
        # make sure the final nodes are correct
        self.assertTupleEqual((4, 4), self.a_star.node_path[-1].location)

    def test_route_to_tile_with_other_agent_fails(self):
        status = self.a_star.check_target_location(1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(RoutingStatus.TARGET_RESERVED, status)

    def test_calculate_turn_cost_no_factor(self):
        start_node = AStarNode((0, 0))
        node_1 = AStarNode((1, 0), parent=start_node)
        node_2 = AStarNode((2, 0), parent=node_1)
        node_3 = AStarNode((2, 1), parent=node_2)
        node_4 = AStarNode((2, 2), parent=node_3)
        node_5 = AStarNode((3, 2), parent=node_4)
        turn_cost = self.a_star.calculate_turn_cost(node_5)
        self.assertEqual(0, turn_cost)

    def test_calculate_turn_cost_with_weight(self):
        start_node = AStarNode((0, 0))
        self.a_star.turn_factor = 1
        node_1 = AStarNode((1, 0), parent=start_node)
        node_2 = AStarNode((2, 0), parent=node_1)
        node_3 = AStarNode((2, 1), parent=node_2)
        node_4 = AStarNode((2, 2), parent=node_3)
        node_5 = AStarNode((3, 2), parent=node_4)
        turn_cost = self.a_star.calculate_turn_cost(node_5)
        self.assertEqual(2, turn_cost)

    def test_calculate_inline_cost(self):
        self.a_star.inline_factor = 10
        self.arena.set_agent_target(3, 3)
        node = AStarNode((1, 3))
        score = self.a_star.calculate_inline_cost(node)
        self.assertEqual(10, score)

    def test_is_direction_valid(self):
        parents = [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)]
        children = [(2, 1), (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 0)]
        main_biases = [
            BiasedDirection.ONLY_X_POSITIVE, BiasedDirection.ONLY_X_NEGATIVE,
            BiasedDirection.ONLY_Y_POSITIVE, BiasedDirection.ONLY_Y_NEGATIVE
        secondary_biases = [
            BiasedDirection.ONLY_Y_POSITIVE, BiasedDirection.ONLY_Y_NEGATIVE,
            BiasedDirection.ONLY_X_POSITIVE, BiasedDirection.ONLY_X_NEGATIVE
        for idx in range(len(parents)):
            parent = parents[idx]
            child = children[idx]
            bias = main_biases[idx]
            self.biased_grid[child] = bias
            self.biased_grid[parent] = bias
            self.assertTrue(self.a_star.is_direction_valid(parent, child))
            self.assertFalse(self.a_star.is_direction_valid(child, parent))
            bias = secondary_biases[idx]
            self.biased_grid[child] = bias
            self.biased_grid[parent] = bias
            self.assertFalse(self.a_star.is_direction_valid(parent, child))
class TestArena(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # note: this means coordinates go from x = [0-4], y = [0-9]
        self.arena = Arena(5, 10)

    def test_generate_grid(self):
        self.assertEqual(TileState.FREE, self.arena.get_tile_state(4, 9))

    def test_set_blockage(self):
        x_values = list(range(3))
        y_values = [3]
        self.arena.set_blockage(x_values, y_values)
        for x in x_values:
            for y in y_values:
                                 self.arena.get_tile_state(x, y))

    def test_set_reserved(self):
        x_values = list(range(3))
        y_values = [3]
        self.arena.set_reserved(x_values, y_values)
        for x in x_values:
            for y in y_values:
                                 self.arena.get_tile_state(x, y))

    def test_get_dimensions(self):
        dimensions = self.arena.get_dimensions()
        self.assertTupleEqual((5, 10), dimensions)

    def test_clear_blockage(self):
        x_values = list(range(3))
        y_values = [3]
        self.arena.set_blockage(x_values, y_values)
        self.arena.clear_blockage(x_values, y_values)
        for x in x_values:
            for y in y_values:
                                 self.arena.get_tile_state(x, y))

    def test_boundary_checking(self):
        x_range = list(range(5))
        y_range = list(range(10))
        # test the upper and lower rows
        for x in x_range:
            self.assertTrue(self.arena.is_boundary_tile(x, 0))
            self.assertTrue(self.arena.is_boundary_tile(x, 9))
        # test the sides
        for y in y_range:
            self.assertTrue(self.arena.is_boundary_tile(0, y))
            self.assertTrue(self.arena.is_boundary_tile(4, y))

    def test_neighbours_at_corners(self):
        corners = [(0, 0), (0, 9), (4, 9), (4, 0)]
        test_neighbours = [[(1, 0), (0, 1)], [(0, 8), (1, 9)], [(3, 9),
                                                                (4, 8)],
                           [(3, 0), (4, 1)]]
        for idx, corner in enumerate(corners):
            neighbours = self.arena.get_neighbours(corner[0], corner[1])
            # each corner should only have two neighbours
            self.assertEqual(2, len(neighbours))
            for check in test_neighbours[idx]:
                self.assertTrue((check in neighbours))

    def test_set_agent_target(self):
        self.arena.set_agent_target(4, 4)
        state = self.arena.get_tile_state(4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(TileState.AGENT_TARGET, state)