Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.io = io()
     self.parser = parser()
     self.badges = badges()
     self.helper = helper()
     self.details = {
         'Name': "exploit/multi/f5_big_ip_tmui/cve_2020_5902",
         'Authors': [
         'Description': "Remote Code Execution in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI).",
         'Comments': [
     self.options = {
         'URL': {
             'Description': "Target URL address.",
             'Value': None,
             'Required': True
         'RFILE': {
             'Description': "File to read.",
             'Value': "/etc/passwd",
             'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.tables = tables()
        self.details = {
            'Name': "auxiliary/net/scanner/network_scanner",
            'Authors': [
            'Description': "Scan local network.",
            'Dependencies': [
            'Comments': [
                'Uses Python scapy module to scan local network.'
            'Risk': "low"

        self.options = {
            'RANGE': {
                'Description': "IP range.",
                'Value': "",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.io = io()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/iphoneos/ssh/cydia_default_password",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "Bypass iOS SSH authorization using Cydia.app default SSH password.",
            'Comments': ['Default iOS root and mobile password - alpine.']

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'USERNAME': {
                'Description': "SSH username.",
                'Value': "root",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = parser()
        self.badges = badges()

        self.bufsize = 2048

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/ssh/cve_2018_10933",
            'Authors': ['enty8080', 'jas502n'],
            'Description': "SSH LibSSH unauthorized access.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': 2222,
                'Required': True
            'COMMAND': {
                'Description': "Command to execute",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()

        self.session = session()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "post/linux/membrane/transfer/download",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "Download remote file.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'LPATH': {
                'Description': "Local path.",
                'Value': "/tmp",
                'Required': True
            'RPATH': {
                'Description': "Remote path.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'SESSION': {
                'Description': "Session to run on.",
                'Value': 0,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = db()
     self.badges = badges()
     self.importer = importer()
     self.storage = storage()
     self.config = config()
     self.modules = modules()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()

        self.web_tools = web_tools()
        self.string_tools = string_tools()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/netwave_ip_camera/password_disclosure",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "Netwave IP Camera password disclosure exploit.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': 81,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):
        self.io = io()
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.config = config()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/macos/safari_app/safari_reaper",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "macOS Safari.app crash.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.options = {
            'LHOST': {
                'Description': "Local host.",
                'Value': self.helper.getip(),
                'Required': True
            'LPORT': {
                'Description': "Local port.",
                'Value': 80,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.badges = badges()
     self.execute = execute()
     self.exceptions = exceptions()
     self.storage = storage()
     self.io = io()
     self.modules = modules()
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()

        self.web_tools = web_tools()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/qnap_qts/local_file_inclusion",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "QNAP QTS and Photo Station 6.0.3 Local File Inclusion.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RFILE': {
                'Description': "Remote file to read.",
                'Value': "/etc/passwd",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
        self.io = io()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.config = config()
        self.badges = badges()

        self.colors_script = colors_script()
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.session = session()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "post/macos/membrane/gather/prompt",
            'Authors': [
            'Description': "Prompt user to type password.",
            'Dependencies': [
            'Comments': [
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'SESSION': {
                'Description': "Session to run on.",
                'Value': 0,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.session = session()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "post/macos/membrane/transfer/upload",
            'Authors': [
            'Description': "Upload local file.",
            'Comments': [

        self.options = {
            'LPATH': {
                'Description': "Local path.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPATH': {
                'Description': "Remote path.",
                'Value': "/tmp",
                'Required': True
            'SESSION': {
                'Description': "Session to run on.",
                'Value': 0,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self):
        self.io = io()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.badges = badges()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.params = {"routestring": "ajax/render/widget_php"}

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/vbulletin_widget_php/cve_2019_16759",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "vBulletin 5.0.0 till 5.5.4 widget_php Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.options = {
            'URL': {
                'Description': "Target URL address.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'COMMAND': {
                'Description': "Command to execute.",
                'Value': "uname -a",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self):
     self.badges = badges()
     self.helper = helper()
     self.listener = listener()
     self.plugin = plugin()
     self.loader = loader()
     self.details = {
         'Name':        "macos/reverse_tcp/zeterpreter",
         'Authors':     ['enty8080'],
         'Description': "macOS implant written in golang and compiled for macOS.",
         'Comment':     "First macOS implant in history written in golang! Yay!"
     self.options = {
         'LHOST': {
             'Description': 'Local host.',
             'Value':       self.helper.getip(),
             'Required':    True
         'LPORT': {
             'Description': 'Local port',
             'Value':       self.helper.lport,
             'Required':    True
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self):
        self.nmap = nmap3.Nmap()
        self.badges = badges()

        self.banner = banner()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "nmap",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "Nmap scan plugin for ZetaSploit.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.commands = {
            'scanner': {
                'port_scan': {
                    'Description': "Run port scan on host.",
                    'Usage': "port_scan <host>",
                    'ArgsCount': 1,
                    'NeedsArgs': True,
                    'Args': list(),
                    'Run': self.port_scan
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.exceptions = exceptions()
        self.server = server()

        self.stages = None
        self.controller = None
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()

        self.session = session()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "post/macos/zetant/trolling/say",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "Say text message on device.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.options = {
            'MESSAGE': {
                'Description': "Message to say.",
                'Value': "Hello, zetant!",
                'Required': True
            'SESSION': {
                'Description': "Session to run on.",
                'Value': 0,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.web_tools = web_tools()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "auxiliary/net/scanner/port_scanner",
            'Authors': [
            'Description': "Scan host for opened ports.",
            'Dependencies': [
            'Comments': [
            'Risk': "low"

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RANGE': {
                'Description': "Ports to scan.",
                'Value': "0-65535",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = parser()
        self.badges = badges()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.web_tools = web_tools()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/f5_big_ip_tmui/local_file_inclusion",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "Local File Inclusion in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI).",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RFILE': {
                'Description': "Remote file to read.",
                'Value': "/etc/passwd",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = parser()
        self.badges = badges()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/nostromo_httpd/cve_2019_16278",
            'Authors': ['enty8080', 'Kr0ff'],
            'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Nostromo httpd.",
            'Comments': ['']

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': 80,
                'Required': True
            'COMMAND': {
                'Description': "Command to execute",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()

        self.web_tools = web_tools()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/multi/icewarp_webmail/local_file_inclusion",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "Local File Inclusion in IceWarp <= 10.4.4 WebMail.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'RHOST': {
                'Description': "Remote host.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'RPORT': {
                'Description': "Remote port.",
                'Value': 80,
                'Required': True
            'RFILE': {
                'Description': "Remote file to read.",
                'Value': "/etc/passwd",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.web_tools = web_tools()
        self.dictionary = dictionary()

        self.paths = self.dictionary.paths

        self.details = {
            'Name': "auxiliary/web/scanner/pma_scanner",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            'Description': "Scan website PHP My Admin.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "medium"

        self.options = {
            'URL': {
                'Description': "Target URL address.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        self.badges = badges()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.transfer = transfer(client)
        self.handler = handler(client)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self):
        self.io = io()
        self.badges = badges()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.helper = helper()

        self.details = {
            'Authors': ['enty8080', '__mn1__'],
            "Remote Code Execution in Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix Gateway.",
            'Comments': [
                'Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 13.0 all supported builds',
                'Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.1 all supported builds',
                'Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.0 all supported builds',
                'Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 11.1 all supported builds',
                'Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 10.5 all supported builds'

        self.options = {
            'URL': {
                'Description': "Target URL address.",
                'Value': None,
                'Required': True
            'COMMAND': {
                'Description': "Command to execute.",
                'Value': "uname -a",
                'Required': True
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self):
        self.exceptions = exceptions()
        self.tables = tables()
        self.badges = badges()
        self.local_storage = local_storage()
        self.modules = modules()

        self.job_process = None
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = db()
     self.badges = badges()
     self.local_storage = local_storage()
     self.helper = helper()
     self.config = config()
     self.modules = modules()
     self.exceptions = exceptions()
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self):
        self.badges = badges()
        self.helper = helper()
        self.local_storage = local_storage()
        self.jobs = jobs()
        self.parser = parser()
        self.tables = tables()

        self.listener = listener()

        self.controller = None
        self.id_number = 0

        self.sessions_id = dict()
        self.sessions_info = dict()

        self.details = {
            'Name': "exploit/linux/stager/membrane_reverse_tcp",
            'Authors': ['enty8080'],
            "Linux reverse TCP shell with full remote functionality.",
            'Dependencies': [''],
            'Comments': [''],
            'Risk': "high"

        self.options = {
            'LHOST': {
                'Description': "Local host.",
                'Value': self.helper.getip(),
                'Required': True
            'LPORT': {
                'Description': "Local port.",
                'Value': 4444,
                'Required': True
            'FOREVER': {
                'Description': "Start listener forever.",
                'Value': "no",
                'Required': False

        self.commands = {
            'close': {
                'Description': "Close active session.",
                'Usage': "close <session_id>",
                'MinArgs': 1,
                'Run': self.close
            'sessions': {
                'Description': "List all active sessions.",
                'Usage': "list",
                'MinArgs': 0,
                'Run': self.sessions
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, unicorn):
        self.unicorn = unicorn
        self.badges = badges()

        self.name = "safemode"
        self.description = "Put device into safe mode."
        self.usage = "Usage: safemode"
        self.type = "boot"
        self.args = 1
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, unicorn):
        self.unicorn = unicorn
        self.badges = badges()

        self.name = "getvol"
        self.description = "Show output sound volume."
        self.usage = "Usage: getvol"
        self.type = "settings"
        self.args = 1