def setUpClass(cls): input_dim = trajectories[0].shape[1] n_classes = len(trajectories) synth_parameters_dim = ADDITIVE.n_parameters cls.model = GestureMapper(input_dim, n_classes, synth_parameters_dim) for x in trajectories: cls.model.add_datapoint(x, create(x, synth_parameters_dim))
def evaluate(self, instrument_name, n_parameters): trajectory_names = [ 'zero', 'circle', 'line', 'r_line', 'sine', 'mega_sine', 'spiral', 'tanh', 'random' ] for trajectory_name, trajectory in zip(trajectory_names, trajectories): X = trajectory[:, 0] Y = trajectory[:, 1] plt.plot(X, Y) plt.xlim(-.1, 1.1) plt.ylim(-.1, 1.1) gesture_plot = '/shape/sounds/_{}.png'.format(trajectory_name) plt.savefig(gesture_plot, dpi=300) plt.clf() n = 8 parameters = [create(trajectory, n_parameters) for _ in range(n)] self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_SEND( [parameters, instrument_name, trajectory, True]) sounds = self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_RECV() sounds = sorted(sounds, key=lambda L: L[1]) title = '{}:{}'.format(instrument_name, trajectory_name) html = ('<html><title>{}</title><body><h1>{}</h1>' '<img src="_{}.png" width="50%">' '<hr>').format(title, title, trajectory_name) for filename, similarity in sounds: html += ( '<table><tr><td><b> {} </b><br><br> <audio controls>' '<source src="{}" type="audio/wav"> </audio></td>' '<td><img src="{}.png" width="60%"> </td></tr></table>' '<hr>').format(similarity, filename, filename) html += '</body></html>' html_file = '/shape/sounds/{}_{}.html'.format( instrument_name, trajectory_name) with open(html_file, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(html)
def test_learn_predict(self): n = 2 for gesture in trajectories[:n]: self.comm.LEARN_REQ_SEND( [gesture, create(gesture, ADDITIVE.n_parameters)]) self.comm.LEARN_REQ_RECV() for socket, msg in next(self.comm): if socket == cm.LEARN_COUNT_SUB: if msg == n: break for i, gesture in enumerate(trajectories[:n]): self.comm.PLAY_REQ_SEND(gesture) gesture_prediction, synth_prms_prediction = self.comm.PLAY_REQ_RECV( ) self.assertTrue(i == np.argmax(gesture_prediction)) self.comm.FILE_IO_REQ_SEND(SAVE) self.assertTrue(self.comm.FILE_IO_REQ_RECV()) self.comm.FILE_IO_REQ_SEND(LOAD) self.assertTrue(self.comm.FILE_IO_REQ_RECV())
def test_4d_input(self): gesture = np.hstack([trajectories[1], trajectories[3]]) self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_SEND([[create(gesture, ADDITIVE.n_parameters)],, gesture, True]) sounds = self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_RECV()
def test_3d_input(self): gesture = np.random.rand(20, 3) self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_SEND([[create(gesture, ADDITIVE.n_parameters)],, gesture, True]) sounds = self.comm.SYNTH_REQ_RECV()
def run(select_lowest_mse=False): comm = cm.Communicator([ cm.SENSOR_PULL, cm.LEARNING_MODE_PULL, cm.LEARN_REQ, cm.PLAY_REQ, cm.SYNTH_REQ, cm.SYNTH_PLAY_PUSH, cm.FILE_IO_REQ ]) status = CHILL recorder = deque(maxlen=200) favourite_log = [] for socket, msg in next(comm): if socket == cm.SENSOR_PULL: if status == CHILL: continue recorder.append(msg) if status == PLAY and len(recorder): gesture = np.stack(recorder)[-HISTORY_LENGTH:] if len(gesture) < HISTORY_LENGTH: gesture = np.pad(gesture, pad_width=((HISTORY_LENGTH - len(gesture), 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=MASK_VALUE) comm.PLAY_REQ_SEND(gesture) response = comm.PLAY_REQ_RECV() if response is not None: gesture_prediction, synth_prms_prediction = response synth_prms_prediction = np.clip(synth_prms_prediction, 0, 1) print('{}\r'.format( np.around(np.squeeze(gesture_prediction), decimals=2)), end='') comm.SYNTH_PLAY_PUSH_SEND(synth_prms_prediction) if socket == cm.LEARNING_MODE_PULL: if msg == SAVE: json_filename = '{}/favourite/favourite.json'.format( PROJECT_ROOT) out = {i: d for i, d in enumerate(favourite_log)} with open(json_filename, 'w') as _file: json.dump(out, _file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if msg in [LOAD, SAVE]: comm.FILE_IO_REQ_SEND(msg) print(msg, ':', comm.FILE_IO_REQ_RECV()) continue if len(recorder) and status == REC and msg in [PLAY, CHILL]: print('Recorded {} samples, making suggestions'.format( len(recorder))) gesture = np.stack(recorder) # Can deal with both mouse (2D) and Myo (4D) X = gesture[:, 0] Y = gesture[:, 1] plt.plot(X, Y) plt.xlim(-.1, 1.1) plt.ylim(-.1, 1.1) gesture_plot = '{}/sounds/_{}.png'.format( PROJECT_ROOT, plt.savefig(gesture_plot, dpi=300) plt.clf() parameters = [ create(gesture, SYNTH_INSTR.n_parameters) for _ in range(N_EXAMPLES) ] comm.SYNTH_REQ_SEND( [parameters,, gesture, True]) sounds = comm.SYNTH_REQ_RECV() filenames, similarities = zip(*sounds) sounds = list(zip(filenames, similarities, parameters)) sounds = sorted(sounds, key=lambda L: L[1]) title = html = ('<html><title>{}</title><body><h1>{}</h1>' '<img src="_{}.png" width="50%">' '<hr>').format(title, title, for i, (filename, similarity, _) in enumerate(sounds): html += ( '<table><tr><td><b>Candidate {}<br>' 'Similarity: {} </b><br><br> <audio controls>' '<source src="{}" type="audio/wav"> </audio></td>' '<td><img src="{}.png" width="60%"> </td></tr></table>' '<hr>').format(i, similarity, filename, filename) html += '</body></html>' html_file = '{}/sounds/{}.html'.format(PROJECT_ROOT, with open(html_file, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(html) if not select_lowest_mse: q = 'Open {} and select your favourite:'.format(html_file) favourite = int(input(q)) else: favourite = 0 if favourite > -1: print('You chose {}, similarity {}.'.format( favourite, sounds[favourite][1])) filename, similarity, synth_parameters = sounds[favourite] favourite_log.append([filename, similarity]) comm.LEARN_REQ_SEND([gesture, synth_parameters]) comm.LEARN_REQ_RECV() else: print('None selected, continue.') status = msg print('STATUS:', status) recorder.clear()
import time import zmq import numpy as np import data.communicator as cm from core.faux_gestures import trajectories from core.candidate import create from utils.constants import ADDITIVE comm = cm.Communicator([ cm.LEARN_REQ, cm.PLAY_REQ ]) n = 3 for gesture in trajectories[:n]: comm.LEARN_REQ_SEND([ gesture, create(gesture, ADDITIVE.n_parameters) ]) comm.LEARN_REQ_RECV() ready = False while not ready: comm.PLAY_REQ_SEND(trajectories[0]) reply = comm.PLAY_REQ_RECV() if reply is not None: ready = True else: print('Model not ready, waiting 5 seconds before trying again.') time.sleep(5)