def do_analysis(self, catchment_str, amax_str=None): """ Background OH Auto Statistical analysis task. :param catchment_str: Catchment file content (either in xml or cd3 format) :type catchment_str: str :param amax_str: Amax file content :type amax_str: str :return: Dict with analysis report (Markdown) in `result` key. :rtype: dict """ self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'message': ''}) try: db_session = db.Session() parser_by_ext = { '.cd3': parsers.Cd3Parser, '.xml': parsers.XmlCatchmentParser } ext = '.xml' if is_xml(catchment_str) else '.cd3' catchment = parser_by_ext[ext]().parse_str(catchment_str) if amax_str: catchment.amax_records = parsers.AmaxParser().parse_str(amax_str) analysis = autostatisticalweb.Analysis(catchment, db_session) result = return {'message': '', 'result': result} except Exception as e: raise # Celery handles errors finally: if db_session: db_session.close()
def do_analysis_from_id(self, catchment_id): """ Background OH Auto Statistical analysis task using a catchment from the database. :param catchment_id: Catchment id (NRFA gauging station no.) :type catchment_id: int :return: Dict with analysis report (Markdown) in `result` key. :rtype: dict """ self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'message': ''}) assert isinstance(catchment_id, int) try: db_session = db.Session() catchment = db_session.query(entities.Catchment).get(catchment_id) if catchment is None: raise ValueError("Catchment with id `{}` does not exist.".format(catchment_id)) analysis = autostatisticalweb.Analysis(catchment, db_session) result = return {'message': '', 'result': result} except Exception as e: raise # Celery handles errors finally: if db_session: db_session.close()
def main() -> None: query = ''' SELECT DATE(u.date_created), COUNT(1), SUM(CASE WHEN u.date_login IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM t_user u GROUP BY DATE(u.date_created) ORDER BY DATE(u.date_created) ''' with db.Session() as sess: for date, count, zombies in sess.execute(query): zombiebars = int(10 * (zombies / count + 0.04)) print("{:10} {:4} {}".format(str(date), count, ('*' * zombiebars + '.' * (10 - zombiebars))))
def main(*, since: int = 60, verbose: bool = False) -> None: online_since = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=since) total = 0 total_online = 0 with db.Session() as sess: for u in sess.query(db.User).all(): total += 1 if verbose: print( if online_since is not None and u.date_login is not None: total_online += (1 if u.date_login >= online_since else 0) print("Total:", total) if online_since is not None: print("Online:", total_online)
def get_next_n_calls(self, n): session = db.Session() print(self.offset) if n < 0: if self._last_calls: self.offset += 2 * n else: self.offset += n if self.offset < 0: self.offset = 0 calls = self._query(abs(n), session) self._last_calls = calls self.offset += len(calls) session.close() return calls
def import_data(self, from_url): """ Imports catchment and annual maximum flow data into the database :param from_url: URL to pull data from (only zip files supported) :type from_url: str """ self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'message': ''}) assert from_url.lower().endswith('.zip')"Starting to import from url {}".format(from_url)) try: db_session = db.Session() data_fn = '' r = requests.get(from_url, stream=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as work_folder: with open(os.path.join(work_folder, data_fn), 'wb') as data_f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: data_f.write(chunk)"Data downloaded to {}".format(os.path.join(work_folder, data_fn))) with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(work_folder, data_fn), 'r') as data_f: cd3_and_am = [m for m in data_f.infolist() if os.path.splitext(m.filename)[1].lower() in ['.cd3', '.am']] for member in cd3_and_am: member.filename = os.path.basename(member.filename) # strip folder info, extract all files to root data_f.extract(member, path=work_folder)"{} Files extracted to {}".format(len(cd3_and_am), work_folder)) loaders.folder_to_db(work_folder, db_session, method='update', incl_pot=False)"Catchment files parsed") db_session.commit()"Catchments committed to database") except Exception as e: db_session.rollback() raise # Celery handles errors finally: if db_session: db_session.close()
def main(*emails: str) -> None: if not emails: print("Nothing to do.") return print("Deleting {} accounts:".format(len(emails))) for e in emails: print('=>', e) ans = input("Are you sure? (y/N) ") if ans.lower() != 'y': print("Operation cancelled.") return print("Deleting.") with db.Session() as sess: users = sess.query(db.User).filter( uuids = {u.uuid for u in users} print("delete account", len(uuids)) users.delete(synchronize_session=False) for u in sess.query(db.User).all(): if _remove_from_contacts(u, uuids): sess.add(u) sess.flush()
def __init__(self): self.session = db.Session() self.offset = 0 self._last_calls = None