def main(args): '''parse arguments and load info''' # Minimum error checking if len(args) < 4: print("Not enough args") usage() exit(1) elif args[1] == 'checkout' and len(args) != 5: print("Error: impoper number of args for checkout") usage() exit(1) elif args[1] == 'build' and len(args) != 5: print("Error: improper number of args for build") usage() exit(1) elif args[1] == 'exploit' and len(args) != 4: print("Error: improper number of args for exploit") usage() exit(1) elif args[1] == 'run' and len(args) != 5: print("Error: improper number of args for run") usage() exit(1) elif args[1] == 'info' and len(args) != 4: print("Error: improper number of args for info") usage() exit(1) elif (args[1] != 'checkout' and args[1] != 'info' and args[1] != 'exploit' and args[1] != 'build' and args[1] != 'run'): print("Unrecognized command {}".format(args[1])) usage() exit(1) # TODO: add checkout-build command to checkout and then build automatically core.vuls_utils.load_program_info() if args[1] == 'checkout': core.checkout.checkout(args[2], args[3], args[4]) elif args[1] == 'exploit': exploit.exploit(args[2], args[3]) elif args[1] == 'info': info.print_info(args[2], args[3]) elif args[1] == 'build':[2], args[3], args[4]) elif args[1] == 'run':[2], args[3], args[4])
def control_webapps(target_type, target, webapps, mode): t_num = globals.get_value("THREADNUM") # 线程数量 thread_poc = [] # 多线程字典,用于添加线程任务 gevent_pool = [] # 协程字段,用于添加协程任务 thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(t_num) # 多线程池数量t_num由选项控制,默认10线程 webapps_identify = [] # 定义目标类型字典,用于目标类型识别并记录,为跑所有poc时进行类型识别 if mode == "poc": # poc漏洞扫描模式 if target_type == "url": # ========================================================= 第一种扫描仅扫描单个URL output("text", "[*] " + target) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 if webapps is None: # 判断是否进行指纹识别 Identify.start(target, webapps_identify) # 第一种情况需要进行指纹识别 elif r"all" in webapps: # 判断是否扫描所有类型poc print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") # 指定扫描所有时,需要将指纹全部指定为all else: webapps_identify = webapps # 指定但不是all,也可以指定多个类型,比如-a solr struts2 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 # 用于判断类型的数量,一个还是多个 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, target) # 调用scan开始扫描 joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif target_type == "file": # ========================= 第二种扫描情况,批量扫描文件不指定webapps时需要做指纹识别 count_line = -1 # 用于判断行数 count_null = 0 for line in open(target).readlines(): # 判断文件里有多少空行 line = line.strip() # 读取目标时过滤杂质 if line == "": count_null += 1 for count_line, line in enumerate(open(target, 'rU')): # 判断文件的行数 pass count_line += 1 # 行数加1 target_num = count_line - count_null now_num = 0 # 当前数量 target_list = [] # 批量扫描需要读取的字典 with open(target, 'r') as _: # 打开目标文件 for line in _: # 用for循环读取文件 line = line.strip() # 过滤杂质 if line: # 判断是否结束 target_list.append(line) # 读取到的目标加入字典准备扫描 now_num += 1 # 读取到之后当前数量+1 furl = line furl = url_check(furl) # url格式检测 output("text", "[*] " + furl) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 if survival_check(furl) == "f": # 如果存活检测失败就跳过 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( target_num) + "] Survival check failed: " + furl)) continue else: # 存活不失败就正常显示 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( target_num) + "] Scanning target: " + furl)) if webapps is None: # 判断是否要进行指纹识别 webapps_identify.clear() # 可能跟单个url冲突需要清理字典 Identify.start(furl, webapps_identify) # 识别指纹 # print(webapps_identify) elif r"all" in webapps: # 不识别指纹运行所有 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") else: webapps_identify = webapps print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, furl) # 开扫 joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif target_type == "fofa" or target_type == "shodan": # ======================================================= 第三种调用fofa api total = len(target) # fofa api的总数,不出意外100个 if webapps is not None: if r"all" in webapps: # 不识别直接扫描所有类型 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify to scan all vulnerabilities")) webapps_identify.append("all") else: webapps_identify = webapps # 扫描指定的类型 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Specify scan vulnerabilities for: "), end='') count = 0 for w_i in webapps_identify: print(color.cyan(w_i), end=' ') count += 1 if count % len(webapps_identify) == 0: print(end='\n') now_num = 0 # 当前第几个 for f_target in target: fofa_target = url_check(f_target) output("text", "[*] " + fofa_target) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 now_num += 1 if survival_check(fofa_target) == "f": print(now.timed(de=0) + color.red_warn() + " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( total) + "] Survival check failed: " + fofa_target)) continue else: print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow( " Current:[" + str(now_num) + "] Total:[" + str( total) + "] Scanning target: " + fofa_target)) if webapps is None: # 需要指纹识别 Identify.start(target, webapps_identify) # 是否需要进行指纹识别 core.scan_webapps(webapps_identify, thread_poc, thread_pool, gevent_pool, fofa_target) joinall(gevent_pool) # 运行协程池 wait(thread_poc, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) # 等待所有多线程任务运行完 print(now.timed(de=0) + color.yel_info() + color.yellow(" Scan completed and ended ")) elif mode == "exp": # 漏洞利用 vul_num = webapps exploit(target, vul_num) # 调用core中的exploit