Exemplo n.º 1
def check_for_capture(searchers, target):
    """Check if the next position of any searcher
    allow it to capture the target"""

    # get next time and vertex (after evolving position)
    next_time, v_target = ext.get_last_info(target.stored_v_true)

    for s_id in searchers.keys():
        s = searchers[s_id]
        zeta = s.zeta
        # get capture matrix for that vertex
        C = s.capture_matrices.get(s.current_pos)

        # just check for capture
        if cm.check_capture(C, v_target):
            # no false negatives
            if zeta is None:
                zeta = 0
            chance_capture = random.random()
            # flip a coin
            if chance_capture <= 1 - zeta:


    return searchers, target
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_sim_results(belief, target, searchers, sim_data, folder_name):
    """Get information of the simulation from the classes
    assemble into frames for each time step"""

    g, my_layout = sim_data.retrieve_graph()

    # data folder path
    folder_path = ext.get_whole_path(folder_name)

    # time info
    max_time = ext.get_last_info(target.stored_v_true)[0]
    tau_ext = ext.get_set_time_u_0(max_time)

    # capture info
    capture_time = target.capture_time
    captor = ext.find_captor(searchers)
    vertex_cap = target.capture_v
    # pack
    capture_info = [capture_time, vertex_cap, captor]

    print("Starting plots")
    for t in tau_ext:
        # get belief at that time
        b_target = belief.stored[t]
        # get POC(t)
        b0 = b_target[0]
        # plot belief
        tgt_file = plot_target_belief2(g, folder_path, my_layout, b_target, t)
        # plot searchers and true target position
        s_file = plot_searchers_and_target(g, folder_path, my_layout, target,
                                           searchers, t)
        # assemble it nicely
        mount_sim_frame(s_file, tgt_file, folder_path, b0, t, capture_info, 1)
    delete_frames(folder_path, 'G')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_get_positions_searchers():

    horizon, theta, deadline, solver_type = get_solver_param()
    g, v0_target, v0_searchers, target_motion, belief_distribution = parameters_sim()

    # ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    # initialize parameters according to inputs
    b_0 = cp.set_initial_belief(g, v0_target, belief_distribution)
    M = cp.set_motion_matrix(g, target_motion)
    searchers = cp.create_dict_searchers(g, v0_searchers)

    specs = my_specs()
    target = cp.create_target(specs)

    obj_fun, time_sol, gap, x_searchers, b_target, threads = pln.run_solver(g, horizon, searchers, b_0, M)

    # get position of each searcher at each time-step based on x[s, v, t] variable
    searchers, s_pos = pln.update_plan(searchers, x_searchers)

    assert s_pos[1, 0] == 1
    assert s_pos[1, 1] == 3
    assert s_pos[1, 2] == 5
    assert s_pos[1, 3] == 6

    assert s_pos[2, 0] == 2
    assert s_pos[2, 1] == 5
    assert s_pos[2, 2] == 6
    assert s_pos[2, 3] == 7

    assert searchers[1].path_planned[0] == [1, 3, 5, 6]
    assert searchers[2].path_planned[0] == [2, 5, 6, 7]

    new_pos = pln.next_from_path(s_pos, 1)
    searchers = pln.searchers_evolve(searchers, new_pos)

    assert searchers[1].path_taken[1] == 3
    assert searchers[2].path_taken[1] == 5

    assert searchers[1].current_pos == 3
    assert searchers[2].current_pos == 5

    # get next time and vertex (after evolving position)
    next_time, v_target = ext.get_last_info(target.stored_v_true)

    # evolve searcher position
    searchers[1].current_pos = v_target
    searchers, target = sf.check_for_capture(searchers, target)

    assert target.is_captured is True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def evolve_possible_position(self, updated_belief: list):
        """Use belief vector to store which vertices the target might be in (probability > 0)"""

        # get current time and vertex
        current_time = ext.get_last_info(self.stored_v_possible)[0]
        # next time step
        next_time = current_time + 1

        new_vertices = []
        n = len(updated_belief)
        # get vertices where probability is higher than zero
        for i in range(1, n):
            if updated_belief[i] > 1e-4:

        # update the planning information
        self.stored_v_possible[next_time] = new_vertices
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update(self, searchers: dict, pi_next_t: dict, Mtarget: list, n: int):
        """Use Eq. (2) to update current belief
        store belief vector based on new belief"""

        # get last time and belief
        current_time, current_belief = ext.get_last_info(self.stored)
        next_time = current_time + 1

        # find the product of the capture matrices, s = 1...m
        prod_C = cm.product_capture_matrix(searchers, pi_next_t, n)

        # assemble the matrix for multiplication
        big_M = cm.assemble_big_matrix(n, Mtarget)

        new_belief = cm.belief_update_equation(current_belief, big_M, prod_C)

        self.stored[next_time] = new_belief
        self.new = new_belief
Exemplo n.º 6
def plot_and_show_sim_results(belief, target, searchers, sim_data,
    """Get information of the simulation from the classes
    turn into short video"""

    # graph file and layout
    g, my_layout = sim_data.retrieve_graph()

    # data folder path
    folder_path = ext.get_whole_path(folder_name)

    # time info
    max_time = ext.get_last_info(target.stored_v_true)[0]
    tau_ext = ext.get_set_time_u_0(max_time)

    # capture info
    capture_time = target.capture_time
    captor = ext.find_captor(searchers)
    vertex_cap = target.capture_v
    # pack
    capture_info = [capture_time, vertex_cap, captor]

    print("Starting plots")
    for t in tau_ext:
        # get belief at that time
        b_target = belief.stored[t]
        # get POC(t)
        b0 = b_target[0]
        # plot belief
        tgt_file = plot_target_belief2(g, folder_path, my_layout, b_target, t)
        # plot searchers and true target position
        s_file = plot_searchers_and_target(g, folder_path, my_layout, target,
                                           searchers, t)
        # assemble it nicely and make copies
        mount_sim_frame(s_file, tgt_file, folder_path, b0, t, capture_info)

    # get until multiRobotTargetSearch/data/name_folder
    # compose short video
Exemplo n.º 7
    def evolve_true_position(self):
        """evolve the target position based on the probability given by the true motion matrix
        which vertex is now, sample with probability into neighboring vertices
        To be called each time step of the simulation"""

        # get motion matrix
        M = self.motion_matrix_true
        # get current time and vertex
        current_time, current_vertex = ext.get_last_info(self.stored_v_true)
        # next time step
        next_time = current_time + 1

        # get moving probabilities for current vertex
        my_vertices, prob_move = cm.probability_move(M, current_vertex)

        # sample 1 vertex with probability weight according to prob_move
        new_vertex = ext.sample_vertex(my_vertices, prob_move)

        # update true position
        self.stored_v_true[next_time] = new_vertex
        self.current_pos = new_vertex
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_time_consistency():
    # GET parameters for the simulation, according to sim_param
    horizon, theta, deadline, solver_type = get_solver_param()
    g, v0_target, v0_searchers, target_motion, belief_distribution = parameters_sim()
    gamma = 0.99

    # get sets for easy iteration
    V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)

    # ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    # initialize parameters according to inputs
    b_0 = cp.set_initial_belief(g, v0_target, belief_distribution)
    M = cp.set_motion_matrix(g, target_motion)
    searchers = cp.create_dict_searchers(g, v0_searchers)
    solver_data = MySolverData(horizon, deadline, theta, g, solver_type)
    belief = MyBelief(b_0)
    target = MyTarget(v0_target, M)

    # initialize time: actual sim time, t = 0, 1, .... T and time relative to the planning, t_idx = 0, 1, ... H
    t, t_plan = 0, 0

    # call for model solver wrapper according to centralized or decentralized solver and return the solver data
    obj_fun, time_sol, gap, x_searchers, b_target, threads = pln.run_solver(g, horizon, searchers, belief.new, M,
                                                                            solver_type, gamma)
    # save the new data
    solver_data.store_new_data(obj_fun, time_sol, gap, threads, x_searchers, b_target, horizon)

    # get position of each searcher at each time-step based on x[s, v, t] variable
    searchers, path = pln.update_plan(searchers, x_searchers)

    # reset time-steps of planning
    t_plan = 1

    path_next_t = pln.next_from_path(path, t_plan)

    # evolve searcher position
    searchers = pln.searchers_evolve(searchers, path_next_t)

    # update belief
    belief.update(searchers, path_next_t, M, n)

    # update target
    target = sf.evolve_target(target, belief.new)

    # next time-step
    t, t_plan = t + 1, t_plan + 1

    assert t == 1
    assert t_plan == 2

    # get next time and vertex (after evolving position)
    t_t, v_t = ext.get_last_info(target.stored_v_true)
    assert target.current_pos == v_t
    t_s, v_s = ext.get_last_info(searchers[1].path_taken)

    assert t_t == t_s
    assert t_t == t

    # high level
    specs = my_specs()
    belief1, searchers1, solver_data1, target1 = pln.init_wrapper(specs)

    deadline1, horizon1, theta1, solver_type1, gamma1 = solver_data1.unpack()
    M1 = target1.unpack()

    assert deadline1 == deadline
    assert horizon1 == horizon
    assert theta1 == theta
    assert solver_type1 == solver_type
    assert gamma1 == gamma
    assert M1 == M

    # initialize time: actual sim time, t = 0, 1, .... T and time relative to the planning, t_idx = 0, 1, ... H
    t1, t_plan1 = 0, 0

    # call for model solver wrapper according to centralized or decentralized solver and return the solver data
    obj_fun1, time_sol1, gap1, x_searchers1, b_target1, threads1 = pln.run_solver(g, horizon1, searchers1, belief1.new,
                                                                                  M1, solver_type1, gamma1)

    assert obj_fun == obj_fun1
    assert round(time_sol, 2) == round(time_sol1, 2)
    assert gap == gap1
    assert x_searchers == x_searchers1
    assert b_target == b_target1
    assert threads == threads1

    # save the new data
    solver_data1.store_new_data(obj_fun1, time_sol1, gap1, threads1, x_searchers1, b_target1, horizon1)

    # get position of each searcher at each time-step based on x[s, v, t] variable
    searchers1, path1 = pln.update_plan(searchers1, x_searchers1)

    assert path == path1

    # reset time-steps of planning
    t_plan1 = 1

    path_next_t1 = pln.next_from_path(path1, t_plan1)

    assert path_next_t == path_next_t1

    # evolve searcher position
    searchers1 = pln.searchers_evolve(searchers1, path_next_t1)

    # update belief
    belief1.update(searchers1, path_next_t1, M1, n)

    # update target
    target1 = sf.evolve_target(target1, belief1.new)

    # next time-step
    t1, t_plan1 = t1 + 1, t_plan1 + 1

    assert t1 == 1
    assert t_plan1 == 2

    assert target1.start_possible == target.start_possible

    # get next time and vertex (after evolving position)
    t_t1, v_t1 = ext.get_last_info(target1.stored_v_true)
    t_s1, v_s1 = ext.get_last_info(searchers1[1].path_taken)

    assert t_t1 == t_s1
    assert t_t1 == t1

    assert t_t1 == t_t

    assert t_s1 == t_s
    assert v_s1 == v_s
Exemplo n.º 9
def distributed_wrapper(g,
    """Distributed version of the algorithm """

    # parameter to stop iterations
    # number of full loops s= 1..m
    n_it = n_inter

    # iterative parameters
    total_time_sol = 0
    previous_obj_fun = 0
    my_counter = 0

    # temporary path for the searchers
    temp_pi = init_temp_path(searchers, horizon)

    # get last searcher number [m]
    m = ext.get_last_info(searchers)[0]

    obj_fun_list = {}
    time_sol_list = {}
    gap_list = {}

    while True:

        for s_id in searchers.keys():
            # create model
            md = mf.create_model()

            temp_pi['current_searcher'] = s_id

            start, vertices_t, times_v = cm.get_vertices_and_steps_distributed(
                g, horizon, searchers, temp_pi)

            # add variables
            my_vars = mf.add_variables(md, g, horizon, start, vertices_t,

            mf.add_constraints(md, g, my_vars, searchers, vertices_t, horizon,
                               b0, M_target)

            # objective function
            mf.set_solver_parameters(md, gamma, horizon, my_vars, timeout,

            # solve and save results
            obj_fun, time_sol, gap, x_searchers, b_target, threads = mf.solve_model(

            if md.SolCount == 0:
                # problem was infeasible or other error (no solution found)
                print('Error, no solution found!')
                obj_fun, time_sol, gap, threads = -1, -1, -1, -1
                # keep previous belief
                b_target = {}
                v = 0
                for el in b0:
                    b_target[(v, 0)] = el
                    v += 1

                x_searchers = keep_all_still(temp_pi)

            # clean things
            del md

            # ------------------------------------------------------
            # append to the list
            obj_fun_list[s_id] = obj_fun
            time_sol_list[s_id] = time_sol
            gap_list[s_id] = gap

            # save the current searcher's path
            temp_pi = update_temp_path(x_searchers, temp_pi, s_id)

            total_time_sol = total_time_sol + time_sol_list[s_id]

            # end of a loop through searchers
            if s_id == m:
                # compute difference between previous and current objective functions
                delta_obj = abs(previous_obj_fun - obj_fun)

                # iterate
                previous_obj_fun = obj_fun
                my_counter = my_counter + 1

                # check for stoppers: either the objective function converged or iterated as much as I wanted
                if (delta_obj < 1e-4) or (my_counter >= n_it):
                    time_sol_list['total'] = total_time_sol
                    # clean and delete


                    return obj_fun_list, time_sol_list, gap_list, x_searchers, b_target, threads
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update_status(self, status=False):

        time, vertex = ext.get_last_info(self.stored_v_true)
        self.is_captured = status
        self.capture_time = time
        self.capture_v = vertex