Exemplo n.º 1
	def save(self):
		#Give it a passkey if necessary
		if not self.passkey:
			from core.functions import generate_passkey
			self.passkey = generate_passkey(25)
		#Geocode that shit!
		if not self.lat or not self.lng:
		#If it's the first save, give it an easy slug
		if not self.slug:
			self.slug = slugify("%s %s" % (self.address1, str(self.zip)))
		if not self.location:
		super(Property, self).save()
		#Now, check to make sure that the slug isn't duplicate
		if(Property.objects.filter(slug=self.slug).count() > 1):
			#Existing slug found.
			import random
			self.slug = slugify("%s-%i" % (self.slug, random.randrange(1000000,9999999)))
			super(Property, self).save()
		#Now, send the confirm email to the user if they have not received one yet.
		if not self.verified:
			from core.functions import send_email
			send_email(extra_context = {'name':self.email, 
										'subject':"Almost! Confirm your listing."})
Exemplo n.º 2
	def make_passkey():
		from core.functions import generate_passkey
		return generate_passkey(50)