Exemplo n.º 1
    def placeFigures(self, board: GameBoard, state: GameState) -> None:
        Random choose the initial position of the figures.

        :param board:   board of the game
        :param state:   the current state
        # select area
        x, y = np.where(state.placement_zone[self.team] > 0)
        figures = state.getFigures(self.team)

        # choose random positions
        indices = np.random.choice(len(x), size=len(figures), replace=False)

        for i in range(len(figures)):
            # move each unit to its position
            figure = figures[i]
            dst = Hex(x[indices[i]], y[indices[i]]).cube()
            state.moveFigure(figure, figure.position, dst)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def placeFigures(self, board: GameBoard, state: GameState) -> None:
        Find the initial position for the figure where the state has the best value. The generation of the position is
        done randomly 100 times.

        :param board:   board of the game
        :param state:   the current state
        # select area
        x, y = np.where(state.placement_zone[self.team] > 0)
        figures = state.getFigures(self.team)

        # choose groups of random positions
        indices = [
            np.random.choice(len(x), size=len(figures), replace=False)
            for _ in range(100)

        scores = []
        s = deepcopy(state)

        for i in range(len(indices)):
            # select a group of positions
            group = indices[i]
            for j in range(len(group)):
                # move each unit to its position
                figure = figures[j]
                dst = Hex(x[group[j]], y[group[j]]).cube()
                s.moveFigure(figure, figure.position, dst)

            score = stateScore(self.team, self.goal_params, board, s)
            scores.append((score, group))

        # choose the better group
        score, group = self.opt(scores)

        for j in range(len(group)):
            figure = figures[j]
            dst = Hex(x[group[j]], y[group[j]]).cube()
            state.moveFigure(figure, dst=dst)

        logger.info(f'{self.team:5}: placed his troops in {group} ({score})')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def placeFigures(self, board: GameBoard, state: GameState) -> None:
     for figure in state.getFigures(self.team):
         if figure.index in self.place:
             dst = self.place[figure.index]
             state.moveFigure(figure, figure.position, dst)