Exemplo n.º 1
def mostrar_perfil(item):
    alfav = KodfavouritesData()

    itemlist = []

    i_perfil = item.i_perfil
    if not alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]: return itemlist
    last_i = len(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']) - 1

    ruta_runtime = config.get_runtime_path()

    for i_enlace, enlace in enumerate(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']):

        it = Item().fromurl(enlace)
        it.from_channel = 'kodfavorites'
        it.context = [{
            'title': config.get_localized_string(70617),
            'channel': item.channel,
            'action': 'acciones_enlace',
            'i_enlace': i_enlace,
            'i_perfil': i_perfil

        it.plot += '[CR][CR]' + config.get_localized_string(
            70724) + ': ' + it.channel + ' ' + config.get_localized_string(
                60266) + ': ' + it.action
        if (type(it.extra) is str) and it.extra != '':
            it.plot += ' Extra: ' + it.extra
        it.plot += '[CR]Url: ' + it.url if isinstance(it.url, str) else '...'
        if it.date_added != '':
            it.plot += '[CR]' + config.get_localized_string(
                70469) + ': ' + it.date_added

        if it.server:
            it.thumbnail = it.contentThumbnail
            it.title += ' [{}]'.format(it.serverName)

        # If it is not a url, nor does it have the system path, convert the path since it will have been copied from another device.
        # It would be more optimal if the conversion was done with an import menu, but at the moment it is controlled in run-time.
        # if it.thumbnail and '://' not in it.thumbnail and not it.thumbnail.startswith(ruta_runtime):
        #     ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail)
        #     if ruta == '' and fichero == it.thumbnail: # in linux the split with a windows path does not separate correctly
        #         ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail.replace('\\','/'))
        #     if 'channels' in ruta and 'thumb' in ruta:
        #         it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'channels', 'thumb', fichero)
        #     elif 'themes' in ruta and 'default' in ruta:
        #         it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'themes', 'default', fichero)


    return itemlist
Exemplo n.º 2
def mainlist(item):
    item.category = 'Descargas'

    itemlist = []

    if download_path.startswith('smb://'):
        fichs = sorted(filetools.listdir(download_path))
        ficheros = [
            filetools.join(download_path, fit) for fit in fichs
            if fit.endswith('.json')
        path = filetools.join(download_path, '*.json')
        ficheros = glob.glob(path)
        ficheros.sort(key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=False)

    for down_path in ficheros:

        # ~ it = Item().fromjson(path=down_path) # falla con smb://
        it = Item().fromjson(filetools.read(down_path))

        it.from_channel = it.channel
        it.from_action = it.action
        it.channel = item.channel
        it.action = 'acciones_enlace'
        it.jsonfile = down_path
        it.folder = False

        if it.downloadStatus == STATUS_CODES.completed:
            it.title = '[B][COLOR gold][Ok] %s [%s][/COLOR][/B]' % (
                it.downloadFilename, config.format_bytes(it.downloadSize))

        elif it.downloadStatus == STATUS_CODES.canceled:
            it.title = '[COLOR red][%s%%] %s [%s de %s][/COLOR]' % (
                int(it.downloadProgress), it.downloadFilename,

        elif it.downloadStatus == STATUS_CODES.error:
            it.title = '[I][COLOR gray][Error] %s[/COLOR][/I]' % it.downloadFilename

            it.title = '[I][COLOR gray][???] %s[/COLOR][/I]' % it.downloadFilename


    return itemlist