Exemplo n.º 1
    def testLexerPairs(self):
        def MakeLookup(p):
            return dict((pat, tok) for _, pat, tok in p)

        lookup = MakeLookup(ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolUnary))
        self.assertEqual(Id.BoolUnary_e, lookup['-e'])
        self.assertEqual(Id.BoolUnary_z, lookup['-z'])

        lookup2 = MakeLookup(ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolBinary))
        self.assertEqual(Id.BoolBinary_eq, lookup2['-eq'])
Exemplo n.º 2
  def testOilTokenDef(self):
    # Used for
    #tok_def = OilTokenDef()

    # NOTE: These overlap with Kind.Op.

    # We need ID_SPEC.ExprOperators(), which has Op, Arith, and Expr kinds.

    # We don't have:
    # LexerPairs(Kind.Op)
    # LexerPairs(Kind.Expr)

    # Because we really need a lookup for a MODE.
    # Problem: _UNQUOTED is used in both DBracket and ShCommand mode.

    arith = ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.Arith)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: lex.py Projeto: mrshu/oil
# Preprocessing before Outer
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Backtick] = [
    C(r'`', Id.Backtick_Right),
    # A backslash, and then one of the SAME FOUR escaped chars in the DQ mode.
    R(r'\\[$`"\\]', Id.Backtick_Quoted),
    R(r'[^`\\\0]+', Id.Backtick_Other),  # contiguous run of literals
    R(r'[^\0]', Id.Backtick_Other),  # anything else

# DBRACKET: can be like Outer, except:
# - Don't really need redirects either... Redir_Less could be Op_Less
# - Id.Op_DLeftParen can't be nested inside.
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.DBracket] = [
    C(']]', Id.Lit_DRightBracket),
    C('!', Id.KW_Bang),
] + ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolUnary) + \
    ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolBinary) + \

# Inside an extended glob, most characters are literals, including spaces and
# punctuation.  We also accept \, $var, ${var}, "", etc.  They can also be
# nested, so _EXTGLOB_BEGIN appears here.
# Example: echo @(<> <>|&&|'foo'|$bar)
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.ExtGlob] = \
    R(r'[^\\$`"\'|)@*+!?\0]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
    C('|', Id.Op_Pipe),
    C(')', Id.Op_RParen),  # maybe be translated to Id.ExtGlob_RParen
    R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other),  # everything else is literal
Exemplo n.º 4
# Preprocessing before Outer
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Backtick] = [
    C(r'`', Id.Backtick_Right),
    # A backslash, and then one of the SAME FOUR escaped chars in the DQ mode.
    R(r'\\[$`"\\]', Id.Backtick_Quoted),
    R(r'[^`\\\0]+', Id.Backtick_Other),  # contiguous run of literals
    R(r'[^\0]', Id.Backtick_Other),  # anything else

# DBRACKET: can be like Outer, except:
# - Don't really need redirects either... Redir_Less could be Op_Less
# - Id.Op_DLeftParen can't be nested inside.
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.DBracket] = [
    C(']]', Id.Lit_DRightBracket),
    C('!', Id.KW_Bang),
] + ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolUnary) + \
    ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolBinary) + \

# Inside an extended glob, most characters are literals, including spaces and
# punctuation.  We also accept \, $var, ${var}, "", etc.  They can also be
# nested, so _EXTGLOB_BEGIN appears here.
# Example: echo @(<> <>|&&|'foo'|$bar)
LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.ExtGlob] = \
    R(r'[^\\$`"\'|)@*+!?\0]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
    C('|', Id.Op_Pipe),
    C(')', Id.Op_RParen),  # maybe be translated to Id.ExtGlob_RParen
    R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other),  # everything else is literal
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testLexer(self):
     # NOTE: Kind.Expr for Oil doesn't have LexerPairs
     pairs = ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.Arith)
     for p in pairs: