Exemplo n.º 1
class ComplexNetExperiment(ManualTopoExperiment):
    """This experiment deals with hetergenous network

    # routing protocol list, 'type':priority
    routing_helper_list = {
        "static": 0,
        "nix": 5,
        # 'olsr':10,

    def initparser(self, parser):
        ManualTopoExperiment.initparser(self, parser)

        # parser.set_defaults(back_traf="net_config/back_traf.py",
        # )
            "--back_traf", dest="back_traf", default=None, help="confgiuration files for back ground traffic"
        parser.add_option("--dot_file", default="net_config/ManualTopoBTConf.dot", help="the configured dot file")

    def load_para(f_name, encap=None, **kwargs):
        """load parameters.

        - **f_name**: is the path of the configuration file
        - **encap**: is the additional operation done to the data, for example,
            the default value encap=Namespace is to change parameters from dict
            to Namespace class.
        - **kwargs**: contains some additional parameters
        s = kwargs
        execfile(f_name, s)
        return s if encap is None else encap(s)

    def transform_to_net_desc(net_settings):
        """ Transform the net_setting used by ComplextNet to net_desc paramter used by fs configure

        The net specification parameter in *Imalse* and *fs* configure module
        are quite different. This function tranform a net_setting parameter to
        a net_desc parameter used by fs/configure module
        we don't need topology in the dot file to be exactly the same.
        we just need the ip address for each interface.

        net_desc = copy.copy(net_settings)  # shallow copy
        net_desc["node_type"] = "NNode"
        net_desc["node_para"] = {}

        # Create a Suitable Topology. For CSMA network. It will simply
        # create circle topology.
        net_desc["link_to_ip_map"] = {}
        for type_, desc in net_desc["nets"].iteritems():
            if type_ == "PointToPoint":
            elif type_ == "Csma":
                for nodes, ips in desc["IpMap"].iteritems():
                    for i in xrange(len(nodes) - 1):
                        net_desc["link_to_ip_map"].update({(nodes[i], nodes[i + 1]): (ips[i], ips[i + 1])})

        pairs = net_desc["link_to_ip_map"].keys()
        g_size = max(max(pairs)) + 1
        topo = zeros((g_size, g_size))
        for x, y in pairs:
            topo[x][y] = 1
        net_desc["topo"] = topo

        return net_desc

    def load_exper_settings(self, ns):
        """ load experiment related settings


        from util import CIDR_to_subnet_mask

        # botnet related configuration
        self.server_id_set = ns["server_id_set"]
        self.botmaster_id_set = ns["botmaster_id_set"]
        self.client_id_set = ns["client_id_set"]

        # parse the server address
        if len(ns["server_addr"]) == 0:
            self.SERVER_ADDR = ""
            self.NETWORK_BASE = ""
            self.IP_MASK = ""
            self.SERVER_ADDR, self.NETWORK_BASE, self.IP_MASK = CIDR_to_subnet_mask(ns["server_addr"][0])

    def gen_back_traf_dot(self, net_settings):
        """generate background traffic DOT file

        *input*: is the a dict of net_settings
        *output*: DOT_FILE_PATH

        # get back_traf parameter
        back_traf = self.load_para(f_name=settings.ROOT + "/" + self.options.back_traf, sim_t=self.options.simtime)

        # call the SADIT/Configure module to generate the dot file specifying the background
        # traffic pattern.
        dot_file = settings.ROOT + "/" + self.options.dot_file
            back_traf["ANO_LIST"], self.transform_to_net_desc(net_settings), back_traf["NORM_DESC"], dot_file
        return dot_file

    def setup(self):

        net_settings = self.load_para(f_name=settings.ROOT + "/" + self.options.net_settings)

        self.net = ComplexNet(self.NodeCreator, net_settings, routing_helper_list=self.routing_helper_list)

        ns3.LogComponentEnable("V4Ping", ns3.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
        if self.options.back_traf:
            # Generate dot file that describe the background traffic.
            dot_file = self.gen_back_traf_dot(net_settings)
            ns3.LogComponentEnable("OnOffApplication", ns3.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
            bg_cofig = BackgroundTrafficConfig(dot_file, self.net)

        print("finish running set_trace")
        # print('finish running install_cmds')
        # print('finish running print_srv_addr')
        # print('finish running set_server_info')
