Exemplo n.º 1
class Notification(RanaModule):
    """This module provides notification support."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        RanaModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.notificationText = ""
        self.timeout = 5000
        self.position = 'middle'
        self.expirationTimestamp = time.time()
        self.draw = False
        self.redrawn = None
        self.wipOverlayEnabled = Signal()
        self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = False
        self.workStartTimestamp = None
        self._wipOverlayText = ""
        # this indicates if the notification about
        # background processing should be shown
        self._tasks = {}
        self._tasksLock = threading.RLock()

        ## for WiP overlay testing
        #self._tasks = {
        #  "foo" : ("foo", None),
        #  "bar" : ("bar", None),
        #  "baz" : ("baz", None)

        # key is an unique task name (unique for each instance of a task)
        # and value is a (status, progress) tuple
        self.tasksChanged = Signal()

        # connect thread manager signals to task status changes

        # also with GTK GUI, assure screen is redrawn properly
        # when WiP overlay changes
        if gs.GUIString == "GTK":
            # we handle notification only with the GTK GUI and when the device module does not
            # support showing them
            if not self.modrana.dmod.hasNotificationSupport():

    def _doRefresh(self, ignore):
        self.set('needRedraw', True)

    def handleMessage(self, message, messageType, args):
        """the first part is the message, that will be displayed,
           there can also by some parameters, delimited by #
           NEW: you can also use a message list for the notification
                first goes 'm', the message and then the timeout in seconds

           EXAMPLE: ml:notification:m:Hello world!;5

        if messageType == 'ml' and message == 'm':
            # advanced message list based notification
            if args:
                timeout = self.timeout
                if len(args) >= 2:
                    # convert to float, multiply by 1000 to convert to ms
                    # and then convert to integer number of ms
                    timeout = int(float(args[1])*1000)
                messageText = args[0]
                self.modrana.notify(messageText, timeout)

        elif messageType == 'ml' and message == 'workInProgressOverlay':
            if args:
                if args[0] == "enable":
                if args[0] == "disable":

        elif messageType and message == "cancelTask":
            if args:

            parameterList = message.split('#')
            if len(parameterList) >= 2:
                messageText = parameterList[0]
                timeout = self.timeout
                self.modrana.notify(messageText, timeout)
                if len(parameterList) == 2:
                         # override the default timeout and convert to ms
                        timeout = int(parameterList[1])*1000
                    except Exception:
                        self.log.exception("wrong timeout, using default 5 seconds")
                self.modrana.notify(messageText, timeout)
                self.log.error("wrong message: %s", message)

    def setTaskStatus(self, taskName, status):
        """Set textual status of the given WiP task

        :param taskName: task to modify
        :type taskName: str
        :param status: textual task status
        :type status: str
        with self._tasksLock:
            oldStatus, progress = self._tasks.get(taskName, (None, None))
            # replace the task with updated one
            self._tasks[taskName] = (status, progress)
        if status:

    def setTaskProgress(self, taskName, progress):
        """Set numeric progress of the given WiP task

        :param taskName: task to modify
        :type taskName: str
        :param progress: numeric task progress in the range of 0.0 to 1.0
        :type progress: float
        with self._tasksLock:
            status, oldProgress = self._tasks.get(taskName, (None, None))
            # replace the task with updated one
            self._tasks[taskName] = (status, progress)
        if progress is not None:

    def removeTask(self, taskName):
        """Remove given task from WiP tracking

        :param taskName: name of the task to cancel
        :type taskName: str
        with self._tasksLock:
                del self._tasks[taskName]
            except KeyError:
                self.log.error("error, can't remove unknown task: %s", taskName)
        if self._tasks == {}:

    def cancelTask(self, taskName):
        """Cancel a task - this both cancels the callback for the thread
        handling the task and removes the task from tracking

        :param taskName: task to cancel
        :type taskName: str
        # and finally stop tracking the task
        self.log.info("task %s has been cancelled", taskName)

    def _startWorkInProgressOverlay(self):
        """start background work notification"""
        if not self._showWorkInProgressOverlay:
            self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = True
            self.workStartTimestamp = time.time()

    def _stopWorkInProgressOverlay(self):
        """stop background work notification"""
        self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = False

    #def getWorkInProgressOverlayText(self):
    #  elapsedSeconds = int(time.time() - self.workStartTimestamp)
    #  if elapsedSeconds: # 0s doesnt look very good :)
    #    return "%s %d s" % (self.wipOverlayText, elapsedSeconds)
    #  else:
    #    return self.wipOverlayText

    def drawWorkInProgressOverlay(self, cr):
        proj = self.m.get('projection', None) # we also need the projection module
        viewport = self.get('viewport', None)
        menus = self.m.get('menu', None)
        with self._tasksLock:
            if self._tasks and proj and viewport and menus:
                # we need to have both the viewport and projection modules available
                # also the menu module for the text

                taskCount = len(self._tasks)

                # background
                cr.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5)
                (sx, sy, w, h) = viewport
                itemHeight = h * 0.2
                (bx, by, bw, bh) = (0, 0, w, itemHeight * taskCount)
                cr.rectangle(bx, by, bw, bh)

                taskIndex = 0
                for taskName, taskState in six.iteritems(self._tasks):
                    # cancel button coordinates
                    cbdx = min(w, h) / 5.0
                    cbdy = cbdx
                    cbx1 = (sx + w) - cbdx
                    cby1 = sy + cbdy * taskIndex

                    # cancel button
                    self.drawCancelButton(cr, coords=(cbx1, cby1, cbdx, cbdy), taskName=taskName)

                    status, progress = taskState

                    # draw the text
                    border = min(w / 20.0, h / 20.0)
                    menus.showText(cr, status, bx + border, by + border + itemHeight * taskIndex,
                                   bw - 2 * border - cbdx, 30, "white")
                    taskIndex += 1

    def drawCancelButton(self, cr, coords=None, taskName=None):
        """draw the cancel button
        TODO: this and the other context buttons should be moved to a separate module,
        named contextMenu or something in the same style"""
        menus = self.m.get('menu', None)
        click = self.m.get('clickHandler', None)
        if menus and click:
            if coords: #use the provided coords
                (x1, y1, dx, dy) = coords
            else: # use the bottom right corner
                (x, y, w, h) = self.get('viewport')
                dx = min(w, h) / 5.0
                dy = dx
                x1 = (x + w) - dx
                y1 = y
                # the cancel button sends a cancel message to onlineServices
            # to disable currently running operation
            menus.drawButton(cr, x1, y1, dx, dy, '#<span foreground="red">cancel</span>', "generic:;0.5;;0.5;;", '')
            if taskName:
                message = "ms:notification:cancelTask:%s" % taskName
                click.registerXYWH(x1, y1, dx, dy, message, layer=2)
                click.registerXYWH(x1, y1, dx, dy, "onlineServices:cancelOperation", layer=2)

    def _startCustomNotificationCB(self, message, ms_timeout, icon=""):
        self.position = 'middle'
        self.notificationText = message
        self.expirationTimestamp = time.time() + ms_timeout/1000.0
        self.draw = True # enable drawing of notifications
        self.set('needRedraw', True) # make sure the notification is displayed

    def drawMasterOverlay(self, cr):
        """this function is called by the menu module, both in map mode and menu mode
        -> its bit of a hack, but we can """
        if self._showWorkInProgressOverlay:

    def _drawNotification(self, cr):
        """Draw the notifications on the screen on top of everything."""
        if time.time() <= self.expirationTimestamp:
            menus = self.m.get('menu', None)
            proj = self.m.get('projection', None)
            viewport = self.get('viewport', None)
            if not proj or not menus or not viewport:
            x, y, w, h = viewport
            border = min(w / 20.0, h / 20.0)
            proj = self.m.get('projection', None)
            (x1, y1) = proj.screenPos(0.5, 0.5) # middle fo the screen
            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.45) # transparent blue
            font_size = 30
            # compute rendered text size
            textw, texth = menus.measureWrappedText(cr, self.notificationText, w - border * 2, font_size)
            # the background rectangle is as large as the text + borders
            rw = textw + 2 * border
            rh = texth + 2 * border
            # center the rectangle & text to be in the middle of the screen
            rx = (w - rw) / 2.0
            ry = (h - rh) / 2.0
            tx = rx + border
            ty = ry + border
            # draw the background rectangle
            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.45) # transparent blue
            cr.rectangle(rx, ry, rw, rh) # create the transparent background rectangle
            # draw the text
            if menus and viewport and proj:
                menus.showWrappedText(cr, self.notificationText, tx, ty, textw, font_size, "white")
            self.draw = False  # we are finished, disable drawing notifications
Exemplo n.º 2
class Notification(RanaModule):
    """This module provides notification support."""

    def __init__(self, m, d, i):
        RanaModule.__init__(self, m, d, i)
        self.notificationText = ""
        self.timeout = 5
        self.position = 'middle'
        self.expirationTimestamp = time.time()
        self.draw = False
        self.redrawn = None
        self.wipOverlayEnabled = Signal()
        self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = False
        self.workStartTimestamp = None
        self._wipOverlayText = ""
        # this indicates if the notification about
        # background processing should be shown
        self._tasks = {}
        self._tasksLock = threading.RLock()

        ## for WiP overlay testing
        #self._tasks = {
        #  "foo" : ("foo", None),
        #  "bar" : ("bar", None),
        #  "baz" : ("baz", None)

        # key is an unique task name (unique for each instance of a task)
        # and value is a (status, progress) tuple
        self.tasksChanged = Signal()

        # connect thread manager signals to task status changes

        # also with GTK GUI, assure screen is redrawn properly
        # when WiP overlay changes
        if gs.GUIString == "GTK":

    def _doRefresh(self, ignore):
        self.set('needRedraw', True)

    def handleMessage(self, message, messageType, args):
        """the first part is the message, that will be displayed,
           there can also by some parameters, delimited by #
           NEW: you can also use a message list for the notification
                first goes 'm', the message and then the timeout in seconds

           EXAMPLE: ml:notification:m:Hello world!;5

        if messageType == 'ml' and message == 'm':
            # advanced message list based notification
            if args:
                timeout = self.timeout
                if len(args) >= 2:
                    timeout = float(args[1])
                messageText = args[0]
                self.handleNotification(messageText, timeout)

        elif messageType == 'ml' and message == 'workInProgressOverlay':
            if args:
                if args[0] == "enable":
                if args[0] == "disable":

        elif messageType and message == "cancelTask":
            if args:

            parameterList = message.split('#')
            if len(parameterList) >= 2:
                messageText = parameterList[0]
                timeout = self.timeout
                self.handleNotification(messageText, timeout)
                if len(parameterList) == 2:
                        timeout = int(parameterList[1]) # override the default timeout
                    except Exception:
                        import sys

                        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                        print("notification: wrong timeout, using default 5 seconds")
                self.handleNotification(messageText, timeout)
                print("notification: wrong message: %s" % message)

    def setTaskStatus(self, taskName, status):
        """Set textual status of the given WiP task

        :param taskName: task to modify
        :type taskName: str
        :param status: textual task status
        :type status: str
        with self._tasksLock:
            oldStatus, progress = self._tasks.get(taskName, (None, None))
            # replace the task with updated one
            self._tasks[taskName] = (status, progress)
        if status:

    def setTaskProgress(self, taskName, progress):
        """Set numeric progress of the given WiP task

        :param taskName: task to modify
        :type taskName: str
        :param progress: numeric task progress in the range of 0.0 to 1.0
        :type progress: float
        with self._tasksLock:
            status, oldProgress = self._tasks.get(taskName, (None, None))
            # replace the task with updated one
            self._tasks[taskName] = (status, progress)
        if progress is not None:

    def removeTask(self, taskName):
        """Remove given task from WiP tracking

        :param taskName: name of the task to cancel
        :type taskName: str
        with self._tasksLock:
                del self._tasks[taskName]
            except KeyError:
                print("notification: error, can't remove unknown task: %s" % taskName)
        if self._tasks == {}:

    def cancelTask(self, taskName):
        """Cancel a task - this both cancels the callback for the thread
        handling the task and removes the task from tracking

        :param taskName: task to cancel
        :type taskName: str
        # and finally stop tracking the task
        print("notification: task %s has been cancelled" % taskName)

    def _startWorkInProgressOverlay(self):
        """start background work notification"""
        if not self._showWorkInProgressOverlay:
            self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = True
            self.workStartTimestamp = time.time()

    def _stopWorkInProgressOverlay(self):
        """stop background work notification"""
        self._showWorkInProgressOverlay = False

    #def getWorkInProgressOverlayText(self):
    #  elapsedSeconds = int(time.time() - self.workStartTimestamp)
    #  if elapsedSeconds: # 0s doesnt look very good :)
    #    return "%s %d s" % (self.wipOverlayText, elapsedSeconds)
    #  else:
    #    return self.wipOverlayText

    def drawWorkInProgressOverlay(self, cr):
        proj = self.m.get('projection', None) # we also need the projection module
        viewport = self.get('viewport', None)
        menus = self.m.get('menu', None)
        with self._tasksLock:
            if self._tasks and proj and viewport and menus:
                # we need to have both the viewport and projection modules available
                # also the menu module for the text

                taskCount = len(self._tasks)

                # background
                cr.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5)
                (sx, sy, w, h) = viewport
                itemHeight = h * 0.2
                (bx, by, bw, bh) = (0, 0, w, itemHeight * taskCount)
                cr.rectangle(bx, by, bw, bh)

                taskIndex = 0
                for taskName, taskState in six.iteritems(self._tasks):
                    # cancel button coordinates
                    cbdx = min(w, h) / 5.0
                    cbdy = cbdx
                    cbx1 = (sx + w) - cbdx
                    cby1 = sy + cbdy * taskIndex

                    # cancel button
                    self.drawCancelButton(cr, coords=(cbx1, cby1, cbdx, cbdy), taskName=taskName)

                    status, progress = taskState

                    # draw the text
                    border = min(w / 20.0, h / 20.0)
                    menus.showText(cr, status, bx + border, by + border + itemHeight * taskIndex,
                                   bw - 2 * border - cbdx, 30, "white")
                    taskIndex += 1

    def drawCancelButton(self, cr, coords=None, taskName=None):
        """draw the cancel button
        TODO: this and the other context buttons should be moved to a separate module,
        named contextMenu or something in the same style"""
        menus = self.m.get('menu', None)
        click = self.m.get('clickHandler', None)
        if menus and click:
            if coords: #use the provided coords
                (x1, y1, dx, dy) = coords
            else: # use the bottom right corner
                (x, y, w, h) = self.get('viewport')
                dx = min(w, h) / 5.0
                dy = dx
                x1 = (x + w) - dx
                y1 = y
                # the cancel button sends a cancel message to onlineServices
            # to disable currently running operation
            menus.drawButton(cr, x1, y1, dx, dy, '#<span foreground="red">cancel</span>', "generic:;0.5;;0.5;;", '')
            if taskName:
                message = "ms:notification:cancelTask:%s" % taskName
                click.registerXYWH(x1, y1, dx, dy, message, layer=2)
                click.registerXYWH(x1, y1, dx, dy, "onlineServices:cancelOperation", layer=2)

    def handleNotification(self, message, timeout=None, icon=""):
        """Handle a notification request

        As on some platforms, such as on Maemo 5 Fremantle, system
        notifications should only be triggered from the main thread,
        we pass the notification request to the main loop, to be
        dispatched once the main GUI thread becomes idle

        cron = self.m.get("cron", None)
        if cron:
            cron.addIdle(self._dispatchNotification, [message, timeout, icon])

    def _dispatchNotification(self, message, timeout, icon):
        """Dispatch a notification using the most optimal method for the
        current device & platform combination

        NOTE: This method should be run from the main thread as there might be
        issues otherwise (such as the "Xlib: unexpected async reply" errors).
        # TODO: icon support
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.timeout

        print("notification: message: %s, timeout: %s" % (message, timeout))

        # if some module sends a notification during init, the device module might not be loaded yet
        if self.modrana.dmod and self.modrana.gui:
            if self.dmod.hasNotificationSupport(): # use platform specific method
                print("notification@dmod: message: %s, timeout: %s" % (message, timeout))
                self.dmod.notify(message, int(timeout) * 1000)
            elif self.modrana.gui.hasNotificationSupport():
                self.modrana.gui.notify(message, timeout, icon)
                self._startCustomNotification(message, timeout, icon)
            self._startCustomNotification(message, timeout, icon)

    def _startCustomNotification(self, message, timeout, icon=""):
        print("notification: message: %s, timeout: %s" % (message, timeout))
        self.position = 'middle'
        self.notificationText = message
        self.expirationTimestamp = time.time() + timeout
        self.draw = True # enable drawing of notifications
        self.set('needRedraw', True) # make sure the notification is displayed

    def drawMasterOverlay(self, cr):
        """this function is called by the menu module, both in map mode and menu mode
        -> its bit of a hack, but we can """
        if self._showWorkInProgressOverlay:

    def drawNotification(self, cr):
        """Draw the notifications on the screen on top of everything."""
        if time.time() <= self.expirationTimestamp:
            proj = self.m.get('projection', None)
            (x1, y1) = proj.screenPos(0.5, 0.5) # middle fo the screen
            text = self.notificationText
            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.45) # transparent blue
            extents = cr.text_extents(text)
            (w, h) = (extents[2], extents[3])
            (x, y) = (x1 - w / 2.0, y1 - h / 2.0)
            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.45) # transparent blue
            (rx, ry, rw, rh) = (x - 0.25 * w, y - h * 1.5, w * 1.5, (h * 2))
            cr.rectangle(rx, ry, rw, rh) # create the transparent background rectangle
            cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.95) # slightly transparent white
            cr.move_to(x + 10, y)
            cr.show_text(text) # show the transparent notification text
            self.draw = False # we are finished, disable drawing notifications
Exemplo n.º 3
class WorkAreaScene(QtModule.QGraphicsScene):
    # __init__
    def __init__(self, view):
        # Define signals for PyQt5
        if usePySide or usePyQt5:
            self.startNodeConnector = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
            self.traceNodeConnector = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
            self.endNodeConnector = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
            self.startNodeLink = Signal(
            )  #( QtModule.QGraphicsObject ) # QtModule.QGraphicsItem
            self.traceNodeLink = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
            self.endNodeLink = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
            self.onGfxNodeRemoved = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject )
            self.onGfxLinkRemoved = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject )
            self.nodeUpdated = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsItem )
            self.gfxNodeParamChanged = Signal(
            )  #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsItem, QtCore.QObject )
        self.view = view

    # connectSignals
    def connectSignals(self):
        if usePyQt4:
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('selectionChanged()'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('startNodeLink'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('traceNodeLink'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('endNodeLink'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('startNodeConnector'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('traceNodeConnector'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('endNodeConnector'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('onGfxNodeRemoved'),
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('onGfxLinkRemoved'),
Exemplo n.º 4
class WorkAreaScene ( QtModule.QGraphicsScene ) :
	# __init__
	def __init__ ( self, view ) :
		QtModule.QGraphicsScene.__init__ ( self )
		# Define signals for PyQt5
		if usePySide or usePyQt5 :
			self.startNodeConnector = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
			self.traceNodeConnector = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
			self.endNodeConnector = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
			self.startNodeLink = Signal () #( QtModule.QGraphicsObject ) # QtModule.QGraphicsItem
			self.traceNodeLink = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
			self.endNodeLink = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject, QtCore.QPointF )
			self.onGfxNodeRemoved = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject )
			self.onGfxLinkRemoved = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsObject )
			self.nodeUpdated = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsItem )
			self.gfxNodeParamChanged = Signal () #QtCore.pyqtSignal ( QtModule.QGraphicsItem, QtCore.QObject )
		self.view = view
		self.connectSignals ()
	# connectSignals
	def connectSignals ( self ) :
		if usePyQt4 :
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'selectionChanged()' ), self.view.onSelectionChanged )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'startNodeLink' ), self.view.onStartNodeLink )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'traceNodeLink' ), self.view.onTraceNodeLink )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'endNodeLink' ), self.view.onEndNodeLink )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'startNodeConnector' ), self.view.onStartNodeConnector )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'traceNodeConnector' ), self.view.onTraceNodeConnector )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'endNodeConnector' ), self.view.onEndNodeConnector )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'onGfxNodeRemoved' ), self.view.onRemoveNode )
			QtCore.QObject.connect ( self, QtCore.SIGNAL ( 'onGfxLinkRemoved' ), self.view.onRemoveLink )
		else :
			self.selectionChanged.connect ( self.view.onSelectionChanged )
			self.startNodeLink.connect ( self.view.onStartNodeLink )
			self.traceNodeLink.connect ( self.view.onTraceNodeLink )
			self.endNodeLink.connect ( self.view.onEndNodeLink )
			self.startNodeConnector.connect ( self.view.onStartNodeConnector )
			self.traceNodeConnector.connect ( self.view.onTraceNodeConnector )
			self.endNodeConnector.connect ( self.view.onEndNodeConnector )
			self.onGfxNodeRemoved.connect ( self.view.onRemoveNode )
			self.onGfxLinkRemoved.connect ( self.view.onRemoveLink )