def process_confirm(from_imsi, code):
    """Process a confirmation request.

      from_imsi: sender's IMSI
      code: the input confirmation code string
    # Step one: delete all the confirm codes older than some time.
    db = sqlite3.connect(config_db['pending_transfer_db_path'])
    db.execute("DELETE FROM pending_transfers"
               " WHERE time - ? > 600", (time.time(),))

    # Step two: check if this (from_imsi, code) combo is valid.
    r = db.execute("SELECT from_acct, to_acct, amount FROM pending_transfers"
                   " WHERE code=? AND from_acct=?", (code, from_imsi))
    res = r.fetchone()
    if res and len(res) == 3:
        from_imsi, to_imsi, amount = res
        from_num = subscriber.get_numbers_from_imsi(from_imsi)[0]
        to_num = subscriber.get_numbers_from_imsi(to_imsi)[0]
        reason = "SMS transfer from %s to %s" % (from_num, to_num)
        # Deduct credit from the sender.
        from_imsi_old_credit = subscriber.get_account_balance(from_imsi)
        from_imsi_new_credit = int(from_imsi_old_credit) - int(amount)
        events.create_transfer_event(from_imsi, from_imsi_old_credit,
                                     from_imsi_new_credit, reason,
                                     from_number=from_num, to_number=to_num)
        subscriber.subtract_credit(from_imsi, str(int(amount)))
        # Add credit to the recipient.
        to_imsi_old_credit = subscriber.get_account_balance(to_imsi)
        to_imsi_new_credit = int(to_imsi_old_credit) + int(amount)
        events.create_transfer_event(to_imsi, to_imsi_old_credit,
                                     to_imsi_new_credit, reason,
                                     from_number=from_num, to_number=to_num)
        subscriber.add_credit(to_imsi, str(int(amount)))
        # Humanize credit strings
        amount_str = freeswitch_strings.humanize_credits(amount)
        to_balance_str = freeswitch_strings.humanize_credits(
        from_balance_str = freeswitch_strings.humanize_credits(
        # Let the recipient know they got credit.
        message = gt("You've received %(amount)s credits from %(from_num)s!"
                     " Your new balance is %(new_balance)s.") % {
                     'amount': amount_str, 'from_num': from_num,
                     'new_balance': to_balance_str}
        sms.send(str(to_num), str(config_db['app_number']), str(message))
        # Remove this particular the transfer as it's no longer pending.
        db.execute("DELETE FROM pending_transfers WHERE code=?"
                   " AND from_acct=?", (code, from_imsi))
        # Tell the sender that the operation succeeded.
        return True, gt("You've transferred %(amount)s to %(to_num)s. "
                        "Your new balance is %(new_balance)s.") % {
                                'amount': amount_str, 'to_num': to_num,
                                'new_balance': from_balance_str}
    return False, gt("That transfer confirmation code doesn't exist"
                     " or has expired.")
def chat(message, args):
    args = args.split('|')
    if len(args) < 3:
        consoleLog('err', 'Missing Args\n')
    to = args[0]
    fromm = args[1]
    text = args[2]
    if ((not to or to == '') or (not fromm or fromm == '')):
        consoleLog('err', 'Malformed Args\n')
    consoleLog('info', 'Args: ' + str(args) + '\n')
    sms.send(to, fromm, text)
Exemplo n.º 3
def handle_incoming(from_imsi, request):
    """Called externally by an FS script.

      from_imsi: sender's IMSI
      request: a credit transfer or credit transfer confirmation request
    request = request.strip()

    # This parses a to_number (length 1 or more) and an amount that can
    # be formatted using a comma for a thousands seperator and a period for
    # the decimal place
    transfer_command = re.compile(
    transfer = transfer_command.match(request)

    confirm_command = re.compile(r'^(?P<confirm_code>[0-9]{%d})$' %
    confirm = confirm_command.match(request)
    if transfer:
        to_number, amount = transfer.groups()
        amount = freeswitch_strings.parse_credits(amount).amount_raw
        # Translate everything into IMSIs.
            to_imsi = subscriber.get_imsi_from_number(to_number)
            _, resp = process_transfer(from_imsi, to_imsi, amount)
        except SubscriberNotFound:
            resp = gt("Invalid phone number: %(number)s" %
                      {'number': to_number})
    elif confirm:
        # The code is the whole request, so no need for groups.
        code = request.strip()
        _, resp = process_confirm(from_imsi, code)
        # NOTE: Sent when the user tries to transfer credit with the wrong
        #       format message.
        resp = gt("To transfer credit, reply with a message in the"
                  " format 'NUMBER*AMOUNT'.")
    from_number = subscriber.get_numbers_from_imsi(from_imsi)[0]
    sms.send(str(from_number), str(config_db['app_number']), str(resp))