Exemplo n.º 1
 def registration_worker(self, from_name, ip, port, ret_num):
         # Postcondition: number must be globally registered and set up.
         number = self.ic.register_subscriber(imsi=from_name)['number']
         subscriber.create_subscriber(from_name, number, ip, port)
             number, ret_num,
             gt("Your number is %(number)s.") % {'number': number})
         reason = 'Provisioned user %s number %s' % (from_name, number)
         events.create_provision_event(from_name, reason)
     except Exception as e:
         self.fs_ic.send_to_imsi(from_name, ip, port, ret_num,
                                 gt("Failed to register your handset."))
         logger.error("Failed to provision %s: %s" %
                      (from_name, traceback.format_exc(e)))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # Monkeypatch Subscriber so sub balance lookups succeed.
     cls.original_subscriber = utilities.subscriber
     cls.mock_subscriber = mocks.MockSubscriber()
     utilities.subscriber = cls.mock_subscriber
     subscriber.create_subscriber('IMSI901550000000084', '5551234')
     subscriber.create_subscriber('IMSI901550000000082', '5551235')
     # Connect to the GPRSDB and EventStore.
     cls.gprs_db = gprs_database.GPRSDB()
     cls.event_store = events.EventStore()
     # Add some records to the GPRSDB.  The method we're testing should
     # extract these records and create events in the EventStore.
     cls.now = time.time()
     records = [
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 120), 'IMSI901550000000084',
          '', 50, 80, 50, 80),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 60), 'IMSI901550000000084',
          '', 50, 80, 0, 0),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 30), 'IMSI901550000000084',
          '', 300, 500, 250, 420),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 10), 'IMSI901550000000084',
          '', 700, 600, 400, 100),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 5), 'IMSI901550000000084',
          '', 750, 625, 50, 25),
         # Create events for a different IMSI.
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 60), 'IMSI901550000000082',
          '', 50, 80, 0, 0),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 10), 'IMSI901550000000082',
          '', 400, 300, 350, 220),
         (psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(cls.now - 5), 'IMSI901550000000082',
          '', 450, 325, 50, 25),
     schema = ('record_timestamp, imsi, ipaddr, uploaded_bytes,'
               ' downloaded_bytes, uploaded_bytes_delta,'
               ' downloaded_bytes_delta')
     connection = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost',
     with connection.cursor() as cursor:
         for record in records:
             values = "%s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, %s" % record
             command = 'insert into gprs_records (%s) values(%s)' % (schema,
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_one_subscriber(self):
     """ We can get a list of specific subscribers. """
     imsi0 = 'IMSI90155%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     imsi1 = 'IMSI90156%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     imsi2 = 'IMSI90157%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi0, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi1, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi2, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subs = subscriber.get_subscriber_states([imsi0, imsi1])
     self.assertEqual(len(subs), 2)
     self.assertTrue(imsi0 in subs)
     self.assertTrue(imsi1 in subs)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_all_subscribers(self):
     """ We can get a list of all registered subscribers. """
     imsi0 = 'IMSI90155%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     imsi1 = 'IMSI90156%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     imsi2 = 'IMSI90157%010d' % (randrange(100, 1e10))
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi0, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi1, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subscriber.create_subscriber(imsi2, '')  # MSISDN unused
     subs = subscriber.get_subscriber_states()
     expected = {
         imsi0: '',  # we don't get the MSISDN back
         imsi1: '',
         imsi2: '',
         self.TEST_IMSI: '',
     self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(subs))
     for imsi in list(subs.keys()):
         self.assertTrue(imsi in expected)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_add_existing_sub(self):
     """ Adding an existing IMSI should raise ValueError. """
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         subscriber.create_subscriber(self.TEST_IMSI, self.TEST_MSISDN)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     subscriber.create_subscriber(cls.TEST_IMSI, cls.TEST_MSISDN)