Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_robot_info(self, robot_body):
     # Provide functionality of Obtaining Robot information
     tool_link = robot_body.env_body.GetLink("right_gripper")
     manip_trans = tool_link.GetTransform()
     # This manip_trans is off by 90 degree
     pose = OpenRAVEBody.obj_pose_from_transform(manip_trans)
     robot_trans = OpenRAVEBody.get_ik_transform(pose[:3], pose[3:])
     arm_inds = list(range(10, 17))
     return robot_trans, arm_inds
Exemplo n.º 2
def resample_rrt_planner(pred, netgated, t, plan):
    startp, endp = pred.startp, pred.endp
    robot = pred.robot
    body = pred._param_to_body[robot].env_body
    manip_trans = body.GetManipulator("right_arm").GetTransform()
    pose = OpenRAVEBody.obj_pose_from_transform(manip_trans)
    manip_trans = OpenRAVEBody.get_ik_transform(pose[:3], pose[3:])
    gripper_direction = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([-1, 1, 0]))
    lift_direction = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, -1]))
    active_dof = body.GetManipulator("right_arm").GetArmIndices()
    attr_inds = OrderedDict()
    res = []
    pred_test = [not pred.test(k, negated) for k in range(20)]
    resample_ts = np.where(pred_test)[0]
    start, end = resample_ts[0] - 1, resample_ts[-1] + 1

    rave_body = pred._param_to_body[pred.robot]
    dof_value_map = {
        "lArmPose": pred.robot.lArmPose[:, start],
        "lGripper": 0.02,
        "rArmPose": pred.robot.rArmPose[:, start],
        "rGripper": 0.02
    rave_body.set_pose([0, 0, pred.robot.pose[:, start][0]])

    body = pred._param_to_body[pred.robot].env_body
    active_dof = body.GetManipulator('right_arm').GetArmIndices()
    r_arm = pred.robot.rArmPose
    traj = get_rrt_traj(plan.env, body, active_dof, r_arm[:, start],
                        r_arm[:, end])
    result = process_traj(traj, end - start)
    for time in range(start + 1, end):
        robot_attr_name_val_tuples = [('rArmPose', result[:,
                                                          time - start - 1])]
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(time, attr_inds, res, pred.robot,
    return np.array(res), attr_inds
Exemplo n.º 3
def resample_eereachable(pred, negated, t, plan):
    attr_inds, res = OrderedDict(), []
    robot, rave_body = pred.robot, pred._param_to_body[pred.robot]
    target_pos, target_rot = pred.ee_pose.value.flatten(
    ), pred.ee_pose.rotation.flatten()
    body = rave_body.env_body
    rave_body.set_pose([0, 0, robot.pose[0, t]])
    # Resample poses at grasping time
    grasp_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(target_pos, target_rot, body,
    add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t, attr_inds, res, robot,
                             [('rArmPose', grasp_arm_pose.copy())])

        'type': robot.get_type(),
        'data': {
            'rArmPose': grasp_arm_pose
        'timestep': t,
        'pred': pred,
        'action': "grasp"

    # Setting poses for environments to extract transform infos
    dof_value_map = {
        "lArmPose": robot.lArmPose[:, t].reshape((7, )),
        "lGripper": 0.02,
        "rArmPose": grasp_arm_pose,
        "rGripper": 0.02
    # Prepare grasping direction and lifting direction
    manip_trans = body.GetManipulator("right_arm").GetTransform()
    pose = OpenRAVEBody.obj_pose_from_transform(manip_trans)
    manip_trans = OpenRAVEBody.get_ik_transform(pose[:3], pose[3:])
    gripper_direction = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([-1, 0, 0]))
    lift_direction = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, -1]))
    # Resample grasping and retreating traj
    for i in range(const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS):
        approach_pos = target_pos - gripper_direction / np.linalg.norm(
            gripper_direction) * const.APPROACH_DIST * (3 - i)
        # rave_body.set_pose([0,0,robot.pose[0, t-3+i]])
        approach_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(approach_pos, target_rot, body,
        # rave_body.set_dof({"rArmPose": approach_arm_pose})
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t - 3 + i, attr_inds, res, robot,
                                 [('rArmPose', approach_arm_pose)])

        retreat_pos = target_pos + lift_direction / np.linalg.norm(
            lift_direction) * const.RETREAT_DIST * (i + 1)
        # rave_body.set_pose([0,0,robot.pose[0, t+1+i]])
        retreat_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(retreat_pos, target_rot, body,
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t + 1 + i, attr_inds, res, robot,
                                 [('rArmPose', retreat_arm_pose)])

    robot._free_attrs['rArmPose'][:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS:t +
                                  const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS + 1] = 0
    robot._free_attrs['pose'][:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS:t +
                              const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS + 1] = 0
    return np.array(res), attr_inds
Exemplo n.º 4
def resample_eereachable_rrt(pred, negated, t, plan, inv=False):
    # Preparing the variables
    attr_inds, res = OrderedDict(), []
    robot, rave_body = pred.robot, pred.robot.openrave_body
    target_pos, target_rot = pred.ee_pose.value.flatten(
    ), pred.ee_pose.rotation.flatten()
    body = rave_body.env_body
    manip_name = "right_arm"
    active_dof = body.GetManipulator(manip_name).GetArmIndices()
    active_dof = np.hstack([[0], active_dof])
    # Make sure baxter is well positioned in the env
    rave_body.set_pose([0, 0, robot.pose[:, t]])
        'lArmPose': robot.lArmPose[:, t].flatten(),
        'rArmPose': robot.rArmPose[:, t].flatten(),
        "lGripper": np.array([0.02]),
        "rGripper": np.array([0.02])
    for param in plan.params.values():
        if not param.is_symbol() and param != robot:
            param.openrave_body.set_pose(param.pose[:, t].flatten(),
                                         param.rotation[:, t].flatten())
    # Resample poses at grasping time
    grasp_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(target_pos, target_rot, body, manip_name)

    # When Ik infeasible
    if grasp_arm_pose is None:
        return None, None
    add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t, attr_inds, res, robot,
                             [('rArmPose', grasp_arm_pose.copy()),
                              ('pose', robot.pose[:, t])])
    # Store sampled pose
        'type': robot.get_type(),
        'data': {
            'rArmPose': grasp_arm_pose
        'timestep': t,
        'pred': pred,
        'action': "grasp"
    # Prepare grasping direction and lifting direction
    manip_trans = body.GetManipulator("right_arm").GetTransform()
    pose = OpenRAVEBody.obj_pose_from_transform(manip_trans)
    manip_trans = OpenRAVEBody.get_ik_transform(pose[:3], pose[3:])
    if inv:
        # inverse resample_eereachable used in putdown action
        approach_dir = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, -1]))
        retreat_dir = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([-1, 0, 0]))
        approach_dir = approach_dir / np.linalg.norm(
            approach_dir) * const.APPROACH_DIST
        retreat_dir = -retreat_dir / np.linalg.norm(
            retreat_dir) * const.RETREAT_DIST
        # Normal resample eereachable used in grasp action
        approach_dir = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([-1, 0, 0]))
        retreat_dir = manip_trans[:3, :3].dot(np.array([0, 0, -1]))
        approach_dir = -approach_dir / np.linalg.norm(
            approach_dir) * const.APPROACH_DIST
        retreat_dir = retreat_dir / np.linalg.norm(
            retreat_dir) * const.RETREAT_DIST

    resample_failure = False
    # Resample entire approaching and retreating traj
    for i in range(const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS):
        approach_pos = target_pos + approach_dir * (3 - i)
        approach_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(approach_pos, target_rot, body,
        retreat_pos = target_pos + retreat_dir * (i + 1)
        retreat_arm_pose = get_ik_from_pose(retreat_pos, target_rot, body,

        if approach_arm_pose is None or retreat_arm_pose is None:
            resample_failure = True
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t - 3 + i, attr_inds, res, robot,
                                 [('rArmPose', approach_arm_pose)])
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(t + 1 + i, attr_inds, res, robot,
                                 [('rArmPose', retreat_arm_pose)])
    # Ik infeasible
    if resample_failure:
        plan.sampling_trace[-1]['reward'] = -1
        return None, None
    # lock the variables
    robot._free_attrs['rArmPose'][:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS:t +
                                  const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS + 1] = 0
    robot._free_attrs['pose'][:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS:t +
                              const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS + 1] = 0
    # finding initial pose
    init_timestep, ref_index = 0, 0
    for i in range(len(plan.actions)):
        act_range = plan.actions[i].active_timesteps
        if act_range[0] <= t <= act_range[1]:
            init_timestep = act_range[0]
            ref_index = i

    if pred.ee_resample is True and ref_index > 0:
        init_timestep = plan.actions[ref_index - 1].active_timesteps[0]

    init_dof = robot.rArmPose[:, init_timestep].flatten()
    init_dof = np.hstack([robot.pose[:, init_timestep], init_dof])
    end_dof = robot.rArmPose[:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS].flatten()
    end_dof = np.hstack([robot.pose[:, t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS], end_dof])
    timesteps = t - const.EEREACHABLE_STEPS - init_timestep + 2

    raw_traj = get_rrt_traj(plan.env, body, active_dof, init_dof, end_dof)
    # Restore dof0
    dof = body.GetActiveDOFValues()
    dof[0] = 0
    # trajectory is infeasible
    if raw_traj == None:
        plan.sampling_trace[-1]['reward'] = -1
        return None, None
    # initailize feasible trajectory
    result_traj = process_traj(raw_traj, timesteps).T[1:-1]
    ts = 1
    for traj in result_traj:
        add_to_attr_inds_and_res(init_timestep + ts, attr_inds, res, robot,
                                 [('rArmPose', traj[1:]), ('pose', traj[:1])])
        ts += 1

    pred.ee_resample = True
    can = plan.params['can0']
    can.openrave_body.set_pose(can.pose[:, t], can.rotation[:, t])
    rave_body.set_dof({'rArmPose': robot.rArmPose[:, t]})
    return np.array(res), attr_inds