Exemplo n.º 1
def __remake(name, build=False, **kwargs):
    Remake the malicious mote of an experiment.
     (meaning that it lets all simulation's files unchanged except ./motes/malicious.[target])

    :param name: experiment name
    :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand'
    path = kwargs['path']
    logger.debug(" > Retrieving parameters...")
    params = read_config(path)
    ext_lib = params.get("ext_lib")
    if ext_lib and not exists(ext_lib):
        logger.error("External library does not exist !")
        logger.critical("Make aborted.")
        return False
    logger.debug(" > Recompiling malicious mote...")
    # remove former compiled malicious mote and prepare the template
    templates = get_path(path, 'templates', create=True)
    get_path(templates, 'motes', create=True)
    copy_files((TEMPLATES_FOLDER, 'experiment'), templates,
               ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_malicious"]), 'motes/malicious.c'))
    # recreate malicious C file from template and clean the temporary template
    replacements = render_templates(path, only_malicious=True, **params)
    # then clean the temporary folder with templates
    # now recompile
    with settings(hide(*HIDDEN_ALL), warn_only=True):
        with_malicious = join(path, 'with-malicious', 'motes')
        without_malicious = join(path, 'without-malicious', 'motes')
        contiki = join(with_malicious, 'contiki')
        contiki_rpl = join(contiki, 'core', 'net', 'rpl')
        with lcd(with_malicious):
            malicious = 'malicious.{}'.format(params["malicious_target"])
            croot, csensor = 'root.{}'.format(params["target"]), 'sensor.{}'.format(params["target"])
            # handle the malicious mote recompilation
            copy_folder(CONTIKI_FOLDER, with_malicious, includes=get_contiki_includes(params["malicious_target"]))
            if ext_lib is not None:
                copy_folder(ext_lib, contiki_rpl)
            apply_replacements(contiki_rpl, replacements)
            logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(malicious))
            stderr(local)("make malicious{} CONTIKI={}"
                          .format(['', '.upload'][build], contiki), capture=True)
            if build:
                build = get_path(path, 'build', create=True)
                move_files(with_malicious, build, 'tmpimage.ihex')
                copy_files(with_malicious, build, malicious)
            move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, malicious)
            local('make clean')
            remove_files(with_malicious, 'malicious.c')
            move_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, malicious)
            copy_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, croot, csensor)
Exemplo n.º 2
def config(contiki_folder='~/contiki', experiments_folder='~/Experiments', silent=False, **kwargs):
    Create a new configuration file at ~/.rpl-attacks.conf.

    :param contiki_folder: Contiki folder
    :param experiments_folder: experiments folder
    get_path(experiments_folder, create=True)
    with open(expanduser('~/.rpl-attacks.conf'), 'w') as f:
        f.write('[RPL Attacks Framework Configuration]\n')
        f.write('contiki_folder = {}\n'.format(contiki_folder))
        f.write('experiments_folder = {}\n'.format(experiments_folder))
Exemplo n.º 3
def config(contiki_folder='~/contiki',
    Create a new configuration file at ~/.rpl-attacks.conf.

    :param contiki_folder: Contiki folder
    :param experiments_folder: experiments folder
    get_path(experiments_folder, create=True)
    with open(expanduser('~/.rpl-attacks.conf'), 'w+') as f:
        f.write('[RPL Attacks Framework Configuration]\n')
        f.write('contiki_folder = {}\n'.format(contiki_folder))
        f.write('experiments_folder = {}\n'.format(experiments_folder))
Exemplo n.º 4
def __make(name, ask=True, **kwargs):
    Make a new experiment.

    :param name: experiment name (or path to the experiment, if expanded in the 'command' decorator)
    :param ask: ask confirmation
    :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand'
    :param kwargs: simulation keyword arguments (see the documentation for more information)
    global reuse_bin_path
    path = kwargs['path']
    logger.debug(" > Validating parameters...")
    params = validated_parameters(kwargs)
    ext_lib = params.get("ext_lib")
    if ext_lib and not exists(ext_lib):
        logger.error("External library does not exist !")
        logger.critical("Make aborded.")
        return False
    logger.debug(" > Creating simulation...")
    # create experiment's directories
    check_structure(path, create=True, remove=True)
    templates = get_path(path, 'templates', create=True)
    get_path(templates, 'motes', create=True)
    # select the right malicious mote template and duplicate the simulation file
    copy_files((TEMPLATES_FOLDER, 'experiment'), templates,
               ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_root"]), 'motes/root.c'),
               ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_sensor"]), 'motes/sensor.c'),
               ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_malicious"]), 'motes/malicious.c'),
               'motes/Makefile', 'Makefile', 'simulation.csc', 'script.js')
    # create experiment's files from templates then clean the templates folder
    replacements = render_templates(path, **params)
    # now, write the config file without the list of motes
    del params['motes']
    write_config(path, params)
    # now compile
    with settings(hide(*HIDDEN_ALL), warn_only=True):
        with_malicious = join(path, 'with-malicious', 'motes')
        without_malicious = join(path, 'without-malicious', 'motes')
        contiki = join(with_malicious, 'contiki')
        contiki_rpl = join(contiki, 'core', 'net', 'rpl')
        # copy a reduced version of Contiki where the debug flags can be set for RPL files set in DEBUG_FILES
        copy_folder(CONTIKI_FOLDER, with_malicious,
                    includes=get_contiki_includes(params["target"], params["malicious_target"]))
        apply_debug_flags(contiki_rpl, debug=['NONE', 'PRINT'][params["debug"]])
        with lcd(with_malicious):
            # first, compile root and sensor mote types
            croot, csensor = 'root.{}'.format(params["target"]), 'sensor.{}'.format(params["target"])
            if reuse_bin_path is None or reuse_bin_path == with_malicious:
                logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(croot))
                stderr(local)("make root CONTIKI={}".format(contiki), capture=True)
                logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(csensor))
                stderr(local)("make sensor CONTIKI={}".format(contiki), capture=True)
                # here, files are moved ; otherwise, 'make clean' would also remove *.z1
                move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, croot, csensor)
                # after compiling, clean artifacts
                local('make clean')
                remove_files(with_malicious, 'root.c', 'sensor.c')
                copy_files(reuse_bin_path, without_malicious, croot, csensor)
            # second, handle the malicious mote compilation
            malicious = 'malicious.{}'.format(params["malicious_target"])
            if ext_lib is not None:
                copy_folder(ext_lib, contiki_rpl)
            apply_replacements(contiki_rpl, replacements)
            logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(malicious))
            stderr(local)("make malicious CONTIKI={} TARGET={}"
                          .format(contiki, params["malicious_target"]), capture=True)
            # temporary move compiled malicious mote, clean the compilation artifacts, move the malicious mote back
            #  from the temporary location and copy compiled root and sensor motes
            move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, malicious)
            local('make clean')
            move_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, malicious)
            copy_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, croot, csensor)
            # finally, remove compilation sources
            remove_files(with_malicious, 'malicious.c')
Exemplo n.º 5
def __remake(name, build=False, **kwargs):
    Remake the malicious mote of an experiment.
     (meaning that it lets all simulation's files unchanged except ./motes/malicious.[target])

    :param name: experiment name
    :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand'
    path = kwargs['path']
    logger.debug(" > Retrieving parameters...")
    params = read_config(path)
    ext_lib = params.get("ext_lib")
    if ext_lib and not exists(ext_lib):
        logger.error("External library does not exist !")
        logger.critical("Make aborted.")
        return False
    logger.debug(" > Recompiling malicious mote...")
    # remove former compiled malicious mote and prepare the template
    templates = get_path(path, 'templates', create=True)
    get_path(templates, 'motes', create=True)
        (TEMPLATES_FOLDER, 'experiment'), templates,
        ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_malicious"]), 'motes/malicious.c'))
    # recreate malicious C file from template and clean the temporary template
    replacements = render_templates(path, only_malicious=True, **params)
    # then clean the temporary folder with templates
    # now recompile
    with settings(hide(*HIDDEN_ALL), warn_only=True):
        with_malicious = join(path, 'with-malicious', 'motes')
        without_malicious = join(path, 'without-malicious', 'motes')
        contiki = join(with_malicious, split(CONTIKI_FOLDER)[-1])
        contiki_rpl = join(contiki, 'core', 'net', 'rpl')
        with lcd(with_malicious):
            malicious = 'malicious.{}'.format(params["malicious_target"])
            croot, csensor = 'root.{}'.format(
                params["target"]), 'sensor.{}'.format(params["target"])
            # handle the malicious mote recompilation
            if ext_lib is not None:
                copy_folder(ext_lib, contiki_rpl)
            apply_replacements(contiki_rpl, replacements)
            if build:
                logger.debug(" > Building '{}'...".format(malicious))
                    "sudo make malicious.upload CONTIKI={} TARGET={}".format(
                        contiki, params["malicious_target"]))
                build = get_path(path, 'build', create=True)
                move_files(with_malicious, build, 'tmpimage.ihex')
                copy_files(with_malicious, build, malicious)
                logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(malicious))
                stderr(local)("make malicious CONTIKI={} TARGET={}".format(
                    contiki, params["malicious_target"]),
            move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, malicious)
            local('make clean')
            remove_files(with_malicious, 'malicious.c')
            move_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, malicious)
            copy_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, croot, csensor)
Exemplo n.º 6
def __make(name, ask=True, **kwargs):
    Make a new experiment.

    :param name: experiment name (or path to the experiment, if expanded in the 'command' decorator)
    :param ask: ask confirmation
    :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand'
    :param kwargs: simulation keyword arguments (see the documentation for more information)
    global reuse_bin_path
    path = kwargs['path']
    logger.debug(" > Validating parameters...")
    params = validated_parameters(kwargs)
    ext_lib = params.get("ext_lib")
    if ext_lib and not exists(ext_lib):
        logger.error("External library does not exist !")
        logger.critical("Make aborded.")
        return False
    logger.debug(" > Creating simulation...")
    # create experiment's directories
    check_structure(path, create=True, remove=True)
    templates = get_path(path, 'templates', create=True)
    get_path(templates, 'motes', create=True)
    # select the right malicious mote template and duplicate the simulation file
        (TEMPLATES_FOLDER, 'experiment'), templates,
        ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_root"]), 'motes/root.c'),
        ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_sensor"]), 'motes/sensor.c'),
        ('motes/{}.c'.format(params["mtype_malicious"]), 'motes/malicious.c'),
        'motes/Makefile', 'Makefile', 'simulation.csc', 'script.js')
    # create experiment's files from templates then clean the templates folder
    replacements = render_templates(path, **params)
    # now, write the config file without the list of motes
    del params['motes']
    write_config(path, params)
    # now compile
    with settings(hide(*HIDDEN_ALL), warn_only=True):
        with_malicious = join(path, 'with-malicious', 'motes')
        without_malicious = join(path, 'without-malicious', 'motes')
        contiki = join(with_malicious, split(CONTIKI_FOLDER)[-1])
        contiki_rpl = join(contiki, 'core', 'net', 'rpl')
        # copy a reduced version of Contiki where the debug flags can be set for RPL files set in DEBUG_FILES
                          debug=['NONE', 'PRINT'][params["debug"]])
        with lcd(with_malicious):
            # first, compile root and sensor mote types
            croot, csensor = 'root.{}'.format(
                params["target"]), 'sensor.{}'.format(params["target"])
            if reuse_bin_path is None or reuse_bin_path == with_malicious:
                logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(croot))
                stderr(local)("make root CONTIKI={}".format(contiki),
                logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(csensor))
                stderr(local)("make sensor CONTIKI={}".format(contiki),
                # here, files are moved ; otherwise, 'make clean' would also remove *.z1
                move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, croot, csensor)
                # after compiling, clean artifacts
                local('make clean')
                remove_files(with_malicious, 'root.c', 'sensor.c')
                copy_files(reuse_bin_path, without_malicious, croot, csensor)
            # second, handle the malicious mote compilation
            malicious = 'malicious.{}'.format(params["malicious_target"])
            if ext_lib is not None:
                copy_folder(ext_lib, contiki_rpl)
            apply_replacements(contiki_rpl, replacements)
            logger.debug(" > Making '{}'...".format(malicious))
            stderr(local)("make malicious CONTIKI={} TARGET={}".format(
                contiki, params["malicious_target"]),
            # temporary move compiled malicious mote, clean the compilation artifacts, move the malicious mote back
            #  from the temporary location and copy compiled root and sensor motes
            move_files(with_malicious, without_malicious, malicious)
            local('make clean')
            move_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, malicious)
            copy_files(without_malicious, with_malicious, croot, csensor)
            # finally, remove compilation sources
            remove_files(with_malicious, 'malicious.c')