Exemplo n.º 1
 def find_interface_network_object(self, interface):
     network_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(interface, 'member', 'type', 'network')
     if not network_id:
         # support legacy notation: <interface net="netid" ...
         network_id = interface.getAttribute('net')
     obj = self.get_core_object(network_id)
     if obj:
         # the network_id should exist for ptp or wlan/emane networks
         return obj
     # the network should correspond to a layer-2 device if the
     # network_id does not exist
     channel_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(interface, 'member', 'type', 'channel')
     if not network_id or not channel_id:
         return None
     network = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(self.scenario, 'network', 'id', network_id)
     if not network:
         return None
     channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(network, 'channel', 'id', channel_id)
     if not channel:
         return None
     device = None
     for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(channel):
         if self.device_type(dev) in self.layer2_device_types:
             assert not device  # XXX
             device = dev
     if device:
         obj = self.get_core_object(device.getAttribute('id'))
         if obj:
             return obj
     return None
Exemplo n.º 2
 def find_interface_network_object(self, interface):
     network_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(
         interface, 'member', 'type', 'network')
     if not network_id:
         # support legacy notation: <interface net="netid" ...
         network_id = interface.getAttribute('net')
     obj = self.get_core_object(network_id)
     if obj:
         # the network_id should exist for ptp or wlan/emane networks
         return obj
     # the network should correspond to a layer-2 device if the
     # network_id does not exist
     channel_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(
         interface, 'member', 'type', 'channel')
     if not network_id or not channel_id:
         return None
     network = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(
         self.scenario, 'network', 'id', network_id)
     if not network:
         return None
     channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(
         network, 'channel', 'id', channel_id)
     if not channel:
         return None
     device = None
     for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(channel):
         if self.device_type(dev) in self.layer2_device_types:
             assert not device  # XXX
             device = dev
     if device:
         obj = self.get_core_object(device.getAttribute('id'))
         if obj:
             return obj
     return None
Exemplo n.º 3
 def core_node_type(self, device):
     # use an explicit CORE type if it exists
     coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(
         device, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
     if coretype:
         return coretype
     return self.device_type(device)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def set_wireless_link_parameters(self, channel, link_params,
                                  mobility_model_name, mobility_params):
     network = self.find_channel_network(channel)
     network_id = network.getAttribute('id')
     if network_id in self.objidmap:
         nodenum = self.objidmap[network_id]
         logger.warn('unknown network: %s', network.toxml('utf-8'))
         assert False  # XXX for testing
     model_name = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(
         channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
     if not model_name:
         model_name = 'basic_range'
     if model_name == 'basic_range':
         mgr = self.session.mobility
     elif model_name.startswith('emane'):
         mgr = self.session.emane
     elif model_name.startswith('xen'):
         mgr = self.session.xen
         # TODO: any other config managers?
         raise NotImplementedError
         "setting wireless link params: node(%s) model(%s) mobility_model(%s)",
         nodenum, model_name, mobility_model_name)
     mgr.setconfig_keyvalues(nodenum, model_name, link_params.items())
     if mobility_model_name and mobility_params:
         mgr.setconfig_keyvalues(nodenum, mobility_model_name,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_wireless_link_parameters(self, channel, link_params, mobility_model_name, mobility_params):
        network = self.find_channel_network(channel)
        network_id = network.getAttribute('id')
        if network_id in self.objidmap:
            nodenum = self.objidmap[network_id]
            logger.warn('unknown network: %s', network.toxml('utf-8'))
            assert False  # XXX for testing
        model_name = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
        if not model_name:
            model_name = 'basic_range'
        if model_name == 'basic_range':
            mgr = self.session.mobility
        elif model_name.startswith('emane'):
            mgr = self.session.emane
            # TODO: any other config managers?
            raise NotImplementedError
        logger.info("setting wireless link params: node(%s) model(%s) mobility_model(%s)",
                    nodenum, model_name, mobility_model_name)
        mgr.set_model_config(node_id=nodenum, model_name=model_name, config=link_params)

        if mobility_model_name and mobility_params:
            self.session.mobility.set_model_config(node_id=nodenum, model_name=mobility_model_name,
Exemplo n.º 6
 def network_class(self, network, network_type):
     Return the corresponding CORE network class for the given
     if network_type in ['ethernet', 'satcom']:
         return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
     elif network_type == 'wireless':
         channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(network, 'channel')
         if channel:
             # use an explicit CORE type if it exists
             coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
             if coretype:
                 if coretype == 'basic_range':
                     return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
                 elif coretype.startswith('emane'):
                     return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.EMANE)
                     logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', coretype)
                     return xmlutils.xml_type_to_node_class(coretype)
         return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
     logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', network_type)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 7
 def network_class(self, network, network_type):
     Return the corresponding CORE network class for the given
     if network_type in ['ethernet', 'satcom']:
         return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
     elif network_type == 'wireless':
         channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(network, 'channel')
         if channel:
             # use an explicit CORE type if it exists
             coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
             if coretype:
                 if coretype == 'basic_range':
                     return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
                 elif coretype.startswith('emane'):
                     return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.EMANE)
                     logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', coretype)
                     return xmlutils.xml_type_to_node_class(coretype)
         return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
     logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', network_type)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 8
 def core_node_type(self, device):
     # use an explicit CORE type if it exists
     coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(device, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
     if coretype:
         return coretype
     return self.device_type(device)