Exemplo n.º 1
# use this and then prefix all function names with corpus.
#import corpus
# or use this
from corpus import loadTextFromFile, tokenize, getTokenCounts, prettyPrintFrequencyProfile, relativizeTokenCounts

from math import log

mytext = loadTextFromFile("pg873.txt")

# tokenize mytext and return list of tokens
tokens = tokenize(mytext)

# count tokens
mydict = getTokenCounts(tokens)

# pretty-print tokens and frequencies
#prettyPrintFrequencyProfile(mydict, sortbyfrq=True, myreverse=True)

mytext = loadTextFromFile("sports-bbc.txt")
mysportsdict = getTokenCounts(tokenize(mytext))

unknowntext = """Yesterday we scored ten goals in the last 45 minutest of the game."""

Wimbledon 2013: Andy Murray's victory could boost British tennis
Comments (149)
All too often sporting moments and achievements are given a misplaced historical significance. Not on Sunday.
Exemplo n.º 2

def getMIScore(bigramprob, unigramprobaA, unigramprobB):
    return bigramprob * log(bigramprob / (unigramprobaA * unigramprobB) )

def getMIScoreFromFQP( bigrams, unigrams, bigram):
    tokenA, tokenB = bigram.split()
    return bigrams[bigram] * log( bigrams[bigram] / (unigrams[tokenA] * unigrams[tokenB]) )

tokens = tokenize( loadTextFromFile("pg873.txt") )

unigrams = getNGrams(tokens, 1)
relativizeTokenCounts( unigrams )

bigrams = getNGrams(tokens, 2)
#prettyPrintFrequencyProfile(bigrams, myreverse=False)

relativizeTokenCounts( bigrams )

# young King: likelihood ratio
lhr = bigrams["young Fisherman"] / (unigrams["young"] * unigrams["Fisherman"])

# young King - pointwise Mutual Information
pmi = bigrams["young Fisherman"] * log( lhr )

print("young Fisherman", lhr, pmi, sep="\t")
Exemplo n.º 3

def getMIScore(bigramprob, unigramprobaA, unigramprobB):
    return bigramprob * log(bigramprob / (unigramprobaA * unigramprobB))

def getMIScoreFromFQP(bigrams, unigrams, bigram):
    tokenA, tokenB = bigram.split()
    return bigrams[bigram] * log(bigrams[bigram] /
                                 (unigrams[tokenA] * unigrams[tokenB]))

tokens = tokenize(loadTextFromFile("pg873.txt"))

unigrams = getNGrams(tokens, 1)

bigrams = getNGrams(tokens, 2)
#prettyPrintFrequencyProfile(bigrams, myreverse=False)


# young King: likelihood ratio
lhr = bigrams["young Fisherman"] / (unigrams["young"] * unigrams["Fisherman"])

# young King - pointwise Mutual Information
pmi = bigrams["young Fisherman"] * log(lhr)

print("young Fisherman", lhr, pmi, sep="\t")

# iron chain: likelihood ratio