Exemplo n.º 1
def perform_min_analysis(texts):
    # pass a list of strs, one for each text
    get_new_tokenized = lambda: ct.tokenize(
        texts, lemma=False
    )  # necessary because tokenize returns a generator, and then calling frequency or collocator or whatever will run it to StopIteration, so you have to get a new one each time
    freq = ct.frequency(get_new_tokenized())
    # ct.head(freq, hits=10)

    words_of_interest = ["เอา"]
    # get all ngrams
    n = 2
    ngrams = ct.tokenize(texts, lemma=False, ngram=n)
    ngram_freq = ct.frequency(ngrams)

    # subset of these ngrams where word of interest is present somewhere
    keys_containing_words_of_interest = [
        k for k in ngram_freq.keys() if any(w in k for w in words_of_interest)
    freqs_of_interest_anywhere = {
        k: ngram_freq[k]
        for k in keys_containing_words_of_interest
    print("\n---- ngrams containing words of interest anywhere ----")
    ct.head(freqs_of_interest_anywhere, hits=10)

    # subset of these ngrams where word of interest is at the beginning
    keys_beginning_with_words_of_interest = [
        k for k in ngram_freq.keys()
        if any(k[:len(w)] == w for w in words_of_interest)
    freqs_of_interest_beginning = {
        k: ngram_freq[k]
        for k in keys_beginning_with_words_of_interest
    print("\n---- ngrams containing words of interest at beginning ----")
    ct.head(freqs_of_interest_beginning, hits=10)

    # subset of these ngrams where word of interest is at the end
    keys_ending_with_words_of_interest = [
        k for k in ngram_freq.keys()
        if any(k[-len(w):] == w for w in words_of_interest)
    freqs_of_interest_ending = {
        k: ngram_freq[k]
        for k in keys_ending_with_words_of_interest
    print("\n---- ngrams containing words of interest at end ----")
    ct.head(freqs_of_interest_ending, hits=10)

    # show collocations of most frequent words or words of interest
    # n_most_frequent_words = 5
    # collocation_words_tups = get_top_n_dict_items(freq, n_most_frequent_words)
    metrics = ["MI", "T", "freq", "right", "left"]
    # for word, _ in collocation_words_tups:
    for word in words_of_interest:
        for metric in metrics:
            collocates = ct.collocator(get_new_tokenized(), word, stat=metric)
            print("----\nCollocations for {} using stat={}:".format(
                word, metric))
            ct.head(collocates, hits=10)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_freq_lists(corpus1, corpus2):
    """ Generate frequency lists for each corpus. """
    corp1_freq = ct.frequency(
        tokenize(ct.ldcorpus(corpus1), remove_list=remove_items))
    corp2_freq = ct.frequency(
        tokenize(ct.ldcorpus(corpus2), remove_list=remove_items))
    return corp1_freq, corp2_freq
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_freq_lists(corpus1, corpus2):
    """ Generate frequency lists for each corpus. 
        Note that we use our customized spaCy tokenizer and not the
        one built into corpus_toolkit (for better quality tokenization).
    corp1_freq = ct.frequency(
        tokenize(ct.ldcorpus(corpus1), remove_list=remove_items))
    corp2_freq = ct.frequency(
        tokenize(ct.ldcorpus(corpus2), remove_list=remove_items))
    return corp1_freq, corp2_freq
Exemplo n.º 4
def perform_kris_analysis(texts):
    # pass a list of strs, one for each text
    get_new_tokenized = lambda: ct.tokenize(
        texts, lemma=False
    )  # necessary because tokenize returns a generator, and then calling frequency or collocator or whatever will run it to StopIteration, so you have to get a new one each time
    freq = ct.frequency(get_new_tokenized())
    ct.head(freq, hits=10)

    collocation_words_tups = get_top_n_dict_items(freq, 5)
    for word, _ in collocation_words_tups:
        collocates = ct.collocator(get_new_tokenized(), word, stat="MI")
        print("----\nCollocations for {}:".format(word))
        ct.head(collocates, hits=10)

    # could do some keyness between different pairs of texts

    for ngram_n in [2, 3, 4]:
        tokenized_ngram = ct.tokenize(texts, lemma=False, ngram=ngram_n)
        ngram_freq = ct.frequency(tokenized_ngram)
        ct.head(ngram_freq, hits=10)
Exemplo n.º 5
def compare_pos_tags(pos):
    """ Calculate POS tags for tokens in each corpus and compare them.
        Specify any of the below spaCy POS tag as the input argument:
           NOUN: common noun
           ADJ: adjective
           VERB: verb
    corp1_tagged_freq = ct.frequency(ct.tag(ct.ldcorpus(corpus1)))
    corp2_tagged_freq = ct.frequency(ct.tag(ct.ldcorpus(corpus2)))
    print(f'\n--------Tagged frequency: {corpus1}')
    corp1_tagged_pos = {
        key: corp1_tagged_freq[key]
        for key in corp1_tagged_freq if "_" + pos in key
    ct.head(corp1_tagged_pos, hits=20)
    print(f'\n--------Tagged frequency: {corpus2}')
    corp2_tagged_pos = {
        key: corp2_tagged_freq[key]
        for key in corp2_tagged_freq if "_" + pos in key
    ct.head(corp2_tagged_pos, hits=20)
Exemplo n.º 6
def collocator_separating_target_and_collocate_terms(
    # returns a dictionary of collocation values
    # "in target terms" means the items in the corpus are converted
    # - in such a way that certain targets are treated the same
    # - e.g. you want to see which words correlate most with any verb
    # - so you modify the corpus to replace all verbs with "V", and that is
    # - the corpus_in_target_terms argument
    # "in collocate terms" means the items in the corpus are converted
    # - in such a way that the collocates may be grouped similarly
    # - so in the "what collocates with any verb" analysis
    # - you may want all target verbs to be treated the same,
    # - but not all collocate verbs; you want the collocate verbs to retain their form
    # the target param is, of course, in target terms

    if ignore is None:  # no mutable default args
        ignore = []

    def corpus_iterator(corpus):
        for x in corpus:
            yield x

    # corpus, freq_corp = itertools.tee(corpus) #this makes two versions of the iterator so that it can be processed twice
    corp_freq_target_terms = ct.frequency(
    )  #use the frequency function to create frequency list
    corp_freq_colloc_terms = ct.frequency(

    # these are number of TOKENS, not number of types (the values in the dict are counts of each type)
    nwords_target_terms = sum(corp_freq_target_terms.values()
                              )  #get corpus size for statistical calculations
    nwords_colloc_terms = sum(corp_freq_colloc_terms.values())
    assert nwords_target_terms == nwords_colloc_terms
    nwords = nwords_target_terms

    collocate_freq = {}  #empty dictionary for storing collocation frequencies
    r_freq = {}  #for hits to the right
    l_freq = {}  #for hits to the left
    stat_dict = {}  #for storing the values for whichever stat was used

    def freq(l, d):  #this takes a list (l) and a dictionary (d) as arguments
        for x in l:  #for x in list
            if x in ignore:
            if x not in d:  #if x not in dictionary
                d[x] = 1  #create new entry
            else:  #else: add one to entry
                d[x] += 1

    #begin collocation frequency analysis
    for text_in_target_terms, text_in_colloc_terms in zip(
            corpus_in_target_terms, corpus_in_collocate_terms):
        assert len(text_in_target_terms) == len(text_in_colloc_terms)
        if target not in text_in_target_terms:  #if target not in the text, don't search it for other words
            last_index = len(text_in_target_terms) - 1  #get last index number
            for i in range(len(text_in_target_terms)):
                word_in_target_terms = text_in_target_terms[i]
                word_in_colloc_terms = text_in_colloc_terms[i]
                if word_in_target_terms == target:
                    start = i - left  #beginning of left span
                    end = i + right + 1  #end of right span. Note, we have to add 1 because of the way that slices work in python
                    if start < 0:  #if the left span goes beyond the text
                        start = 0  #start at the first word
                    #words to the right
                    lspan_list = text_in_colloc_terms[
                        start:i]  #for counting words on right
                    freq(lspan_list, l_freq)  #update l_freq dictionary
                         collocate_freq)  #update collocate_freq dictionary

                    rspan_list = text_in_colloc_terms[
                        i + 1:
                        end]  #for counting words on left. Note, have to add +1 to ignore node word
                    freq(rspan_list, r_freq)  #update r_freq dictionary
                         collocate_freq)  #update collocate_freq dictionary

    #begin collocation stat calculation

    for x in collocate_freq:
        observed = collocate_freq[x]
        if observed < cutoff:  #if the collocate frequency doesn't meet the cutoff, ignore it
            # TODO: this way of comparing frequencies among different form groupings might not be statistically sound
            expected = (
                corp_freq_target_terms[target] * corp_freq_colloc_terms[x]
            ) / nwords  #expected = (frequency of target word (in entire corpus) * frequency of collocate (in entire corpus)) / number of words in corpus

            if stat == "MI":
                mi_score = math.log2(observed / expected)
                stat_dict[x] = mi_score
            elif stat == "T":
                    t_score = math.log2(
                        (observed - expected) / math.sqrt(expected))
                except ValueError:
                    # domain of log is strictly positive
                    better_error_str = "domain error with observed = {}, expected = {}, diff = {}; returning t-score of NaN".format(
                        observed, expected, observed - expected)
                    t_score = np.nan
                stat_dict[x] = t_score
            elif stat == "freq":
                stat_dict[x] = collocate_freq[x]
            elif stat == "right":
                if x in r_freq:
                    stat_dict[x] = r_freq[x]
            elif stat == "left":
                if x in l_freq:
                    stat_dict[x] = l_freq[x]

    return (stat_dict)
Exemplo n.º 7
# testing Kris's library
from corpus_toolkit import corpus_tools as ct
import KrisCorpusToolsDebugging as ct_debug
# documentation at https://github.com/kristopherkyle/corpus_toolkit

text1 = "cat cat dog cat elephant"
text2 = "the of and a to in is that it was"
text3 = "a a a a a aa a a a aa aaaaa"
texts = [text1, text2, text3]
tokenized = ct.tokenize(texts)
freq = ct.frequency(tokenized)
ct.head(freq, hits=5)
# frequency function iterates over "tokenized texts" first, then over ttokens in those texts, so input must be an iterable of iterables
# see source at https://github.com/kristopherkyle/corpus_toolkit/blob/b5f0eba13dee60a0b56a25c5f3f900fe7c8c8cb4/build/lib/corpus_toolkit/corpus_tools.py

# what if I include capitals and punctuation
text4 = "Cat? Dog! A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! A dog, a panic in a pagoda. Most most most most most most most most most, most? Most! MOST... most?!?! most: Most most most most most most, (most) [most]."
tokenized = ct.tokenize(texts)
freq = ct.frequency(tokenized)
ct.head(freq, hits=10)

corpora_dir = "/home/wesley/Desktop/UOregon Work/CorpusLinguistics/corpora/"
text_files = ["dracula.txt", "wuthering_heights.txt"]
texts = []
for text_file in text_files:
    fp = corpora_dir + text_file
    with open(fp) as f: