Exemplo n.º 1
    def validate_passwordless_ssh(self, user, nodes):
        """Check passwordless ssh."""
        for node in nodes:
            cmd = ("ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey "
                   f"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{node} /bin/true")
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result = cmd_proc.run()

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Passwordless ssh not configured for {node}."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, res)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __search_pkg(self, cmd):
     # print(f"Running {cmd}")
     handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     stdout, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
     if retcode != 0:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                      "cmd: %s failed with error code: %d" % (cmd, retcode))
     if stderr:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                      "cmd: %s failed with stderr: %s" % (cmd, stderr))
     # To calm down codacy.
     return stdout.decode("utf-8")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def validate_network_drivers(self, driver, nodes):
        """Check if drivers (eg: Mellanox OFED) are proper."""
        for node in nodes:
            cmd = f"ssh {node} rpm -qa | grep {driver}"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result = cmd_proc.run()

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Given Driver '{driver}' Is Not Installed on {node}. "
                       f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)
 def test_011_verify_SB_generate_after_rsyslog_service_stop(self):
     """Validate SB generate while rsyslog service is down."""
     cmd = "systemctl stop rsyslog"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     bundle_obj = SupportBundle.generate(
         comment=TestSupportBundle.sb_description, \
     tar_file_name = f"{bundle_obj.bundle_id}_"\
     sb_file_path = f"{bundle_obj.bundle_path}/{bundle_obj.bundle_id}/"\
     self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(sb_file_path), True)
     cmd = "systemctl start rsyslog"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     ServiceV().validate('isrunning', ['rsyslog'])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate_hba(self, provider, nodes):
        """Check HBA presence and ports."""
        for node in nodes:
            if provider.lower() == "lsi":
                cmd = f"ssh {node} lspci -nn | grep 'SCSI'"
                # TO DO: Use paramiko for ssh.
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result = cmd_proc.run()

                if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                ports_cmd = f"ssh {node} ls /sys/class/scsi_host/ | wc -l"
                ports_cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(ports_cmd)
                ports_result = ports_cmd_proc.run()

                if ports_result[1] or ports_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD {cmd} failed. {ports_result[0]}. {ports_result[1]}"
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                res = ports_result[0].decode('utf-8').strip()
                if int(res) == 0:
                    res = (
                        "Host Bus Adapters (HBA) for "
                        f"SAS channels not detected on {node}. "
                        "For storage connectivity over SAS channels "
                        "to JBOD/RBOD there is expectation for a PCIe HBA card "
                        "to be present. Please check HW, if this system "
                        "expects a connection to either JBOD or RBOD.")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_009_cli_verify_SB_generate_after_rsyslog_service_stop(self):
     """Validate SB generate while rsyslog service is down."""
     cmd = "systemctl stop rsyslog"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     stdout, stderr, rc = SB_generate_CLI(configs['SB_single_comp'])
     self.assertIsInstance(stdout, bytes)
     self.assertEqual(stderr, b'')
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     bundle_id = stdout.decode('utf-8').split('|')[1]
     bundle_path = stdout.decode('utf-8').split('->')[1]
     tar_file_name = f"{bundle_id.strip()}_{TestSupportBundleCli.node_name}.tar.gz"
     sb_file_path = f"{(bundle_path.split('.')[0]).strip()}/"\
     self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(sb_file_path), True)
     cmd = "systemctl start rsyslog"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     ServiceV().validate('isrunning', ['rsyslog'])
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_011_cli_verify_SB_generate_after_cluster_stop(self):
     """Validate SB generate while cluster is down."""
     cmd = "pcs cluster stop --all"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     stdout, stderr, rc = SB_generate_CLI(configs['SB_single_comp'])
     self.assertIsInstance(stdout, bytes)
     self.assertEqual(stderr, b'')
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     bundle_id = stdout.decode('utf-8').split('|')[1]
     bundle_path = stdout.decode('utf-8').split('->')[1]
     tar_file_name = f"{bundle_id.strip()}_{TestSupportBundleCli.node_name}.tar.gz"
     sb_file_path = f"{(bundle_path.split('.')[0]).strip()}/"\
     self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(sb_file_path), True)
     cmd = "pcs cluster start --all"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     _, _, rc = cmd_proc.run()
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_conf_cli_properties_wrong_format_kv(self):
     Test by reading invalid k#V format key value and validate
     the result error message
     with open(r'/tmp/example_invalid.properties', 'w+') as file:
     cmd = "conf properties:///tmp/example_invalid.properties get name"
     cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         result_data = cmd_proc.run()
     except Exception:
         self.assertEqual(result_data[2], '22')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def start_services(self, s3services_list):
   """Start services specified as parameter."""
   for service_name in s3services_list:
     cmd = ['/bin/systemctl', 'is-active',  f'{service_name}']
     handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     self.logger.info(f"Check {service_name} service is active or not ")
     res_op, res_err, res_rc = handler.run()
     if res_rc != 0:
       self.logger.info(f"Service {service_name} is not active")
         # if service name not found in the ha_service_map then use systemctl
         service_name = self.ha_service_map[service_name]
         cmd = ['cortx', 'start',  f'{service_name}']
       except KeyError:
         cmd = ['/bin/systemctl', 'start',  f'{service_name}']
       self.logger.info(f"Command: {cmd}")
       handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
       res_op, res_err, res_rc = handler.run()
       if res_rc != 0:
         raise Exception(f"{cmd} failed with err: {res_err}, out: {res_op}, ret: {res_rc}")
       self.logger.info(f"Service {service_name} is already active")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _provision_components(cortx_conf: MappedConf, interfaces: Enum,
                              apply_phase: str):
        """Invoke Mini Provisioners of cluster components."""
        node_id, node_name = CortxProvisioner._get_node_info(cortx_conf)
        num_components = int(cortx_conf.get(f'node>{node_id}>num_components'))
        for interface in interfaces:
            for comp_idx in range(0, num_components):
                key_prefix = f'node>{node_id}>components[{comp_idx}]'
                component_name = cortx_conf.get(f'{key_prefix}>name')
                # Get services.
                service_idx = 0
                services = []
                while (cortx_conf.get(f'{key_prefix}>services[{service_idx}]')
                       is not None):
                    service_idx = service_idx + 1
                service = 'all' if service_idx == 0 else ','.join(services)
                if apply_phase == ProvisionerStages.UPGRADE.value:
                    version = cortx_conf.get(f'{key_prefix}>version')
                    # Skip update for component if it is already updated.
                    is_updated = CortxProvisioner._is_component_updated(
                        component_name, version)
                    if is_updated is True:
                            f'{component_name} is already updated with {version} version.'
                    cortx_conf, node_id, apply_phase,
                cmd = (
                    f"/opt/seagate/cortx/{component_name}/bin/{component_name}_setup {interface.value}"
                    f" --config {cortx_conf._conf_url} --services {service}")
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                _, err, rc = cmd_proc.run()
                if rc != 0:
                        cortx_conf, node_id, apply_phase,
                    raise CortxProvisionerError(rc,
                                                "%s phase of %s, failed. %s",
                                                component_name, err)

                # Update version for each component if Provisioning successful.
                component_version = CortxProvisioner.cortx_release.get_component_version(
                cortx_conf.set(f'{key_prefix}>version', component_version)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def validate_hca(self, provider, nodes):
        """Check if HCA presence and ports"""

        for node in nodes:
            if provider.lower() in self.hca_checks:
                cmd = f"ssh {node} lspci -nn | grep '{provider.capitalize()}'"
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result = cmd_proc.run()

                if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters card "
                        f"(possibly with Infiniband capability) is not detected on {node}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD '{cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                ports_cmd = f"{cmd} | wc -l"
                ports_cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(ports_cmd)
                ports_run_result = ports_cmd_proc.run()

                if ports_run_result[1] or ports_run_result[2]:
                    res = (
                        f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters ports were not "
                        f"detected by command {cmd}. "
                        f"Also, check if '{node}' is valid. "
                        f"CMD {cmd} failed. {ports_run_result[0]}. {ports_run_result[1]}"
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)

                res = (ports_run_result[0].decode('utf-8').strip())
                if int(res) == 0:
                    res = (
                        f"{provider.capitalize()} Host Channel Adapters ports were not "
                        f"detected by command {cmd}. "
                        "For high-speed data network, it is expected to "
                        "have at least one port present over some PCIe slot. ")
                    raise VError(errno.EINVAL, res)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _add_more_log(self):
     Collect Extra Log
     cmd_list = [const.PCS_STATUS, const.PCS_FAILCOUNT_STATUS]
     with open(const.HA_CMDS_OUTPUT, "w") as file:
         for cmd in cmd_list:
             _err = ""
             _proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
             _output, _err, _rc = _proc.run(universal_newlines=True)
             file.write(f"Command: {cmd}\nReturn Code: {_rc}\nOutput:\n")
             file.write(f"Error if any: {_err}\n\n\n")
Exemplo n.º 13
 def reload_services(self, s3services_list):
   """Reload services specified as parameter."""
   for service_name in s3services_list:
       # if service name not found in the ha_service_map then use systemctl
       service_name = self.ha_service_map[service_name]
       cmd = ['cortx', 'reload',  f'{service_name}']
     except KeyError:
       cmd = ['/bin/systemctl', 'reload',  f'{service_name}']
     handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     self.logger.info(f"reloading {service_name}")
     res_op, res_err, res_rc = handler.run()
     if res_rc != 0:
       raise Exception(f"{cmd} failed with err: {res_err}, out: {res_op}, ret: {res_rc}")
Exemplo n.º 14
    def configure_openldap(self):
        """Install and Configure Openldap over Non-SSL."""
        # 1. Install and Configure Openldap over Non-SSL.
        # 2. Enable slapd logging in rsyslog config
        # 3. Set openldap-replication
        # 4. Check number of nodes in the cluster
        self.logger.info('Open ldap configuration started')
        cmd = [
            '--ldapadminpasswd', f'{self.ldap_passwd}', '--rootdnpasswd',
            f'{self.rootdn_passwd}', '--forceclean', '--skipssl'
        handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        stdout, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
        self.logger.info(f'output of setup_ldap.sh: {stdout}')
        if retcode != 0:
            self.logger.error(f'error of setup_ldap.sh: {stderr}')
            raise S3PROVError(
                f"{cmd} failed with err: {stderr}, out: {stdout}, ret: {retcode}"
            self.logger.warning(f'warning of setup_ldap.sh: {stderr}')

        if os.path.isfile(
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                    raise S3PROVError(
                        f"mkdir /etc/rsyslog.d failed with errno: {e.errno}, exception: {e}"

        # restart rsyslog service
            self.logger.info("Restarting rsyslog service...")
            service_list = ["rsyslog"]
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error(f'Failed to restart rsyslog service, error: {e}')
            raise e
        self.logger.info("Restarted rsyslog service...")

        # set openldap-replication
        self.logger.info('Open ldap configuration completed')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def post_install():
        """ Performs post install operations """

        # Check python packages and install if something is missing
        cmd = "pip3 freeze"
        cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        stdout, stderr, retcode = cmd_proc.run()
        result = stdout.decode("utf-8") if retcode == 0 else stderr.decode("utf-8")
        with open('/opt/seagate/cortx/utils/conf/requirements.txt') as f:
            pkgs = f.readlines()
            # pkgs will have \n in every string. Need to remove that
            for package in enumerate(pkgs):
                if result.find(package[1][:-1]) == -1:
                    raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Required python package %s is missing" % package[1][:-1])
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self):
     from cortx.utils.conf_store import Conf
     Conf.load("index", "json:///etc/cortx/message_bus.conf")
     self._server = Conf.get("index", 'message_broker>cluster[0]>server')
     # Create a test topic
     cmd = "/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create" + \
           " --topic mytest --bootstrap-server " + self._server + ":9092"
         cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         res_op, res_err, res_rc = cmd_proc.run()
         if res_rc != 0:
             raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, "Unable to test the config")
     except Exception as e:
         raise SetupError(errno.EINVAL, \
                          "Unable to test the config, %s", e)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def validate_bmc_stonith_config(self, node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_passwd):
        """ Validations for BMC STONITH Configuration
        cmd = f"ssh {node} fence_ipmilan -P -a {bmc_ip} -o status -l {bmc_user} -p {bmc_passwd}"
        cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        result = list(cmd_proc.run())

        if result[1] or result[2]:
            msg = f"Failed to check BMC STONITH Config. Command: '{cmd}', Return Code: '{result[2]}'."
            for i in range(2):
                if result[i]:
                    if not isinstance(result[i], str):
                        result[i] = result[i].decode("utf-8")
                    res = result[i].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
                    msg += f' {res}.'
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def shutdown_services(self, s3services_list):
     """Stop services."""
     for service_name in s3services_list:
             # if service name not found in the ha_service_map then use systemctl
             service_name = self.ha_service_map[service_name]
             cmd = ['cortx', 'stop', f'{service_name}']
         except KeyError:
             cmd = ['/bin/systemctl', 'stop', f'{service_name}']
         handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         self.logger.info(f"shutting down {service_name}")
         res_op, res_err, res_rc = handler.run()
         if res_rc != 0:
             raise Exception(
                 f"{cmd} failed with err: {res_err}, out: {res_op}, ret: {res_rc}"
Exemplo n.º 19
    def validate_salt_minion_connectivity(self, nodes):
        """Check salt minion connectivity."""
        if os.environ.get('USER') != 'root':
            res = ("validate_salt_minion: "
                   "This interface requires root privileges.")
            raise VError(errno.EACCES, res)

        for node in nodes:
            cmd = f"salt -t 5 {node} test.ping"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            run_result = cmd_proc.run()

            if run_result[1] or run_result[2]:
                res = (f"Salt minion {node} unreachable."
                       f"CMD {cmd} failed. {run_result[0]}. {run_result[1]}")
                raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, res)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def get_unread_count(self, consumer_group: str):
        Gets the count of unread messages from the Kafka message server

        consumer_group  A String that represents Consumer Group ID.
        table = []

            cmd = "/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server "\
                + self._servers + " --describe --group " + consumer_group
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            res_op, res_err, res_rc = cmd_proc.run()
            if res_rc != 0:
                raise MessageBusError(
                    errno.EINVAL, "Unable to get the message \
                    count. %s", res_err)
            decoded_string = res_op.decode('utf-8')
            if decoded_string == '':
                raise MessageBusError(
                    errno.EINVAL, "No active consumers in \
                    the consumer group, %s", consumer_group)
            elif 'Error' in decoded_string:
                raise MessageBusError(
                    errno.EINVAL, "Unable to get the message \
                    count. %s", decoded_string)
                split_rows = decoded_string.split('\n')
                rows = [row.split(' ') for row in split_rows if row != '']
                for each_row in rows:
                    new_row = [item for item in each_row if item != '']
                index = table[0].index('LAG')
                unread_count = [int(lag[index]) for lag in table if lag[index] \
                    != 'LAG' and lag[index] != '-']

                if len(unread_count) == 0:
                    raise MessageBusError(
                        errno.EINVAL, "No active consumers \
                        in the consumer group, %s", consumer_group)
            return sum(unread_count)

        except Exception as e:
            raise MessageBusError(
                errno.EINVAL, "Unable to get the message \
                count. %s", e)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __execute_cmd(self, cmd):
     Execute command using SSHChannel or SimpleProcees and returns result.
     Uses SimpleProcess to execute the command on passwordless ssh configured
     host. Otherwise, uses SSHChannel to execute command.
     if self.ssh:
         retcode, result = self.ssh.execute(cmd)
         handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         stdout, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
         result = stdout.decode("utf-8") if retcode == 0 else stderr.decode(
     if retcode != 0:
         raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
                      "Command failure. cmd: %s stderr: %s" % (cmd, result))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 22
	def validate_services(self, host, services):
		"""Check if services are running."""
		for service in services:
			if host != None:
				cmd = f"ssh {host} systemctl status {service}"
				cmd = f"systemctl status {service}"
			handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
			_, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
			if retcode != 0:
				raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
					     "cmd: %s failed with error code: %d"
					     %(cmd, retcode))
			if stderr:
				raise VError(errno.EINVAL,
					     "cmd: %s failed with stderr: %s"
					     %(cmd, stderr))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def post_install():
        """ Performs post install operations """

        # Do the python packages installation
        cmd = "/bin/pip3 install -r " \
              + "/opt/seagate/cortx/utils/conf/requirements.txt"
            cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            res_op, res_err, res_rc = cmd_proc.run()
            if res_rc != 0:
                raise SetupError(errno.ENOENT, \
                                 "Python Package installation failed, rc=%d", \
        except Exception as e:
            raise SetupError(errno.ENOENT, \
                             "Python Package installation failed, %s", e)
        return res_rc
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __ping_bmc(self, node):
        """ Ping BMC IP
        ip = self.__get_bmc_ip(node)

        cmd = f"ssh {node} ping -c 1 -W 1 {ip}"
        cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        result = list(cmd_proc.run())

        if result[1] or result[2]:
            msg = f"Ping failed for IP '{ip}'. Command: '{cmd}', Return Code: '{result[2]}'."
            for i in range(2):
                if result[i]:
                    if not isinstance(result[i], str):
                        result[i] = result[i].decode("utf-8")
                    res = result[i].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
                    msg += f' {res}.'
            raise VError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, msg)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def process(self):
        """Main processing function."""
        sys.stdout.write(f"Processing {self.name} {self.url}\n")

            cmd = [
                '/opt/seagate/cortx/s3/scripts/s3-sanity-test.sh', '-p',
            handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
            stdout, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
            if retcode != 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"{cmd} failed with err: {stderr}, out: {stdout}, ret: {retcode}"
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(f"{self}: {cmd} exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 26
 def create_auth_jks_password(self):
     """Create random password for auth jks keystore."""
     cmd = [
         'sh', '/opt/seagate/cortx/auth/scripts/create_auth_jks_password.sh'
     handler = SimpleProcess(cmd)
     stdout, stderr, retcode = handler.run()
     self.logger.info(f'output of create_auth_jks_password.sh: {stdout}')
     if retcode != 0:
             f'error of create_auth_jks_password.sh: {stderr}')
         raise S3PROVError(
             f"{cmd} failed with err: {stderr}, out: {stdout}, ret: {retcode}"
             f'warning of create_auth_jks_password.sh: {stderr}')
         self.logger.info(' Successfully set auth JKS keystore password.')
Exemplo n.º 27
    def validate_ip_connectivity(self, ips):
        """Check if IPs are reachable."""
        unreachable_ips = []
        for ip in ips:
            if ip.count(".") == 3 and all(self._is_valid_ipv4_part(ip_part)
                                          for ip_part in ip.split(".")):

                cmd = f"ping -c 1 -W 1 {ip}"
                cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
                run_result = cmd_proc.run()

                if run_result[2]:
                raise VError(errno.EINVAL, f"Invalid ip {ip}.")

        if len(unreachable_ips) != 0:
            raise VError(
                errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Ping failed for IP(s). %s" % unreachable_ips)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def get_log_size(self, message_type: str):
     """ Gets size of log across all the partitions """
     total_size = 0
     cmd = "/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-log-dirs.sh --describe --bootstrap-server "\
         + self._servers + " --topic-list " + message_type
         cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         run_result = cmd_proc.run()
         decoded_string = run_result[0].decode('utf-8')
         output_json = json.loads(re.search(r'({.+})', decoded_string).\
         for brokers in output_json['brokers']:
             partition = brokers['logDirs'][0]['partitions']
             for each_partition in partition:
                 total_size += each_partition['size']
         return total_size
     except Exception as e:
         raise MessageBusError(errno.EINVAL, "Unable to fetch log size for \
             message type %s. %s" , message_type, e)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def reset():
     """Remove/Delete all the data/logs that was created by user/testing."""
     import time
     _purge_retry = 20
         from cortx.utils.message_bus import MessageBusAdmin
         from cortx.utils.message_bus.message_bus_client import MessageProducer
         mb = MessageBusAdmin(admin_id='reset')
         message_types_list = mb.list_message_types()
         if message_types_list:
             for message_type in message_types_list:
                 producer = MessageProducer(producer_id=message_type, \
                     message_type=message_type, method='sync')
                 for retry_count in range(1, (_purge_retry + 2)):
                     if retry_count > _purge_retry:
                         Log.error(f"MessageBusError: {errors.ERR_OP_FAILED} " \
                             f" Unable to delete messages for message type" \
                             f" {message_type} after {retry_count} retries")
                         raise MessageBusError(errors.ERR_OP_FAILED,\
                             "Unable to delete messages for message type" + \
                             "%s after %d retries", message_type, \
                     rc = producer.delete()
                     if rc == 0:
                     time.sleep(2 * retry_count)
     except MessageBusError as e:
         raise SetupError(e.rc, "Can not reset Message Bus. %s", e)
     except Exception as e:
         raise SetupError(
             errors.ERR_OP_FAILED, "Internal error, can not \
             reset Message Bus. %s", e)
     # Clear the logs
     utils_log_path = '/var/log/cortx/utils/'
     if os.path.exists(utils_log_path):
         cmd = "find %s -type f -name '*.log' -exec truncate -s 0 {} +" % utils_log_path
         cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
         _, stderr, rc = cmd_proc.run()
         if rc != 0:
             raise SetupError(errors.ERR_OP_FAILED, \
                 "Can not reset log files. %s", stderr)
     return 0
Exemplo n.º 30
    def validate_controller_accessibility(self, ip, username, password):
        """Check contoller console is accessible to node."""
        # Check if ssh connection is successful
            session = SSHChannel(host=ip, username=username, password=password)
            err = traceback.format_exc()
            raise VError(
                "Failed to create ssh connection to %s, Error: %s" % (ip, err))

        # ping controller IP
        cmd = "ping -c 1 -W 1 %s" % ip
        cmd_proc = SimpleProcess(cmd)
        _, stderr, rc = cmd_proc.run()
        if rc != 0:
            msg = "Ping failed for IP '%s'. Command: '%s', Return Code: '%s'." % (
                ip, cmd, rc)
            msg += stderr.decode("utf-8").replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
            raise VError(errno.EINVAL, msg)