Exemplo n.º 1
def growth_rate(a):
    gamma = 0.545
    z = 1. / a - 1.

    # rho_c   = 3 * H^2 / (8 * pi G)
    # om_m(a) = (rho_m/rho_c) = 8 * pi * G *rho_m(0) * a^-3 / (3 H^2)
    #                         = om_m(a = 1) * a^-3 * (H_0/H)^2

    om_ma = params['om_m'] * (cosmo.H(0) / cosmo.H(z))**2. * a**-3.

    return om_ma.value**gamma
Exemplo n.º 2
def Ckk(Pk_interps, Llls, pickle=False, zmax=params['zscatter']):
 Given a matter power spectrum interpolator and an array of L values, 
 return Ckk(L) in the extended Limber approximation.

    z = np.linspace(0.001, zmax, 2000)
    chis = comoving_distance(z)

    ## Stores the matter power spectrum for each of (L, z) and therefore k
    ## in the extended Limber approximation.
    result = np.zeros((len(z), len(Llls)))

    for i, redshift in enumerate(z):
        ks = (Llls + 0.5) / chis[i]
        result[i, :] = Pmm(Pk_interps, ks, redshift)

    prefactor = (const.c.to('km/s').value /
                 cosmo.H(z).value) * (lensing_kernel(z) / chis)**2.

    integrand = prefactor[:, None] * result
    integrand /= params['h_100']**3.  ## account for [h^-1 Mpc]^3 of Pmm.

    result = simps(integrand, dx=z[1] - z[0], axis=0)

    if pickle:
        from pickle import dump

        ## New beam/noise configurations require pickle files to be removed.
        dump(result, open("pickle/kk.p", "wb"))

    ## Ckk at each L, after integrating the lensing kernel over redshift.
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def Cgg(Pk_interps, Llls, zmin, zmax, survey_pz, bz, survey_pz2=None, bz2=None, zeff=True):
  dz            = 0.01
  zs            = np.arange(zmin, zmax + dz, dz)

  ##  Catch normalisation of p(z).  Added 03/01/19.
  ps            = survey_pz(zs)
  norm          = np.sum(ps) * dz
  ps           /= norm

  chis          = comoving_distance(zs)

  if bz2 is None:
     bz2        = bz

  if survey_pz2 is None:
     survey_pz2 = survey_pz
     ps2        = np.copy(ps)

    ps2         = survey_pz2(zs)
    norm        = np.sum(ps2) * dz
    ps2        /= norm

  if zeff: 
    Compute Cgg in the z_eff and first-order Limber approximations 
    for a slice of galaxies at zz of width dz;  eqn. (5) of 
    zz        =  dz * np.sum(ps * zs) / (np.sum(ps) * dz)                      ##  Normalisation should already be unity.  
    ks        = (Llls + 0.5) / comoving_distance(zz)                           ##  For the Phh evaluation in the integral, we take a zeff approx. 
                                                                               ##  i.e. \int dz .... Phh(zeff).

    result    =  Pmm(Pk_interps, ks, zz) * bz(zz) * bz2(zz)
    result    =  np.broadcast_to(result, (len(zs), len(Llls)))                 ##  Broadcast to each redshift.  

    result    = np.zeros((len(zs), len(Llls)))

    for i, z in enumerate(zs):
      ks          = (Llls + 0.5) / chis[i]                                     ##  Evaluate Phh for each z and k(ell, z).
      result[i,:] =  Pmm(Pk_interps, ks, z) * bz(z) * bz2(z)

  ##  Accounts for both spatial to angular mapping as function of z;  i.e. k = (l. + 0.5) / chi(z) and redshift evolution of P_mm(k).
  prefactor   = (cosmo.H(zs).value / const.c.to('km/s').value) * sliced_pz(zs, zmin, zmax, survey_pz)\
                                                               * sliced_pz(zs, zmin, zmax, survey_pz2)\
                                                               / chis**2.
  integrand   =  prefactor[:, None] * result
  integrand  /=  params['h_100']

  return  simps(integrand, dx = dz, axis=0)                                    ## integral over z. 
Exemplo n.º 4
def WCIB(z, nu=353., zc=2., sigmaz=2.):
        nu in GHz; [545, 857, 217, 353] GHz.

    result = fv(nu * (1. + z), beta=2., T=34., nup=4955, alpha=0.0)
    result *= np.exp(-0.5 * (z - zc)**2. / sigmaz**2.)
    result *= comoving_distance(z)**2.
    result /= (cosmo.H(z).value * (1. + z)**2.)
    result /= result.max()

    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def Cab(Llls,
  Angular correlation function: i.e. C_sp(L, z).

    z = np.arange(0.01, 5.0, 0.01)
    chis = comoving_distance(z)

    ba = bzs(spec_z, surveya)
    bb = bzs(spec_z, surveyb)

    if zeff == True:
    Compute Cgg in the z_eff and first-order Limber approximations for a slice of galaxies at spec_z of width dz.                                        
    eqn. (5) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.04457.pdf                                                                                                      
        ks = (Llls + 0.5) / comoving_distance(
        )  ## For the Phh evaluation in the integral, we take a zeff approx.
        ## i.e. \int dz .... Phh(zeff).
        result = np.broadcast_to(
            Pab(ks, ba, bb, alpha, sigma,
                nowiggle), (len(z), len(Llls)))  ## Broadcast to each redshift.
        result = np.zeros((len(spec_z), len(Llls)))

        for i, j in enumerate(z):
            ks = (Llls +
                  0.5) / chis[i]  ## Evaluate Phh for each z and k(ell, z).
            ## Given L mixes at range of k -- washes out BAO.

            ## accounts for spatial to angular mapping as function of z, i.e. k = (l + 0.5)/chi(z) but neglects redshift evolution of Pps(k).
            result[i, :] = Pab(ks, ba, bb, alpha, sigma, nowiggle)

    prefactor   = (cosmo.H(z).value/const.c.to('km/s').value)*(sliced_pz(z, spec_z, survey_dzs[surveya], surveya, True)/chis) \
                                                             *(sliced_pz(z, spec_z, survey_dzs[surveyb], surveyb, True)/chis)

    integrand = prefactor[:, None] * result
    integrand /= params[
        'h_100']  ## account for [h^-1 Mpc]^3 of P(k) and h^-1 Mpc of chi_g.

    return simps(integrand, dx=z[1] - z[0], axis=0)  ## integral over z.
Exemplo n.º 6
def projected_crosspower(ks, surveya, surveyb, nowiggle=False, alpha=1.0):
    dz = 0.01
    zs = np.arange(dz, 6.0, dz)

    gzs, gks = np.meshgrid(zs, ks)

    prefactor = (cosmo.H(zs).value / const.c.to('km/s').value)
    prefactor *= sliced_pz(zs, 0.75, 1.00, surveya, normed=True)
    prefactor *= sliced_pz(zs, 0.75, 0.15, surveyb, normed=True) * dz

    integrand = Pab(gks,
    integrand *= prefactor

    return np.sum(integrand, axis=1)