Exemplo n.º 1
def url_checker(url_str):
    Checks if the URL is valid or not.

    url_str : `str`
        URL of the website to evaluate.

    LSSUtils_Error : `Exception`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    if not (isinstance(url_str, str)):
        msg = '{0} `url_str` ({1}) is not a STRING!'.format(
            file_msg, type(url_str))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Checking Website
    request_url = requests.get(url_str)
    if (request_url.status_code != 200):
        msg = '{0} `url_str` ({1}) does not exist!'.format(file_msg, url_str)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
def reversed_arrays(x, y):
    Determines if arrays increase or decrease monotonically.

    x : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing the 1st set of values

    y : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing the 2nd set of values.

    mono_opt : `bool`
        If True, `x` increases monotonically with increasing `y`.
        If False, `x` decreases monotonically with increasing `y`.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Testing input arguments
    # x-array
    valid_types = (list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(x, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `x` is not a valid type!'.format(file_msg, type(x))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # y-array
    valid_types = (list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(y, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `y` is not a valid type!'.format(file_msg, type(y))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # x- and y-array shapes
    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = np.asarray(y)
    # Checking if arrays increase or decrease monotonically
    x_diff = np.diff(x).sum()
    y_diff = np.diff(y).sum()
    # Monotonically increasing or decreasing
    if (x_diff > 0) and (y_diff > 0):
        mono_opt = True
        mono_opt = False

    return mono_opt
Exemplo n.º 3
 def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
     This function changes the elements in `kwargs`
     # Extracting main dictionary
         p_dict = kwargs['p_dict']
     except KeyError:
             p_dict = args[0]
         except IndexError:
             msg = '{0} Could not read the input dictionary `p_dict`.'
             msg += 'Please check your function!'
             msg = msg.format(self.file_msg)
             raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
     # Checking if `p_dict` is a dictionary
     if not (isinstance(p_dict, dict)):
         msg = '{0} `p_dict` must be a dictionary!'.format(
             self.file_msg, type(p_dict))
         raise TypeError(msg)
     ## Parsing elements
     # `argvalues`
     argvalues = np.asarray(self.argvalues)
     ## Looping over elements
     for argval in argvalues:
         p_dict[self.argname] = argval
Exemplo n.º 4
def IDL_read_file(idl_file):
    Reads an IDL file and converts it to a Python dictionary

    idl_file : string
        Path to the filename being used

    idl_dict : python dictionary
        Dictionary with the data from `idl_file`
    # Checking that file exists
    # Converting to dictionary
        idl_dict = readsav(idl_file, python_dict=True)
        msg = '{0} `idl_file` {0} is not an IDL file'.format(
            fd.Program_Msg(__file__), idl_file)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)

    return idl_dict
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_immediate_subdirectories(pathdir, sort=True):
    Immediate subdirectories to a given directory path

    pathdir : str
        Path to the desired directory

    subdir_arr : array_like or array of strings
        Array of paths of subdirectories of `pathdir`

    sort : `bool`, optional (default = True)
        If this is set to True, the output list is sorted by name
    if os.path.exists(pathdir):
        path_obj = Path(pathdir)
        # List of subdirectories
        subdir_arr = np.array([
            x for x in os.listdir(pathdir)
            if (os.path.isdir(str(path_obj.joinpath(x))) and ('__' not in x))
        if sort:
            subdir_arr = np.sort(subdir_arr)
        msg = '{0} `pathdir` {1} not found!'.format(Program_Msg(__file__),
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)

    return subdir_arr
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_hdf5_file_to_pandas_DF(hdf5_file, key=None):
    Reads content of HDF5 file and converts it to a Pandas DataFrame

    hdf5_file : str
        Path to the HDF5 file. This is the file that will be converted
        to a pandas DataFrame.

    key : str or NoneType, optional
        Key or path in `hdf5_file` for the pandas DataFrame and the normal
        HDF5 file.

    df : `pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame from `hdf5_file` under the `key` directory.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Reading in Pandas DataFrame
        df = pd.read_hdf(hdf5_file, key=key)
        msg = '{0} Could not read `hdf5_file` ({1})! Please check if it exists'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, hdf5_file)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(file_msg)

    return df
Exemplo n.º 7
def pandas_df_to_hdf5_file(df, hdf5_file, key=None, mode='w', complevel=8):
    Saves a `pandas.DataFrame` into a `pandas` HDF5 FILE.

    df : `pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame to be converted and saved into a HDF5 file.

    hdf5_file : str
        Path to the output HDF5 file

    key : str or NoneType, optional
        Key or path, under which `df` will be saved in the `hdf5_file`.

    mode : {'w','a'}, optional
        Mode to handle `hdf5_file`. This value is set to `w` by default,
        which stand for `write`.

    complevel : int, optional
        Level of compression for `hdf5_file`.
        The range of `complevel` is rane(0-9).
        This is set to a default of 8.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Saving DataFrame to `hdf5_file`
        df.to_hdf(hdf5_file, key, mode=mode, complevel=complevel)
        msg = '{0} HDF5 file created: {1}'.format(file_msg, hdf5_file)
        msg = '{0} Could not create HDF5 file'.format(file_msg)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
Exemplo n.º 8
def cookiecutter_paths(path='./'):
    Paths to main folders in the `Data Science` cookiecutter template.
    This structure was taken from :
    - https://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/

    path : str, optional
        Path to the file within the `.git` repository

    param_dict : python dictionary
        Dictionary with info of the project that uses the Data Science
        cookiecutter template.

    LSSUtils_Error : exception
        If `path` is not within a .git directory, it raises an error.
    # Base Path
    base_dir = git_root_dir(path) + '/'
    # Checking that directory exists
    if os.path.exists(base_dir):
        # Plot Directory
        plot_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'reports', 'figures/')
        # Source directory
        src_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'src', 'data/')
        # Data path
        data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'data/')
        # External path
        ext_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'external/')
        # Processed path
        proc_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'processed/')
        # External path
        int_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'interim/')
        # External path
        raw_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'raw/')
        # Creating files
        for dir_ii in [plot_dir, src_dir, data_dir]:
        # Saving to dictionary
        param_dict = {}
        param_dict['base_dir'] = base_dir
        param_dict['plot_dir'] = plot_dir
        param_dict['src_dir'] = src_dir
        param_dict['data_dir'] = data_dir
        param_dict['ext_dir'] = ext_dir
        param_dict['proc_dir'] = proc_dir
        param_dict['int_dir'] = int_dir
        param_dict['raw_dir'] = raw_dir
        msg = '{0} `base_dir` ({1}) is not a Git directory! Exiting'.format(
            fd.Program_Msg(__file__), base_dir)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)

    return param_dict
Exemplo n.º 9
def File_Exists(filename):
    Detrmines if file exists or not

    filename : str
        Absolute path to the file

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
    if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(filename)):
            assert (os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(filename)))
            msg = '{0} `filename` {1} not found!'.format(
                Program_Msg(__file__), filename)
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
        msg = '{0} `filename` {1} not found!'.format(Program_Msg(__file__),
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
Exemplo n.º 10
def luminosity_to_absolute_mag(lum,
    Calculates the absolute magnitude of object through the `filter_opt`

    lum : float, int, array_like
        Luminosity of 1 or more objects. In units of `solar luminosities`.

    filter_opt : {'U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K'} str
        Magnitude filter to use.

    system : {'Binney_and_Merrifield_1998', 'SDSS_Blanton_2003_z0.1'} str
        Kind of filter to use.

            - 'Binney_and_Merrifield_1998' : See Binney and Merrifield, 1998
            - 'SDSS_Blanton_2003_z0.1' : See Blanton et al. (2003) Eqn. 14.

    abs_mag : float, int, or array_like
        Absolute magnitude of one or multiple objects. Same type as `lum`

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    valid_types = (float, int, list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(lum, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `lum` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(file_msg, lum)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Obtaining Sun's absolute magnitude
    abs_mag_sun = get_sun_mag(filter_opt, system=system)
    ## Absolute magnitude calculation
    # In units of solar luminosities
    lum_sun = 1.0
    # Absolute magnitude of objects
    abs_mag = abs_mag_sun - 2.5 * np.log10(lum / lum_sun)

    return abs_mag
Exemplo n.º 11
def absolute_magnitude_to_luminosity(abs_mag,
    Calculates the luminosity of the object through `filter_opt` filter.

    abs_mag : float, int, or array_like
        Absolute magnitude of one or multiple objects.

    filter_opt : {'U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K'} str
        Magnitude filter to use.

    system : {'Binney_and_Merrifield_1998', 'SDSS_Blanton_2003_z0.1'} str
        Kind of filter to use.

            - 'Binney_and_Merrifield_1998' : See Binney and Merrifield, 1998
            - 'SDSS_Blanton_2003_z0.1' : See Blanton et al. (2003) Eqn. 14.

    log_L : float or array_like
        Logarithmic value of the luminosity in the `filter_opt` band.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    valid_types = (float, int, list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(abs_mag, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `abs_mag` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, abs_mag)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Obtaining Sun's absolute magnitude
    abs_mag_sun = get_sun_mag(filter_opt, system=system)
    ## Luminosity calculations
    log_L = (abs_mag_sun - abs_mag) * 0.4

    return log_L
Exemplo n.º 12
def Bins_array_create(arr, base=10, return_tuple=False):
    Generates an evenly-spaced array between the minimum and maximum value
    of a given array,

    arr : array_like
        Array of of numbers or floats

    base : `int` or `float`, optional
        Interval used to create the evenly-spaced array of elements

    return_tuple : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, the function returns a set of tuples for each bin. This
        variable  is set to `False` by default.

    bins_arr : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array of elements separated in intervals of `base`
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Transforming input data
    base = float(base)
    arr = np.asarray(arr)
    # Checking array dimensions
    if arr.ndim != 1:
        msg = '{0} The input array is not of dimension 1, but of `{1}`'.format(
            file_msg, arr.ndim)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Creating evenly-spaced array
    arr_min = myfloor(arr.min(), base=base)
    arr_max = myceil(arr.max(), base=base)
    bins_arr = np.arange(arr_min, arr_max + 0.5 * base, base)
    # Creating tuple if necessary
    if return_tuple:
        bins_arr_mod = (np.array([[bins_arr[ii], bins_arr[ii + 1]]
                                  for ii in range(len(bins_arr) - 1)]))
        return_obj = bins_arr_mod
        return_obj = bins_arr

    return return_obj
Exemplo n.º 13
def Index(pathdir, datatype, sort=True, basename=False):
    Indexes the files in a directory `pathdir` with a specific data type

    pathdir : string
        Path to the directory being analyzed

    datatype : string
        Type of documents to look for.

    sort : `bool`, optional (default = True)
        If this is set to True, the output list is sorted by name

    basename : `bool`, optional
        If this is set to True, the output list will contain only the
        basename of the files in `pathdir`

    file_arr : np.ndarray
        List of (sorted) files in `pathdir` with datatype `.datatype`
    # Checking that directory exists
    if os.path.exists(pathdir):
        # List of files
        path_obj = Path(os.path.abspath(pathdir))
        file_arr = list(path_obj.rglob('*{0}'.format(datatype)))
        file_arr = np.array([x.as_posix() for x in file_arr])
        # Sorting
        if sort:
            file_arr = np.sort(file_arr)
        # Basenames
        if basename:
            file_arr = np.array([os.path.basename(x) for x in file_arr])
        msg = '{0} `pathdir` {1} not found!'.format(Program_Msg(__file__),
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)

    return file_arr
Exemplo n.º 14
def reshape_arr_1d(arr):
    Transforms the array intoa 1-dimensional array, if necessary.

    arr : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like
        Array to be converted into 1-dimensional array.

    arr_new : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like
        Converted array into 1-dimensional array if needed.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Checking input parameters
    arr_valid_types = (list, np.ndarray)
    # `arr`
    if not (isinstance(arr, arr_valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'.format(file_msg,
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # Dimensions
    if (isinstance(arr, arr_valid_types)):
        if not (np.asarray(arr).ndim in [1, 2]):
            msg = '{0} The shape of `arr` ({1}) can only have 1 or 2 '
            msg += 'dimensions'
            msg = msg.format(file_msg, np.asarray(arr).ndim)
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Converting to Numpy array
    arr = np.asarray(arr)
    # Trying to reshape it
    if (arr.ndim == 2):
        if (arr.shape[1] == 1):
            arr = arr.reshape(len(arr),)

    return arr
Exemplo n.º 15
def absolute_to_apparent_magnitude(abs_mag, lum_dist, unit='mpc'):
    Calculates the apparent magnitude using the luminosity and absolute

    abs_mag : float, int, or array_like
        Array of absolute magnitude(s)

    lum_dist : array_like
        Array of luminosity distnace to object. In units of `Mpc`.

    unit : {'pc', 'kpc', 'mpc'} str, optional
        Unit to use for `lum_dist`. This variable is set to `mpc` by
        default. When `pc`, the units are in parsecs, while `mpc` is for
        distances in mega-parsecs, etc.

    app_mag : array_like, or float
        Array of apparent magnitude(s). `app_mag` is a float if
        `abs_mag` is a float or int.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    valid_types = (float, np.ndarray, list, int)
    # Type for `abs_mag`
    if not (isinstance(abs_mag, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `abs_mag` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(abs_mag))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Type for `unit`
    unit_valid_arr = ['mpc', 'pc']
    if not (unit in unit_valid_arr):
        msg = '{0} `unit` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(file_msg, unit)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Converting to array-type
    # `abs_mag` object
    if (isinstance(abs_mag, float) or isinstance(abs_mag, int)):
        abs_mag = float(abs_mag)
    if (isinstance(abs_mag, list) or isinstance(abs_mag, np.ndarray)):
        abs_mag = np.asarray(abs_mag)
    # `lum_dist` object
    if (isinstance(lum_dist, float) or isinstance(lum_dist, int)):
        lum_dist = float(lum_dist)
    if (isinstance(lum_dist, list) or isinstance(lum_dist, np.ndarray)):
        lum_dist = np.asarray(lum_dist)
    # Units - Conveting to Mpc
    # This follows the formula:
    #   app_mag - abs_mag = 5 * (np.log10(lum_dist) + a - 1)
    #       Where a = 0 when [d] = parsecs
    #       Where a = 3 when [d] = kiloparsecs
    #       Where a = 6 when [d] = megaparsecs
    if unit == 'pc':
        a = 0
    elif unit == 'kpc':
        a = 3
    elif unit == 'mpc':
        a = 6
    ## Calcualtions
    app_mag = abs_mag + 5. * (np.log10(lum_dist) - 1 + a)

    return app_mag
Exemplo n.º 16
def url_files_download(url,
    Downloads the files from a URL to a local directory. The files that
    match a specific file extension, `ext`.

    url : `str`
        String of the URL

    ext : `str`
        File extension of the files in the URL.

    outdir : `str`
        Path to the output directory. This is the directory, to which
        the files with extensions `ext` will be saved.

    check_exist : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, it checks for whether or not the file exists.
        This variable is set to `False` by default.

    create_dir : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, it creates the directory if it does not exist.
        This variable is set to `False` by default.

    remove_files : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, local files that are present that match the files at
        the URL will be replaced by the new versions. This variable is
        set to ``False`` by default.

    bar_opt : {'tqdm', 'native'}
        Option for which type of progress bar to use when downloading files.
        This variable is set to `tqdm` by default.
            - 'tqdm' : Uses a tqdm-based progress bar
            - 'native': Used the wget-based native progress bar.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking for file type
    # 'URL'
    if not isinstance(url, str):
        msg = '{0} `url` ({1}) is not a valid type. It must be a STRING!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(url))
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # File extension
    if not isinstance(ext, str):
        msg = '{0} `ext` ({1}) is not a valid type. It must be a STRING!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(ext))
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # Output directory
    if not isinstance(outdir, str):
        msg = '{0} `outdir` ({1}) is not a valid type. It must be a STRING!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(outdir))
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # `check_exist`
    if not (isinstance(check_exist, bool)):
        msg = '`check_exist` ({0}) must be of `boolean` type!'.format(
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # `create_dir`
    if not (isinstance(create_dir, bool)):
        msg = '`create_dir` ({0}) must be of `boolean` type!'.format(
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # `bar` - Type
    if not (isinstance(bar_opt, str)):
        msg = '`bar_opt` ({0}) must be of `boolean` type!'.format(
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # Progress bar - Value
    if not (bar_opt in ['tqdm', 'native']):
        msg = '{0} `bar_opt` ({1}) is not a valid option! Exiting'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, bar_opt)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## List of files in the URL
    files_arr = url_file_list(url, ext)
    # Creating directory
    if create_dir:
    # Check for its existence
    if check_exist:
        if not (os.path.exists(outdir)):
            msg = '`outdir` ({0}) was not found!'.format(outdir)
            raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
    ## Downloading files to output directory
    if len(files_arr) > 0:
        if (bar_opt == 'tqdm'):
            tqdm_desc = 'Downloading files: '
            for file_ii in tqdm(files_arr, desc=tqdm_desc):
                # Local file
                file_ii_local = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(file_ii))
                # Checking if local file exists
                if os.path.exists(file_ii_local):
                    if remove_files:
                        wget_opt = True
                        wget_opt = False
                    wget_opt = True
                ## Only downloading if necessary
                if wget_opt:
                    wget.download(file_ii, out=outdir, bar=None)
        elif (bar_opt == 'native'):
            for file_ii in files_arr:
                # Local file
                file_ii_local = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(file_ii))
                # Checking if local file exists
                if os.path.exists(file_ii_local):
                    if remove_files:
                        wget_opt = True
                        wget_opt = False
                    wget_opt = True
                ## Only downloading if necessary
                if wget_opt:
                    wget.download(file_ii, out=outdir)
        msg = '{0} Number of files is ZERO!'.format(file_msg)
Exemplo n.º 17
def abundance_matching_f(dict1,
    Abundance matching based on 2 quantities.
    It assigns values from `dict2` to elements in `dict1`

    dict1 : python dictionary or `numpy.ndarray`
        Dictionary or array of 1st property.

        Keys :
            - `var` : 1st variable to be analysed
            - `dens` : Density array corresponding to `var` elements.
                        Only if `dens` == True.

    dict2 : python dictionary
        dictionary or array of the 2nd property.

        Keys :
            - `var` : 2nd variable to be analyzed
            - `dens` : Density array corresponding to `var` elements.
                        Given if `dens` == True.

    volume1 : float
        Corresponding volume to `dict1`.

    reverse : `bool`, optional
        Determines the relation between `var1` and `var2`.

    dens1_opt : `bool`, optional
        If True, `density` must be calculated.

        Options :
            - `True` : Density is already provided as key for `dict1`.
            - `False` : Density must be calculated.

    var1_ab : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array of elements matching those of `dict1`, after matching with
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Check types of input paramenters
    valid_types = (list, dict, np.ndarray)
    # `dict1`
    if not (isinstance(dict1, valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `dict1` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(dict1))
    # `dict2`
    if not (isinstance(dict2, dict)):
        msg = '{0} `dict2` must be a dictionary. Its type is `{1}`'.format(
            file_msg, type(dict2))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # 2nd property
    var2 = np.asarray(dict2['var'])
    dens2 = np.asarray(dict2['dens'])
    # `dens1_opt`
    if dens1_opt:
        # 1st Property
        var1 = np.asarray(dict1['var'])
        dens_1 = np.asarray(dict1['dens'])
        if (isinstance(dict1, dict)):
            var1 = dict1['var']
        elif (isinstance(dict1, (list, np.ndarray))):
            var1 = dict1.copy()
        # Determining relation between `var1` and `var2`
        mono_opt_1 = reversed_arrays(var1, var2)
        # Monotonically increasing
        if mono_opt_1:
            counts_1 = np.array([np.where(var1 > x)[0].size for x in var1]) + 1
            counts_1 = np.array([np.where(var1 < x)[0].size for x in var1]) + 1
        # Determining density of 1st property
        dens_1 = counts_1.astype(float) / volume1
    # Interpolation for 2nd property
    var2_interp = interp1d(dens2, var2, bounds_error=True, assume_sorted=False)
    # Assigning values to property 1
    var1_ab = np.asarray([var2_interp(xx) for xx in dens_1])

    return var1_ab
Exemplo n.º 18
def data_preprocessing(feat_arr, pre_opt='min_max', reshape=False):
    Preprocess the data used, in order to clean and make the data more
    suitable for the machine learning algorithms

    feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, `list`, `pandas.DataFrame`
        Array of feature values. This array is used for training a
        ML algorithm.

    pre_opt : {'min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'} `str`, optional
        Type of preprocessing to do on `feat_arr`.

            - 'min_max' : Turns `feat_arr` to values between (0,1)
            - 'standard' : Uses `~sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` method
            - 'normalize' : Uses the `~sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer` method
            - 'no' : No preprocessing on `feat_arr`

    reshape : `bool`, optional
        If True, it reshapes `feat_arr` into a 1d array if its shapes is
        equal to (ncols, 1), where `ncols` is the number of columns.
        This variable is set to `False` by default.

    feat_arr_scaled : `numpy.ndarray`
        Rescaled version of `feat_arr` based on the choice of `pre_opt`.

    For more information on how to pre-process your data, see
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    # `feat_arr`
    feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)
    if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(feat_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `pre_opt`
    pre_opt_valid = ['min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no']
    if not (pre_opt in pre_opt_valid):
        msg = '{0} `pre_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format(
            file_msg, pre_opt)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Reshaping `feat_arr`
    if reshape:
        feat_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(feat_arr)
    ## Scaling `feat_arr`
    if (pre_opt == 'min_max'):
        # Scaler
        scaler = skpre.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
        # Rescaling
        feat_arr_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(feat_arr)
    ## Standardize Data
    if pre_opt == 'standard':
        # Scaler
        scaler = skpre.StandardScaler().fit(feat_arr)
        # Rescaling
        feat_arr_scaled = scaler.transform(feat_arr)
    ## Normalize Data
    if pre_opt == 'normalize':
        # Scaler
        scaler = skpre.Normalizer().fit(feat_arr)
        # Rescaling
        feat_arr_scaled = scaler.transform(feat_arr)
    ## No Preprocessing
    if pre_opt == 'no':
        feat_arr_scaled = feat_arr

    return feat_arr_scaled
Exemplo n.º 19
def extract_catls(catl_kind='data',
    Extracts a list of synthetic catalogues given input parameters

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_type : {'mr', 'mstar'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. It shows which abundance matching method
        was used for the CLF when assigning halo masses. This variable is
        set to 'mr' by default.

            - `mr` : Uses r-band absolute magnitude
            - `mstar` : Uses stellar masses

    sample_s : {'19', '20', '21'} str, optional
        Volume-limited sample to use. This variable is set to '19' by default.

            - '19' : Uses the Mr19 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Consuelo'
            - '20' : Uses the Mr20 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Esmeralda'
            - '21' : Uses the Mr21 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Carmen'

    datatype : {'.hdf5'} str, optional
        Data type of the files to be indexed in the folder. This variable
        is set to '.hdf5' by default.

    catl_info : {'members', 'groups'} str, optional
        Option for which kind of catalogues to use.

            - `members` : Member galaxies of group catalogues
            - `groups` : Catalogues with `group` information.

    halotype : {'fof', 'so'} str, optional
        Type of the dark matter halo of the simulation used to create the
        synthetic catalogues. This variable is set to `fof` by default.

            - 'fof': Friends-of-Friends halos.
            - 'so' : Spherical overdensity halos.

    clf_method : {1, 2, 3} int, optional
        Method for assigning galaxy properties to mock galaxies.
        This variable is set to `3` by default.

            - `1` : Independent assigment of (g-r) color, sersic, and log(ssfr)
            - `2` : (g-r) decides active/passive designation and draw values
            - `3` : (g-r) decides active/passive designations, and
                    assigns other galaxy properties for that given galaxy.

    hod_n : {0, 1} int, optional
        HOD model to use. Only relevant when `catl_kind == mocks`.

    clf_seed : int, optional
        Seed used for the `CLF` random seed. This variable is set to `1235`
        by default.

    dv : float, optional
        Difference between galaxy and mass velocity profiles
        (v_g-v_c)/(v_m-v_c). This value is set to `1.0` by default.

    sigma_clf_c : `float`, optional
        Value of the scatter in log(L) for central galaxies in the CLF.
        This variable is set to ``0.1417`` by default.

    perf_opt : `bool`, optional
        If True, it chooses to analyze the `perfect` set of synthetic
        catalogues. This variable is set to `False` by default.

    return_len : `bool`, optional
        If True, the function returns the total number of elements in
        the folder that match the criteria.

    print_filedir : `bool`, optional
        If True, the output directory is printed onto the screen.

    catl_arr : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array of elements/files matching the `datatype` type in the directory.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Checking input parameters
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_type_valid = ['mr', 'mstar']
    sample_s_valid = ['19', '20', '21']
    catl_info_valid = ['members', 'groups']
    halotype_valid = ['fof', 'so']
    clf_method_valid = [1, 2, 3]
    hod_n_valid = np.arange(0, 20)
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_type`
    if not (catl_type in catl_type_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_type` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_type)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sample_s`
    if not (sample_s in sample_s_valid):
        msg = '{0} `sample_s` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, sample_s)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_info`
    if not (catl_info in catl_info_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_info` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_info)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `halotype`
    if not (halotype in halotype_valid):
        msg = '{0} `halotype` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, halotype)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `clf_method`
    if not (clf_method in clf_method_valid):
        msg = '{0} `clf_method` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, clf_method)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `hod_n`
    if not (hod_n in hod_n_valid):
        msg = '{0} `hod_n` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(file_msg, hod_n)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `perf_opt`
    if not (isinstance(perf_opt, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `perf_opt` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(perf_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `print_filedir`
    if not (isinstance(print_filedir, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `print_filedir` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(print_filedir))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `dv`
    if not (dv > 0):
        msg = '{0} `dv` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'.format(file_msg, dv)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Type
    if not (isinstance(sigma_clf_c, float)):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(sigma_clf_c))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Value
    if not (sigma_clf_c >= 0.):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, sigma_clf_c)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `return_len`
    if not (isinstance(return_len, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `return_len` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(return_len))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `datatype`
    if not (isinstance(datatype, str)):
        msg = '{0} `datatype` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(datatype))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Extracting the path of the catalogues
    filedir = catl_sdss_dir(catl_kind=catl_kind,
    # Converting to array
    catl_arr = np.sort(fd.Index(filedir, datatype))
    # Checking number of elements
    if len(catl_arr) == 0:
        msg = '{0} `catl_arr` contains 0 entries!'.format(file_msg)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Returning elements
    if return_len:
        return catl_arr, len(catl_arr)
        return catl_arr
Exemplo n.º 20
def concatenate_pd_df(directory, filetype='hdf5', foutput=None, outonly=True):
    Concatenates pandas DataFrames into a single DataFrame

    directory : str
        Path to the folder containing multiple pandas-HDF5 files

    filetype : str, optional
        File format of the file in `directory` to be read
        This is set to `hdf5` by default.

    foutput : str or NoneType
        If not `None`, it is the basename of the output file in HDF5 format

    outonly : `bool`, optional
        If True, it returns the pandas DataFrame.
        If False, it only saved the concatenated `pandas.DataFrame`.

    df_conc : `pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame containing the combined datasets from the files in

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
        If no files are found in `directory`, it raises an error
        warning about this.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Checking that `directory` exists
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        msg = '{0} `directory` {1} is not a valid path! Exiting!'.format(
            file_msg, directory)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Concatenating files
    files_arr = fd.index(directory, '.' + filetype, sort=True)
    print('{0} Found `{1}` files'.format(file_msg, files_arr.size))
    if len(files_arr) > 0:
        # Initializing array that contains info
        df_arr = [[] for x in range(len(files_arr))]
        # Looping over HDF5 (pandas) files
        for ii, file_ii in enumerate(files_arr):
            df_arr[ii] = read_pandas_hdf5(file_ii)
        # Concatenating arrays
        df_conc = pd.concat(df_arr, ignore_index=True)
        # Deciding name of resulting output file
        if (foutput is not None) and (type(foutput) == str):
            foutput_file = os.path.join(directory,
                                        '{0}.{1}'.format(foutput, filetype))
            # Saving resulting DataFrame
            pandas_df_to_hdf5_file(df_conc, foutput_file, key='/Main')
            # Checking file exists
            print('{0} Output file saved in: {2}'.format(
                file_msg, foutput_file))
        # If only outputting concatenated DataFrame
        if outonly:
            return df_conc
        msg = '{0} No files in `{1}` with extension `{2}`'.format(
            file_msg, directory, filetype)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
Exemplo n.º 21
def catl_keys_prop(catl_kind, catl_info='members', return_type='list'):
    Dictionary keys for the diffeent galaxy and group properties of

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_info : {'members', 'groups'} str, optional
        Option for which kind of catalogues to use.

            - `members` : Member galaxies of group catalogues
            - `groups` : Catalogues with `group` information.

    return_type : {'list', 'dict'} str, optional
        Type of output to the be returned. This variable is set to `list`
        by default.

            - 'list' : Returns the values as part of a list
            - 'dict' : Returns the values as part of a python dictionary

    catl_objs : python dictionary or array_like
        Dictionary/array with the proper keys for the catalogue(s).

        Order : 1) `ssfr_key`, 2) `mstar_key`

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.

    >>> catl_keys_prop('data')
    ['logssfr', 'logMstar_JHU']

    >>> catl_keys_prop('mocks', catl_info='groups', return_type='list')
    ['logssfr', 'logMstar']
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_info_valid = ['members', 'groups']
    return_type_valid = ['list', 'dict']
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_info`
    if not (catl_info in catl_info_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_info` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_info)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `return_type`
    if not (return_type in return_type_valid):
        msg = '{0} `return_type` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, return_type)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Property keys
    # Data
    if (catl_kind == 'data'):
        # Members
        if catl_info == 'members':
            # SSFR and Stellar mass
            logssfr_key, logmstar_key = ['logssfr', 'logMstar_JHU']
        # Groups
        if catl_info == 'groups':
            # SSFR and Stellar mass
            logssfr_key, logmstar_key = ['logssfr_tot', 'logMstar_tot']
    # Mocks
    if (catl_kind == 'mocks'):
        # Members
        if catl_info == 'members':
            # SSFR and Stellar mass
            logssfr_key, logmstar_key = ['logssfr', 'logMstar']
        # Groups
        if catl_info == 'groups':
            # SSFR and Stellar mass
            logssfr_key, logmstar_key = ['logssfr', 'logMstar']
    # Saving values
    if return_type == 'dict':
        catl_objs = {'logssfr_key': logssfr_key, 'logmstar_key': logmstar_key}
    elif return_type == 'list':
        catl_objs = [logssfr_key, logmstar_key]

    return catl_objs
Exemplo n.º 22
def catl_sdss_dir(catl_kind='data',
    Extracts the path to the synthetic catalogues.

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_type : {'mr', 'mstar'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. It shows which abundance matching method
        was used for the CLF when assigning halo masses. This variable is
        set to 'mr' by default.

            - `mr` : Uses r-band absolute magnitude
            - `mstar` : Uses stellar masses

    sample_s : {'19', '20', '21'} str, optional
        Volume-limited sample to use. This variable is set to '19' by default.

            - '19' : Uses the Mr19 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Consuelo'
            - '20' : Uses the Mr20 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Esmeralda'
            - '21' : Uses the Mr21 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Carmen'

    catl_info : {'members', 'groups'} str, optional
        Option for which kind of catalogues to use.

            - `members` : Member galaxies of group catalogues
            - `groups` : Catalogues with `group` information.

    halotype : {'fof', 'so'} str, optional
        Type of the dark matter halo of the simulation used to create the
        synthetic catalogues. This variable is set to `fof` by default.

            - 'fof': Friends-of-Friends halos.
            - 'so' : Spherical overdensity halos.

    clf_method : {1, 2, 3} int, optional
        Method for assigning galaxy properties to mock galaxies.
        This variable is set to `3` by default.

            - `1` : Independent assigment of (g-r) color, sersic, and log(ssfr)
            - `2` : (g-r) decides active/passive designation and draw values
            - `3` : (g-r) decides active/passive designations, and
                    assigns other galaxy properties for that given galaxy.

    hod_n : {0, 1} int, optional
        HOD model to use. Only relevant when `catl_kind == mocks`.

    clf_seed : int, optional
        Seed used for the `CLF` random seed. This variable is set to `1235`
        by default.

    dv : float, optional
        Difference between galaxy and mass velocity profiles
        (v_g-v_c)/(v_m-v_c). This value is set to `1.0` by default.

    sigma_clf_c : `float`, optional
        Value of the scatter in log(L) for central galaxies in the CLF.
        This variable is set to ``0.1417`` by default.

    perf_opt : `bool`, optional
        If True, it chooses to analyze the `perfect` set of synthetic
        catalogues. This variable is set to `False` by default.

    print_filedir : `bool`, optional
        If True, the output directory is printed onto the screen.

    catls_path : str
        Path to the desired set of synthetic catalogues.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_type_valid = ['mr', 'mstar']
    sample_s_valid = ['19', '20', '21']
    catl_info_valid = ['members', 'groups']
    halotype_valid = ['fof', 'so']
    clf_method_valid = [1, 2, 3]
    hod_n_valid = np.arange(0, 20)
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_type`
    if not (catl_type in catl_type_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_type` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_type)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sample_s`
    if not (sample_s in sample_s_valid):
        msg = '{0} `sample_s` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, sample_s)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_info`
    if not (catl_info in catl_info_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_info` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_info)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `halotype`
    if not (halotype in halotype_valid):
        msg = '{0} `halotype` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, halotype)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `clf_method`
    if not (clf_method in clf_method_valid):
        msg = '{0} `clf_method` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, clf_method)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `hod_n`
    if not (hod_n in hod_n_valid):
        msg = '{0} `hod_n` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(file_msg, hod_n)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `perf_opt`
    if not (isinstance(perf_opt, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `perf_opt` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(perf_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `print_filedir`
    if not (isinstance(print_filedir, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `print_filedir` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(print_filedir))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `dv`
    if not (dv > 0):
        msg = '{0} `dv` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'.format(file_msg, dv)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Type
    if not (isinstance(sigma_clf_c, float)):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(sigma_clf_c))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Value
    if not (sigma_clf_c >= 0.):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, sigma_clf_c)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Type of catalogue
    if catl_info == 'members':
        catl_info_str = 'member_galaxy_catalogues'
    elif catl_info == 'groups':
        catl_info_str = 'group_galaxy_catalogues'
    # Perfect catalogue
    if perf_opt:
        # Data
        if catl_kind == 'data':
            msg = '{0} Invalid `catl_kind` ({1}) for when `perf_opt == True'
            msg = msg.format(file_msg, catl_kind)
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
        # Mocks
        catl_info_perf_str = 'perfect_{0}'.format(catl_info_str)
        # Mocks
        catl_info_perf_str = catl_info_str
    # Extracting path of the files
    # Data
    if catl_kind == 'data':
        # Joining paths
        filedir = os.path.join(wp.get_output_path(), 'SDSS', catl_kind,
                               catl_type, 'Mr' + sample_s, catl_info_perf_str)
    # Mocks
    if catl_kind == 'mocks':
        # Joining paths
        filedir = os.path.join(wp.get_output_path(), 'SDSS', catl_kind,
                               'sigma_c_{0}'.format(sigma_clf_c), catl_type,
                               'Mr' + sample_s, catl_info_perf_str)
    # Making sure `filedir` exists
    if not (os.path.exists(filedir)):
        msg = '{0} `filedir` ({1}) does NOT exist! Check input variables'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, filedir)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Printing out paths
    if print_filedir:
        print('{0} `filedir`: {1}'.format(file_msg, filedir))

    return filedir
Exemplo n.º 23
def sdss_catl_clean_nmin(catl_pd,
    Cleans the catalogue removing `failed` values, and only includes
    galaxies that are in groups/halos above a `nmin` threshold.

    catl_pd : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataset with the catalogue information.

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_info : {'members', 'groups'} str, optional
        Option for which kind of catalogues to use.

            - `members` : Member galaxies of group catalogues
            - `groups` : Catalogues with `group` information.

    nmin : int, optional
        Minimum group richness to have in the (galaxy) group catalogue.
        This variable is set to `1` by default.

    perf_opt : `bool`, optional
        Option for using a `perfect` mock catalogue.

    catl_pd_clean : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Cleaned version of `catl_pd` after having removed `failed` values,
        and having choosen only galaxies within groups above a group richness
        threshold of `nmin`.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Checking input parameters
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_info_valid = ['members', 'groups']
    # `catl_pd`
    if not (isinstance(catl_pd, pd.DataFrame)):
        msg = '{0} `catl_pd` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_pd)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_info`
    if not (catl_info in catl_info_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_info` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_info)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `nmin`
    if not ((nmin > 0) and (isinstance(nmin, int))):
        msg = '{0} `nmin` must be an integer and have a value above `0`'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `perf_opt`
    if not (isinstance(perf_opt, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `perf_opt` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(perf_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Types of galaxies
    cens = int(1)
    nmin = int(nmin)
    # Getting keys for catalogue
    (gm_key, id_key, galtype_key) = catl_keys(catl_kind,

    # Cleaning catalogue entries
    catl_pd_clean_all = sdss_catl_clean(catl_pd,
    # Choosing only galaxies in groups of richness >= `nmin`
    # Member galaxies
    if catl_info == 'members':
        # Centrals
        catl_pd_cens = catl_pd_clean_all.loc[(
            catl_pd_clean_all[galtype_key] == cens), id_key]
        catl_pd_cl = catl_pd_clean_all[(
        # Group counts
        group_counts = Counter(catl_pd_cl[id_key])
        group_ngals = np.array(
            [xx for xx in group_counts.keys() if group_counts[xx] >= nmin])
        # Cleaned version
        catl_pd_clean = catl_pd_cl[catl_pd_cl[id_key].isin(group_ngals)]
        catl_pd_clean.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    # Group catalogue
    if catl_info == 'groups':
        if ('ngals' in catl_pd_clean_all.columns.tolist()):
            catl_pd_clean = catl_pd_clean_all.loc[
                catl_pd_clean_all['ngals'] >= nmin]
            catl_pd_clean.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
            msg = '{0} Key `ngals` not found in DataFrame ... Exiting!'
            msg = msg.format(file_msg)
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)

    return catl_pd_clean
Exemplo n.º 24
def sdss_catl_clean(catl_pd, catl_kind, catl_info='members', reindex=True):
    Cleans the catalogue by removing `failed` values.

    catl_pd : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataset with the catalogue information.

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_info : {'members', 'groups'} str, optional
        Option for which kind of catalogues to use.

            - `members` : Member galaxies of group catalogues
            - `groups` : Catalogues with `group` information.

    reindex : `bool`, optional
        If True, the output catalogue is re-indexed.

    catl_pd_clean : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Cleaned version of `catl_pd`, after having removed `failed` values.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    # Checking input parameters
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_info_valid = ['members', 'groups']
    # `catl_pd`
    if not (isinstance(catl_pd, pd.DataFrame)):
        msg = '{0} `catl_pd` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_pd)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_info`
    if not (catl_info in catl_info_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_info` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_info)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `reindex
    if not (isinstance(reindex, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `reindex` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(reindex))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Defining `failed` values
    ssfr_fail_arr = [0, -99, -999, np.nan]
    mstar_fail_arr = [-1, 0, np.nan]
    # Getting keys for catalogues
    (logssfr_key, logmstar_key) = catl_keys_prop(catl_kind=catl_kind,
    # Cleaning catalogue entries
    # Data
    if catl_kind == 'data':
        # Clean version
        catl_pd_clean = catl_pd[~catl_pd[logssfr_key].isin(ssfr_fail_arr) & \
    # Mocks
    if catl_kind == 'mocks':
        # Clean version
        catl_pd_clean = catl_pd[~catl_pd[logssfr_key].isin(ssfr_fail_arr)]
    # Reindexing
    if reindex:
        catl_pd_clean.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    return catl_pd_clean
Exemplo n.º 25
def absolute_magnitude_lim(z, mag_lim, cosmo=None, H0=100., verbose=True):
    Calculates the absolute magnitude limit as function of redshift `z` for
    a flux-limited survey.

    z : float, int, or array_like
        Maximum redshift for a given flux-limited survey.

    mag_lim : float
        Apparent magnitude limit of the flux-limited survey.

    cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
        Cosmology object from Astropy.

    H0 : float, optional
        Hubble parameters value used to estimate distances.
        This variable is set to 100 km/s/Mpc by default.

    verbose : `bool`, optional
        If True, a message will appear when the default cosmology is used.

    abs_mag : float, int, or array_like
        Absolute magnitude limit in units of `abs_mag` + 5*log10(h),
        where `h` is the little Hubble parameter.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    # Redshift
    z_valid_types = (float, int, list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(z, z_valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `z` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(file_msg, type(z))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Magnitude limit
    mag_lim_valid_types = (float, int)
    if not (isinstance(mag_lim, mag_lim_valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `mag_lim` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(mag_lim))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Hubble parameter value
    H0_valid_types = (float, int)
    if not (isinstance(H0, H0_valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `H0` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(file_msg, type(H0))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Calculations
    if not cosmo:
        from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=0.316)
        if verbose:
            print(">> Warning: No cosmology was specified. Using default:",
    ## Luminosity distance
    lum_dist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).value
    ## Absolute magnitude
    abs_mag = apparent_to_absolute_magnitude(mag_lim, lum_dist)

    return abs_mag
Exemplo n.º 26
def Moster2010_relation(log_halo_mass, return_h0=False):
    Returns the halo mass of a central galaxy as a function of its stellar

    log_halo_mass : `float` ,`np.ndarray`, or array-like
        Value or array of values of base-10 logarithm of halo mass
        in ``h = 1`` solar mass units.

    return_h0 : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, the function returns both stellar mass and halo mass
        arrays in units of ``h = 1`` units.

    mass_dict : `dict`
        Dictionary containing arrays or floats containing 10-base logarithm
        of halo mass and stellar mass of central galaxies in units of
        either ``h = 1`` or ``h = 0.7``. The units of ``h`` depend on the
        choice of ``return_h0``.

    The parameter values in Moster+10 were fit to data assuming ``h=0.7``.
    Thus, we will transform our input stellar mass to ``h=0.7`` units,
    evaluate using the Moster parameters, and then transform back to
    ``h=1`` units before returning the result.
    # file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    file_msg = '>>>'
    little_h = 0.72
    ## Checking input parameters
    # `log_halo_mass`
    mstar_valid_types = (int, float, np.ndarray, list)
    if not (isinstance(log_halo_mass, mstar_valid_types)):
        msg = '{0} `log_halo_mass` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(log_halo_mass))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Moster dictionary
    param_dict = _retrieve_Moster_default_dict()
    # Converting halo mass from h=1 to h=0.7
    log_halo_mass -= np.log10(little_h)
    halo_mass = (10.**log_halo_mass)
    ## Moster function
    mass_over_m1 = halo_mass / (10.**param_dict['smhm_m1'])
    m_m1_beta = mass_over_m1**(-1. * param_dict['smhm_beta'])
    m_m1_gamma = mass_over_m1**(param_dict['smhm_gamma'])
    inverse_term = (m_m1_beta + m_m1_gamma)**(-1)
    mass_over_M = 2. * param_dict['smhm_m_M_0'] * inverse_term
    stellar_mass = halo_mass * mass_over_M
    # Converting to log-scale
    log_stellar_mass = np.log10(stellar_mass)
    # Choosing which values to return
    if (return_h0):
        # Returns both masses in units of ``h = 1``
        log_stellar_mass += np.log10(little_h**2)
        log_halo_mass += np.log10(little_h)
    # Dictionary of masses
    return_obj = [log_halo_mass, log_stellar_mass]
    mass_dict = dict(zip(['m_halo', 'm_stellar'], return_obj))

    return mass_dict
Exemplo n.º 27
def train_test_dataset(pred_arr,
    Function to create the training and testing datasets for a given set
    of features array and predicted array.

    pred_arr : `pandas.DataFrame` `numpy.ndarray` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes)
        Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of
        `pred_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_outcomes`, where `n_samples` is the
        number of observations, and `n_outcomes` the number of predicted

    feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, `pandas.DataFrame` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of
        `feat_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_features`, where `n_samples`
        is the number of observations, and `n_features` the number of
        features used.

    pre_opt : {'min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'} `str`, optional
        Type of preprocessing to do on `feat_arr`.

            - 'min_max' : Turns `feat_arr` to values between (0,1)
            - 'standard' : Uses `sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` method
            - 'normalize' : Uses the `sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer` method
            - 'no' : No preprocessing on `feat_arr`

    shuffle_opt : `bool`, optional
        If True, the data is shuffled before splitting into testing and
        training datasets. This variable is set to True by default.

    random_state : int, optional
        Random state number used for when splitting into training and
        testing datasets. If set, it will always have the same seed
        `random_state`. This variable is set to `0` by default.

    test_size : float, optional
        Percentage of the catalogue that represents the `test` size of
        the testing dataset. This variable must be between (0,1).
        This variable is set to `0.25` by default.

    reshape : `bool`, optional
        If True, it reshapes `feat_arr` into a 1d array if its shapes is
        equal to (ncols, 1), where `ncols` is the number of columns.
        This variable is set to `False` by default.

    return_idx : `bool`, optional
        If `True`, it returns the indices of the `training` and `testing`
        datasets. This variable is set to `False` by default.

    train_dict : `dict`
        Dictionary containing the `training` data from the catalogue.

    test_dict : `dict`
        Dictionary containing the `testing` data from the catalogue.

    See also
    data_preprocessing : Function to preprocess a dataset.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    # `pred_arr`
    pred_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)
    if not (isinstance(pred_arr, pred_arr_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `pred_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(pred_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `feat_arr`
    feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)
    if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(feat_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `pre_opt`
    pre_opt_valid = ['min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no']
    if not (pre_opt in pre_opt_valid):
        msg = '{0} `pre_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format(
            file_msg, pre_opt)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `shuffle_opt`
    shuffle_opt_type_valid = (bool)
    if not (isinstance(shuffle_opt, shuffle_opt_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `shuffle_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(shuffle_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `random_state`
    random_state_type_valid = (int)
    if not (isinstance(random_state, random_state_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `random_state` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format(
            file_msg, random_state)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `test_size`
    if not ((test_size > 0) and (test_size < 1.)):
        msg = '{0} `test_size` ({1}) must be in range (0,1)'.format(
            file_msg, test_size)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Checking indices of `pred_arr` and `feat_arr`
    if return_idx:
        # If object is a DataFrame
        if (isinstance(pred_arr, pd.DataFrame)
                and isinstance(feat_arr, pd.DataFrame)):
            pred_arr_idx = pred_arr.index.values
            feat_arr_idx = feat_arr.index.values
            pred_arr_idx = np.arange(len(pred_arr))
            feat_arr_idx = np.arange(len(feat_arr))
        # Reshaping if necessary
        if reshape:
            pred_arr_idx = gu.reshape_arr_1d(pred_arr_idx)
            feat_arr_idx = gu.reshape_arr_1d(feat_arr_idx)
    ## Checking dimensions of `pred_arr` and `feat_arr`
    pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr)
    feat_arr = np.asarray(feat_arr)
    # Dimensions
    if reshape:
        pred_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(pred_arr)
        feat_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(feat_arr)
    # Shape
    if (len(pred_arr) != len(feat_arr)):
        msg = '{0} The shape of `pred_arr` ({1}) and `feat_arr` ({2}) must '
        msg += 'have the same length'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, len(pred_arr), len(feat_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Rescaling Dataset
    feat_arr_scaled = data_preprocessing(feat_arr,
    ## Splitting into `Training` and `Testing` datasets.
    # Scaled
    (X_train, X_test, Y_train,
     Y_test) = skms.train_test_split(feat_arr_scaled,
    # Not-scaled
    (X_train_ns, X_test_ns, Y_train_ns,
     Y_test_ns) = skms.train_test_split(feat_arr,
    # Returning indices if necessary
    if return_idx:
        # Splitting to `training` and `testing`
        (X_train_idx, X_test_idx, Y_train_idx,
         Y_test_idx) = skms.train_test_split(feat_arr_idx,
        if not (np.array_equal(X_train_idx, Y_train_idx)
                and np.array_equal(X_test_idx, Y_test_idx)):
            msg = '{0} Index arrays are not equal to each other!'
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Assigning `training` and `testing` datasets to dictionaries
    # Saving indices if necessary
    if return_idx:
        # Adding 'indices' to dictionaries
        train_dict = {
            'X_train': X_train,
            'Y_train': Y_train,
            'X_train_ns': X_train_ns,
            'Y_train_ns': Y_train_ns,
            'train_idx': X_train_idx
        test_dict = {
            'X_test': X_test,
            'Y_test': Y_test,
            'X_test_ns': X_test_ns,
            'Y_test_ns': Y_test_ns,
            'test_idx': X_test_idx
        train_dict = {
            'X_train': X_train,
            'Y_train': Y_train,
            'X_train_ns': X_train_ns,
            'Y_train_ns': Y_train_ns
        test_dict = {
            'X_test': X_test,
            'Y_test': Y_test,
            'X_test_ns': X_test_ns,
            'Y_test_ns': Y_test_ns

    return train_dict, test_dict
Exemplo n.º 28
def catl_keys(catl_kind, perf_opt=False, return_type='list'):
    Dictionary keys for the different types of catalogues

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} str, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    perf_opt : `bool`, optional
        Option for using a `perfect` mock catalogue.

    return_type : {'list', 'dict'} str, optional
        Type of output to the be returned. This variable is set to `list`
        by default.

            - 'list' : Returns the values as part of a list
            - 'dict' : Returns the values as part of a python dictionary

    catl_keys : python dictionary or array_like
        Dictionary/array with the proper keys for the catalogue(s).

        Order : 1) `gm_key`, 2) `id_key`, 3) `galtype_key`

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.

    >>> catl_keys('data', perf_opt=False, return_type='list')
    ['M_h', 'groupid', 'galtype']

    >>> catl_keys('mocks', perf_opt=True, return_type='list')
    ['M_h', 'haloid', 'galtype']
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in ['data', 'mocks']):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input parameter!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `return_type`
    if not (return_type in ['list', 'dict']):
        msg = '{0} `return_type` ({1}) is not a valid input parameter'.format(
            file_msg, return_type)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `perf_opt`
    if not (isinstance(perf_opt, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `perf_opt` ({1}) must be a boolean object!'.format(
            file_msg, type(perf_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Perfect Catalogue
    if catl_kind == 'data':
        perf_opt = False
    ## Property keys
    if catl_kind == 'data':
        gm_key, id_key, galtype_key = ['M_h', 'groupid', 'galtype']
    elif catl_kind == 'mocks':
        if perf_opt:
            gm_key, id_key, galtype_key = ['M_h', 'haloid', 'galtype']
            gm_key, id_key, galtype_key = ['M_group', 'groupid', 'g_galtype']
    ## Saving values
    if return_type == 'dict':
        catl_objs = {
            'gm_key': gm_key,
            'id_key': id_key,
            'galtype_key': galtype_key
    elif return_type == 'list':
        catl_objs = [gm_key, id_key, galtype_key]

    return catl_objs
Exemplo n.º 29
def catl_sdss_merge(catl_pd_ii,
    Merges the member and group catalogues for a given set of input parameters,
    and returns a modified version of the galaxy group catalogues with added
    info about the galaxy groups.

    catl_pd_ii : `int`
        Index of the catalogue to match,
        from :func:`~cosmo_utils.mock_catalogues.catls_utils.extract_catls`

    catl_kind : {'data', 'mocks'} `str`, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. This variable is set to `data` by default.

            - `data` : catalogues come from SDSS `real` catalogue
            - `mocks` : catalogue come from SDSS `mock` catalogues

    catl_type : {'mr', 'mstar'} `str`, optional
        Type of catalogue to use. It shows which abundance matching method
        was used for the CLF when assigning halo masses. This variable is
        set to 'mr' by default.

            - `mr` : Uses r-band absolute magnitude
            - `mstar` : Uses stellar masses

    sample_s : {'19', '20', '21'} str, optional
        Volume-limited sample to use. This variable is set to '19' by default.

            - '19' : Uses the Mr19 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Consuelo'
            - '20' : Uses the Mr20 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Esmeralda'
            - '21' : Uses the Mr21 volume-limited sample, i.e. 'Carmen'

    halotype : {'fof', 'so'} str, optional
        Type of the dark matter halo of the simulation used to create the
        synthetic catalogues. This variable is set to `fof` by default.

            - 'fof': Friends-of-Friends halos.
            - 'so' : Spherical overdensity halos.

    clf_method : {1, 2, 3} int, optional
        Method for assigning galaxy properties to mock galaxies.
        This variable is set to `3` by default.

            - `1` : Independent assigment of (g-r) color, sersic, and log(ssfr)
            - `2` : (g-r) decides active/passive designation and draw values
            - `3` : (g-r) decides active/passive designations, and
                    assigns other galaxy properties for that given galaxy.

    hod_n : {0, 1} int, optional
        HOD model to use. Only relevant when `catl_kind == mocks`.

    clf_seed : int, optional
        Seed used for the `CLF` random seed. This variable is set to `1235`
        by default.

    dv : float, optional
        Difference between galaxy and mass velocity profiles
        (v_g-v_c)/(v_m-v_c). This value is set to `1.0` by default.

    sigma_clf_c : `float`, optional
        Value of the scatter in log(L) for central galaxies in the CLF.
        This variable is set to ``0.1417`` by default.

    perf_opt : `bool`, optional
        If True, it chooses to analyze the `perfect` set of synthetic
        catalogues. This variable is set to `False` by default.

    return_memb_group :  `bool`, optional
        If True, the function returns the member and group catalogues,
        along with the merged catalogue.
        It returns ``<memb_group_pd, memb_pd, group_pd>``

    print_filedir : `bool`, optional
        If True, the output directory is printed onto the screen.

    memb_group_pd : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Combined version of the i-th member and group catalogues.
        It contains both galaxy and group information.

    memb_pd : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Catalogue of the member galaxies of the i-th catalogue.
        This catalogue contains information of the `member galaxies`.

    group_pd : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Catalogue of the groups of the i-th catalogue.
        This catalogue contains information of the `galaxy groups`.

    LSSUtils_Error : Exception from `LSSUtils_Error`
        Program exception if input parameters are accepted.
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    catl_pd_ii_valid = (float, int, np.int64, np.int32, np.float32, np.float64)
    catl_kind_valid = ['data', 'mocks']
    catl_type_valid = ['mr', 'mstar']
    sample_s_valid = ['19', '20', '21']
    halotype_valid = ['fof', 'so']
    clf_method_valid = [1, 2, 3]
    hod_n_valid = np.arange(0, 20)
    # `catl_pd_ii`
    if (isinstance(catl_pd_ii, catl_pd_ii_valid)):
        catl_pd_ii = int(catl_pd_ii)
        msg = '{0} `catl_pd_ii` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, type(catl_pd_ii))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_kind`
    if not (catl_kind in catl_kind_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_kind` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_kind)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `catl_type`
    if not (catl_type in catl_type_valid):
        msg = '{0} `catl_type` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_type)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sample_s`
    if not (sample_s in sample_s_valid):
        msg = '{0} `sample_s` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, sample_s)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `halotype`
    if not (halotype in halotype_valid):
        msg = '{0} `halotype` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, halotype)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `clf_method`
    if not (clf_method in clf_method_valid):
        msg = '{0} `clf_method` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, clf_method)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `dv`
    if not (dv > 0):
        msg = '{0} `dv` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'.format(file_msg, dv)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Type
    if not (isinstance(sigma_clf_c, float)):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, type(sigma_clf_c))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `sigma_clf_c` - Value
    if not (sigma_clf_c >= 0.):
        msg = '{0} `sigma_clf_c` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg, sigma_clf_c)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `hod_n`
    if not (hod_n in hod_n_valid):
        msg = '{0} `hod_n` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(file_msg, hod_n)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `perf_opt`
    if not (isinstance(perf_opt, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `perf_opt` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(perf_opt))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `return_memb_group`
    if not (isinstance(return_memb_group, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `return_memb_group` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(return_memb_group))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `print_filedir`
    if not (isinstance(print_filedir, bool)):
        msg = '{0} `print_filedir` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format(
            file_msg, type(print_filedir))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Extracting catalogues given input parameters
    (memb_arr, memb_len) = extract_catls(catl_kind=catl_kind,
    # Checking number of catalogues
    if catl_pd_ii > (memb_len - 1):
        msg = '{0} `catl_pd_ii` ({1}) is OUT of range ({2})!'.format(
            file_msg, catl_pd_ii, memb_len)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # Extracting group catalogue
    # i-th Galaxy catalogue
    memb_path = memb_arr[catl_pd_ii]
    # i-th Galaxy Group catalogue
    group_path = catl_sdss_dir(catl_kind=catl_kind,
    # Paths to catalogue
    # Mocks
    if catl_kind == 'mocks':
        group_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(memb_path).replace('memb', 'group'))
    # Data
    if catl_kind == 'data':
        group_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(memb_path).replace('Gals', 'Group'))
    # Checking that file exists
    ## Reading in Catalogues
    memb_pd = fr.read_hdf5_file_to_pandas_DF(memb_path)
    group_pd = fr.read_hdf5_file_to_pandas_DF(group_path)
    ## Keys for the catalogues
    (gm_key, id_key, galtype_key) = catl_keys(catl_kind,
    ## Matching keys from Group catalogue
    if len(np.unique(memb_pd[id_key])) == len(np.unique(group_pd[id_key])):
        # Group column names
        group_colnames = np.sort(group_pd.columns.values)
        ## Sorting `memb_pd` by `id_key`
        # Member catalogue
        memb_pd.sort_values(by=id_key, inplace=True)
        memb_pd.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
        # Group catalogue
        group_pd.sort_values(by=id_key, inplace=True)
        group_pd.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
        ## Renaming columns
        g_colnames_dict = {ii: 'GG_' + ii for ii in group_colnames}
        group_pd.rename(columns=g_colnames_dict, inplace=True)
        group_pd.rename(columns={'GG_' + id_key: id_key}, inplace=True)
        ## Merging the 2 DataFrames
        memb_group_pd = pd.merge(left=memb_pd,
        msg = '{0} Lengths of the 2 DataFrames (`memb_pd`, `group_pd`) '
        msg += 'do not match!'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Returning DataFrames
    if return_memb_group:
        return_obj = (memb_group_pd, memb_pd, group_pd)
        return_obj = memb_group_pd

    return return_obj
Exemplo n.º 30
def scoring_methods(truth_arr,
    Determines the overall score for given arrays, i.e. the `predicted`
    array and the `truth` array

    truth_arr : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes)
        Array consisting of the `true` values for the `n_samples`
        observations. The dimensions of `truth_arr` are
        `n_samples` by `n_outcomes`, where `n_samples` is the
        number of observations, and `n_outcomes` the number of predicted

    feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, array-like, or `NoneType`, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of
        `feat_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_features`, where `n_samples`
        is the number of observations, and `n_features` the number of
        features used. This variable is set to `None` by default.

    pred_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, array-like, or `NoneType`, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes)
        Array of predicted values from `feat_arr`. If ``model == None``,
        this variable must be an array-like object. If ``model != None``,
        this variable will not be used, and will be calculated using
        the `model` object. This variable is set to `None` by default.

    model : scikit-learn model object or `NoneType`
        Model used to estimate the score if ``score_method == 'model_score'``
        This variable is set to `None` by default.

    score_method : {'perc', 'threshold', 'model_score', 'r2'} `str`, optional
        Type of scoring to use when determining how well an algorithm
        is performing.

            - 'perc' : Use percentage and rank-ordering of the values
            - 'threshold' : Score based on diffs of `threshold` or less from true value.
            - 'model_score' : Out-of-the-box metod from `sklearn` to determine success.
            - 'r2': R-squared statistic for error calcuation.

    threshold : float, optional
        Value to use when calculating the error within `threshold` value
        from the truth. This variable is set to `None` by default.
        If `None`, this variable assumes a value of `0.1`.

    perc : float, optional
        Value used when determining score within some `perc` percentile
        value form [0,1]. This variable is set to `None` by default.
        If `None`, it assumes a value of `0.68`.

    method_score : float
        Overall score from `pred_arr` to predict `truth_arr`.

    For more information on how to pre-process your data, see
    file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__)
    ## Checking input parameters
    # `feat_arr`
    feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray, type(None))
    if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(feat_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `truth_arr`
    truth_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray)
    if not (isinstance(truth_arr, truth_arr_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `truth_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(truth_arr))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `score_method` - Type
    score_method_type_valid = (str)
    if not (isinstance(score_method, score_method_type_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `score_method` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(score_method))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `score_method` - Value
    score_method_valid = ['perc', 'threshold', 'model_score', 'r2']
    if not (score_method in score_method_valid):
        msg = '{0} `score_method` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format(
            file_msg, score_method)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(score_method)
    # `threshold` - Type
    threshold_valid = (float, int)
    if not (isinstance(threshold, threshold_valid)):
        msg = '{0} `threshold` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format(
            file_msg, type(threshold))
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # `threshold` - Value
    if not (threshold >= 0.):
        msg = '{0} `threshold` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'.format(
            file_msg, threshold)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Checking for `model`, `pred_arr` and `feat_arr`
    # If both are none
    if ((model is None) and (pred_arr is None)):
        msg = '{0} `model` and `pred_arr` cannot both be `None`. '
        msg += 'Only one can be `None`'
        msg = msg.format(file_msg)
        raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    # If `feat_arr` and `pred_arr` are `None`
    if ((feat_arr is None) and (pred_arr is None)):
        msg = '{0} `feat_arr` and `pred_arr` cannot both be `None`'.format(
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # `pred_arr` - Type
    # If both are `None`
    pred_arr_valid = ((list, np.ndarray))
    if (model is None):
        if not (isinstance(pred_arr, pred_arr_valid)):
            msg = '{0} `pred_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'.format(
                file_msg, type(pred_arr))
            raise LSSUtils_Error(msg)
    ## Choosing scoring method
    # Percentile method
    if (score_method == 'perc'):
        # Checking for `pred_arr`
        if (pred_arr is None):
            pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr)
        # Checking for `model`
        if (model is None):
            pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr)
        # Error calcualtion
        pred_err = np.abs(pred_arr - truth_arr)
        method_score = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(pred_err, 100. * perc)
    # Threshold method
    if (score_method == 'threshold'):
        # Checking for `pred_arr`
        if (pred_arr is None):
            pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr)
        # Checking for `model`
        if (model is None):
            pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr)
        # Error calcualtion
        pred_err = np.abs(pred_arr - truth_arr)
        pred_thresh = len(pred_err[pred_err <= threshold])
        method_score = pred_thresh / len(pred_arr)
    # R-squared method
    if (score_method == 'r2'):
        # Checking for `pred_arr`
        if (pred_arr is None):
            pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr)
        # Checking for `model`
        if (model is None):
            pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr)
        # Error calcualtion
        method_score = skmetrics.r2_score(truth_arr, pred_arr)
    # Model method
    if (score_method == 'model_score'):
        method_score = model.score(feat_arr, truth_arr)

    return method_score