Exemplo n.º 1
def main(A):
  """ normalize to observed mean F """
  zcenter, afactor = numpy.loadtxt(A.datadir + '/afactor.txt', unpack=True)
  AZ = interp1d(zcenter, afactor, fill_value=1.0, kind=4)

  all = numpy.fromfile(A.datadir + '/pass3.raw', dtype=pixeldtype2)
  Z = A.Z(all)
  all['F'] = all['F'] ** AZ(Z)
  all.tofile(A.datadir + '/pass4.raw')
Exemplo n.º 2
def powertopole(r, K, P, kernel):
    """calculate the multipoles of xi upto order nmax, for given P(K)
       K R are in DH units!
    mask = ~numpy.isnan(P) & (K > 0)
    K = K[mask]
    P = P[mask]
    P = P * (2 * numpy.pi) ** 3 # going from GADGET to xiao
    Pfunc = interp1d(K, P, kind=5)

    xi = numpy.empty_like(r)
    for i in range(len(r)):
        def func(k):
            rt = Pfunc(k) * k ** 2 * numpy.exp(- (k *1e3) ** 2) * kernel(k * r[i])
            return rt
        xi[i] = quad(func, K.min(), K.max())[0]
    return xi * (2 * numpy.pi) ** -3