Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, zd=0.3, zs=2., h=0.7, rein=1., rc=1e-4, gamma=2., images=[], source=0., \
                 obs_images=None, obs_gamma=None):

        self.zd = zd
        self.zs = zs
        self.h = h

        self.rein = rein
        self.rc = rc
        self.gamma = gamma

        self.caustic = None
        self.radcrit = None
        self.xminmag = None
        self.yminmag = None
        self.magmin = None

        self.source = source
        self.images = images
        self.timedelay = None
        self.grids = None
        self.radmag_ratio = None
        self.imA = None
        self.imB = None

        self.obs_gamma = obs_gamma
        self.obs_images = obs_images

        self.ds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, **default_cosmo)
        self.dds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, self.zd, **default_cosmo)
        self.dd = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zd, **default_cosmo)

        self.S_cr = cgs.c**2/(4.*np.pi*cgs.G)*self.ds*self.dd/self.dds*cgs.Mpc*cgs.arcsec2rad**2
        self.arcsec2kpc = cgs.arcsec2rad*self.dd*1000.
        self.Dt = self.dd*self.ds/self.dds*cgs.Mpc*(1. + self.zd)
Exemplo n.º 2
def timeDelayDistanceForSIS(velocityDispersion, zLens, zSource):
    At the moment, i have saved the fermat potential in unitless
    i.e deltaPHI

    so i need to times by 
    eta0^2 Ds / (Dls*Dl)*(1+z)
    eta0 = 4 pi (v/c)^2 * Dl Dls / Dls


    cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 1.}
    cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
    Dl = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens, **cosmo)
    Dls = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo)
    Ds = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo)

    cInKmPerSecond = 3e5
    cInMpcPerDay = 9.7156e-15 * 60. * 60. * 24

    Eta0 = 4. * np.pi * (velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond) * Dl * Dls / Ds

    TimeDelayDistance = (1 + zLens) / cInMpcPerDay * Ds / (Dl * Dls) * Eta0**2

    return TimeDelayDistance
def getAnalyticExpression(logTimeDelay,
    cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 1.}
    cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
    Dl = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens, **cosmo)
    Dls = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo)
    Ds = dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo)

    cInKmPerSecond = 3e5
    cInMpcPerSecond = 9.7156e-15
    seconds2days = 1. / 60. / 60. / 24
    timeDelayDistance = getTimeDelayDistance(zLens, zSource, 100.)
    lensPlaneDistanceMpc = np.arange(500) / 1000. * 1e-4
    angle = lensPlaneDistanceMpc / Dl

    analytic = 8. * np.pi * (
        velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond
    )**2 * timeDelayDistance * Dls / Ds * angle * seconds2days

    maxTimeDelay = np.log10(
        32. * np.pi**2 * (velocityDispersion / cInKmPerSecond)**4 * Dl * Dls /
        Ds * (1. + zLens) / cInMpcPerSecond * seconds2days)

    #logTimeDelay = np.linspace(-3,maxTimeDelay,100)
    probability = (10**logTimeDelay)**2
    probability = probability / probability[np.argmin(
        np.abs(logTimeDelay - maxTimeDelay))]
    probability[logTimeDelay > maxTimeDelay] = 0
    dX = logTimeDelay[1] - logTimeDelay[0]
    #probability = gauss(probability, 1)
    #characterstic scale in kpc
    epsilon0 = 4.*np.pi*(velocityDispersion/cInKmPerSecond)**2\
    subsample = 4.
    dy = 0.1 / epsilon0 * Dl / Ds / subsample

    timeDelayOnePixel = dy / 10**maxTimeDelay

    box_kernel = Box1DKernel(kernelSize)
    probability = convolve(probability, box_kernel)
    probability /= np.sum(probability * dX)
    print("convolution kernel size is ", dX * kernelSize)
    return logTimeDelay, probability
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot_DA(filename):
    The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH.
    # Set up an array of redshift values.
    dz = 0.1
    z = numpy.arange(0., 10. + dz, dz)

    # Set up a cosmology dictionary, with an array of matter density values.
    cosmo = {}
    dom = 0.01
    om = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.linspace(0.1, 1.0, (1. - 0.1) / dom)).transpose()
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = om
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0']
    cosmo['h'] = 0.701
    cosmo['omega_k_0'] = 0.0

    # Calculate the hubble distance.
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)
    # Calculate the angular diameter distance.
    da, da_err1, da_err2 = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)

    # Make plots.
    plot_dist(z, dz, om, dom, da, dh, 'angular diameter distance', r'D_A',
    plot_dist_ony(z, dz, om, dom, da, dh, 'angular diameter distance', r'D_A',
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot_DA(filename):
    """The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH. 

    # Set up an array of redshift values.
    dz = 0.1
    z = numpy.arange(0., 10. + dz, dz)

    # Set up a cosmology dictionary, with an array of matter density values.
    cosmo = {}
    dom = 0.01
    om = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.linspace(0.1, 1.0,
                                         (1. - 0.1) / dom)).transpose()
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = om
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = 1. - cosmo['omega_M_0']
    cosmo['h'] = 0.701
    cosmo['omega_k_0'] = 0.0

    # Calculate the hubble distance.
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)
    # Calculate the angular diameter distance.
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)

    # Make plots.
    plot_dist(z, dz, om, dom, da, dh, 'angular diameter distance', r'D_A',
    plot_dist_ony(z, dz, om, dom, da, dh, 'angular diameter distance', r'D_A',
Exemplo n.º 6
def fill_free_electron_parameters(rm, tau20=0.001):
    # tau20 is the optical depth to Thomson scattering for a
    # CMB photon traversing through the center of a Lambda=20 cluster.
    ncl = len(rm['ra'])
    tau = []
    theta_c = []
    dang = distance.angular_diameter_distance(rm['z_spec'], **cosmo)
    for i in range(ncl):
        this_lambda = rm['lam'][i]
        this_tau = tau20*(this_lambda/20.)#tmpp, how should it scale w mass?        
        #this_tau = tau20*(this_lambda/20.)**(1./3.)#tmpp, how should it scale w mass?
        this_rc_mpc = 0.3 #tmpp.  should scale with some power of lambda.
        #this_rc_mpc = 0.3*(this_lambda/20.)**(1./3.)
        this_theta_c = this_rc_mpc/dang[i]
    tau = np.array(tau)
    theta_c = np.array(theta_c)
    rm['tau'] = tau
    rm['theta_c'] = theta_c
    t0 = -(rm['vlos']/constants.c_light_Mpc_s)*TCMB*rm['tau']
    rm['t0'] = t0
Exemplo n.º 7
def val_dA( z ):
    """This returns angular-diameter distance in [cm comoving],
    or in other words, the comoving radial distance [in cm comoving]. It only takes z.""" 
    cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : Omatter, 'omega_lambda_0' : Olambda, 'h' : h0}
    cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0( cosmo )

    res =  cd.angular_diameter_distance( z, **cosmo ) * Mpc_in_cm * ( 1 + z )
    return res
def test_figure2():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 2: The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH.

    The three curves are for the three world models, 

    - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid]
    : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted]

    -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed]

    Hubble distance DH = c / H0

    z from 0--5
    DA / DH from 0--0.5


    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0],[0.05],[0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5
    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)

    # Also test the pathway with non-zero z0
    da2 = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, z0=1e-8, **cosmo)

    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (da/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
        pylab.plot(z, (da2/dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"angular diameter distance $D_A/D_H$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') + 
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, zd=0.3, zs=2., h=0.7, mstar=1e11, mdme=1e11, beta=1., reff_phys=1., rs_phys=10., images=[], source=0., \
                 obs_images=None, obs_lmstar=None, obs_radmagrat=None, obs_timedelay=None, delta_halo=200.):

        self.zd = zd
        self.zs = zs
        self.h = h
        self.halo = None
        self.mstar = mstar
        self.mdme = mdme
        self.beta = beta
        self.rs_phys = rs_phys
        self.delta_halo = delta_halo
        self.reff_phys = reff_phys
        self.caustic = None
        self.radcrit = None
        self.source = source
        self.images = images
        self.timedelay = None
        self.grids = None
        self.radmag_ratio = None
        self.dyndic = None
        self.rein = None
        self.imA = None
        self.imB = None
        self.rvir = None
        self.rs = None
        self.gammap = None
        self.obs_lmstar = obs_lmstar
        self.obs_radmagrat = obs_radmagrat
        self.obs_images = obs_images
        self.obs_timedelay = obs_timedelay

        self.ds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, **default_cosmo)
        self.dds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, self.zd, **default_cosmo)
        self.dd = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zd, **default_cosmo)

        self.S_cr = cgs.c**2/(4.*np.pi*cgs.G)*self.ds*self.dd/self.dds*cgs.Mpc/cgs.M_Sun*cgs.arcsec2rad**2
        self.arcsec2kpc = cgs.arcsec2rad*self.dd*1000.
        self.reff = self.reff_phys/self.arcsec2kpc
        self.rs = self.rs_phys/self.arcsec2kpc
        self.Dt = self.dd*self.ds/self.dds*cgs.Mpc*(1. + self.zd)
        self.rhoc = density.cosmo_densities(**default_cosmo)[0]*distance.e_z(self.zd, **default_cosmo)**2
        self.xmin = 1.01*max(self.reff/50., 0.1*self.rs/50.)
        self.xmax = 0.99*min(10.*self.reff, 100.*self.rs/50.)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_figure2():
    """Plot Hogg fig. 2: The dimensionless angular diameter distance DA/DH.

    The three curves are for the three world models, 

    - Einstein-de Sitter (omega_M, omega_lambda) = (1, 0) [solid]
    : Low-density (0.05, 0) [dotted]

    -- High lambda, (0.2, 0.8) [dashed]

    Hubble distance DH = c / H0

    z from 0--5
    DA / DH from 0--0.5


    z = numpy.arange(0, 5.05, 0.05)

    cosmo = {}
    cosmo['omega_M_0'] = numpy.array([[1.0], [0.05], [0.2]])
    cosmo['omega_lambda_0'] = numpy.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.8]])
    cosmo['h'] = 0.5

    linestyle = ['-', ':', '--']

    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(0, **cosmo)
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)

    # Also test the pathway with non-zero z0
    da2 = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, z0=1e-8, **cosmo)

    pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for i in range(len(linestyle)):
        pylab.plot(z, (da / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
        pylab.plot(z, (da2 / dh)[i], ls=linestyle[i])
    pylab.xlim(0, 5)
    pylab.ylim(0, 0.5)
    pylab.xlabel("redshift z")
    pylab.ylabel(r"angular diameter distance $D_A/D_H$")
    pylab.title("compare to " + inspect.stack()[0][3].replace('test_', '') +
                " (astro-ph/9905116v4)")
Exemplo n.º 11
def dvdz(z):
    dv/dz to impose uniformity
    in redshift
    cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':0.72}
    d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) #angular diameter distance
    h = cd.e_z(z, **cosmo) #hubble parameter
    dvdz = (1+z)**2. * d_a **2  * h **-1. #dv/dz
    return dvdz
Exemplo n.º 12
 def zdistance(self,clus_z,H0=100.0):
     Finds the angular diameter distance for an array of cluster center redshifts.
     Instead, use angular distance file precalculated and upload.
     cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3,'omega_lambda_0':0.7,'h':H0/100.0}
     cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
     ang_d = cd.angular_diameter_distance(clus_z,**cosmo)
     lum_d = cd.luminosity_distance(clus_z,**cosmo)
     return ang_d,lum_d
Exemplo n.º 13
 def zdistance(self, clus_z, H0=100.0):
     Finds the angular diameter distance for an array of cluster center redshifts.
     Instead, use angular distance file precalculated and upload.
     cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': H0 / 100.0}
     cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
     ang_d = cd.angular_diameter_distance(clus_z, **cosmo)
     lum_d = cd.luminosity_distance(clus_z, **cosmo)
     return ang_d, lum_d
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, zd=0.3, zs=2., h70=1.0, mstar=1e11, mhalo=1e13, reff_phys=1., ns=4., cvir=5., images=[], \
                 source=0., obs_images=None, obs_lmstar=None, obs_radmagrat=None, obs_timedelay=None, delta_halo=200.):

        self.zd = zd
        self.zs = zs
        self.h70 = h70
        self.bulge = None
        self.halo = None
        self.mstar = mstar
        self.mhalo = mhalo
        self.delta_halo = delta_halo
        self.reff_phys = reff_phys
        self.ns = ns
        self.caustic = None
        self.radcrit = None
        self.source = source
        self.images = images
        self.timedelay = None
        self.grids = None
        self.radmag_ratio = None
        self.dyndic = None
        self.rein = None
        self.imA = None
        self.imB = None
        self.rvir = None
        self.rs = None
        self.gammap = None
        self.obs_lmstar = obs_lmstar
        self.obs_radmagrat = obs_radmagrat
        self.obs_images = obs_images
        self.obs_timedelay = obs_timedelay

        self.ds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, **default_cosmo)
        self.dds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, self.zd, **default_cosmo)
        self.dd = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zd, **default_cosmo)

        self.S_cr = cgs.c**2/(4.*np.pi*cgs.G)*self.ds*self.dd/self.dds*cgs.Mpc/cgs.M_Sun*cgs.arcsec2rad**2
        self.arcsec2kpc = cgs.arcsec2rad*self.dd*1000.
        self.reff = self.reff_phys/self.arcsec2kpc
        self.cvir = cvir
        self.Dt = self.dd*self.ds/self.dds*cgs.Mpc/cgs.c*(1. + self.zd)/cgs.c
        self.rhoc = density.cosmo_densities(**default_cosmo)[0]*distance.e_z(self.zd, **default_cosmo)**2
def getTimeDelayDistance(zLens, zSource, HubbleConstant, omegaLambda=1.0):
        Get the time delay distance for this particle lens

        #Wessels distance class
        omegaMatter = 1. - omegaLambda
        OmegaK = 1. - omegaMatter - omegaLambda

        cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.7, 'h' : HubbleConstant/100.}
        cosmo = dist.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)    
        Dls =  dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, z0=zLens, **cosmo)
        Dl =  dist.angular_diameter_distance(zLens,**cosmo)
        Ds =  dist.angular_diameter_distance(zSource, **cosmo)
        cInMpcPerSecond = 9.7156e-15
        return  (1.+zLens)*Dl*Ds/Dls/cInMpcPerSecond
Exemplo n.º 16
def testCosmo():


	import cosmolopy.distance as cosmology

	### Constants
	z = 2.4

	### Magneville:
	# omegaM = 0.267804
	# omegaL = 0.73
	# omegaK = 0.002117
	# h      = 0.71

	### Fiduciel BAOFIT
	# omegaM = 0.27
	# omegaL = 0.73
	# omegaK = 0
	# h      = 0.7
	# rd = 149.7

	cosmoCMV = {'omega_M_0':0.267804, 'omega_lambda_0':0.73, 'omega_k_0':0.002117, 'h':0.71}
	cosmoFID = {'omega_M_0':0.27, 'omega_lambda_0':0.73, 'omega_k_0':0, 'h':0.70}
	DAZ_CMV = cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z,**cosmoCMV)
	HZ_CMV  = cosmology.hubble_distance_z(z,**cosmoCMV) #cosmology.hubble_z(z,**cosmoCMV)*3.085677581e22/1.e3

	DAZ_FID = cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z,**cosmoFID)
	HZ_FID  = cosmology.hubble_distance_z(z,**cosmoFID) #cosmology.hubble_z(z,**cosmoFID)*3.085677581e22/1.e3

	print HZ_CMV, HZ_FID

	print HZ_FID/HZ_CMV

Exemplo n.º 17
def test_distances(threshold = 1e-3):
    """Compare distance measures with calculations from http://icosmo.org/"""
    cosmo = cosmo_wmap_5()

    print("Comparing distances with calculations from http://icosmo.org/")

    # load external distance calculations
    # z  DA(z)   DT(z)   DL(z) 
    distance_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    distance_file = os.path.join(distance_file, 'icosmo_testdata', 
    ic_dists = numpy.loadtxt(distance_file)

    z = ic_dists[:,0]

    cd_da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dt = cd.light_travel_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dists = numpy.vstack((cd_dm, cd_da, cd_dt, cd_dl))

    labels = [ r'$D_M$', r'$D_A$', r'$D_T$', r'$D_L$']
    threshold = [1e-7,    1e-7,     1e-3,    1e-7    ]  

    # print ic_dists[-1].transpose()
    # print cd_dists[:,-1]
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        pylab.plot(ic_dists[:,0], ic_dists[:,i+1], 
                   label=labels[i] +' IC', ls=':')
        pylab.plot(z, cd_dists[i], label=labels[i] +' distance.py', ls='-')


    for i in range(len(labels)):
        diff = (cd_dists[i] - ic_dists[:,i+1]) / ic_dists[:,i+1]
        maxdiff = numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff[ic_dists[:,i+1] > 0]))
        print("Maximum fraction difference in %s is %e." % (labels[i],
        assert(numpy.all(maxdiff < threshold[i]))
                   label=labels[i], ls='-')

    #pylab.plot(z, err2, label=labels[1] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err3, label=labels[2] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err5, label=labels[3] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err6, label=labels[0] + ' err.', ls=':')

Exemplo n.º 18
def test_distances(threshold = 1e-3):
    """Compare distance measures with calculations from http://icosmo.org/"""
    cosmo = cosmo_wmap_5()

    print "Comparing distances with calculations from http://icosmo.org/"

    # load external distance calculations
    # z  DA(z)   DT(z)   DL(z) 
    distance_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    distance_file = os.path.join(distance_file, 'icosmo_testdata', 
    ic_dists = numpy.loadtxt(distance_file)

    z = ic_dists[:,0]

    cd_da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dt = cd.light_travel_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z, **cosmo)
    cd_dists = numpy.vstack((cd_dm, cd_da, cd_dt, cd_dl))

    labels = [ r'$D_M$', r'$D_A$', r'$D_T$', r'$D_L$']
    threshold = [1e-7,    1e-7,     1e-3,    1e-7    ]  

    # print ic_dists[-1].transpose()
    # print cd_dists[:,-1]
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        pylab.plot(ic_dists[:,0], ic_dists[:,i+1], 
                   label=labels[i] +' IC', ls=':')
        pylab.plot(z, cd_dists[i], label=labels[i] +' distance.py', ls='-')


    for i in range(len(labels)):
        diff = (cd_dists[i] - ic_dists[:,i+1]) / ic_dists[:,i+1]
        maxdiff = numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff[ic_dists[:,i+1] > 0]))
        print "Maximum fraction difference in %s is %e." % (labels[i],
        assert(numpy.all(maxdiff < threshold[i]))
                   label=labels[i], ls='-')

    #pylab.plot(z, err2, label=labels[1] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err3, label=labels[2] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err5, label=labels[3] + ' err.', ls=':')
    #pylab.plot(z, err6, label=labels[0] + ' err.', ls=':')

def err_Dv(z):
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.76, 'h' : 0.73}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)
	H_z = cd.hubble_distance_z(z, **cosmo)
	'''________________The error on Dv___________________'''
	part1 = ( dasigma/ d_a ) **2 
	part2 = (Hsigma/ H_z)**2
	part3 = 0.0 #(cov_DaH/ (d_a* H_z))
	sigma_Dv = sqrt(Dv(Z)**2 * (part1 + part2 + part3 ))
	return  sigma_Dv
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, zd=0.3, zs=2., rein=1., gamma=2., beta=0., images=[], source=0., h=0.7):
        self.zd = zd
        self.zs = zs
        self.h = h
        self.rein = rein
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.beta = beta
        self.caustic = None
        self.radcrit = None
        self.source = source
        self.images = images
        self.timedelay = None
        self.grids = None
        self.radmag_ratio = None

        self.ds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, **default_cosmo)
        self.dds = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zs, self.zd, **default_cosmo)
        self.dd = distance.angular_diameter_distance(self.zd, **default_cosmo)

        self.S_cr = cgs.c**2/(4.*np.pi*cgs.G)*self.ds*self.dd/self.dds*cgs.Mpc/cgs.M_Sun*cgs.arcsec2rad**2
        self.arcsec2kpc = cgs.arcsec2rad*self.dd*1000.

        self.Dt = self.dd*self.ds/self.dds*cgs.Mpc*(1. + self.zd)
Exemplo n.º 21
def lnprior(z, zmin , zmax):
    dv/dz to impose uniformity
    in redshift
    if z<0.01:
       return -np.inf
    elif z>2.0:
       return -np.inf
       d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo) #angular diameter distance
       h = cd.e_z(z, **cosmo) #hubble parameter
       dvdz = (1+z)**2. * d_a **2  * h **-1. #dv/dz
       #for the sake of numerical stability we devide dvdz by 10000.0
       return np.log(dvdz / 10000.0)
def da(z):
	# Planck best-fit parameters
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':        0.316,
			 'omega_lambda_0':   0.684,
    			'omega_b_0':        0.049,
    			'N_eff':            3.046,
   			 'h':                0.67,
   			 'ns':               0.962,
   			 'sigma_8':          0.834,
    			'gamma':            0.55,
   			 'w0':               -1.,
    			'wa':               0.,
   			 'sigma_nl':         7.}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)/(h)
	print "Angular diameter distance = %.1f Mpc)" % (d_a) 
	return  d_a
Exemplo n.º 23
def da(z):
	'''This function is to calculate the angular diameter distance
        The units are in Mpc
        The cosmological parameters are Planck best-fit parameters
        Note: you need to install cosmolopy and import cosmolopy.constants as cc
        and  import cosmolopy.distance as cd
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0':        0.316,
			 'omega_lambda_0':   0.684,
    			'omega_b_0':        0.049,
    			'N_eff':            3.046,
   			 'h':                0.67,
   			 'ns':               0.962,
   			 'sigma_8':          0.834,
    			'gamma':            0.55,
   			 'w0':               -1.,
    			'wa':               0.,
   			 'sigma_nl':         7.}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)*(cosmo['h'])
	#print "Angular diameter distance = %.1f Mpc)" % (d_a) 
	return  d_a
Exemplo n.º 24
import numpy as np

def mass(theta, dl, ds, dls, c=3 * (10**8), G=4.3 * (10**-3)):
    theta in units of rad
    dmin in units of ???
    dl, ds, dls in units of Mpc    
    c in units of m/s
    G in units of m^2 Mpc Msun^-1 s^-2    
    return theta**2 * ((c**2) / (4 * G)) * (dl * ds / dls)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    theta = [np.radians(v / (60. * 60.)) for v in [1.20, 1.50]]
    zlens = 0.222
    zring = 0.609  # of the inner ring
    params = {'omega_M_0': 0.3, 'omega_lambda_0': 0.7, 'h': 0.72}
    params = cosmo.set_omega_k_0(params)

    dl = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zlens, **params)
    ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zring, **params)
    dls = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zring, zlens, **params)[0]

    print('DL = {0}\nDS = {1}\nDLS = {2}'.format(dl, ds, dls))

    for th in theta:
        m = mass(th, dl, ds, dls)
        print('Mlens = {0}'.format(m))
def DA_cosmo(z):
	cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 0.76, 'h' : 0.73}
	cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
	d_a = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z, **cosmo)
	return d_a
Exemplo n.º 26

val = numpy.zeros(len(z))

for i in xrange(len(z)):
    #Hubble Distance
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(z[i],**Cosmology)*cd.e_z(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is equivalent to D_H / E(z) = c / (H_0 E(z)) [see his eq. 14], which
        #appears in the definitions of many other distance measures.
    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4
    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc
    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i],**Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.
    agetl = cd.age(z[i],**Cosmology)
Exemplo n.º 27
N = 200

z = numpy.arange(0.001, 5, 1. / N)

val = numpy.zeros(len(z))

for i in xrange(len(z)):
    #Hubble Distance
    dh = cd.hubble_distance_z(z[i], **Cosmology) * cd.e_z(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #In David Hogg's (arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4) formalism, this is equivalent to D_H / E(z) = c / (H_0 E(z)) [see his eq. 14], which
    #appears in the definitions of many other distance measures.

    dm = cd.comoving_distance_transverse(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 16 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    da = cd.angular_diameter_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equations 18-19 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4

    dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #Units are Mpc

    dVc = cd.diff_comoving_volume(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #The differential comoving volume element dV_c/dz/dSolidAngle.
    #Dimensions are volume per unit redshift per unit solid angle.
    #Units are Mpc**3 Steradians^-1.
    #See David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4, equation 28

    tl = cd.lookback_time(z[i], **Cosmology)
    #See equation 30 of David Hogg's arXiv:astro-ph/9905116v4. Units are s.

    agetl = cd.age(z[i], **Cosmology)
def D(z):
     cosmo = {'omega_M_0' : 0.24, 'omega_lambda_0' : 1. - 0.24-0.0418, 'h' : 0.73}
     return cd.angular_diameter_distance(z , **cosmo) * h
Exemplo n.º 29
def a_distance(var):
    return cd.angular_diameter_distance(var, **cosmo)
Exemplo n.º 30
def distance(redshift):
    return cd.angular_diameter_distance(redshift, **cosmo)
def distance(variable):
    return cd.angular_diameter_distance(variable, **cosmo)
Exemplo n.º 32
import numpy as np
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
cosmo = {'omega_M_0': 0.308,                                                                                                                                                                 
         'omega_lambda_0': 0.692,
         'omega_k_0': 0.0,
         'h': 0.678}
# Angular diameter distance 
L = cd.angular_diameter_distance(2, z0=0, **cosmo)

# (proper) width = height of the observed volume
D = 200 * L

V = L * D**2
print("L = " + str(L) + " Mpc")
print("D = "+ str(D) + " Mpc")
print("V = " + str(V) + "Mpc^3")

def D(z):
     h = 0.72
     return cd.angular_diameter_distance(z , **cosmo) * h
yploterr_2 = interpolate.splev(xplot_2, tckerr_2, der=0)
yplot_2 = interpolate.splev(xplot_2, tck_2, der=0)
             label='Pourtsidou et al. 2014 (z=2)')

for redshift in range(2, 3):
    constantfactor[redshift] = (9 / 4) * np.power(H0 / c, 4) * np.power(
        omegam0, 2) * (fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=False) *
                       (1 + redshift))**2
    # This should be angular diameter distance
    #chi_s[redshift] = cd.comoving_distance(redshift, **cosmo) # upper limit of integration
    chi_s[redshift] = cd.angular_diameter_distance(
        redshift, **cosmo)  # upper limit of integration

    # Filling the angular power spectrum array
    for L in range(l_plot_low_limit, l_plot_upp_limit):
        print("Calculating ang. pow. spec. for L = " + str(L))
        angpowspec_without_j[L] = angpowspec_integration_without_j(L, redshift)

        for j in range(j_low_limit, j_upp_limit):
            angpowspec_with_j[L, j] = angpowspec_integration_with_j(
                L, j, redshift)

    # Error bars for angular power spectrum
    for L in range(l_plot_low_limit + 10, l_plot_upp_limit, err_stepsize):
        noise_denominator_for_this_j = 0
        noise_denominator_sum = 0
        N3_for_this_j = 0
from math import *
Exemplo n.º 36

###########CALCULATING NGALS PER CLUSTER#############
print 'matching galaxies within test radii'

#get cluster centers etc.


rmax=3.0     #maximum test radius in mpc. rmax will always be included as a test radius regardless of rmin,step
rmin=0.1   #minimum test radius in mpc. rmin always included as test radius
step=0.1  #step size, stepping from rmin to rmax, in mpc

def gaussian(x,mu,sigma):
    return 1/(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))

m_tot float default -999,BT float default -999, 
n_bulge float default -999,r_bulge float default -999, 
m_bulge float default -999, ba_bulge float default -999,
pa_bulge float default -999,
r_disk float default -999,m_disk float default -999,
ba_disk float default -999,pa_disk float default -999);""".format(**all_info)

    print cmd

for model in all_info['model_list']:
    for redshift in np.arange(all_info['z_range']['start'], all_info['z_range']['stop'], all_info['z_range']['scale']):
        kpc_scale = distance.angular_diameter_distance(redshift, **all_info['cosmo'])*1000.0*np.pi/(180.0*3600.0) #kpc_per_arcsec
        dismod = magnitudes.distance_modulus(redshift, **all_info['cosmo'])
        print "redshift:%.2f, scale:%.1f, DM:%.1f" %(redshift, kpc_scale, dismod)
        cmd = """insert into {dba}.{out_table} (model, galcount, name, 
kpc_per_arcsec, dismod, zeropoint, z, BT, n_bulge, ba_bulge, 
pa_bulge, ba_disk, pa_disk) select 
'{model}', b.galcount, b.name,
{kpc_scale}, {dismod},  -1.0*c.aa_r-c.kk_r*c.airmass_r, {z}, 
b.BT, b.n, b.eb,b.bpa+90.0, 
b.ed, b.dpa+90.0 
from {dba}.CAST as c, {dba}.{in_table} as b, {dba}.DERT as d 
d.galcount = b.galcount and b.galcount = c.galcount;""".format(model=model,
                                                               kpc_scale = kpc_scale, dismod = dismod, z=redshift, **all_info).format(model=model)
        print cmd