Exemplo n.º 1
	def get_xi_0_2_4_from_pk(self,path_to_pk,index=[0,1],comoving=True):

		f = cp.fgrowth(self._z,self._omega_matter_0)
		print '  The growth factor is : f = ', f
		print cp.fgrowth(0,self._omega_matter_0)
		a = cp.fgrowth(2.3,self._omega_matter_0)

		data = numpy.loadtxt(path_to_pk)
		k  = numpy.zeros( data[:,1].size+1 )
		pk = numpy.zeros( data[:,1].size+1 )

		if (comoving) :
			k = data[:,index[0]]
			pk = data[:,index[1]]*f*f
			k = data[:,index[0]]/self._h_0
			pk = data[:,index[1]]*numpy.power(self._h_0,3.)*f*f
		pk /= a*a

		#pk *= numpy.power(self.window_spherical(k,0.7),2.)

		r2,cric2 = self.xi_from_pk(k,pk)
		index_of_bin_greeter_than_half_max = numpy.arange(r2.size)[ r2>numpy.max(r2)/2. ][0]
		size = r2[1:index_of_bin_greeter_than_half_max].size
		print '  index of bin greeter than half max  =  ', index_of_bin_greeter_than_half_max
		print '  size = ', size
		xi0 = numpy.zeros( shape=(size,2) )
		xi0[:,0] = r2[1:index_of_bin_greeter_than_half_max]
		xi0[:,1] = cric2[1:index_of_bin_greeter_than_half_max]

		xi2, xi4 = self.get_xi2_and_xi4_from_xi0(xi0)

		return xi0, xi2, xi4
	def get_variance_function_vs_redshift(self,function_index,z_min, z_max, z_step=0.1):
			Get the mean of the given transforming functions versus the redshift

		z    = numpy.arange(z_min, z_max, z_step)
		mean = numpy.zeros(z.size)
		variance = numpy.zeros(z.size)
		for i in numpy.arange(mean.size):
			d_growth = cp.fgrowth(z[i],self._omega_matter_0)
			self._a     = self.get_parameter_a(z[i])
			self._gamma = 1.6*d_growth
			mean[i]     = self.get_mean_function(function_index)

			self._a     *= 2.
			variance[i] = self.get_mean_function(function_index)
		self._a     = self.get_parameter_a(self._z)
		self._gamma = self.get_parameter_gamma(self._z)
		var_delta = variance/(mean*mean) - 1.

		return numpy.array( zip(z,mean,variance,var_delta) )
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_growth(cosmo=None):
    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = cosmo_wmap_5()
    print "Comparing growth factor with calculations from http://icosmo.org/"

    # load external distance calculations
    # z D
    growth_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    growth_file = os.path.join(growth_file, 'icosmo_testdata', 'growth.txt')
    ic_growth = numpy.loadtxt(growth_file)

    z = ic_growth[:,0]

    cp_growth = cp.fgrowth(z, cosmo['omega_M_0'])

    label = r"$D(z)$"
    pylab.plot(z, ic_growth[:,1], 
               label=label + ' IC', ls=':')
    pylab.plot(z, cp_growth, label=label + ' perturbation.py', ls='-')

    diff = (ic_growth[:,1] - cp_growth) / ic_growth[:,1]

    maxdiff = numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff))
    print "Maximum fraction difference in %s is %e." % (label,
               label=label, ls='-')

    ntest.assert_array_less(numpy.abs(diff), 5e-3)
	def get_xi0_transformed(self, xi_r, xi_z):
			Get the transformed correlation function:
			xi_r: coordinate of the points where to calculate
				the correlation function.

		verbose = True

		d_growth    = cp.fgrowth(xi_z,self._omega_matter_0)
		xi0         = numpy.interp(xi_r,self._CAMB._xi0[:,0],self._CAMB._xi0[:,1])*d_growth*d_growth
		self._a     = self.get_parameter_a(xi_z)
		self._gamma = self.get_parameter_gamma(xi_z)
		mean_F1     = self.get_mean_function(0)
		mean_F2     = self.get_mean_function(1)

		if (verbose):
			print '\n'
			print '  Producing the transformation at z = ', xi_z
			print '  D_growth_factor = ', d_growth
			if ( self._correlation=='q_f' or self._correlation=='f_f' ):
				print '  a               = ', self._a
				print '  gamma           = ', self._gamma
			if (self._correlation=='q_f' or self._correlation=='q_q'):
				print '  cut_QSO         = ', self._cut_QSO
			print '  < F1 >          = ', mean_F1
			print '  < F2 >          = ', mean_F2
			print '\n'

		reduced_xi = xi0*xi0/numpy.power(self._sigma_gauss,4.)
		if ( reduced_xi[ reduced_xi>1. ].size  ):
			print '  ERROR:: reduced_xi>1.'
			return None

		def get_transformation(xi):

			sqrt_xi = numpy.sqrt(1.-xi*xi/numpy.power(self._sigma_gauss,4.) )
			### Function to integrate
			def F1_times_F2(y,x):
				t  = xi*x/numpy.power(self._sigma_gauss,2.)+sqrt_xi*y
				f1 = self._F1(x)*numpy.exp(-0.5*numpy.power(x/self._sigma_gauss,2.))
				f2 = self._F2(t)*numpy.exp(-0.5*numpy.power(y/self._sigma_gauss,2.))
				return f1*f2
			### Integral range
			if (self._correlation=='i_i' or self._correlation=='f_f'):
				def lim_min_y(x):
					return -numpy.inf+x*0.
			elif (self._correlation=='q_f' or self._correlation=='q_q'):
				def lim_min_y(x):
					return (self._cut_QSO-xi*x/numpy.power(self._sigma_gauss,2.))/sqrt_xi
			def lim_max_y(x):
				return numpy.inf+x*0.
			return scipy.integrate.dblquad(F1_times_F2, self.lim_min_mean_F1,numpy.inf, lim_min_y, lim_max_y)[0]
		return numpy.array([ get_transformation(el) for el in xi0 ])/(mean_F1*mean_F2*2.*numpy.pi*self._sigma_gauss*self._sigma_gauss) - 1.
Exemplo n.º 5
def interp_z_dependent_velocity_factors(z, deltaz=1e-3):
    from cosmolopy.perturbation import fgrowth
    zgrid = np.arange(np.min(z)-deltaz, np.max(z)+deltaz, deltaz)
    hz_grid = distance.hubble_z(zgrid, **cosmo)
    fgrowth_grid = fgrowth(zgrid, cosmo['omega_M_0'])
    a_grid = 1./(1.+zgrid)
    tmp_grid = fgrowth_grid*a_grid*hz_grid
    from scipy import interpolate
    f = interpolate.interp1d(zgrid, tmp_grid)
    return f(z)
Exemplo n.º 6
def corr_delta_vel(r, z=0.4, kmin=1e-3, kmax=0.2):
    # r is in Mpc
    a = 1./(1.+z)
    hz = distance.hubble_z(z, **cosmo)
    fgrowth = perturbation.fgrowth(z, cosmo['omega_M_0'])
    k = np.arange(kmin,kmax,kmin)
    dk = k[1]-k[0]
    corr = []
    pk = perturbation.power_spectrum(k, z, **cosmo)
    for this_r in r:
        this_corr = a*hz*fgrowth/2./np.pi**2. * np.sum(dk*k*pk*spherical_bessel_j1(k*this_r))
    return np.array(corr)
Exemplo n.º 7
def Z_params(z, cosmo):
    """ Quantities which depend on only the redshift and cosmology.

    These *do not* depend on the halo mass.
    Z = {}
    Z['rho_bar_m'] = cosmo.Om(z) * cosmo.critical_density(z)
    Z['delta_vir'] = deltavir(z, cosmo=cosmo)

    # A14, overdensity threshold for spherical collapse
    Z['delta_c'] = 3 / 20. * (12 * pi)**(2/3.) * \
                   (1 + 0.013 * log10(cosmo.Om(z)))
    Z['growth_factor'] = fgrowth(z, cosmo.Om0)
    return Z
Exemplo n.º 8
def D(z, Om=0.3):
    Linear growth rate D(z).
        z: redshift (float or array)
        Om: matter density in units of the critical density, at z=0
    return cper.fgrowth(z, Om)
Exemplo n.º 9
	def test_cosmolopy(self):

		import cosmolopy.perturbation as cp
		cosmo = {
			'omega_M_0' : 0.27,
			'omega_lambda_0' : 1.-0.27,
			'omega_b_0' : 0.0463265,
			'omega_n_0' : 0.0,
			'N_nu' : 0,
			'h' : 0.7,
			'n' : 1.0,
			'sigma_8' : 0.794961,
			'baryonic_effects' : True

		z = 2.4
		za = numpy.arange(0.,10.,0.01)
		k = numpy.arange(0.,100.,0.0001)

		f = cp.fgrowth(za, cosmo['omega_M_0'])

		pk = cp.power_spectrum(k, z, **cosmo)


		print cp.transfer_function_EH(k, **cosmo)
		plt.plot(k,cp.transfer_function_EH(k, **cosmo)[0] )

		r2,cric2 = self.xi_from_pk(k,pk)
		r2 *= 0.7


Exemplo n.º 10
dxl_2 = np.zeros(50)
dxh_2 = np.zeros(50)
dyl_2 = np.zeros(50)
dyh_2 = np.zeros(50)
x_2, y_2, dxl_2, dxh_2, dyl_2, dyh_2 = np.loadtxt("../../Data_files/pourtsidou_xyscan_curve_z_2.txt", unpack=True)

xplot_2 = np.arange(10, x_2[int(np.size(x_2))-1], x_2[int(np.size(x_2))-1]/2000)
tck_2 = interpolate.splrep(x_2,y_2, s=0)
tckerr_2 = interpolate.splrep(x_2,dyh_2,s=0)
yploterr_2 = interpolate.splev(xplot_2, tckerr_2, der=0)
yplot_2 = interpolate.splev(xplot_2, tck_2, der=0)
plt.errorbar(xplot_2,yplot_2, yerr=yploterr_2,color='black', ecolor='yellow', label='Pourtsidou et al. 2014 (z=2)')

for redshift in range(2,3):
    constantfactor[redshift] = (9/4)* np.power(H0/c,4) * np.power(omegam0,2)*(fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=False) * (1 + redshift))**2
    xs[redshift] = cd.comoving_distance(redshift, **cosmo) # upper limit of integration
    for i in range (l_plot_ll, l_plot_ul):
        result[i] = integration(i, redshift)
        for k in range(k_ll, k_ul):
            resultk[i,k] = integrationk(i,k,redshift)

    for i in range(20,700,50):
        integ = 0
        integ_sum = 0
        print("-------------------------------i "+str(i))
        for k in range(k_ll, k_ul):
            integ = dblintegration(i,k)
            integ_sum = integ_sum + integ
def constantfactor(redshift):
    return (9 / 4) * (H0 / c)**4 * omegam0**2 * (
        fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=False) * (1 + redshift))**2
Exemplo n.º 12
def growthf(z, omega_M_0):
	'''f growth calculate the 
	return cp.fgrowth(z, omega_M_0, unnormed=True)
Exemplo n.º 13
def Deltac(z):
    fgrowth = pb.fgrowth(z, cosmo['omega_M_0'])  # = D(z)/D(0)
    #return 1.686/fgrowth
    return 1.686 * fgrowth  #?????
def constantfactor(redshift):
    return 9 * (H0 / c)**3 * omegam0**2 * (
        fgrowth(redshift, omegam0, unnormed=False) * (1 + redshift))**2
def angpowspec_integrand_without_j(z, ell):
    dist = distance(z)
    return (1 - dist / chi_s[redshift])**2 * np.interp(ell / dist, PS, dPS) * (
        fgrowth(z, omegam0, unnormed=False))**2 / hubble_ratio(z)
Exemplo n.º 16
def Deltac(z):
	fgrowth = pb.fgrowth(z, cosmo['omega_M_0'])    # = D(z)/D(0)
	return 1.686/fgrowth
Exemplo n.º 17
def dDdz(z):
    dz = 1e-10
    return (pb.fgrowth(z + dz, COSMO['omega_M_0']) -
            pb.fgrowth(z, COSMO['omega_M_0'])) / dz
Exemplo n.º 18
def dDdtoverD(z):
    return dDdt(z) / pb.fgrowth(z, COSMO['omega_M_0'])
Exemplo n.º 19
def v_from_m(m200,a):
    z=1./a -1.
    return (1.12*(m200/5e13)**0.3+0.53)/prtrb.fgrowth(z,Omega_M)
Exemplo n.º 20
def conc(m200, a):
    z = (1./a)-1.
    v = v_from_m(m200,a)
    return prtrb.fgrowth(z,Omega_M)**0.54*5.9*v**-0.35
Exemplo n.º 21
def conc_from_v(v,z):
    return prtrb.fgrowth(z,Omega_M)**0.54*5.9*v**-0.35
Exemplo n.º 22

#array definitions
xs = np.zeros(11)
fgrow = np.zeros(11)
l = np.arange(0, 1001)
constantfactor = np.zeros(11)
result = np.arange(0, 1001)

#reading the data file
kn, dkn = np.loadtxt("../Data_files/CAMB_linear.txt", unpack=True)

for redshift in range(1, 11):
    constantfactor[redshift] = (9 / 4) * np.power(H0 / c, 4) * np.power(
        omegam0, 2) * (fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=False) *
                       (1 + redshift))**2
    xs[redshift] = cd.comoving_distance(redshift,
                                        **cosmo)  # upper limit of integration

    for i in range(10, 1000):
        result[i] = integration(i, redshift)
             constantfactor[redshift] * result[10:1000],
             label='z = {}'.format(redshift))

plt.suptitle("Angular Power Spectrum")
def angpowspec_integrand_without_j_unnormed_false(z, ell):
    distance_at_redshift = np.interp(z, redshift_from_file, distance_from_file)
    return ((chi_s[redshift] - distance_at_redshift) / chi_s[redshift]
            )**2 * np.interp(ell / distance_at_redshift, PS,
                             dPS) * (fgrowth(z, omegam0, unnormed=False) *
                                     (1 + z))**2 / hubble_ratio(z)
Exemplo n.º 24
import numpy as np
import math
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
import cosmolopy.perturbation as cp
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cosmolopy.perturbation import fgrowth

#finding fgrowth
fgrow = np.zeros(11)
for i in range(11):
    fgrow[i] = fgrowth(i, 0.308, unnormed=False)

zcounter = 2
omegam0 = 0.308
c = 3 * 10**8
H0 = 73.8 * 1000
cosmo = {
    'omega_M_0': 0.308,
    'omega_lambda_0': 0.692,
    'omega_k_0': 0.0,
    'h': 0.678
constantfactor = (9 / 4) * np.power(H0 / c, 4) * np.power(omegam0,
                                                          2) * fgrow[zcounter]

# notation
# 'n' -> Linear
# 'o' -> Non-Linear
def constantfactor_constant_growth_factor_unnormed_true(redshift):
    return 9 * (H0 / c)**3 * omegam0**2 * (
        fgrowth(redshift, omegam0, unnormed=True) * (1 + redshift))**2
Exemplo n.º 26
# To compare power spectrum obtained from CAMB data at different redshifts
# P(k) x Growth factor Vs. k

import numpy as np
import math
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
import cosmolopy.perturbation as cp
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cosmolopy.perturbation import fgrowth  

kn,dkn = np.loadtxt("../../../Pow_spec_test_code/power_spectrum/CAMB_linear.txt", unpack=True)

for redshift in range(1,11):
    fgrow = fgrowth(redshift, 0.308, unnormed=True)
    plt.plot(kn,fgrow*dkn, label='z = {}, fg = {}'.format(redshift, round(fgrow,5)))

plt.xlabel(r'k $(h \; Mpc^{-1})$')
plt.ylabel(r'P(k) ($Mpc \; h^{-1})^3$')
plt.suptitle(r"Power Spectrum $\times$ Growth factor")
Exemplo n.º 27
import numpy as np
import math
import cosmolopy.distance as cd
import cosmolopy.perturbation as cp
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cosmolopy.perturbation import fgrowth

#finding fgrowth
fgrow = np.zeros(11)
for i in range(11):
    fgrow[i] = fgrowth(
        i, 0.308, unnormed=False
    )  # unnormed = True for redshift higher than 2 and False for redshift lower than 2; Read the manual

zcounter = 2  # redshift for this code
omegam0 = 0.308
c = 3 * 10**8
H0 = 73.8 * 1000
cosmo = {
    'omega_M_0': 0.308,
    'omega_lambda_0': 0.692,
    'omega_k_0': 0.0,
    'h': 0.678
constantfactor = (9 / 4) * np.power(H0 / c, 4) * np.power(omegam0,
                                                          2) * fgrow[zcounter]

# notation
def D(z):
     return cp.fgrowth(z,omega_M_0, unnormed=False)
Exemplo n.º 29
# CAMB de juillet 2013
# /home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Program/baofit/models/DR9LyaMocks_params.ini

# Pour Christophe Magneville :
# change :
# 	transfer_redshift(1) = 0.
# Run :
#	/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Program/camb/camb DR9LyaMocks_params.ini

h = 0.70
omega_m_0 = 0.27

f = cp.fgrowth(2.25,omega_m_0)
print f

camb_CMV = numpy.loadtxt('/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/cmv/Helion/cmvtstpk_Helion.data')
k_CMV  = camb_CMV[:,1]/h
pk_CMV = camb_CMV[:,4]*numpy.power(h,3.)*f*f

camb_baofit = numpy.loadtxt('/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Program/baofit/models/DR9LyaMocks_matterpower.dat')
k_baofit  = camb_baofit[:,0]
pk_baofit = camb_baofit[:,1]
print '  nb of points baofit : ', k_baofit.size

camb_init = numpy.loadtxt('/home/gpfs/manip/mnt0607/bao/hdumasde/Code/CrossCorrelation/Mock_JMLG/Produce_CAMB/DR9LyaMocks_matterpower.dat_init')
k_init  = camb_init[:,0]