Exemplo n.º 1
class TestConfig():
    @patch('couchapp.config.util.findcouchapp', return_value=None)
    @patch('couchapp.config.util.rcpath', return_value=['/mock/couchapp.conf'])
    def setup(self, rcpath, getcwd):
        self.config = Config()

    def teardown(self):
        del self.config

    def test_getattr(self):
        Test case for Config.__getattr__()
        assert self.config.conf == Config.DEFAULTS
        assert self.config.env == {}
        self.config.mock  # raise AttributeError

    def test_getitem(self):
        Test case for Config.__getitem__()
        assert self.config['conf'] == Config.DEFAULTS
        assert self.config['env'] == {}
        assert self.config['mock']  # raise KeyError

    def test_contains(self):
        Test case for Config.__contains__()
        assert 'env' in self.config
        assert 'hooks' in self.config
        assert 'extensions' in self.config

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_from_list(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(list, default)
        default = {'foo': 'bar'}

        conf = self.config.load(['/mock/couchapp.conf'], default)

        assert conf == {'foo': 'bar', 'mock': True}

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_from_str(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(str)
        conf = self.config.load('/mock/couchapp.conf')

        assert conf == {'mock': True}

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=False)
    def test_load_notfile(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(['/not_a_file'], default)
        default = {'foo': 'bar'}

        conf = self.config.load(['/not_a_file'], default)

        assert conf == {'foo': 'bar'}
        assert not read_json.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', side_effect=ValueError)
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_apperror(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load() reading a invalid file

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_deepcopy_default(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for checking Config.load() deepcopy param ``default``
        default = {'foo': {'bar': 'fake'}}

        conf = self.config.load('/mock.conf', default=default)

        assert conf == {'foo': {'bar': 'fake'}, 'mock': True}
        assert default == {'foo': {'bar': 'fake'}}

    @patch('couchapp.config.Config.load', return_value='mock')
    def test_load_local(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local()
        assert self.config.load_local('/mock') == 'mock'

        paths = (load.call_args_list[0][0][0], load.call_args_list[1][0][0])
        assert paths == ('/mock/couchapp.json', '/mock/.couchapprc'), paths

    def test_load_local_apperror(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local() with empty `app_dir`
        assert not load.called

    def test_load_local_prevent_env(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local() with ``env`` field in ``couchapp.json``
        def load_side_effect(path, default={}):
            print(path == '/mock/couchapp.json', path)
            if path == '/mock/couchapp.json':
                default.update({'env': 'fake_env', 'name': 'MockApp'})
            elif path == '/mock/.couchapprc':
                default.update({'hook': 'mock_hook'})
                raise AssertionError(
                    'Unknown local config file "{}"'.format(path))
            return default

        load.side_effect = load_side_effect
        conf = self.config.load_local('/mock')

        assert conf['name'] == 'MockApp'
        assert conf['hook'] == 'mock_hook'
        assert conf.get('env', None) is None

    @patch('couchapp.config.Config.load_local', return_value={'mock': True})
    def test_update(self, load_local):
        Test case for Config.update()

        assert self.config.conf.get('mock') == True

    def test_extensions_empty(self, load_py):
        Test case for empty Config.extensions
        assert self.config.extensions == []
        assert not load_py.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.load_py', return_value='mock')
    def test_extensions_mock(self, load_py):
        Test case for Config.extensions
        self.config.conf['extensions'] = ['mock_path']
        extensions = self.config.extensions

        assert extensions == ['mock'], extensions
        load_py.assert_called_with('mock_path', self.config)

    def test_hook_empty(self, hook_uri):
        Test case for empty Config.hooks
        assert self.config.hooks == {}
        assert not hook_uri.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.hook_uri', return_value='mock_module')
    def test_hook_mock(self, hook_uri):
        Test case for Config.hooks
        self.config.conf['hooks'] = {'pre-push': ['mock_path']}
        hooks = self.config.hooks

        assert hooks == {'pre-push': ['mock_module']}, hooks
        hook_uri.assert_called_with('mock_path', self.config)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_full_uri(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with full uri
        db_string = 'https://foo.bar'

        assert self.config.get_dbs(db_string) == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(db_string, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_short_uri(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with short uri
        full_uri = ''

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(full_uri, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with env set
        db_string = 'http://foo.bar'
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'db': db_string}}

        assert self.config.get_dbs() == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(db_string, use_proxy=False)

    def test_get_dbs_empty_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() without env set
        assert not Database.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_short_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with a short name in env
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'foo': {'db': 'http://foo.bar'}}

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with('http://foo.bar', use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_env_fake(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with an useless env

        Assume .couchapprc is (no `db` field in `foo`)
                'notdb': 'mock'

        Expect behavior: fall back to DEFAULT_SERVER_URI/foo
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'foo': {'notdb': 'mock'}}
        default_uri = ''

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(default_uri, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_proxy(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with https_proxy env
        with patch.dict('couchapp.config.os.environ', {'https_proxy': 'foo'}):
            assert self.config.get_dbs('https://bar') == ['mockdb']

        Database.assert_called_with('https://bar', use_proxy=True)

    def test_get_app_name_default(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name() without args and env
        assert self.config.get_app_name() == None

    def test_get_app_name_default_env(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name() without args but env

        env: {
            'default': {
                'name': 'MockApp'
        env: {
            'mockname': {
                'name': 'MockApp2'
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'name': 'MockApp'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name() == 'MockApp'

        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mockname': {'name': 'MockApp2'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name('mockname') == 'MockApp2'

        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'name': 'MockApp3'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name('strang') == 'MockApp3'

    def test_get_app_name_http_uri(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name('http://foo.bar', default)

        If the dbstring is full uri, return ``default``
        ret = self.config.get_app_name('http://foo.bar', 'mockapp')
        assert ret == 'mockapp'

    def test_iter(self):
        Test case for Config.__iter__()
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mock': True}
        ls = list(self.config)

        assert ('env', {'mock': True}) in ls, ls
        assert ('hooks', {}) in ls, ls

    def test_get(self):
        Test case for Config.get('__init__')
        assert callable(self.config.get('__init__'))

    def test_get_default(self):
        Test case for Config.get('strang', 'default')
        assert self.config.get('strang', 'default') == 'default'

    def test_get_conf(self):
        Test case for Config.get('env') returning value from self.conf
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mock': True}
        assert self.config.get('env') == {'mock': True}
Exemplo n.º 2
class Compress(object):

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.appdir = path
        self.attach_dir = os.path.join(path, '_attachments')
        self.conf = Config()

    def is_hook(self):
        if not 'compress' in self.conf:
            return False
        return True

    def compress_css(self, css):
        re_url = re.compile('url\s*\(([^\s"].*)\)')

        src_fpath = ''
        fname_dir = ''

        def replace_url(mo):
            """ make sure urls are relative to css path """
            css_url = mo.group(0)[4:].strip(")").replace("'", "").replace('"',
            css_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_fpath), css_url)

            rel_path = util.relpath(css_path, fname_dir)
            return "url(%s)" % rel_path

        for fname, src_files in css.iteritems():
            output_css = ''

            dest_path = os.path.join(self.attach_dir, fname)
            fname_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)

            for src_fname in src_files:
                src_fpath = os.path.join(self.appdir, src_fname)

                if os.path.exists(src_fpath):
                    content_css = \
                    content_css = re_url.sub(replace_url, content_css)
                    output_css += content_css
                    logger.debug("Merging %s in %s" % (src_fname, fname))

            if not os.path.isdir(fname_dir):
            util.write(dest_path, output_css)

    def compress_js(self, backend, js):
        logger.info("compress js with %s " % backend.__about__)

        for fname, src_files in js.iteritems():
            output_js = ''

            dest_path = os.path.join(self.attach_dir, fname)
            fname_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)

            for src_fname in src_files:
                src_fpath = os.path.join(self.appdir, src_fname)
                if os.path.isfile(src_fpath):
                    output_js += "/* %s */\n" % src_fpath
                    output_js += util.read(src_fpath)
                    logger.debug("merging %s in %s" % (src_fname, fname))

            if not os.path.isdir(fname_dir):

            output_js = backend.compress(output_js)
            util.write(dest_path, output_js)

    def run(self):
        conf = self.conf
        actions = conf.get('compress', {})
        if 'css' in actions:

        if 'js' in actions:
            if 'js_compressor' in conf['compress']:
                modname = conf['compress']['js_compressor']
                if not isinstance(modname, basestring):
                    logger.warning("Warning: js_compressor settings should " +
                                   "be a string")
                    logger.warning("Selecting default backend (jsmin)")
                    import couchapp.hooks.compress.default as backend
                        backend = __import__(modname, {}, {}, [''])
                    except ImportError:
                        import couchapp.hooks.compress.default as backend
                import couchapp.hooks.compress.default as backend
            self.compress_js(backend, actions['js'])
class Compress(object):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.appdir = path
        self.attach_dir = os.path.join(path, '_attachments')
        self.conf = Config()

    def is_hook(self):
        if not 'compress' in self.conf:
            return False
        return True

    def compress_css(self, css):
        re_url = re.compile('url\s*\(([^\s"].*)\)')

        src_fpath = ''
        fname_dir = ''

        def replace_url(mo):
            """ make sure urls are relative to css path """
            css_url = mo.group(0)[4:].strip(")").replace("'",
                                                         "").replace('"', '')
            css_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_fpath), css_url)

            rel_path = util.relpath(css_path, fname_dir)
            return "url(%s)" % rel_path

        for fname, src_files in css.iteritems():
            output_css = ''

            dest_path = os.path.join(self.attach_dir, fname)
            fname_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)

            for src_fname in src_files:
                src_fpath = os.path.join(self.appdir, src_fname)

                if os.path.exists(src_fpath):
                    content_css = str(
                    content_css = re_url.sub(replace_url, content_css)
                    output_css += content_css
                    logger.debug("Merging %s in %s" % (src_fname, fname))

            if not os.path.isdir(fname_dir):
            util.write(dest_path, output_css)

    def compress_js(self, backend, js):
        logger.info("compress js with %s " % backend.__about__)

        for fname, src_files in js.iteritems():
            output_js = ''

            dest_path = os.path.join(self.attach_dir, fname)
            fname_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_path)

            for src_fname in src_files:
                src_fpath = os.path.join(self.appdir, src_fname)
                if os.path.isfile(src_fpath):
                    output_js += "/* %s */\n" % src_fpath
                    output_js += util.read(src_fpath)
                    logger.debug("merging %s in %s" % (src_fname, fname))

            if not os.path.isdir(fname_dir):

            output_js = backend.compress(output_js)
            util.write(dest_path, output_js)

    def run(self):
        conf = self.conf
        actions = conf.get('compress', {})
        if 'css' in actions:

        if 'js' in actions:
            if 'js_compressor' in conf['compress']:
                modname = conf['compress']['js_compressor']
                if not isinstance(modname, basestring):
                        "Warning: js_compressor settings should be a string")
                    logger.warning("Selecting default backend (jsmin)")
                    import couchapp.hooks.compress.jsmin as backend
                        backend = __import__(modname, {}, {}, [''])
                    except ImportError:
                        import couchapp.hooks.compress.jsmin as backend
                import couchapp.hooks.compress.jsmin as backend
            self.compress_js(backend, actions['js'])
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestConfig():
    @patch('couchapp.config.util.findcouchapp', return_value=None)
    @patch('couchapp.config.util.rcpath', return_value=['/mock/couchapp.conf'])
    def setup(self, rcpath, getcwd):
        self.config = Config()

    def teardown(self):
        del self.config

    def test_getattr(self):
        Test case for Config.__getattr__()
        assert self.config.conf == Config.DEFAULTS
        assert self.config.env == {}
        self.config.mock  # raise AttributeError

    def test_getitem(self):
        Test case for Config.__getitem__()
        assert self.config['conf'] == Config.DEFAULTS
        assert self.config['env'] == {}
        assert self.config['mock']  # raise KeyError

    def test_contains(self):
        Test case for Config.__contains__()
        assert 'env' in self.config
        assert 'hooks' in self.config
        assert 'extensions' in self.config

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_from_list(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(list, default)
        default = {'foo': 'bar'}

        conf = self.config.load(['/mock/couchapp.conf'], default)

        assert conf == {'foo': 'bar', 'mock': True}

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_from_str(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(str)
        conf = self.config.load('/mock/couchapp.conf')

        assert conf == {'mock': True}

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=False)
    def test_load_notfile(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load(['/not_a_file'], default)
        default = {'foo': 'bar'}

        conf = self.config.load(['/not_a_file'], default)

        assert conf == {'foo': 'bar'}
        assert not read_json.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', side_effect=ValueError)
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_apperror(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for Config.load() reading a invalid file

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.read_json', return_value={'mock': True})
    @patch('couchapp.config.os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
    def test_load_deepcopy_default(self, isfile, read_json):
        Test case for checking Config.load() deepcopy param ``default``
        default = {'foo': {'bar': 'fake'}}

        conf = self.config.load('/mock.conf', default=default)

        assert conf == {
            'foo': {'bar': 'fake'},
            'mock': True
        assert default == {'foo': {'bar': 'fake'}}

    @patch('couchapp.config.Config.load', return_value='mock')
    def test_load_local(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local()
        assert self.config.load_local('/mock') == 'mock'

        paths = (load.call_args_list[0][0][0], load.call_args_list[1][0][0])
        assert paths == ('/mock/couchapp.json', '/mock/.couchapprc'), paths

    def test_load_local_apperror(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local() with empty `app_dir`
        assert not load.called

    def test_load_local_prevent_env(self, load):
        Test case for Config.load_local() with ``env`` field in ``couchapp.json``
        def load_side_effect(path, default={}):
            print(path == '/mock/couchapp.json', path)
            if path == '/mock/couchapp.json':
                default.update({'env': 'fake_env', 'name': 'MockApp'})
            elif path == '/mock/.couchapprc':
                default.update({'hook': 'mock_hook'})
                raise AssertionError('Unknown local config file "{}"'.format(
            return default

        load.side_effect = load_side_effect
        conf = self.config.load_local('/mock')

        assert conf['name'] == 'MockApp'
        assert conf['hook'] == 'mock_hook'
        assert conf.get('env', None) is None

    @patch('couchapp.config.Config.load_local', return_value={'mock': True})
    def test_update(self, load_local):
        Test case for Config.update()

        assert self.config.conf.get('mock') == True

    def test_extensions_empty(self, load_py):
        Test case for empty Config.extensions
        assert self.config.extensions == []
        assert not load_py.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.load_py', return_value='mock')
    def test_extensions_mock(self, load_py):
        Test case for Config.extensions
        self.config.conf['extensions'] = ['mock_path']
        extensions = self.config.extensions

        assert extensions == ['mock'], extensions
        load_py.assert_called_with('mock_path', self.config)

    def test_hook_empty(self, hook_uri):
        Test case for empty Config.hooks
        assert self.config.hooks == {}
        assert not hook_uri.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.util.hook_uri', return_value='mock_module')
    def test_hook_mock(self, hook_uri):
        Test case for Config.hooks
        self.config.conf['hooks'] = {'pre-push': ['mock_path']}
        hooks = self.config.hooks

        assert hooks == {'pre-push': ['mock_module']}, hooks
        hook_uri.assert_called_with('mock_path', self.config)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_full_uri(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with full uri
        db_string = 'https://foo.bar'

        assert self.config.get_dbs(db_string) == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(db_string, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_short_uri(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with short uri
        full_uri = ''

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(full_uri, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with env set
        db_string = 'http://foo.bar'
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'db': db_string}}

        assert self.config.get_dbs() == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(db_string, use_proxy=False)

    def test_get_dbs_empty_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() without env set
        assert not Database.called

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_short_env(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with a short name in env
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'foo': {'db': 'http://foo.bar'}}

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with('http://foo.bar', use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_env_fake(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with an useless env

        Assume .couchapprc is (no `db` field in `foo`)
                'notdb': 'mock'

        Expect behavior: fall back to DEFAULT_SERVER_URI/foo
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'foo': {'notdb': 'mock'}}
        default_uri = ''

        assert self.config.get_dbs('foo') == ['mockdb']
        Database.assert_called_with(default_uri, use_proxy=False)

    @patch('couchapp.config.Database', return_value='mockdb')
    def test_get_dbs_proxy(self, Database):
        Test case for Config.get_dbs() with https_proxy env
        with patch.dict('couchapp.config.os.environ', {'https_proxy': 'foo'}):
            assert self.config.get_dbs('https://bar') == ['mockdb']

        Database.assert_called_with('https://bar', use_proxy=True)

    def test_get_app_name_default(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name() without args and env
        assert self.config.get_app_name() == None

    def test_get_app_name_default_env(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name() without args but env

        env: {
            'default': {
                'name': 'MockApp'
        env: {
            'mockname': {
                'name': 'MockApp2'
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'name': 'MockApp'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name() == 'MockApp'

        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mockname': {'name': 'MockApp2'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name('mockname') == 'MockApp2'

        self.config.conf['env'] = {'default': {'name': 'MockApp3'}}
        assert self.config.get_app_name('strang') == 'MockApp3'

    def test_get_app_name_http_uri(self):
        Test case for Config.get_app_name('http://foo.bar', default)

        If the dbstring is full uri, return ``default``
        ret = self.config.get_app_name('http://foo.bar', 'mockapp')
        assert ret == 'mockapp'

    def test_iter(self):
        Test case for Config.__iter__()
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mock': True}
        ls = list(self.config)

        assert ('env', {'mock': True}) in ls, ls
        assert ('hooks', {}) in ls, ls

    def test_get(self):
        Test case for Config.get('__init__')
        assert callable(self.config.get('__init__'))

    def test_get_default(self):
        Test case for Config.get('strang', 'default')
        assert self.config.get('strang', 'default') == 'default'

    def test_get_conf(self):
        Test case for Config.get('env') returning value from self.conf
        self.config.conf['env'] = {'mock': True}
        assert self.config.get('env') == {'mock': True}