Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_input_param_dict_for_test(self, parameter_dict_name=''):

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        t_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        t_ctxt.axis = AxisTypeEnum.TIME
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1900'

        cond_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        cond_ctxt.uom = ''

        pres_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        pres_ctxt.uom = ''

        temp_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        temp_ctxt.uom = ''

        dens_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        dens_ctxt.uom = ''

        sal_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        sal_ctxt.uom = ''

        #create temp streamdef so the data product can create the stream
        pc_list = []
        for pc_k, pc in pdict.iteritems():
            ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(
                pc_k, pc[1].dump())

        pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary(
            parameter_dict_name, pc_list)

        return pdict_id
    def _create_input_param_dict_for_test(self, parameter_dict_name = ''):

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float64')))
        t_ctxt.axis = AxisTypeEnum.TIME
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1900'

        cond_ctxt = ParameterContext('conductivity', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))
        cond_ctxt.uom = 'Siemens_per_meter'

        pres_ctxt = ParameterContext('pressure', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))
        pres_ctxt.uom = 'Pascal'

        if parameter_dict_name == 'input_param_for_L0':
            temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temperature', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))
            temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temp', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))

        temp_ctxt.uom = 'degree_kelvin'

        dens_ctxt = ParameterContext('density', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))
        dens_ctxt.uom = 'g/m'

        sal_ctxt = ParameterContext('salinity', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('float32')))
        sal_ctxt.uom = 'PSU'

        #create temp streamdef so the data product can create the stream
        pc_list = []
        for pc_k, pc in pdict.iteritems():
            ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(pc_k, pc[1].dump())
            if parameter_dict_name == 'input_param_for_L0':
            elif pc[1].name == 'temp':

        pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary(parameter_dict_name, pc_list)
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)

        return pdict_id
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _create_input_param_dict_for_test(self, parameter_dict_name=""):

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        t_ctxt = ParameterContext("time", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float64")))
        t_ctxt.axis = AxisTypeEnum.TIME
        t_ctxt.uom = "seconds since 01-01-1900"

        cond_ctxt = ParameterContext("conductivity", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))
        cond_ctxt.uom = ""

        pres_ctxt = ParameterContext("pressure", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))
        pres_ctxt.uom = ""

        if parameter_dict_name == "input_param_dict":
            temp_ctxt = ParameterContext("temperature", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))
            temp_ctxt = ParameterContext("temp", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))

        temp_ctxt.uom = ""

        dens_ctxt = ParameterContext("density", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))
        dens_ctxt.uom = ""

        sal_ctxt = ParameterContext("salinity", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype("float32")))
        sal_ctxt.uom = ""

        # create temp streamdef so the data product can create the stream
        pc_list = []
        for pc_k, pc in pdict.iteritems():
            ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(pc_k, pc[1].dump())
            if parameter_dict_name == "input_param_dict":
                self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, ctxt_id)
            elif parameter_dict_name == "output_param_dict" and pc[1].name == "temp":
                self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, ctxt_id)

        pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary(parameter_dict_name, pc_list)
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)

        return pdict_id
Exemplo n.º 4
class SimplexCoverage(AbstractCoverage):
    A concrete implementation of AbstractCoverage consisting of 2 domains (temporal and spatial)
    and a collection of parameters associated with one or both of the domains.  Each parameter is defined by a
    ParameterContext object (provided via the ParameterDictionary) and has content represented by a concrete implementation
    of the AbstractParameterValue class.

    def __init__(self, root_dir, persistence_guid, name=None, parameter_dictionary=None, temporal_domain=None, spatial_domain=None, mode=None, in_memory_storage=False, bricking_scheme=None, inline_data_writes=True, auto_flush_values=True):
        Constructor for SimplexCoverage

        @param root_dir The root directory for storage of this coverage
        @param persistence_guid The persistence uuid for this coverage
        @param name The name of the coverage
        @param parameter_dictionary    a ParameterDictionary object expected to contain one or more valid ParameterContext objects
        @param spatial_domain  a concrete instance of AbstractDomain for the spatial domain component
        @param temporal_domain a concrete instance of AbstractDomain for the temporal domain component
        @param mode the file mode for the coverage; one of 'r', 'a', 'r+', or 'w'; defaults to 'r'
        @param in_memory_storage    if False (default), HDF5 persistence is used; otherwise, nothing is written to disk and all data is held in memory only
        @param bricking_scheme  the bricking scheme for the coverage; a dict of the form {'brick_size': #, 'chunk_size': #}
        @param inline_data_writes   if True (default), brick data is written as it is set; otherwise it is written out-of-band by worker processes or threads
        @param auto_flush_values    if True (default), brick data is flushed immediately; otherwise it is buffered until SimplexCoverage.flush_values() is called
        AbstractCoverage.__init__(self, mode=mode)
            # Make sure root_dir and persistence_guid are both not None and are strings
            if not isinstance(root_dir, str) or not isinstance(persistence_guid, str):
                raise TypeError('\'root_dir\' and \'persistence_guid\' must be instances of str')

            root_dir = root_dir if not root_dir.endswith(persistence_guid) else os.path.split(root_dir)[0]

            pth=os.path.join(root_dir, persistence_guid)

            def _doload(self):
                # Make sure the coverage directory exists
                if not os.path.exists(pth):
                    raise SystemError('Cannot find specified coverage: {0}'.format(pth))

                # All appears well - load it up!
                self._persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer(root_dir, persistence_guid, mode=self.mode)

                self.name = self._persistence_layer.name
                self.spatial_domain = self._persistence_layer.sdom
                self.temporal_domain = self._persistence_layer.tdom

                self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
                self._range_value = RangeValues()

                self._bricking_scheme = self._persistence_layer.global_bricking_scheme

                self._in_memory_storage = False

                auto_flush_values = self._persistence_layer.auto_flush_values
                inline_data_writes = self._persistence_layer.inline_data_writes

                from coverage_model.persistence import PersistedStorage
                for parameter_name in self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata.keys():
                    md = self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata[parameter_name]
                    pc = md.parameter_context
                    s = PersistedStorage(md, self._persistence_layer.brick_dispatcher, dtype=pc.param_type.storage_encoding, fill_value=pc.param_type.fill_value, mode=self.mode, inline_data_writes=inline_data_writes, auto_flush=auto_flush_values)
                    self._range_value[parameter_name] = get_value_class(param_type=pc.param_type, domain_set=pc.dom, storage=s)

            if name is None or parameter_dictionary is None:
                # This appears to be a load

                # This appears to be a new coverage
                # Make sure name and parameter_dictionary are not None
                if name is None or parameter_dictionary is None:
                    raise SystemError('\'name\' and \'parameter_dictionary\' cannot be None')

                # Make sure the specified root_dir exists
                if not in_memory_storage and not os.path.exists(root_dir):
                    raise SystemError('Cannot find specified \'root_dir\': {0}'.format(root_dir))

                # If the coverage directory exists, load it instead!!
                if os.path.exists(pth):
                    log.warn('The specified coverage already exists - performing load of \'{0}\''.format(pth))

                # We've checked everything we can - this is a new coverage!!!

                # Check the mode - must be in 'a' for a new coverage
                if self.mode != 'a':
                    self.mode = 'a'

                self.name = name
                if temporal_domain is None:
                    self.temporal_domain = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal',[0]), CRS.standard_temporal(), MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE)
                elif isinstance(temporal_domain, AbstractDomain):
                    self.temporal_domain = deepcopy(temporal_domain)
                    raise TypeError('\'temporal_domain\' must be an instance of AbstractDomain')

                if spatial_domain is None or isinstance(spatial_domain, AbstractDomain):
                    self.spatial_domain = deepcopy(spatial_domain)
                    raise TypeError('\'spatial_domain\' must be an instance of AbstractDomain')

                if not isinstance(parameter_dictionary, ParameterDictionary):
                    raise TypeError('\'parameter_dictionary\' must be of type ParameterDictionary')
                self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
                self._range_value = RangeValues()

                self._bricking_scheme = bricking_scheme or {'brick_size':10000,'chunk_size':500}

                self._in_memory_storage = in_memory_storage
                if self._in_memory_storage:
                    self._persistence_layer = InMemoryPersistenceLayer()
                    self._persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer(root_dir, persistence_guid, name=name, tdom=temporal_domain, sdom=spatial_domain, mode=self.mode, bricking_scheme=self._bricking_scheme, inline_data_writes=inline_data_writes, auto_flush_values=auto_flush_values)

                for o, pc in parameter_dictionary.itervalues():
            self._closed = True

    def _fromdict(cls, cmdict, arg_masks=None):
        return super(SimplexCoverage, cls)._fromdict(cmdict, {'parameter_dictionary':'_range_dictionary'})

    def temporal_parameter_name(self):
        return self._range_dictionary.temporal_parameter_name

    def parameter_dictionary(self):
        return deepcopy(self._range_dictionary)

    def persistence_guid(self):
        if isinstance(self._persistence_layer, InMemoryPersistenceLayer):
            return None
            return self._persistence_layer.guid

    def persistence_dir(self):
        if isinstance(self._persistence_layer, InMemoryPersistenceLayer):
            return None
            return self._persistence_layer.master_manager.root_dir

    def append_parameter(self, parameter_context):
        Append a ParameterContext to the coverage

        @deprecated use a ParameterDictionary during construction of the coverage
        log.warn('SimplexCoverage.append_parameter() is deprecated: use a ParameterDictionary during construction of the coverage')

    def _append_parameter(self, parameter_context):
        Appends a ParameterContext object to the internal set for this coverage.

        A <b>deep copy</b> of the supplied ParameterContext is added to self._range_dictionary.  An AbstractParameterValue of the type
        indicated by ParameterContext.param_type is added to self._range_value.  If the ParameterContext indicates that
        the parameter is a coordinate parameter, it is associated with the indicated axis of the appropriate CRS.

        @param parameter_context    The ParameterContext to append to the coverage <b>as a copy</b>
        @throws StandardError   If the ParameterContext.axis indicates that it is temporal and a temporal parameter
        already exists in the coverage
        if self.closed:
            raise IOError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('Coverage not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        if not isinstance(parameter_context, ParameterContext):
            raise TypeError('\'parameter_context\' must be an instance of ParameterContext')

        # Create a deep copy of the ParameterContext
        pcontext = deepcopy(parameter_context)

        pname = pcontext.name

        no_sdom = self.spatial_domain is None

        ## Determine the correct array shape

        # Get the parameter variability; assign to VariabilityEnum.NONE if None
        pv=pcontext.variability or VariabilityEnum.NONE
        if no_sdom and pv in (VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL, VariabilityEnum.BOTH):
            log.warn('Provided \'parameter_context\' indicates Spatial variability, but coverage has no Spatial Domain')

        if pv == VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL: # Only varies in the Temporal Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL: # Only varies in the Spatial Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(None, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.BOTH: # Varies in both domains
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.NONE: # No variance; constant
            # CBM TODO: Not sure we can have this constraint - precludes situations like a TextType with Variablity==None...
#            # This is a constant - if the ParameterContext is not a ConstantType, make it one with the default 'x' expr
#            if not isinstance(pcontext.param_type, ConstantType):
#                pcontext.param_type = ConstantType(pcontext.param_type)

            # The domain is the total domain - same value everywhere!!
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            # Should never get here...but...
            raise SystemError('Must define the variability of the ParameterContext: a member of VariabilityEnum')

        # Assign the pname to the CRS (if applicable) and select the appropriate domain (default is the spatial_domain)
        dom = self.spatial_domain
        if not pcontext.axis is None and AxisTypeEnum.is_member(pcontext.axis, AxisTypeEnum.TIME):
            dom = self.temporal_domain
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.axis] = pcontext.name
        elif not no_sdom and (pcontext.axis in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes):
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.axis] = pcontext.name

        s = self._persistence_layer.init_parameter(pcontext, self._bricking_scheme)
        self._range_value[pname] = get_value_class(param_type=pcontext.param_type, domain_set=pcontext.dom, storage=s)

    def get_parameter(self, param_name):
        Get a Parameter object by name

        The Parameter object contains the ParameterContext and AbstractParameterValue associated with the param_name

        @param param_name  The local name of the parameter to return
        @returns A Parameter object containing the context and value for the specified parameter
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if param_name in self._range_dictionary:
            p = Parameter(deepcopy(self._range_dictionary.get_context(param_name)), self._range_value[param_name].shape, self._range_value[param_name])
            return p
            raise KeyError('Coverage does not contain parameter \'{0}\''.format(param_name))

    def list_parameters(self, coords_only=False, data_only=False):
        List the names of the parameters contained in the coverage

        @param coords_only List only the coordinate parameters
        @param data_only   List only the data parameters (non-coordinate) - superseded by coords_only
        @returns A list of parameter names
        if coords_only:
            lst=[x for x, v in self._range_dictionary.iteritems() if v[1].is_coordinate]
        elif data_only:
            lst=[x for x, v in self._range_dictionary.iteritems() if not v[1].is_coordinate]
            lst=[x for x in self._range_dictionary]
        return lst

    def insert_timesteps(self, count, origin=None, oob=True):
        Insert count # of timesteps beginning at the origin

        The specified # of timesteps are inserted into the temporal value array at the indicated origin.  This also
        expands the temporal dimension of the AbstractParameterValue for each parameters

        @param count    The number of timesteps to insert
        @param origin   The starting location, from which to begin the insertion
        @param oob      Out of band operations, True will use greenlets, False will be in-band.
        if self.closed:
            raise IOError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('Coverage not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        # Get the current shape of the temporal_dimension
        shp = self.temporal_domain.shape

        # If not provided, set the origin to the end of the array
        if origin is None or not isinstance(origin, int):
            origin = shp.extents[0]

        # Expand the shape of the temporal_domain - following works if extents is a list or tuple
        shp.extents = (shp.extents[0]+count,)+tuple(shp.extents[1:])

        # Expand the temporal dimension of each of the parameters - the parameter determines how to apply the change
        for n in self._range_dictionary:
            pc = self._range_dictionary.get_context(n)
            # Update the dom of the parameter_context
            if pc.dom.tdom is not None:
                pc.dom.tdom = self.temporal_domain.shape.extents

            self._range_value[n].expand_content(VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL, origin, count)

        # Update the temporal_domain in the master_manager, do NOT flush!!
        self._persistence_layer.update_domain(tdom=self.temporal_domain, do_flush=False)
        # Flush the master_manager & parameter_managers in a separate greenlet
        if oob:

    def set_time_values(self, value, tdoa=None):
        Convenience method for setting time values

        @param value    The value to set
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication; default to full Domain
        return self.set_parameter_values(self.temporal_parameter_name, value, tdoa, None)

    def get_time_values(self, tdoa=None, return_value=None):
        Convenience method for retrieving time values

        Delegates to get_parameter_values, supplying the temporal parameter name and sdoa == None
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication; default to full Domain
        @param return_value If supplied, filled with response value
        return self.get_parameter_values(self.temporal_parameter_name, tdoa, None, return_value)

    def num_timesteps(self):
        The current number of timesteps
        return self.temporal_domain.shape.extents[0]

    def set_parameter_values(self, param_name, value, tdoa=None, sdoa=None):
        Assign value to the specified parameter

        Assigns the value to param_name within the coverage.  Temporal and spatial DomainOfApplication objects can be
        applied to constrain the assignment.  See DomainOfApplication for details

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter
        @param value    The value to set
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication
        @param sdoa The spatial DomainOfApplication
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if self.closed:
            raise IOError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('Coverage not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        if not param_name in self._range_value:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage_model'.format(param_name))

        slice_ = []

        tdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(tdoa, self.temporal_domain.shape.extents)
        log.debug('Temporal doa: %s', tdoa.slices)

        if self.spatial_domain is not None:
            sdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(sdoa, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            log.debug('Spatial doa: %s', sdoa.slices)

        log.debug('Setting slice: %s', slice_)

        self._range_value[param_name][slice_] = value

    def get_parameter_values(self, param_name, tdoa=None, sdoa=None, return_value=None):
        Retrieve the value for a parameter

        Returns the value from param_name.  Temporal and spatial DomainOfApplication objects can be used to
        constrain the response.  See DomainOfApplication for details.

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication
        @param sdoa The spatial DomainOfApplication
        @param return_value If supplied, filled with response value - currently via OVERWRITE
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if not param_name in self._range_value:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage'.format(param_name))

        if return_value is not None:
            log.warn('Provided \'return_value\' will be OVERWRITTEN')

        slice_ = []

        tdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(tdoa, self.temporal_domain.shape.extents)
        log.debug('Temporal doa: %s', tdoa.slices)

        if self.spatial_domain is not None:
            sdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(sdoa, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            log.debug('Spatial doa: %s', sdoa.slices)

        log.debug('Getting slice: %s', slice_)

        return_value = self._range_value[param_name][slice_]
        return return_value

    def get_parameter_context(self, param_name):
        Retrieve a deepcopy of the ParameterContext object for the specified parameter

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter for which to retrieve context
        @returns A deepcopy of the specified ParameterContext object
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if not param_name in self._range_dictionary:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage'.format(param_name))

        return deepcopy(self._range_dictionary.get_context(param_name))

    def __axis_arg_to_params(self, axis=None):
        Helper function to compose a list of parameter names based on the <i>axis</i> argument

        If <i>axis</i> is None, all coordinate parameters are included

        @param axis A member of AxisTypeEnum; may be an iterable of such members
        params = []
        if axis is None:
            params.extend(pn for pk, pn in self.temporal_domain.crs.axes.iteritems())
            params.extend(pn for pk, pn in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes.iteritems())
        elif hasattr(axis, '__iter__'):
            for a in axis:
                if a in self.temporal_domain.crs.axes:
                elif a in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes:
                    raise ValueError('Specified axis ({0}) not found in coverage'.format(a))
        elif axis in self.temporal_domain.crs.axes:
        elif axis in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes:
            raise ValueError('Specified axis ({0}) not found in coverage'.format(axis))

        return params

    def __parameter_name_arg_to_params(self, parameter_name=None):
        Helper function to compose a list of parameter names based on the <i>parameter_name</i> argument

        If <i>parameter_name</i> is None, all parameters in the coverage are included

        @param parameter_name A string parameter name; may be an iterable of such members
        params = []
        if parameter_name is None:
        elif hasattr(parameter_name, '__iter__'):
            params.extend(pn for pn in parameter_name if pn in self._range_dictionary.keys())

        return params

    def get_data_bounds(self, parameter_name=None):
        Returns the bounds (min, max) for the parameter(s) indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>

        If <i>parameter_name</i> is None, all parameters in the coverage are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>, a dict of {key:(min,max)} is returned;
        otherwise, only the (min, max) tuple is returned

        @param parameter_name   A string parameter name; may be an iterable of such members
        from coverage_model import QuantityType, ConstantType
        ret = {}
        for pn in self.__parameter_name_arg_to_params(parameter_name):
            ctxt = self._range_dictionary.get_context(pn)
            fv = ctxt.fill_value
            if isinstance(ctxt.param_type, QuantityType) or isinstance(ctxt.param_type, ConstantType):
                varr = np.ma.masked_equal(self._range_value[pn][:], fv, copy=False)
                r = (varr.min(), varr.max())
                ret[pn] = tuple([fv if isinstance(x, np.ma.core.MaskedConstant) else x for x in r])
                # CBM TODO: Sort out if this is an appropriate way to deal with non-numeric types
                ret[pn] = (fv, fv)

        if len(ret) == 1:
            ret = ret.values()[0]

        return ret

    def get_data_bounds_by_axis(self, axis=None):
        Returns the bounds (min, max) for the coordinate parameter(s) indicated by <i>axis</i>

        If <i>axis</i> is None, all coordinate parameters are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>axis</i>, a dict of {key:(min,max)} is returned;
        otherwise, only the (min, max) tuple is returned

        @param axis   A member of AxisTypeEnum; may be an iterable of such members
        return self.get_data_bounds(self.__axis_arg_to_params(axis))

    def get_data_extents(self, parameter_name=None):
        Returns the extents (dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n) for the parameter(s) indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>

        If <i>parameter_name</i> is None, all parameters in the coverage are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>, a dict of {key:(dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n)} is returned;
        otherwise, only the (dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n) tuple is returned

        @param parameter_name   A string parameter name; may be an iterable of such members
        ret = {}
        for pn in self.__parameter_name_arg_to_params(parameter_name):
            p = self._range_dictionary.get_context(pn)
            ret[pn] = p.dom.total_extents

        if len(ret) == 1:
            ret = ret.values()[0]

        return ret

    def get_data_extents_by_axis(self, axis=None):
        Returns the extents (dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n) for the coordinate parameter(s) indicated by <i>axis</i>

        If <i>axis</i> is None, all coordinate parameters are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>axis</i>, a dict of {key:(dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n)} is returned;
        otherwise, only the (dim_0,dim_1,...,dim_n) tuple is returned

        @param axis   A member of AxisTypeEnum; may be an iterable of such members
        return self.get_data_extents(self.__axis_arg_to_params(axis))

    def get_data_size(self, parameter_name=None, slice_=None, in_bytes=False):
        Returns the size of the <b>data values</b> for the parameter(s) indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>.
        ParameterContext and Coverage metadata is <b>NOT</b> included in the returned size.

        If <i>parameter_name</i> is None, all parameters in the coverage are included

        If more than one parameter is indicated by <i>parameter_name</i>, the sum of the indicated parameters is returned

        If <i>slice_</i> is not None, it is applied to each parameter (after being run through utils.fix_slice) before
        calculation of size

        Sizes are calculated as:
            size = itemsize * total_extent_size

            itemsize == the per-item size based on the data type of the parameter
            total_extent_size == the total number of elements after slicing is applied (if applicable)

        Sizes are in MB unless <i>in_bytes</i> == True

        @param parameter_name   A string parameter name; may be an iterable of such members
        @param slice_   If not None, applied to each parameter before calculation of size
        @param in_bytes If True, returns the size in bytes; otherwise, returns the size in MB (default)
        size = 0
        if parameter_name is None:
            for pn in self._range_dictionary.keys():
                size += self.get_data_size(pn, in_bytes=in_bytes)

        for pn in self.__parameter_name_arg_to_params(parameter_name):
            p = self._range_dictionary.get_context(pn)
            dt = np.dtype(p.param_type.value_encoding)

            if slice_ is not None:
                slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, te)
                a=np.empty(te, dtype=dt)[slice_]
                size += a.nbytes
                size += dt.itemsize * utils.prod(te)

        if not in_bytes:
            size *= 9.53674e-7

        return size

    def info(self):
        Returns a detailed string representation of the coverage contents
        @returns    string of coverage contents
        lst = []
        indent = ' '
        lst.append('ID: {0}'.format(self._id))
        lst.append('Name: {0}'.format(self.name))
        lst.append('Temporal Domain:\n{0}'.format(self.temporal_domain.__str__(indent*2)))
        lst.append('Spatial Domain:\n{0}'.format(self.spatial_domain.__str__(indent*2)))

        for x in self._range_value:
            lst.append('{0}{1} {2}\n{3}'.format(indent*2,x,self._range_value[x].shape,self._range_dictionary.get_context(x).__str__(indent*4)))

        return '\n'.join(lst)

    def __str__(self):
        lst = []
        indent = ' '
        lst.append('ID: {0}'.format(self._id))
        lst.append('Name: {0}'.format(self.name))
        lst.append('TemporalDomain: Shape=>{0} Axes=>{1}'.format(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.temporal_domain.crs.axes))
        lst.append('SpatialDomain: Shape=>{0} Axes=>{1}'.format(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.crs.axes))
        lst.append('Coordinate Parameters: {0}'.format(self.list_parameters(coords_only=True)))
        lst.append('Data Parameters: {0}'.format(self.list_parameters(coords_only=False, data_only=True)))

        return '\n'.join(lst)
    def _setup_resources(self):
        # TODO: some or all of this (or some variation) should move to DAMS'

        # Build the test resources for the dataset
        dms_cli = DatasetManagementServiceClient()
        dams_cli = DataAcquisitionManagementServiceClient()
        dpms_cli = DataProductManagementServiceClient()
        rr_cli = ResourceRegistryServiceClient()
        pubsub_cli = PubsubManagementServiceClient()

        eda = ExternalDatasetAgent(name='example data agent',
        eda_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset_agent(eda)

        eda_inst = ExternalDatasetAgentInstance(
            name='example dataset agent instance')
        eda_inst_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset_agent_instance(
            eda_inst, external_dataset_agent_id=eda_id)

        # Create and register the necessary resources/objects

        # Create DataProvider
        dprov = ExternalDataProvider(name='example data provider',
        dprov.contact.individual_names_given = 'Christopher Mueller'
        dprov.contact.email = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create DataSource
        dsrc = DataSource(name='example datasource',
        dsrc.connection_params['base_data_url'] = ''
        dsrc.contact.individual_names_given = 'Tim Giguere'
        dsrc.contact.email = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create ExternalDataset
        ds_name = 'ruv_test_dataset'
        dset = ExternalDataset(name=ds_name,

        dset.dataset_description.parameters['base_url'] = 'test_data/ruv/'
            'list_pattern'] = 'RDLi_SEAB_2011_08_24_1600.ruv'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['date_pattern'] = '%Y %m %d %H %M'
            'date_extraction_pattern'] = 'RDLi_SEAB_([\d]{4})_([\d]{2})_([\d]{2})_([\d]{2})([\d]{2}).ruv'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['temporal_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['zonal_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['meridional_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['vertical_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['variables'] = []

        # Create DataSourceModel
        dsrc_model = DataSourceModel(name='ruv_model')
        #dsrc_model.model = 'RUV'
        dsrc_model.data_handler_module = 'N/A'
        dsrc_model.data_handler_class = 'N/A'

        ## Run everything through DAMS
        ds_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset(external_dataset=dset)
        ext_dprov_id = dams_cli.create_external_data_provider(
        ext_dsrc_id = dams_cli.create_data_source(data_source=dsrc)
        ext_dsrc_model_id = dams_cli.create_data_source_model(dsrc_model)

        # Register the ExternalDataset
        dproducer_id = dams_cli.register_external_data_set(

        # Or using each method
            data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id, external_data_provider_id=ext_dprov_id)
            data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id, data_source_model_id=ext_dsrc_model_id)
            external_dataset_id=ds_id, data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id)
            external_dataset_id=ds_id, agent_instance_id=eda_inst_id)

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        t_ctxt = ParameterContext(
        t_ctxt.axis = AxisTypeEnum.TIME
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970'

        #create temp streamdef so the data product can create the stream
        pc_list = []
        for pc_k, pc in pdict.iteritems():
                pc_k, pc[1].dump()))

        pdict_id = dms_cli.create_parameter_dictionary('ruv_param_dict',

        streamdef_id = pubsub_cli.create_stream_definition(
            description="stream def for ruv testing",

        dprod = IonObject(RT.DataProduct,
                          description='parsed ruv product')

        # Generate the data product and associate it to the ExternalDataset
        dproduct_id = dpms_cli.create_data_product(
            data_product=dprod, stream_definition_id=streamdef_id)


        stream_id, assn = rr_cli.find_objects(subject=dproduct_id,
        stream_id = stream_id[0]

        log.info('Created resources: {0}'.format({
            'ExternalDataset': ds_id,
            'ExternalDataProvider': ext_dprov_id,
            'DataSource': ext_dsrc_id,
            'DataSourceModel': ext_dsrc_model_id,
            'DataProducer': dproducer_id,
            'DataProduct': dproduct_id,
            'Stream': stream_id

        #CBM: Eventually, probably want to group this crap somehow - not sure how yet...

        # Create the logger for receiving publications
        _, stream_route, _ = self.create_stream_and_logger(name='ruv',

        self.EDA_RESOURCE_ID = ds_id
        self.EDA_NAME = ds_name
        self.DVR_CONFIG['dh_cfg'] = {
            'TESTING': True,
            'stream_id': stream_id,
            'stream_route': stream_route,
            'external_dataset_res': dset,
            'param_dictionary': pdict.dump(),
            dproducer_id,  # CBM: Should this be put in the main body of the config - with mod & cls?
            'max_records': 20,
    def _setup_resources(self):
        # TODO: some or all of this (or some variation) should move to DAMS'

        # Build the test resources for the dataset
        dms_cli = DatasetManagementServiceClient()
        dams_cli = DataAcquisitionManagementServiceClient()
        dpms_cli = DataProductManagementServiceClient()
        rr_cli = ResourceRegistryServiceClient()
        pubsub_cli = PubsubManagementServiceClient()

        eda = ExternalDatasetAgent(name='example data agent', handler_module=self.DVR_CONFIG['dvr_mod'], handler_class=self.DVR_CONFIG['dvr_cls'])
        eda_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset_agent(eda)

        eda_inst = ExternalDatasetAgentInstance(name='example dataset agent instance')
        eda_inst_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset_agent_instance(eda_inst, external_dataset_agent_id=eda_id)

        # Create and register the necessary resources/objects

        # Create DataProvider
        dprov = ExternalDataProvider(name='example data provider', institution=Institution(), contact=ContactInformation())
        dprov.contact.individual_names_given = 'Christopher Mueller'
        dprov.contact.email = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create DataSource
        dsrc = DataSource(name='example datasource', protocol_type='FILE', institution=Institution(), contact=ContactInformation())
        dsrc.connection_params['base_data_url'] = ''
        dsrc.contact.individual_names_given = 'Tim Giguere'
        dsrc.contact.email = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create ExternalDataset
        ds_name = 'ruv_test_dataset'
        dset = ExternalDataset(name=ds_name, dataset_description=DatasetDescription(), update_description=UpdateDescription(), contact=ContactInformation())

        dset.dataset_description.parameters['base_url'] = 'test_data/ruv/'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['list_pattern'] = 'RDLi_SEAB_2011_08_24_1600.ruv'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['date_pattern'] = '%Y %m %d %H %M'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['date_extraction_pattern'] = 'RDLi_SEAB_([\d]{4})_([\d]{2})_([\d]{2})_([\d]{2})([\d]{2}).ruv'
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['temporal_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['zonal_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['meridional_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['vertical_dimension'] = None
        dset.dataset_description.parameters['variables'] = [

        # Create DataSourceModel
        dsrc_model = DataSourceModel(name='ruv_model')
        #dsrc_model.model = 'RUV'
        dsrc_model.data_handler_module = 'N/A'
        dsrc_model.data_handler_class = 'N/A'

        ## Run everything through DAMS
        ds_id = dams_cli.create_external_dataset(external_dataset=dset)
        ext_dprov_id = dams_cli.create_external_data_provider(external_data_provider=dprov)
        ext_dsrc_id = dams_cli.create_data_source(data_source=dsrc)
        ext_dsrc_model_id = dams_cli.create_data_source_model(dsrc_model)

        # Register the ExternalDataset
        dproducer_id = dams_cli.register_external_data_set(external_dataset_id=ds_id)

        # Or using each method
        dams_cli.assign_data_source_to_external_data_provider(data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id, external_data_provider_id=ext_dprov_id)
        dams_cli.assign_data_source_to_data_model(data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id, data_source_model_id=ext_dsrc_model_id)
        dams_cli.assign_external_dataset_to_data_source(external_dataset_id=ds_id, data_source_id=ext_dsrc_id)
        dams_cli.assign_external_dataset_to_agent_instance(external_dataset_id=ds_id, agent_instance_id=eda_inst_id)

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        t_ctxt = ParameterContext('data', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=numpy.dtype('int64')))
        t_ctxt.axis = AxisTypeEnum.TIME
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970'

        #create temp streamdef so the data product can create the stream
        pc_list = []
        for pc_k, pc in pdict.iteritems():
            pc_list.append(dms_cli.create_parameter_context(pc_k, pc[1].dump()))

        pdict_id = dms_cli.create_parameter_dictionary('ruv_param_dict', pc_list)

        streamdef_id = pubsub_cli.create_stream_definition(name="ruv", description="stream def for ruv testing", parameter_dictionary_id=pdict_id)

        tdom, sdom = time_series_domain()
        tdom, sdom = tdom.dump(), sdom.dump()

        dprod = IonObject(RT.DataProduct,
            description='parsed ruv product',

        # Generate the data product and associate it to the ExternalDataset
        dproduct_id = dpms_cli.create_data_product(data_product=dprod,

        dams_cli.assign_data_product(input_resource_id=ds_id, data_product_id=dproduct_id)

        stream_id, assn = rr_cli.find_objects(subject=dproduct_id, predicate=PRED.hasStream, object_type=RT.Stream, id_only=True)
        stream_id = stream_id[0]

        log.info('Created resources: {0}'.format({'ExternalDataset': ds_id, 'ExternalDataProvider': ext_dprov_id, 'DataSource': ext_dsrc_id, 'DataSourceModel': ext_dsrc_model_id, 'DataProducer': dproducer_id, 'DataProduct': dproduct_id, 'Stream': stream_id}))

        #CBM: Eventually, probably want to group this crap somehow - not sure how yet...

        # Create the logger for receiving publications
        _, stream_route, _ = self.create_stream_and_logger(name='ruv', stream_id=stream_id)

        self.EDA_RESOURCE_ID = ds_id
        self.EDA_NAME = ds_name
        self.DVR_CONFIG['dh_cfg'] = {
            'TESTING': True,
            'stream_id': stream_id,
            'stream_route': stream_route,
            'external_dataset_res': dset,
            'param_dictionary': pdict.dump(),
            'data_producer_id': dproducer_id,  # CBM: Should this be put in the main body of the config - with mod & cls?
            'max_records': 20,
Exemplo n.º 7
class SimplexCoverage(AbstractCoverage):
    A concrete implementation of AbstractCoverage consisting of 2 domains (temporal and spatial)
    and a collection of parameters associated with one or both of the domains.  Each parameter is defined by a
    ParameterContext object (provided via the ParameterDictionary) and has content represented by a concrete implementation
    of the AbstractParameterValue class.

    def __init__(self, root_dir, persistence_guid, name=None, parameter_dictionary=None, temporal_domain=None, spatial_domain=None, in_memory_storage=False, bricking_scheme=None):
        Constructor for SimplexCoverage

        @param root_dir The root directory for storage of this coverage
        @param persistence_guid The persistence uuid for this coverage
        @param name The name of the coverage
        @param parameter_dictionary    a ParameterDictionary object expected to contain one or more valid ParameterContext objects
        @param spatial_domain  a concrete instance of AbstractDomain for the spatial domain component
        @param temporal_domain a concrete instance of AbstractDomain for the temporal domain component

        # Make sure root_dir and persistence_guid are both not None and are strings
        if not isinstance(root_dir, str) or not isinstance(persistence_guid, str):
            raise SystemError('\'root_dir\' and \'persistence_guid\' must be instances of str')

        pth=os.path.join(root_dir, persistence_guid)

        def _doload(self):
            # Make sure the coverage directory exists
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                raise SystemError('Cannot find specified coverage: {0}'.format(pth))

            # All appears well - load it up!
            self._persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer(root_dir, persistence_guid)

            self.name = self._persistence_layer.name
            self.spatial_domain = self._persistence_layer.sdom
            self.temporal_domain = self._persistence_layer.tdom

            self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
            self._range_value = RangeValues()

            self._bricking_scheme = self._persistence_layer.global_bricking_scheme
            self._temporal_param_name = self._persistence_layer.temporal_param_name

            self._in_memory_storage = False

            from coverage_model.persistence import PersistedStorage
            for parameter_name in self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata.keys():
                md = self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata[parameter_name]
                pc = md.parameter_context
                s = PersistedStorage(md, self._persistence_layer.brick_dispatcher, dtype=pc.param_type.value_encoding, fill_value=pc.param_type.fill_value)
                self._range_value[parameter_name] = get_value_class(param_type=pc.param_type, domain_set=pc.dom, storage=s)

        if name is None or parameter_dictionary is None:
            # This appears to be a load

            # This appears to be a new coverage
            # Make sure name and parameter_dictionary are not None
            if name is None or parameter_dictionary is None:
                raise SystemError('\'name\' and \'parameter_dictionary\' cannot be None')

            # Make sure the specified root_dir exists
            if not in_memory_storage and not os.path.exists(root_dir):
                raise SystemError('Cannot find specified \'root_dir\': {0}'.format(root_dir))

            # If the coverage directory exists, load it instead!!
            if os.path.exists(pth):
                log.warn('The specified coverage already exists - performing load of \'{0}\''.format(pth))

            self.name = name
            self.spatial_domain = deepcopy(spatial_domain)
            self.temporal_domain = deepcopy(temporal_domain) or GridDomain(GridShape('temporal',[0]), CRS.standard_temporal(), MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE)

            if not isinstance(parameter_dictionary, ParameterDictionary):
                raise TypeError('\'parameter_dictionary\' must be of type ParameterDictionary')
            self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
            self._range_value = RangeValues()

            self._bricking_scheme = bricking_scheme or {'brick_size':10,'chunk_size':5}
            self._temporal_param_name = None

            self._in_memory_storage = in_memory_storage
            if self._in_memory_storage:
                self._persistence_layer = InMemoryPersistenceLayer()
                self._persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer(root_dir, persistence_guid, name=name, tdom=temporal_domain, sdom=spatial_domain, bricking_scheme=self._bricking_scheme)

            for o, pc in parameter_dictionary.itervalues():

    def _fromdict(cls, cmdict, arg_masks=None):
        return super(SimplexCoverage, cls)._fromdict(cmdict, {'parameter_dictionary':'_range_dictionary'})

    def parameter_dictionary(self):
        return deepcopy(self._range_dictionary)

    def persistence_guid(self):
        if isinstance(self._persistence_layer, InMemoryPersistenceLayer):
            return None
            return self._persistence_layer.guid

    def append_parameter(self, parameter_context):
        Append a ParameterContext to the coverage

        @deprecated use a ParameterDictionary during construction of the coverage
        log.warn('SimplexCoverage.append_parameter() is deprecated: use a ParameterDictionary during construction of the coverage')

    def _append_parameter(self, parameter_context):
        Appends a ParameterContext object to the internal set for this coverage.

        A <b>deep copy</b> of the supplied ParameterContext is added to self._range_dictionary.  An AbstractParameterValue of the type
        indicated by ParameterContext.param_type is added to self._range_value.  If the ParameterContext indicates that
        the parameter is a coordinate parameter, it is associated with the indicated axis of the appropriate CRS.

        @param parameter_context    The ParameterContext to append to the coverage <b>as a copy</b>
        @throws StandardError   If the ParameterContext.axis indicates that it is temporal and a temporal parameter
        already exists in the coverage
        if not isinstance(parameter_context, ParameterContext):
            raise TypeError('\'parameter_context\' must be an instance of ParameterContext')

        # Create a deep copy of the ParameterContext
        pcontext = deepcopy(parameter_context)

        pname = pcontext.name

        no_sdom = self.spatial_domain is None

        ## Determine the correct array shape

        # Get the parameter variability; assign to VariabilityEnum.NONE if None
        pv=pcontext.variability or VariabilityEnum.NONE
        if no_sdom and pv in (VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL, VariabilityEnum.BOTH):
            log.warn('Provided \'parameter_context\' indicates Spatial variability, but coverage has no Spatial Domain')

        if pv == VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL: # Only varies in the Temporal Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL: # Only varies in the Spatial Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(None, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.BOTH: # Varies in both domains
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.NONE: # No variance; constant
            # CBM TODO: Not sure we can have this constraint - precludes situations like a TextType with Variablity==None...
#            # This is a constant - if the ParameterContext is not a ConstantType, make it one with the default 'x' expr
#            if not isinstance(pcontext.param_type, ConstantType):
#                pcontext.param_type = ConstantType(pcontext.param_type)

            # The domain is the total domain - same value everywhere!!
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            # Should never get here...but...
            raise SystemError('Must define the variability of the ParameterContext: a member of VariabilityEnum')

        # Assign the pname to the CRS (if applicable) and select the appropriate domain (default is the spatial_domain)
        dom = self.spatial_domain
        is_tparam = False
        if not pcontext.reference_frame is None and AxisTypeEnum.is_member(pcontext.reference_frame, AxisTypeEnum.TIME):
            if self._temporal_param_name is None:
                self._temporal_param_name = pname
                is_tparam = True
                raise StandardError("temporal_parameter already defined.")
            dom = self.temporal_domain
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.reference_frame] = pcontext.name
        elif not no_sdom and (pcontext.reference_frame in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes):
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.reference_frame] = pcontext.name

        s = self._persistence_layer.init_parameter(pcontext, self._bricking_scheme, is_temporal_param=is_tparam)
        self._range_value[pname] = get_value_class(param_type=pcontext.param_type, domain_set=pcontext.dom, storage=s)

    def get_parameter(self, param_name):
        Get a Parameter object by name

        The Parameter object contains the ParameterContext and AbstractParameterValue associated with the param_name

        @param param_name  The local name of the parameter to return
        @returns A Parameter object containing the context and value for the specified parameter
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if param_name in self._range_dictionary:
            p = Parameter(self._range_dictionary.get_context(param_name), self._range_value[param_name].shape, self._range_value[param_name])
            return p
            raise KeyError('Coverage does not contain parameter \'{0}\''.format(param_name))

    def list_parameters(self, coords_only=False, data_only=False):
        List the names of the parameters contained in the coverage

        @param coords_only List only the coordinate parameters
        @param data_only   List only the data parameters (non-coordinate) - superseded by coords_only
        @returns A list of parameter names
        if coords_only:
            lst=[x for x, v in self._range_dictionary.iteritems() if v[1].is_coordinate]
        elif data_only:
            lst=[x for x, v in self._range_dictionary.iteritems() if not v[1].is_coordinate]
            lst=[x for x in self._range_dictionary]
        return lst

    def insert_timesteps(self, count, origin=None):
        Insert count # of timesteps beginning at the origin

        The specified # of timesteps are inserted into the temporal value array at the indicated origin.  This also
        expands the temporal dimension of the AbstractParameterValue for each parameters

        @param count    The number of timesteps to insert
        @param origin   The starting location, from which to begin the insertion

        # Get the current shape of the temporal_dimension
        shp = self.temporal_domain.shape

        # If not provided, set the origin to the end of the array
        if origin is None or not isinstance(origin, int):
            origin = shp.extents[0]

        # Expand the shape of the temporal_domain - following works if extents is a list or tuple
        shp.extents = (shp.extents[0]+count,)+tuple(shp.extents[1:])

        # Expand the temporal dimension of each of the parameters - the parameter determines how to apply the change
        for n in self._range_dictionary:
            pc = self._range_dictionary.get_context(n)
            # Update the dom of the parameter_context
            if pc.dom.tdom is not None:
                pc.dom.tdom = self.temporal_domain.shape.extents

            self._persistence_layer.expand_domain(pc, tdom=self.temporal_domain)
            self._range_value[n].expand_content(VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL, origin, count)

    def set_time_values(self, value, tdoa):
        Convenience method for setting time values

        @param value    The value to set
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication; default to full Domain
        return self.set_parameter_values(self._temporal_param_name, value, tdoa, None)

    def get_time_values(self, tdoa=None, return_value=None):
        Convenience method for retrieving time values

        Delegates to get_parameter_values, supplying the temporal parameter name and sdoa == None
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication; default to full Domain
        @param return_value If supplied, filled with response value
        return self.get_parameter_values(self._temporal_param_name, tdoa, None, return_value)

    def num_timesteps(self):
        The current number of timesteps
        return self.temporal_domain.shape.extents[0]

    def set_parameter_values(self, param_name, value, tdoa=None, sdoa=None):
        Assign value to the specified parameter

        Assigns the value to param_name within the coverage.  Temporal and spatial DomainOfApplication objects can be
        applied to constrain the assignment.  See DomainOfApplication for details

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter
        @param value    The value to set
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication
        @param sdoa The spatial DomainOfApplication
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if not param_name in self._range_value:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage_model'.format(param_name))

        slice_ = []

        tdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(tdoa, self.temporal_domain.shape.extents)
        log.debug('Temporal doa: %s', tdoa.slices)

        if self.spatial_domain is not None:
            sdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(sdoa, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            log.debug('Spatial doa: %s', sdoa.slices)

        log.debug('Setting slice: %s', slice_)

        self._range_value[param_name][slice_] = value

    def get_parameter_values(self, param_name, tdoa=None, sdoa=None, return_value=None):
        Retrieve the value for a parameter

        Returns the value from param_name.  Temporal and spatial DomainOfApplication objects can be used to
        constrain the response.  See DomainOfApplication for details.

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter
        @param tdoa The temporal DomainOfApplication
        @param sdoa The spatial DomainOfApplication
        @param return_value If supplied, filled with response value - currently via OVERWRITE
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if not param_name in self._range_value:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage'.format(param_name))

        if return_value is not None:
            log.warn('Provided \'return_value\' will be OVERWRITTEN')

        slice_ = []

        tdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(tdoa, self.temporal_domain.shape.extents)
        log.debug('Temporal doa: %s', tdoa.slices)

        if self.spatial_domain is not None:
            sdoa = get_valid_DomainOfApplication(sdoa, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            log.debug('Spatial doa: %s', sdoa.slices)

        log.debug('Getting slice: %s', slice_)

        return_value = self._range_value[param_name][slice_]
        return return_value

    def get_parameter_context(self, param_name):
        Retrieve the ParameterContext object for the specified parameter

        @param param_name   The name of the parameter for which to retrieve context
        @returns A ParameterContext object
        @throws KeyError    The coverage does not contain a parameter with name 'param_name'
        if not param_name in self._range_dictionary:
            raise KeyError('Parameter \'{0}\' not found in coverage'.format(param_name))

        return self._range_dictionary.get_context(param_name)

    def info(self):
        Returns a detailed string representation of the coverage contents
        @returns    string of coverage contents
        lst = []
        indent = ' '
        lst.append('ID: {0}'.format(self._id))
        lst.append('Name: {0}'.format(self.name))
        lst.append('Temporal Domain:\n{0}'.format(self.temporal_domain.__str__(indent*2)))
        lst.append('Spatial Domain:\n{0}'.format(self.spatial_domain.__str__(indent*2)))

        for x in self._range_value:
            lst.append('{0}{1} {2}\n{3}'.format(indent*2,x,self._range_value[x].shape,self._range_dictionary.get_context(x).__str__(indent*4)))

        return '\n'.join(lst)

    def __str__(self):
        lst = []
        indent = ' '
        lst.append('ID: {0}'.format(self._id))
        lst.append('Name: {0}'.format(self.name))
        lst.append('TemporalDomain: Shape=>{0} Axes=>{1}'.format(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.temporal_domain.crs.axes))
        lst.append('SpatialDomain: Shape=>{0} Axes=>{1}'.format(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.crs.axes))
        lst.append('Coordinate Parameters: {0}'.format(self.list_parameters(coords_only=True)))
        lst.append('Data Parameters: {0}'.format(self.list_parameters(coords_only=False, data_only=True)))

        return '\n'.join(lst)