Exemplo n.º 1
            def _doload(self):
                # Make sure the coverage directory exists
                if not os.path.exists(pth):
                    raise SystemError('Cannot find specified coverage: {0}'.format(pth))

                # All appears well - load it up!
                self._persistence_layer = PersistenceLayer(root_dir, persistence_guid, mode=self.mode)

                self.name = self._persistence_layer.name
                self.spatial_domain = self._persistence_layer.sdom
                self.temporal_domain = self._persistence_layer.tdom

                self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
                self._range_value = RangeValues()

                self._bricking_scheme = self._persistence_layer.global_bricking_scheme

                self._in_memory_storage = False

                auto_flush_values = self._persistence_layer.auto_flush_values
                inline_data_writes = self._persistence_layer.inline_data_writes

                from coverage_model.persistence import PersistedStorage
                for parameter_name in self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata.keys():
                    md = self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata[parameter_name]
                    pc = md.parameter_context
                    s = PersistedStorage(md, self._persistence_layer.brick_dispatcher, dtype=pc.param_type.storage_encoding, fill_value=pc.param_type.fill_value, mode=self.mode, inline_data_writes=inline_data_writes, auto_flush=auto_flush_values)
                    self._range_value[parameter_name] = get_value_class(param_type=pc.param_type, domain_set=pc.dom, storage=s)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __setitem__(self, name, vals):
        Set a parameter
        if name not in self._rd:
            raise KeyError(name)
        context = self._pdict.get_context(name)
        if self._shp is None: # Not initialized:
            if isinstance(vals, np.ndarray):
                self._shp = vals.shape
            elif isinstance(vals, list):
                self._shp = (len(vals),)
                raise BadRequest('No shape was defined')

            log.trace('Set shape to %s', self._shp)
            if isinstance(vals, np.ndarray):
                validate_equal(vals.shape, self._shp, 'Invalid shape on input')
            elif isinstance(vals, list):
                validate_equal(len(vals), self._shp[0], 'Invalid shape on input')

        dom = self.domain
        paramval = get_value_class(context.param_type, domain_set = dom)
        paramval[:] = vals
        paramval.storage._storage.flags.writeable = False
        self._rd[name] = paramval
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _do_build(self):
        # Reset things to ensure we don't munge everything
        self._reference_covs = collections.OrderedDict()
        self._range_dictionary = ParameterDictionary()
        self._range_value = RangeValues()
        self._reference_covs = self._build_ordered_coverage_dict()

        for parameter_name in self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata:
            md = self._persistence_layer.parameter_metadata[parameter_name]
            mm = self._persistence_layer.master_manager
            pc = md.parameter_context

            # Assign the coverage's domain object(s)

            # Get the callbacks for ParameterFunctionType parameters
            if hasattr(pc, '_pval_callback'):
                pc._pval_callback = self.get_parameter_values
                pc._pctxt_callback = self.get_parameter_context
            s = PostgresPersistedStorage(md, metadata_manager=mm, parameter_context=pc, dtype=pc.param_type.storage_encoding, fill_value=pc.param_type.fill_value, mode=self._persistence_layer.mode)
            self._persistence_layer.value_list[parameter_name] = s
            self._range_value[parameter_name] = get_value_class(param_type=pc.param_type, domain_set=pc.dom, storage=s)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def load_from_granule(cls, g):
        if isinstance(g.param_dictionary, str):
            instance = cls(stream_definition_id=g.param_dictionary, locator=g.locator)
            pdict = RecordDictionaryTool.pdict_from_stream_def(g.param_dictionary)
            instance._pdict = ParameterDictionary.load(pdict)
            instance = cls(param_dictionary=g.param_dictionary, locator=g.locator)
            instance._pdict = ParameterDictionary.load(g.param_dictionary)
        if g.domain:
            instance._shp = (g.domain[0],)
        for k,v in g.record_dictionary.iteritems():
            if v is not None:
                ptype = instance._pdict.get_context(k).param_type
                paramval = get_value_class(ptype, domain_set = instance.domain)
                paramval[:] = v
                paramval.storage._storage.flags.writeable = False

                instance._rd[k] = paramval
        return instance
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_pval(self, context):
     return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20,)))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _append_parameter(self, parameter_context):
        Appends a ParameterContext object to the internal set for this coverage.

        A <b>deep copy</b> of the supplied ParameterContext is added to self._range_dictionary.  An AbstractParameterValue of the type
        indicated by ParameterContext.param_type is added to self._range_value.  If the ParameterContext indicates that
        the parameter is a coordinate parameter, it is associated with the indicated axis of the appropriate CRS.

        @param parameter_context    The ParameterContext to append to the coverage <b>as a copy</b>
        @throws StandardError   If the ParameterContext.axis indicates that it is temporal and a temporal parameter
        already exists in the coverage
        if self.closed:
            raise IOError('I/O operation on closed file')

        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('Coverage not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        if not isinstance(parameter_context, ParameterContext):
            raise TypeError('\'parameter_context\' must be an instance of ParameterContext')

        # Create a deep copy of the ParameterContext
        pcontext = deepcopy(parameter_context)

        pname = pcontext.name

        no_sdom = self.spatial_domain is None

        ## Determine the correct array shape

        # Get the parameter variability; assign to VariabilityEnum.NONE if None
        pv=pcontext.variability or VariabilityEnum.NONE
        if no_sdom and pv in (VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL, VariabilityEnum.BOTH):
            log.warn('Provided \'parameter_context\' indicates Spatial variability, but coverage has no Spatial Domain')

        if pv == VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL: # Only varies in the Temporal Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.SPATIAL: # Only varies in the Spatial Domain
            pcontext.dom = DomainSet(None, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.BOTH: # Varies in both domains
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
        elif pv == VariabilityEnum.NONE: # No variance; constant
            # CBM TODO: Not sure we can have this constraint - precludes situations like a TextType with Variablity==None...
#            # This is a constant - if the ParameterContext is not a ConstantType, make it one with the default 'x' expr
#            if not isinstance(pcontext.param_type, ConstantType):
#                pcontext.param_type = ConstantType(pcontext.param_type)

            # The domain is the total domain - same value everywhere!!
            # If the Spatial Domain is only a single point on a 0d Topology, the parameter's shape is that of the Temporal Domain only
            if no_sdom or (len(self.spatial_domain.shape.extents) == 1 and self.spatial_domain.shape.extents[0] == 0):
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, None)
                pcontext.dom = DomainSet(self.temporal_domain.shape.extents, self.spatial_domain.shape.extents)
            # Should never get here...but...
            raise SystemError('Must define the variability of the ParameterContext: a member of VariabilityEnum')

        # Assign the pname to the CRS (if applicable) and select the appropriate domain (default is the spatial_domain)
        dom = self.spatial_domain
        if not pcontext.axis is None and AxisTypeEnum.is_member(pcontext.axis, AxisTypeEnum.TIME):
            dom = self.temporal_domain
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.axis] = pcontext.name
        elif not no_sdom and (pcontext.axis in self.spatial_domain.crs.axes):
            dom.crs.axes[pcontext.axis] = pcontext.name

        s = self._persistence_layer.init_parameter(pcontext, self._bricking_scheme)
        self._range_value[pname] = get_value_class(param_type=pcontext.param_type, domain_set=pcontext.dom, storage=s)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_pval(self, context):
     return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20, )))