Exemplo n.º 1
def cozmoBehavior(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    """Cozmo search behavior. See assignment description for details

        Has global access to grid, a CozGrid instance created by the main thread, and
        stopevent, a threading.Event instance used to signal when the main thread has stopped.
        You can use stopevent.is_set() to check its status or stopevent.wait() to wait for the
        main thread to finish.

        robot -- cozmo.robot.Robot instance, supplied by cozmo.run_program

    global grid, stopevent

    #set/import initial grid conditions, initialize variables.  set a default initial goal to be the center of the map.
    botPoint = (3, 2)
    grid.addGoal((13, 9))
    cubes = set()
    goalCubePos = None
    goalScalar = -1
    cubeFootprint = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
    scale = 25
    width = 26
    height = 18
    repath = False

    #reset the robot for its journey
    robot.image_stream_enabled = True
    speed = 27
    previousHeading = 0

    while not stopevent.is_set():
        #if repath == True:
        #   repath = False;

        #run astar search
        astar(grid, heuristic)
        path = grid.getPath()

        #where are we now?
        if len(path) - path.index(botPoint) == 1:
            endPoint = botPoint
            endPoint = path[path.index(botPoint) + 1]

        print("cur: {0}".format(botPoint))
        print("end: {0}".format(endPoint))

        #find the cube(s)
        for cube in robot.world.visible_objects:
            cubeID = cube.object_id
            #if this is a 'new' cube...
            if cubeID not in cubes:
                cubex = cube.pose.position.x
                cubey = cube.pose.position.y

                #normalize the position to the size of the grid and make sure that any cubes are located INSIDE the grid
                cubex = min(math.ceil((cubex) / scale) + 2, width)
                cubey = min(math.ceil((cubey) / scale) + 2, height)

                #mark grid squares as obstacles, based on the normalized cube position and the footprint of the cube
                for xi in cubeFootprint:
                    for yi in cubeFootprint:
                        curx = cubex + xi
                        cury = cubey + yi
                        #only mark a grid square as containing an obstacle if the square is actually inside the grid
                        if curx >= 0 and curx <= width and cury >= 0 and cury <= height:
                            grid.addObstacle((curx, cury))

                print("Found a cube: {0}".format(cubeID))
                #add this cube to the master set of cubes

                #special casing if we realize that this is the goal cube
                #if robot.world.light_cubes[cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id].object_id == cubeID:
                if cubeID == 1:
                    goalCubePos = (cubex, cubey)
                    #adjust the bot's final position based on the rotational position of the cube so that the bot can approach it properly
                    theta = cube.pose.rotation.angle_z.radians + math.pi
                    goalx = cubex + (round(math.cos(theta)) *
                                     math.floor((len(cubeFootprint) / 2) + 1))
                    goaly = cubey + (round(math.sin(theta)) *
                                     math.floor((len(cubeFootprint) / 2) + 1))

                    #get rid of any stale goals (e.g. center of the grid) and add the goal position
                    print("Found Goal Cube at: " + str(goalx) + ", " +
                    grid.addGoal((goalx, goaly))
                    repath = True


                    # run astar search
                    astar(grid, heuristic)

                    path = grid.getPath()

                    # where are we now?
                    if len(path) - path.index(botPoint) == 1:
                        endPoint = botPoint
                        endPoint = path[path.index(botPoint) + 1]

                    print("bot: {0}".format(botPoint))
                    print("end: {0}".format(endPoint))

        #if repath == False:
        #get the vector of displacement between the endpoint and the bot's current point
        dispVector = (endPoint[0] - botPoint[0], endPoint[1] - botPoint[1])
        #get a scalar measure of how far the endpoint is from the bot's current point
        dispScalar = math.sqrt(
            math.pow(dispVector[0], 2) + math.pow(dispVector[1], 2))
        #atan2(y,x) gives the absolute angle of a vector, so we can use it to get the best heading
        heading = math.atan2(dispVector[1], dispVector[0])
        #we turn based on the difference between the desired heading and the bot's previous heading
        turn = heading - previousHeading
        previousHeading = heading

        if dispScalar != 0:
            #turn and move the bot
            robot.drive_wheels(speed, speed, duration=2 * dispScalar)

        if goalCubePos is not None:
            goalVector = (goalCubePos[0] - botPoint[0],
                          goalCubePos[1] - botPoint[1])
            goalScalar = math.sqrt(
                math.pow(goalVector[0], 2) + math.pow(goalVector[1], 2))

        #if we've reached the center of the grid and still haven't found the goal cube, slowly turn in place (until we find it)
        if dispScalar == 0 and goalCubePos is None:
            print("Turning in place til we find the cube")
        #if we HAVE found the goal cube, and we've reached the endpoint...
        elif dispScalar == 0 and goalCubePos is not None and goalScalar == 0:
            #get the heading and turn to face the cube
            heading = math.atan2(goalCubePos[1] - endPoint[1],
                                 goalCubePos[0] - endPoint[0])
            turn = heading - previousHeading
            print("Reached goal cube")
            #and we're done!

        #update the bot's point to be the endpoint it just navigated to
        botPoint = endPoint
Exemplo n.º 2
def cozmoBehavior(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    """Cozmo search behavior. See assignment document for details

        Has global access to grid, a CozGrid instance created by the main thread, and
        stopevent, a threading.Event instance used to signal when the main thread has stopped.
        You can use stopevent.is_set() to check its status or stopevent.wait() to wait for the
        main thread to finish.

        robot -- cozmo.robot.Robot instance, supplied by cozmo.run_program
    global grid, stopevent
    robot.image_stream_enabled = True
    cube1pos = None
    curHeading = 0

    # obstacle_size = [-1, 0, 1]
    obstacle_size = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
    # obstacle_size = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    gridscale = 25
    scale = 27

    a = (2, 2)
    grid.addGoal((13, 9))
    objects = set()

    while not stopevent.is_set():
        # print([ e.pose.position for e in robot.world.visible_objects])
        # if world.light_cubes[cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id].is_visible
        astar(grid, heuristic)
        path = grid.getPath()
        # print([e for e in grid.getGoals()])
        path_ind = path.index(a)
        if len(path) - path_ind == 1:
            b = a
            b = path[path_ind + 1]
        print("a", a, "b", b)
        print(path, path_ind)

        for e in robot.world.visible_objects:
            if e.object_id not in objects:
                xr = a[0]
                yr = a[1]
                xc = e.pose.position.x
                yc = e.pose.position.y
                # yc = yr + ((e.pose.position.x * math.sin(curHeading)) + (e.pose.position.y * math.cos(curHeading)))/scale
                xc = math.ceil((xc)/gridscale) + 2
                yc = math.ceil((yc)/gridscale) + 2
                if xc == 27:
                    xc = 26
                if yc == 27:
                    yc = 26
                print("xr: %d, yr: %d" % (xr, yr))
                print("xc: %d, yc: %d" % (xc, yc))

                if xc <= 26 and yc <= 18:
                    for i in obstacle_size:
                        for j in obstacle_size:
                            xci = xc + i
                            ycj = yc + j
                            if xci <= 26 and xci >= 0 and ycj <= 18 and ycj >= 0:
                    print("Obstacle pos", xc,yc)
                    objects.add(e.object_id) #you ge tthe idea
                    if robot.world.light_cubes[cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id].object_id == e.object_id:
                        cube1pos = (xc,yc)
                        print("e id ",e.object_id)
                        angelz = e.pose.rotation.angle_z.radians
                        angelz = math.pi + angelz
                        xc += round(math.cos(angelz)) * (len(obstacle_size)//2 + 1)
                        yc += round(math.sin(angelz)) * (len(obstacle_size)//2 + 1)
                        grid.addGoal((xc, yc))
                    # else:
                #     make it an obstacle
        # if not cubeFound:
        # sleep(.4)
        step = (b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1])
        step_len = math.sqrt(math.pow(step[0],2) + math.pow(step[1],2))
        heading = math.atan2(step[1], step[0])
        turnHeading = heading - curHeading
        curHeading = heading
        # print(step_len)
        robot.drive_wheels(scale, scale, duration=1.4*step_len if step_len == 1 else 1.4*step_len)
        # grid.setStart(b)
        if step_len == 0 and cube1pos is None:
        elif step_len == 0 and cube1pos is not None:
            robot.drive_wheels(0, 0, duration=1)
            print("cube1pos", cube1pos)
            heading = math.atan2(cube1pos[1] - b[1], cube1pos[0] - b[0])
            print("heading", heading)
            print("curHeading", curHeading)
            turnHeading = heading - curHeading
            curHeading = heading

        a = b