Exemplo n.º 1
    def enumerate_with_info(self, context: Context, size: int,
                            pool: Pool) -> [EnumeratedExp]:
        """Enumerate expressions (and fingerprints) of the given size.

        The output of this function is cached, so subsequent calls are very

            context : a Context object describing the vars in scope
            size    : size of expressions to enumerate
            pool    : expression pool to visit

        canonical_context = self.canonical_context(context)
        if canonical_context is not context:
            print("adapting request: {} ---> {}".format(
                context, canonical_context))
            for info in self.enumerate_with_info(canonical_context, size,
                yield info._replace(e=context.adapt(info.e, canonical_context))

        k = (pool, size, context)
        cache = self.cache

        if k in self.complete:
            yield from cache.find_expressions_of_size(context, pool, size)
            assert k not in self.in_progress, "recursive enumeration?? {}".format(
            yield from self._enumerate_with_info(context, size, pool)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def enumerate_with_info(self, context: Context, size: int,
                            pool: Pool) -> [EnumeratedExp]:
        canonical_context = self.canonical_context(context)
        if canonical_context is not context:
            print("adapting request: {} ---> {}".format(
                context, canonical_context))
            for info in self.enumerate_with_info(canonical_context, size,
                yield info._replace(e=context.adapt(info.e, canonical_context))

        if context.parent() is not None:
            yield from self.enumerate_with_info(context.parent(), size, pool)

        k = (pool, size, context)
        res = self.cache.get(k)
        if res is not None:
            # print("[[{} cached @ size={}]]".format(len(res), size))
            for e in res:
                yield e
            # print("ENTER {}".format(k))
            examples = context.instantiate_examples(self.examples)
            assert k not in self.in_progress, "recursive enumeration?? {}".format(
            res = []
            self.cache[k] = res
            queue = self.enumerate_core(context, size, pool)
            cost_model = self.cost_model
            while True:
                if self.stop_callback():
                    raise StopException()

                    e = next(queue)
                except StopIteration:

                fvs = free_vars(e)
                if not belongs_in_context(fvs, context):

                e = freshen_binders(e, context)
                _consider(e, context, pool)

                wf = self.check_wf(e, context, pool)
                if not wf:
                    _skip(e, context, pool, "wf={}".format(wf))

                fp = fingerprint(e, examples)

                # collect all expressions from parent contexts
                with task("collecting prev exps",
                    prev = []
                    for sz in range(0, size + 1):
                            context, sz, pool))
                    prev = [p.e for p in prev if p.fingerprint == fp]

                if any(alpha_equivalent(e, p) for p in prev):
                    _skip(e, context, pool, "duplicate")
                    should_keep = False
                    # decide whether to keep this expression,
                    # decide which can be evicted
                    should_keep = True
                    # cost = self.cost_model.cost(e, pool)
                    # print("prev={}".format(prev))
                    # print("seen={}".format(self.seen))
                    with task("comparing to cached equivalents"):
                        for prev_exp in prev:
                            event("previous: {}".format(pprint(prev_exp)))
                            # prev_cost = self.cost_model.cost(prev_exp, pool)
                            # ordering = cost.compare_to(prev_cost)
                            to_keep = eviction_policy(e, context, prev_exp,
                                                      context, pool,
                            if e not in to_keep:
                                _skip(e, context, pool,
                                      "preferring {}".format(pprint(prev_exp)))
                                should_keep = False

                            # if ordering == Order.LT:
                            #     pass
                            # elif ordering == Order.GT:
                            #     self.blacklist.add(e_key)
                            #     _skip(e, context, pool, "worse than {}".format(pprint(prev_exp)))
                            #     should_keep = False
                            #     break
                            # else:
                            #     self.blacklist.add(e_key)
                            #     _skip(e, context, pool, "{} to cached {}".format(
                            #         "equal" if ordering == Order.EQUAL else "similar",
                            #         pprint(prev_exp)))
                            #     assert ordering in (Order.EQUAL, Order.AMBIGUOUS)
                            #     should_keep = False
                            #     break

                if should_keep:

                    with task("evicting"):
                        to_evict = []
                        for (key, exps) in self.cache.items():
                            (p, s, c) = key
                            if p == pool and c in itertools.chain(
                                [context], parent_contexts(context)):
                                for ee in exps:
                                    if ee.fingerprint == fp:  # and cost_model.compare(e, ee.e, context, pool) == Order.LT:
                                        # to_evict.append((key, ee))
                                        to_keep = eviction_policy(
                                            e, context, ee.e, c, pool,
                                        if ee.e not in to_keep:
                                            to_evict.append((key, ee))
                        for key, ee in to_evict:
                            (p, s, c) = key
                            # self.blacklist.add((ee.e, c, pool))
                            _evict(ee.e, c, pool, e)
                            self.seen[(c, p, fp)].remove(ee.e)

                    _accept(e, context, pool)
                    seen_key = (context, pool, fp)
                    if seen_key not in self.seen:
                        self.seen[seen_key] = []
                    info = EnumeratedExp(e=e, fingerprint=fp, cost=None)
                    yield info

                    with task("accelerating"):
                        to_try = make_random_access(
                            self.heuristics(e, context, pool))
                        if to_try:
                            # print("trying {} accelerations".format(len(to_try)))
                            queue = itertools.chain(to_try, queue)

            # print("EXIT {}".format(k))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def enumerate_core(self, context: Context, size: int, pool: Pool) -> [Exp]:
            conext : a Context object describing the vars in scope
            size   : size to enumerate
            pool   : pool to enumerate

        Yields all expressions of the given size legal in the given context and

        if size < 0:

        if size == 0:
            for (e, p) in LITERALS:
                if p == pool:
                    yield e
            for (v, p) in context.vars():
                if p == pool:
                    yield v
                for t in all_types(v):
                    yield construct_value(t)
            for (e, ctx, p) in self.hints:
                if p == pool and ctx.alpha_equivalent(context):
                    yield context.adapt(e, ctx)
                for t in all_types(e):
                    yield construct_value(t)

        yield from self.heuristic_enumeration(context, size, pool)

        for e in collections(self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool)):
            yield EEmptyList().with_type(e.type)
            if is_numeric(e.type.t):
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Sum, e).with_type(e.type.t)

        for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            yield ESingleton(e).with_type(TBag(e.type))

        for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            if isinstance(e.type, TRecord):
                for (f, t) in e.type.fields:
                    yield EGetField(e, f).with_type(t)

        for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            if isinstance(e.type, THandle):
                yield EGetField(e, "val").with_type(e.type.value_type)

        for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            if isinstance(e.type, TTuple):
                for n in range(len(e.type.ts)):
                    yield ETupleGet(e, n).with_type(e.type.ts[n])

        for e in of_type(self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool), BOOL):
            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Not, e).with_type(BOOL)

        for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            if is_numeric(e.type):
                yield EUnaryOp("-", e).with_type(e.type)

        for m in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool):
            if isinstance(m.type, TMap):
                yield EMapKeys(m).with_type(TBag(m.type.k))

        for (sz1, sz2) in pick_to_sum(2, size - 1):
            for a1 in self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool):
                t = a1.type
                if not is_numeric(t):
                for a2 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool), t):
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "+", a2).with_type(t)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "-", a2).with_type(t)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, ">", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "<", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, ">=", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "<=", a2).with_type(BOOL)
            for a1 in collections(self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool)):
                for a2 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool), a1.type):
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "+", a2).with_type(a1.type)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, "-", a2).with_type(a1.type)
                for a2 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool),
                    yield EBinOp(a2, BOp.In, a1).with_type(BOOL)
            for a1 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool), BOOL):
                for a2 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool), BOOL):
                    yield EBinOp(a1, BOp.And, a2).with_type(BOOL)
                    yield EBinOp(a1, BOp.Or, a2).with_type(BOOL)
            for a1 in self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool):
                if not isinstance(a1.type, TMap):
                    for a2 in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool),
                        yield EEq(a1, a2)
                        yield EBinOp(a1, "!=", a2).with_type(BOOL)
            for m in self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool):
                if isinstance(m.type, TMap):
                    for k in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool),
                        yield EMapGet(m, k).with_type(m.type.v)
                        yield EHasKey(m, k).with_type(BOOL)
            for l in self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool):
                if not isinstance(l.type, TList):
                for i in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool), INT):
                    yield EListGet(l, i).with_type(l.type.t)

        for (sz1, sz2, sz3) in pick_to_sum(3, size - 1):
            for cond in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool), BOOL):
                for then_branch in self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool):
                    for else_branch in of_type(
                            self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool),
                        yield ECond(cond, then_branch,

            for l in self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool):
                if not isinstance(l.type, TList):
                for st in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz2, pool), INT):
                    for ed in of_type(self.enumerate(context, sz3, pool), INT):
                        yield EListSlice(l, st, ed).with_type(l.type)

        for bag in collections(self.enumerate(context, size - 1, pool)):
            # len of bag
            count = EUnaryOp(UOp.Length, bag).with_type(INT)
            yield count
            # empty?
            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Empty, bag).with_type(BOOL)
            # exists?
            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Exists, bag).with_type(BOOL)
            # singleton?
            yield EEq(count, ONE)

            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.The, bag).with_type(bag.type.t)
            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, bag).with_type(bag.type)
            yield EUnaryOp(UOp.AreUnique, bag).with_type(BOOL)

            if bag.type.t == BOOL:
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Any, bag).with_type(BOOL)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.All, bag).with_type(BOOL)

        def build_lambdas(bag, pool, body_size):
            v = fresh_var(bag.type.t, omit=set(v for v, p in context.vars()))
            inner_context = UnderBinder(context, v=v, bag=bag, bag_pool=pool)
            for lam_body in self.enumerate(inner_context, body_size, pool):
                yield ELambda(v, lam_body)

        # Iteration
        for (sz1, sz2) in pick_to_sum(2, size - 1):
            for bag in collections(self.enumerate(context, sz1, pool)):
                for lam in build_lambdas(bag, pool, sz2):
                    body_type = lam.body.type
                    yield EMap(bag, lam).with_type(TBag(body_type))
                    if body_type == BOOL:
                        yield EFilter(bag, lam).with_type(bag.type)
                    if is_numeric(body_type):
                        yield EArgMin(bag, lam).with_type(bag.type.t)
                        yield EArgMax(bag, lam).with_type(bag.type.t)
                    if is_collection(body_type):
                        yield EFlatMap(bag, lam).with_type(TBag(body_type.t))

        # Enable use of a state-pool expression at runtime
        if pool == RUNTIME_POOL:
            for e in self.enumerate(context, size - 1, STATE_POOL):
                yield EStateVar(e).with_type(e.type)

        # Create maps
        if pool == STATE_POOL:
            for (sz1, sz2) in pick_to_sum(2, size - 1):
                for bag in collections(self.enumerate(context, sz1,
                    if not is_scalar(bag.type.t):
                    for lam in build_lambdas(bag, STATE_POOL, sz2):
                        t = TMap(bag.type.t, lam.body.type)
                        m = EMakeMap2(bag, lam).with_type(t)
                        yield m
Exemplo n.º 4
    def enumerate_with_info(self, context: Context, size: int,
                            pool: Pool) -> [EnumeratedExp]:
        canonical_context = self.canonical_context(context)
        if canonical_context is not context:
            print("adapting request: {} ---> {}".format(
                context, canonical_context))
            for info in self.enumerate_with_info(canonical_context, size,
                yield info._replace(e=context.adapt(info.e, canonical_context))

        examples = context.instantiate_examples(self.examples)
        if context.parent() is not None:
            for info in self.enumerate_with_info(context.parent(), size, pool):
                e = info.e
                yield EnumeratedExp(e=e, fingerprint=fingerprint(e, examples))

        k = (pool, size, context)
        res = self.cache.get(k)
        if res is not None:
            for e in res:
                yield e
            assert k not in self.in_progress, "recursive enumeration?? {}".format(
            res = []
            self.cache[k] = res
            queue = self.enumerate_core(context, size, pool)
            cost_model = self.cost_model
            while True:
                if self.stop_callback():
                    raise StopException()

                    e = next(queue)
                except StopIteration:

                fvs = free_vars(e)
                if not belongs_in_context(fvs, context):

                e = freshen_binders(e, context)
                _consider(e, size, context, pool)

                wf = self.check_wf(e, context, pool)
                if not wf:
                    _skip(e, size, context, pool, "wf={}".format(wf))

                fp = fingerprint(e, examples)

                # collect all expressions from parent contexts
                with task("collecting prev exps",
                    prev = []
                    for sz in range(0, size + 1):
                            context, sz, pool))
                    prev = [p.e for p in prev if p.fingerprint == fp]

                if any(alpha_equivalent(e, p) for p in prev):
                    _skip(e, size, context, pool, "duplicate")
                    should_keep = False
                    # decide whether to keep this expression
                    should_keep = True
                    with task("comparing to cached equivalents"):
                        for prev_exp in prev:
                            event("previous: {}".format(pprint(prev_exp)))
                            to_keep = eviction_policy(e, context, prev_exp,
                                                      context, pool,
                            if e not in to_keep:
                                _skip(e, size, context, pool,
                                      "preferring {}".format(pprint(prev_exp)))
                                should_keep = False

                if should_keep:

                    if self.do_eviction:
                        with task("evicting"):
                            to_evict = []
                            for (key, exps) in self.cache.items():
                                (p, s, c) = key
                                if p == pool and c == context:
                                    for ee in exps:
                                        if ee.fingerprint == fp:
                                            event("considering eviction of {}".
                                            to_keep = eviction_policy(
                                                e, context, ee.e, c, pool,
                                            if ee.e not in to_keep:
                                                to_evict.append((key, ee))
                            for key, ee in to_evict:
                                (p, s, c) = key
                                _evict(ee.e, s, c, pool, e)
                                self.seen[(c, p, fp)].remove(ee.e)

                    _accept(e, size, context, pool)
                    seen_key = (context, pool, fp)
                    if seen_key not in self.seen:
                        self.seen[seen_key] = []
                    info = EnumeratedExp(e=e, fingerprint=fp)
                    yield info

                    with task("accelerating"):
                        to_try = make_random_access(
                            self.heuristics(e, context, pool))
                        if to_try:
                            event("trying {} accelerations of {}".format(
                                len(to_try), pprint(e)))
                            queue = itertools.chain(to_try, queue)

Exemplo n.º 5
    def _enumerate_core(self, context: Context, size: int,
                        pool: Pool) -> [Exp]:
        """Build new expressions of the given size.

            context : a Context object describing the vars in scope
            size    : size of expressions to enumerate; each expression in
                      the output will have this size
            pool    : pool to enumerate

        This function is not cached.  Clients should call `enumerate` instead.

        This function tries to be a clean description of the Cozy grammar.  It
        does not concern itself with deduplication (which is handled
        efficiently by equivalence class deduplication).

        if size < 0:

        if size == 0:
            for e in LITERALS:
                yield e

            all_interesting_types = OrderedSet(self.hint_types)
            for v, _ in context.vars():
                all_interesting_types |= all_types(v.type)
            for t in all_interesting_types:
                l = construct_value(t)
                if l not in LITERALS:
                    yield l

            for (v, p) in context.vars():
                if p == pool:
                    yield v
            for (e, ctx, p) in self.hints:
                if p == pool:
                    fvs = free_vars(e)
                    if ctx.alpha_equivalent(context.generalize(fvs)):
                        yield context.adapt(e, ctx, e_fvs=fvs)

        if not do_enumerate.value:

        def build_lambdas(bag, pool, body_size):
            v = fresh_var(bag.type.elem_type,
                          omit=set(v for v, p in context.vars()))
            inner_context = UnderBinder(context, v=v, bag=bag, bag_pool=pool)
            for lam_body in self.enumerate(inner_context, body_size, pool):
                yield ELambda(v, lam_body)

        # Load all smaller expressions in this context and pool.
        # cache[S] contains expressions of size S in this context and pool.
        cache = [list(self.enumerate(context, sz, pool)) for sz in range(size)]

        # Enable use of a state-pool expression at runtime
        if pool == RUNTIME_POOL:
            for e in self.enumerate(context.root(), size - 1, STATE_POOL):
                yield EStateVar(e).with_type(e.type)

        # Arity-1 expressions
        for e in cache[size - 1]:
            if is_collection(e.type):
                elem_type = e.type.elem_type

                # This method of generating EEmptyList() ensures that we visit
                # empty collections of all possible types.
                yield EEmptyList().with_type(e.type)

                if is_numeric(elem_type):
                    yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Sum, e).with_type(elem_type)

                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Length, e).with_type(INT)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Empty, e).with_type(BOOL)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Exists, e).with_type(BOOL)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.The, e).with_type(elem_type)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, e).with_type(e.type)
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.AreUnique, e).with_type(BOOL)

                if elem_type == BOOL:
                    yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Any, e).with_type(BOOL)
                    yield EUnaryOp(UOp.All, e).with_type(BOOL)

            yield ESingleton(e).with_type(TBag(e.type))

            if isinstance(e.type, TRecord):
                for (f, t) in e.type.fields:
                    yield EGetField(e, f).with_type(t)

            if isinstance(e.type, THandle):
                yield EGetField(e, "val").with_type(e.type.value_type)

            if isinstance(e.type, TTuple):
                for n in range(len(e.type.ts)):
                    yield ETupleGet(e, n).with_type(e.type.ts[n])

            if e.type == BOOL:
                yield EUnaryOp(UOp.Not, e).with_type(BOOL)

            if is_numeric(e.type):
                yield EUnaryOp("-", e).with_type(e.type)

            if isinstance(e.type, TMap):
                yield EMapKeys(e).with_type(TBag(e.type.k))

        # Arity-2 expressions
        for (sz1, sz2) in pick_to_sum(2, size - 1):
            # sz1 + sz2 = size - 1
            for e1 in cache[sz1]:
                t = e1.type

                if is_numeric(t):
                    for a2 in of_type(cache[sz2], t):
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "+", a2).with_type(t)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "-", a2).with_type(t)

                if is_ordered(t):
                    for a2 in of_type(cache[sz2], t):
                        yield EBinOp(e1, ">", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "<", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, ">=", a2).with_type(BOOL)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "<=", a2).with_type(BOOL)

                if t == BOOL:
                    for a2 in of_type(cache[sz2], BOOL):
                        yield EBinOp(e1, BOp.And, a2).with_type(BOOL)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, BOp.Or, a2).with_type(BOOL)
                        # Cozy supports the implication operator "=>", but this
                        # function does not enumerate it because
                        #  - (a => b) is equivalent to ((not a) or b)
                        #  - there isn't an implication operator in any of our
                        #    current target languages, so we would need to
                        #    desugar it to ((not a) or b) anyway.

                if not isinstance(t, TMap):
                    for a2 in of_type(cache[sz2], t):
                        yield EEq(e1, a2)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "!=", a2).with_type(BOOL)

                if isinstance(t, TMap):
                    for k in of_type(cache[sz2], t.k):
                        yield EMapGet(e1, k).with_type(t.v)
                        yield EHasKey(e1, k).with_type(BOOL)

                if isinstance(t, TList):
                    for i in of_type(cache[sz2], INT):
                        yield EListGet(e1, i).with_type(e1.type.elem_type)

                if is_collection(t):
                    elem_type = t.elem_type
                    for e2 in of_type(cache[sz2], t):
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "+", e2).with_type(t)
                        yield EBinOp(e1, "-", e2).with_type(t)
                    for e2 in of_type(cache[sz2], elem_type):
                        yield EBinOp(e2, BOp.In, e1).with_type(BOOL)
                    for f in build_lambdas(e1, pool, sz2):
                        body_type = f.body.type
                        yield EMap(e1, f).with_type(TBag(body_type))
                        if body_type == BOOL:
                            yield EFilter(e1, f).with_type(t)
                        if is_numeric(body_type):
                            yield EArgMin(e1, f).with_type(elem_type)
                            yield EArgMax(e1, f).with_type(elem_type)
                        if is_collection(body_type):
                            yield EFlatMap(e1, f).with_type(

                        if pool == STATE_POOL and is_hashable(elem_type):
                            yield EMakeMap2(e1, f).with_type(
                                TMap(elem_type, body_type))

                e1_singleton = ESingleton(e1).with_type(TBag(e1.type))
                for f in build_lambdas(e1_singleton, pool, sz2):
                    yield ELet(e1, f).with_type(f.body.type)

        # Arity-3 expressions
        for (sz1, sz2, sz3) in pick_to_sum(3, size - 1):
            # sz1 + sz2 + sz3 = size - 1
            for e1 in cache[sz1]:
                if e1.type == BOOL:
                    cond = e1
                    for then_branch in cache[sz2]:
                        for else_branch in of_type(cache[sz3],
                            yield ECond(cond, then_branch,
                if isinstance(e1.type, TList):
                    for start in of_type(cache[sz2], INT):
                        for end in of_type(cache[sz3], INT):
                            yield EListSlice(e1, start, end).with_type(e1.type)
                            # It is not necessary to create slice expressions of
                            # the form a[:i] or a[i:].  Those are desugared
                            # after parsing to a[0:i] and a[i:len(a)]
                            # respectively, and Cozy is perfectly capable of
                            # discovering these expanded forms as well.

        for h in all_extension_handlers():
            yield from h.enumerate(context, size, pool, self.enumerate,