def __init__(self): myRead, hisWrite = os.pipe() hisRead, myWrite = os.pipe() try: # Some imports in vdsm assume /usr/share/vdsm is in your PYTHONPATH env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = "%s:%s" % (env.get("PYTHONPATH", ""), constants.P_VDSM) env['PYTHONPATH'] = ":".join( map(os.path.abspath, env['PYTHONPATH'].split(":"))) self.process = CPopen( [constants.EXT_PYTHON, __file__, str(hisRead), str(hisWrite)], close_fds=False, env=env) self.proxy = CrabRPCProxy(myRead, myWrite) except: os.close(myWrite) os.close(myRead) raise finally: os.close(hisRead) os.close(hisWrite)
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, logErr=True, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ if ioclass is not None: cmd = command command = [ioniceCmdPath.cmd, '-c', str(ioclass)] if ioclassdata is not None: command.extend(("-n", str(ioclassdata))) command = command + cmd if nice is not None: command = [niceCmdPath.cmd, '-n', str(nice)] + command if setsid: command = [setsidCmdPath.cmd] + command if sudo: command = [sudoCmdPath.cmd, SUDO_NON_INTERACTIVE_FLAG] + command if not printable: printable = command cmdline = repr(subprocess.list2cmdline(printable)) execCmdLogger.debug("%s (cwd %s)", cmdline, cwd) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) p = AsyncProc(p) if not sync: if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug("%s: <err> = %s; <rc> = %d", {True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAILED"}[p.returncode == 0], repr(err), p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return (p.returncode, out, err)
def testCwd(self): cwd = "/proc" p = CPopen(["python", "-c", "import os; print os.getcwd()"], cwd=cwd) p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, cwd)
def testEcho(self): data = "Hello" p = CPopen([EXT_ECHO, "-n", data]) p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, data)
def testEcho(self): data = "Hello" p = CPopen([EXT_ECHO, "-n", data]) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(out, data)
def testUserFileWithRedirect(self): data = "it works!" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: p = CPopen(["echo", "-n", data], stdout=f, stderr=f) p.wait() self.assertEqual(data,
def testNoStreams(self): p = CPopen(['true'], stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) self.assertIsNone(p.stdin) self.assertIsNone(p.stdout) self.assertIsNone(p.stderr) p.wait() self.assertEquals(p.returncode, 0)
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ if ioclass is not None: command = cmdutils.ionice(command, ioclass=ioclass, ioclassdata=ioclassdata) if nice is not None: command = cmdutils.nice(command, nice=nice) if setsid: command = cmdutils.setsid(command) if sudo: command = cmdutils.sudo(command) # Unsubscriptable objects (e.g. generators) need conversion if not callable(getattr(command, '__getitem__', None)): command = tuple(command) if not printable: printable = command execCmdLogger.debug("%s (cwd %s)", _list2cmdline(printable), cwd) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) if not sync: p = AsyncProc(p) if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug("%s: <err> = %r; <rc> = %d", "SUCCESS" if p.returncode == 0 else "FAILED", err, p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return p.returncode, out, err
def execCmd(command, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, env=None, sync=True, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None): """ Executes an external command, IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ cmdline = repr(subprocess.list2cmdline(command))"%s (cwd %s)", cmdline, cwd) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" logger.debug("%s: <err> = %s; <rc> = %d", {True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAILED"}[p.returncode == 0], repr(err), p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return (p.returncode, out, err)
def _subTest(self, name, params, *args, **kwargs): p = CPopen(["python", EXT_HELPER, name] + params, *args, **kwargs) p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, "True")
def testNoStreams(self): p = CPopen(['true'], stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) self.assertEqual(p.stdin, None) self.assertEqual(p.stdout, None) self.assertEqual(p.stderr, None) p.wait() self.assertEquals(p.returncode, 0)
def testCat(self): path = "/etc/passwd" p = CPopen(["cat", path]) p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) with open(path, "r") as f: self.assertEquals(,
def testCat(self): path = "/etc/passwd" p = CPopen(["cat", path]) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) with open(path, "r") as f: self.assertEquals(out,
def testStdin(self): data = "Hello World" p = CPopen(["cat"]) out, err = p.communicate(data) self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(out, data)
def testCwd(self): cwd = "/proc" p = CPopen(["python", "-c", "import os; print os.getcwd()"], cwd=cwd) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(out.strip(), cwd)
def testCloseOnExecStderr(self): # Unset close-on-exec on stderr fd with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: set_close_on_exec(f.fileno()) p = CPopen(["sh", "-c", "echo -n data >&2"], stderr=f.fileno()) p.wait() self.assertEqual(, "data")
def testCloseFDs(self): with open("/dev/zero") as f: p = CPopen(["sleep", "1"], close_fds=True) try: child_fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % finally: p.kill() p.wait() self.assertEqual(child_fds, set(["0", "1", "2"]))
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, logErr=True, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: don't define a deathSignal when sync=False """ if ioclass is not None: cmd = command command = [constants.EXT_IONICE, '-c', str(ioclass)] if ioclassdata is not None: command.extend(("-n", str(ioclassdata))) command = command + cmd if nice is not None: command = [constants.EXT_NICE, '-n', str(nice)] + command if setsid: command = [constants.EXT_SETSID] + command if sudo: command = [constants.EXT_SUDO, SUDO_NON_INTERACTIVE_FLAG] + command if not printable: printable = command cmdline = repr(subprocess.list2cmdline(printable)) execCmdLogger.debug("%s (cwd %s)", cmdline, cwd) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal) p = AsyncProc(p) if not sync: if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug("%s: <err> = %s; <rc> = %d", {True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAILED"}[p.returncode == 0], repr(err), p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return (p.returncode, out, err)
def testUnicodeArg(self): data = u'hello' cmd = [EXT_ECHO, "-n", data] p = CPopen(cmd) out, err = p.communicate() p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out2, err2 = p2.communicate() self.assertEquals(out, out2)
def testPipeline(self): # echo -n 'it works!' | cat data = "it works!" p2 = CPopen(["cat"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) try: p1 = CPopen(["echo", "-n", data], stdin=PIPE, stdout=p2.stdin) p1.wait() finally: out, err = p2.communicate() self.assertEqual(data, out)
def testCloseOnExecStdin(self): # Unset close-on-exec on stdin fd data = "data" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: f.write(data) f.flush() set_close_on_exec(f.fileno()) p = CPopen(["cat",], stdin=f.fileno(), stdout=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertEqual(out, data)
def testUnicodeArg(self): data = u'hello' cmd = [EXT_ECHO, "-n", data] p = CPopen(cmd) p.wait() p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p2.wait() self.assertEquals(,
class PoolHandler(object): log = logging.getLogger("Storage.RepoFileHelper.PoolHandler") def __init__(self): myRead, hisWrite = os.pipe() hisRead, myWrite = os.pipe() try: # Some imports in vdsm assume /usr/share/vdsm is in your PYTHONPATH env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = "%s:%s" % (env.get("PYTHONPATH", ""), constants.P_VDSM) env['PYTHONPATH'] = ":".join( map(os.path.abspath, env['PYTHONPATH'].split(":"))) self.process = CPopen( [constants.EXT_PYTHON, __file__, str(hisRead), str(hisWrite)], close_fds=False, env=env) self.proxy = CrabRPCProxy(myRead, myWrite) except: os.close(myWrite) os.close(myRead) raise finally: os.close(hisRead) os.close(hisWrite) def stop(self): try: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) except: pass self.process.poll() # Don't try to read if the process is in D state if (self.process.returncode is not None and self.process.returncode != 0): err = out = self.log.debug("Pool handler existed, OUT: '%s' ERR: '%s'", out, err) try: zombiereaper.autoReapPID( except AttributeError: if zombiereaper is not None: raise def __del__(self): self.stop()
def testNoCloseFds(self): with open("/dev/zero") as f: p = CPopen(["sleep", "1"], close_fds=False) try: child_fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % finally: p.kill() p.wait() # We cannot know which fds will be inherited in the child since the # test framework may open some fds. self.assertTrue(str(f.fileno()) in child_fds)
def testStdin(self): data = "Hello World" p = CPopen(["cat"]) p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() p.stdin.close() p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, data)
def testInheritParentFdsCloseFds(self): # From Python docs: If close_fds is true, all file descriptors except # 0, 1 and 2 will be closed before the child process is executed. with open("/dev/zero") as f: p = CPopen(["sleep", "1"], stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True) try: child_fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % finally: p.kill() p.wait() self.assertEqual(child_fds, set(["0", "1", "2"]))
def testUmaskTmpfile(self): name = os.tempnam() p = CPopen(['touch', name], childUmask=0o007) p.wait() data = os.stat(name) os.unlink(name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH == 0, "%s is world-readable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IWOTH == 0, "%s is world-writeable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IXOTH == 0, "%s is world-executable" % name)
class PoolHandler(object): log = logging.getLogger("RepoFileHelper.PoolHandler") def __init__(self): myRead, hisWrite = os.pipe() hisRead, myWrite = os.pipe() try: # Some imports in vdsm assume /usr/share/vdsm is in your PYTHONPATH env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = "%s:%s" % ( env.get("PYTHONPATH", ""), constants.P_VDSM) env['PYTHONPATH'] = ":".join(map(os.path.abspath, env['PYTHONPATH'].split(":"))) self.process = BetterPopen([constants.EXT_PYTHON, __file__, str(hisRead), str(hisWrite)], close_fds=False, env=env) self.proxy = CrabRPCProxy(myRead, myWrite) except: os.close(myWrite) os.close(myRead) raise finally: os.close(hisRead) os.close(hisWrite) def stop(self): try: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) except: pass self.process.poll() # Don't try to read if the process is in D state if (self.process.returncode is not None and self.process.returncode != 0): err = out = self.log.debug("Pool handler existed, OUT: '%s' ERR: '%s'", out, err) try: zombieReaper.autoReapPID( except AttributeError: if zombieReaper is not None: raise def __del__(self): self.stop()
def testInheritParentFds(self): # From Python docs: With the default settings of None, no redirection # will occur; the child's file handles will be inherited from the # parent. with open("/dev/zero") as f: p = CPopen(["sleep", "1"], stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=False) try: child_fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % finally: p.kill() p.wait() expected_fds = set(["0", "1", "2", str(f.fileno())]) self.assertEqual(child_fds, expected_fds)
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None, resetCpuAffinity=True): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ command = cmdutils.wrap_command(command, with_ioclass=ioclass, ioclassdata=ioclassdata, with_nice=nice, with_setsid=setsid, with_sudo=sudo, reset_cpu_affinity=resetCpuAffinity) # Unsubscriptable objects (e.g. generators) need conversion if not callable(getattr(command, '__getitem__', None)): command = tuple(command) if not printable: printable = command execCmdLogger.debug(cmdutils.command_log_line(printable, cwd=cwd)) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) if not sync: p = AsyncProc(p) if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug(cmdutils.retcode_log_line(p.returncode, err=err)) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return p.returncode, out, err
def __init__(self, cmd, cwd=None): self._aborted = False self._progress = 0.0 self._stdout = bytearray() self._stderr = bytearray() cmd = cmdutils.wrap_command(cmd, with_nice=utils.NICENESS.HIGH, with_ioclass=utils.IOCLASS.IDLE) _log.debug(cmdutils.command_log_line(cmd, cwd=cwd)) self._command = CPopen(cmd, cwd=cwd, deathSignal=signal.SIGKILL) self._stream = utils.CommandStream(self._command, self._recvstdout, self._recvstderr)
def testUmaskTmpfile(self): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "file.txt") p = CPopen(['touch', name], childUmask=0o007) p.wait() data = os.stat(name) os.unlink(name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH == 0, "%s is world-readable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IWOTH == 0, "%s is world-writeable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IXOTH == 0, "%s is world-executable" % name) posix.rmdir(tmp_dir)
def testNonASCIIUnicodeArg(self): data = u'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' # If the default encoding is not utf-8 the test *should* fail as non # ascii conversion shouldn't work if sys.getfilesystemencoding() != "UTF-8": raise SkipTest("The default encoding isn't unicode") cmd = [EXT_ECHO, "-n", data] p = CPopen(cmd) p.wait() p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p2.wait() self.assertEquals(,
def testUmaskTmpfile(self): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "file.txt") p = CPopen(['touch', name], childUmask=0o007) p.wait() data = os.stat(name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH == 0, "%s is world-readable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IWOTH == 0, "%s is world-writeable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IXOTH == 0, "%s is world-executable" % name) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
def testUmaskTmpfile(self): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', '^tempnam is a potential security risk.*') name = os.tempnam() p = CPopen(['touch', name], childUmask=0o007) p.wait() data = os.stat(name) os.unlink(name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH == 0, "%s is world-readable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IWOTH == 0, "%s is world-writeable" % name) self.assertTrue(data.st_mode & stat.S_IXOTH == 0, "%s is world-executable" % name)
def testStdinEpoll(self): import select data = "Hello World" p = CPopen(["cat"]) ep = select.epoll() ep.register(p.stdin, select.EPOLLOUT) fd, ev = ep.poll(1)[0] ep.close() os.write(fd, data) p.stdin.close() p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, data)
def _run(self): self._log.debug("Starting IOProcess...") myRead, hisWrite = os.pipe() hisRead, myWrite = os.pipe() self._partialLogs = "" cmd = [ self.IOPROCESS_EXE, "--read-pipe-fd", str(hisRead), "--write-pipe-fd", str(hisWrite), "--max-threads", str(self._max_threads) ] if self._DEBUG_VALGRIND: cmd = ["valgrind", "--log-file=ioprocess.valgrind.log", "--leak-check=full", "--tool=memcheck"] + cmd + \ ["--keep-fds"] p = CPopen(cmd) os.close(hisRead) os.close(hisWrite) setNonBlocking(myRead) setNonBlocking(myWrite) self._startCommunication(p, myRead, myWrite)
def testNoEnt(self): try: CPopen(['there-is-no-executable-with-this/funny/name']) except OSError as ose: self.assertEquals(ose.errno, errno.ENOENT) else:'OSError not raised')
def testProcessDiesAfterBeingTracked(self): p = CPopen(["sleep", "1"]) zombiereaper.autoReapPID( # wait for the grim reaper to arrive sleep(4) # Throws error because pid is not found or is not child self.assertRaises(OSError, os.waitpid,, os.WNOHANG)
def testProcessDiedBeforeBeingTracked(self): p = CPopen(["sleep", "0"]) # wait for the process to die sleep(1) zombiereaper.autoReapPID( # Throws error because pid is not found or is not child self.assertRaises(OSError, os.waitpid,, os.WNOHANG)
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, logErr=True, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. """ if ioclass is not None: cmd = command command = [constants.EXT_IONICE, '-c', str(ioclass)] if ioclassdata is not None: command.extend(("-n", str(ioclassdata))) command = command + cmd if nice is not None: command = [constants.EXT_NICE, '-n', str(nice)] + command if setsid: command = [constants.EXT_SETSID] + command if sudo: command = [constants.EXT_SUDO, SUDO_NON_INTERACTIVE_FLAG] + command if not printable: printable = command cmdline = repr(subprocess.list2cmdline(printable)) execCmdLogger.debug("%s (cwd %s)", cmdline, cwd) p = BetterPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env) p = AsyncProc(p) if not sync: if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug("%s: <err> = %s; <rc> = %d", { True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAILED" }[p.returncode == 0], repr(err), p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return (p.returncode, out, err)
class QemuImgOperation(object): REGEXPR = re.compile(r'\s*\(([\d.]+)/100%\)\s*') def __init__(self, cmd, cwd=None): self._aborted = False self._progress = 0.0 self._stdout = bytearray() self._stderr = bytearray() cmd = cmdutils.wrap_command(cmd, with_nice=utils.NICENESS.HIGH, with_ioclass=utils.IOCLASS.IDLE) _log.debug(cmdutils.command_log_line(cmd, cwd=cwd)) self._command = CPopen(cmd, cwd=cwd, deathSignal=signal.SIGKILL) self._stream = utils.CommandStream(self._command, self._recvstdout, self._recvstderr) def _recvstderr(self, buffer): self._stderr += buffer def _recvstdout(self, buffer): self._stdout += buffer # Checking the presence of '\r' before splitting will prevent # generating the array when it's not needed. try: idx = self._stdout.rindex('\r') except ValueError: return # qemu-img updates progress by printing \r (0.00/100%) to standard out. # The output could end with a partial progress so we must discard # everything after the last \r and then try to parse a progress record. valid_progress = self._stdout[:idx] last_progress = valid_progress.rsplit('\r', 1)[-1] # No need to keep old progress information around del self._stdout[:idx + 1] m = self.REGEXPR.match(last_progress) if m is None: raise ValueError('Unable to parse: "%r"' % last_progress) self._progress = float( @property def progress(self): return self._progress @property def error(self): return str(self._stderr) @property def finished(self): return self._command.poll() is not None def wait(self, timeout=None): self._stream.receive(timeout=timeout) if not self._stream.closed: return self._command.wait() if self._aborted: raise utils.ActionStopped() cmdutils.retcode_log_line(self._command.returncode, self.error) if self._command.returncode != 0: raise QImgError(self._command.returncode, "", self.error) def abort(self): if self._command.poll() is None: self._aborted = True self._command.terminate()
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None, resetCpuAffinity=True): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ if ioclass is not None: command = cmdutils.ionice(command, ioclass=ioclass, ioclassdata=ioclassdata) if nice is not None: command = cmdutils.nice(command, nice=nice) if setsid: command = cmdutils.setsid(command) if sudo: command = cmdutils.sudo(command) # warning: the order of commands matters. If we add taskset # after sudo, we'll need to configure sudoers to allow both # 'sudo <command>' and 'sudo taskset <command>', which is # impractical. On the other hand, using 'taskset sudo <command>' # is much simpler and delivers the same end result. if resetCpuAffinity and _USING_CPU_AFFINITY: # only VDSM itself should be bound command = cmdutils.taskset(command, _ANY_CPU) # Unsubscriptable objects (e.g. generators) need conversion if not callable(getattr(command, '__getitem__', None)): command = tuple(command) if not printable: printable = command execCmdLogger.debug(cmdutils.command_log_line(printable, cwd=cwd)) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) if not sync: p = AsyncProc(p) if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug(cmdutils.retcode_log_line(p.returncode, err=err)) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return p.returncode, out, err
def spawn(): procPtr[0] = CPopen(["sleep", "10"], deathSignal=signal.SIGKILL)
def testUmaskChange(self): p = CPopen(['umask'], childUmask=0o007) p.wait() out = p.stdout.readlines() self.assertEquals(out[0].strip(), '0007')
def _subTest(self, name, params, *args, **kwargs): p = CPopen(["python", __file__, name] + params, *args, **kwargs) p.wait() self.assertTrue(p.returncode == 0, "Process failed: %s" % os.strerror(p.returncode)) self.assertEquals(, "True")
def execCmd(command, sudo=False, cwd=None, data=None, raw=False, logErr=True, printable=None, env=None, sync=True, nice=None, ioclass=None, ioclassdata=None, setsid=False, execCmdLogger=logging.root, deathSignal=0, childUmask=None): """ Executes an external command, optionally via sudo. IMPORTANT NOTE: the new process would receive `deathSignal` when the controlling thread dies, which may not be what you intended: if you create a temporary thread, spawn a sync=False sub-process, and have the thread finish, the new subprocess would die immediately. """ if ioclass is not None: cmd = command command = [ioniceCmdPath.cmd, '-c', str(ioclass)] if ioclassdata is not None: command.extend(("-n", str(ioclassdata))) command = command + cmd if nice is not None: command = [niceCmdPath.cmd, '-n', str(nice)] + command if setsid: command = [setsidCmdPath.cmd] + command if sudo: command = [sudoCmdPath.cmd, SUDO_NON_INTERACTIVE_FLAG] + command if not printable: printable = command cmdline = repr(subprocess.list2cmdline(printable)) execCmdLogger.debug("%s (cwd %s)", cmdline, cwd) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env, deathSignal=deathSignal, childUmask=childUmask) p = AsyncProc(p) if not sync: if data is not None: p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.flush() return p (out, err) = p.communicate(data) if out is None: # Prevent splitlines() from barfing later on out = "" execCmdLogger.debug("%s: <err> = %s; <rc> = %d", { True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAILED" }[p.returncode == 0], repr(err), p.returncode) if not raw: out = out.splitlines(False) err = err.splitlines(False) return (p.returncode, out, err)