Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__ (self, min_size=1):
     self.gt_matcher = cpp.GTMatcher(FLAGS.match_th, FLAGS.max_masks, min_size)
     self.priors = []
     if os.path.exists(FLAGS.priors):
         with open(FLAGS.priors, 'r') as f:
             for l in f:
                 if l[0] == '#':
                 s, r = l.strip().split(' ')
                 s, r = float(s), float(r)
                 # w * h = s * s
                 # w / h = r
                 w = math.sqrt(s * s * r)
                 h = math.sqrt(s * s / r)
                 self.priors.append([w, h])
     aardvark.print_red("PRIORS %s" % str(self.priors))
     # TODO: need a better way to generalize this to multiple priors and 0 priors
     self.n_priors = len(self.priors)
     if self.n_priors == 0:
         self.n_priors = 1
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, min_size=1):
     self.gt_matcher = cpp.GTMatcher(FLAGS.match_th, FLAGS.max_masks,
     self.priors = []
     if os.path.exists('priors'):
         with open('priors', 'r') as f:
             for l in f:
                 if l[0] == '#':
                 s, r = l.strip().split(' ')
                 s, r = float(s), float(r)
                 # w * h = s * s
                 # w / h = r
                 w = math.sqrt(s * s * r)
                 h = math.sqrt(s * s / r)
                 self.priors.append([w, h])
     self.n_priors = len(self.priors)
     if self.n_priors == 0:
         self.n_priors = 1
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, priors=1):
     self.priors = priors  # number of priors
     self.gt_matcher = cpp.GTMatcher(FLAGS.match_th, FLAGS.max_masks)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__ (self, min_size=1):
     self.gt_matcher = cpp.GTMatcher(FLAGS.match_th, FLAGS.max_masks, min_size, False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_model (inputs, backbone_fn):
    #box_ft, mask_ft, gt_masks, gt_anchors, gt_anchors_weight, gt_params, gt_params_weight, gt_boxes, config):
    # ft:           B * H' * W' * 3     input feature, H' W' is feature map size
    # gt_counts:    B                   number of boxes in each sample of the batch
    # gt_boxes:     ? * 4               boxes
    bb, _ = backbone_fn(inputs.X-PIXEL_MEANS, global_pool=False, output_stride=FLAGS.backbone_stride)
    #bb2, _ = backbone_fn(inputs.X-PIXEL_MEANS, global_pool=False, output_stride=FLAGS.backbone_stride, scope='bb2')

    gt_matcher = cpp.GTMatcher(FLAGS.match_th, FLAGS.max_masks)
    mask_extractor = cpp.MaskExtractor(FLAGS.mask_size, FLAGS.mask_size)

    end_points = {}

    with tf.variable_scope('boxnet'):

        assert FLAGS.backbone_stride % FLAGS.anchor_stride == 0
        ss = FLAGS.backbone_stride // FLAGS.anchor_stride
        # generate anchor feature
        anchor_logits_ft = slim.conv2d_transpose(bb, FLAGS.anchor_logit_filters, ss*2, ss)
        anchor_params_ft = slim.conv2d_transpose(bb, FLAGS.anchor_params_filters, ss*2, ss)

        assert FLAGS.backbone_stride % FLAGS.mask_stride == 0
        ss = FLAGS.backbone_stride // FLAGS.mask_stride

        mask_ft = slim.conv2d_transpose(bb, FLAGS.mask_filters, ss*2, ss)

        anchor_logits = slim.conv2d(anchor_logits_ft, 2 * len(PRIORS), 3, 1, activation_fn=None) 
        anchor_logits2 = tf.reshape(anchor_logits, (-1, 2))   # ? * 2
        # anchor probabilities
        anchor_prob = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(tf.nn.softmax(anchor_logits2), [0, 1], [-1, 1]), 1)

        gt_anchors = tf.reshape(inputs.gt_anchors, (-1, ))
        gt_anchors_weight = tf.reshape(inputs.gt_anchors_weight, (-1,))

        # anchor cross-entropy
        axe = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=anchor_logits2, labels=gt_anchors)
        axe = axe * gt_anchors_weight
        axe = tf.reduce_sum(axe) / (tf.reduce_sum(gt_anchors_weight) + 1)

        params = slim.conv2d(anchor_params_ft, 4 * len(PRIORS), 3, 1, activation_fn=None)
        params = tf.reshape(params, (-1, 4))     # ? * 4
        gt_params = tf.reshape(inputs.gt_params, (-1, 4))
        gt_params_weight = tf.reshape(inputs.gt_params_weight, (-1,))
        # params loss
        if True:
            dxy, wh = tf.split(params, [2,2], 1)
            dxy_gt, wh_gt = tf.split(gt_params, [2,2], 1)

            #wh = tf.log(tf.nn.relu(wh) + 1)
            wh_gt = tf.log(wh_gt + 1)

            pl = tf.losses.huber_loss(dxy, dxy_gt, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) + \
                 tf.losses.huber_loss(wh, wh_gt, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE)
            pl = tf.reduce_sum(pl, axis=1)

        pl = tf.reduce_sum(pl * gt_params_weight) / (tf.reduce_sum(gt_params_weight) + 1)

        # generate boxes from anchor params
        boxes, box_ind = anchors2boxes(tf.shape(anchor_logits_ft), params)
        boxes_pre = boxes

        sel = tf.greater_equal(anchor_prob, inputs.anchor_th)
        # sel is a boolean mask

        # select only boxes with prob > th for nms
        anchor_prob = tf.boolean_mask(anchor_prob, sel)
        boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, sel)
        box_ind = tf.boolean_mask(box_ind, sel)

        sel = tf.image.non_max_suppression(shift_boxes(boxes, box_ind), anchor_prob, 100000, iou_threshold=inputs.nms_th)
        # sel is a list of indices

        if True:    # prediction head, not used in training
            psel = tf.slice(sel, [0], [tf.minimum(inputs.nms_max, tf.shape(sel)[0])])
            boxes_predicted = tf.gather(boxes, psel)
            box_ind_predicted = tf.gather(box_ind, psel)

            mlogits = mask_net(inputs.X, mask_ft, boxes_predicted, box_ind_predicted)
            masks_predicted = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(tf.nn.softmax(mlogits), [0, 0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -1, 1]), 3)

        anchor_prob = None  # discard
        boxes = tf.gather(boxes, sel)
        box_ind = tf.gather(box_ind, sel)

        hit, index, gt_index = tf.py_func(gt_matcher.apply, [boxes, box_ind, inputs.gt_boxes], [tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.int32])

        # % boxes found
        precision = hit / tf.cast(tf.shape(boxes)[0] + 1, tf.float32);
        recall = hit / tf.cast(tf.shape(inputs.gt_boxes)[0] + 1, tf.float32);

        boxes = tf.gather(boxes, index)
        box_ind = tf.gather(box_ind, index)
        gt_boxes = tf.gather(inputs.gt_boxes, gt_index)

        # normalize boxes to [0-1]
        nboxes = normalize_boxes(tf.shape(inputs.X), boxes)
        mlogits = mask_net(inputs.X, mask_ft, boxes, box_ind)

        gt_masks, = tf.py_func(mask_extractor.apply, [inputs.gt_masks, gt_boxes, boxes], [tf.float32])
        #gt_masks, = tf.py_func(mask_extractor.apply, [inputs.gt_masks, gt_boxes, tf.slice(gt_boxes, [0, 3], [-1, 4])], [tf.float32])
        end_points['gt_boxes'] = gt_boxes
        end_points['boxes'] = boxes
        gt_masks = tf.cast(tf.round(gt_masks), tf.int32)
        end_points['gt_masks'] = gt_masks
        # mask cross entropy
        mxe = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=mlogits, labels=gt_masks)
        mxe = tf.reshape(mxe, (-1, ))
        mxe = tf.reduce_sum(mxe) / tf.cast(tf.shape(mxe)[0] + 1, tf.float32)

    #tf.identity(logits, name='logits')
    #tf.identity(params, name='params')
    #tf.identity(boxes_pre, name='boxes_pre')
    tf.identity(boxes_predicted, name='boxes')
    tf.identity(masks_predicted, name='masks')
    #tf.identity(mlogits, name='mlogits')
    axe = tf.identity(axe, name='ax') # cross-entropy
    mxe = tf.identity(mxe, name='mx') # cross-entropy
    pl = tf.identity(pl * FLAGS.pl_weight, name='pl') # params-loss
    reg = tf.identity(tf.reduce_sum(tf.losses.get_regularization_losses()) * FLAGS.re_weight, name='re')
    precision = tf.identity(precision, name='p')
    recall = tf.identity(recall, name='r')

    loss = tf.identity(axe + mxe + pl + reg, name='lo')

    return loss, [axe, mxe, pl, reg, precision, recall], end_points