def find_peaks(x, mph=None, mpd=1, threshold=0, edge='rising', kpsh=False, valley=False, show=False, ax=None): import cppimport m = cppimport.imp('PyFindPeaks') edge_type = m.EdgeRising if edge == None: edge_type = m.EdgeNone elif edge == 'falling': edge_type = m.EdgeFalling elif edge == 'both': edge_type = m.EdgeBoth x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype('float64') ind = m.FindPeaks(x.tolist(), math.nan if mph == None else mph, mpd, threshold, edge_type, kpsh, valley) ind = np.array(ind) if show: _plot(x, mph, mpd, threshold, edge, valley, ax, np.array(ind), 'FindPeaks(C++)') return ind
def test_rebuild_header_after_change(): mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule") test_code = ''' import cppimport; cppimport.set_quiet(False); mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule"); mymodule.Thing().cheer() ''' with appended('tests/thing.h', add_to_thing): subprocess_check(test_code)
def compile_module(): cpp_code_header = f""" /* <% setup_pybind11(cfg) cfg['include_dirs'] += {dolfinx_pc["include_dirs"] + [petsc4py.get_include()] + [str(pybind_inc())]} cfg['compiler_args'] += {["-D" + dm for dm in dolfinx_pc["define_macros"]]} cfg['libraries'] += {dolfinx_pc["libraries"]} cfg['library_dirs'] += {dolfinx_pc["library_dirs"]} %> */ """ cpp_code = """ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <petscvec.h> #include <caster_petsc.h> void PETSc_exp(Vec x) { assert(x); VecExp(x); } PYBIND11_MODULE(petsc_casters_cppimport, m) { m.def("PETSc_exp", &PETSc_exp); } """ path = pathlib.Path(tempdir) open(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "petsc_casters_cppimport.cpp"), "w").write(cpp_code + cpp_code_header) rel_path = path.relative_to(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent) p = str(rel_path).replace("/", ".") + ".petsc_casters_cppimport" return cppimport.imp(p)
def test_rebuild_after_failed_compile(): mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule") test_code = ''' import cppimport; mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule");assert(mymodule.add(1,2) == 3) ''' with appended('tests/mymodule.cpp', ";asdf;"): subprocess_check(test_code, 1) subprocess_check(test_code, 0)
def test_pybind11(x=np.load('numpy_arrays/z.npy'), y=np.load('numpy_arrays/w.npy')): import cppimport code = cppimport.imp("wrap7") x = np.unpackbits(x) y = np.unpackbits(y) vector_a = _n_apply_weights(x) vector_b = _n_apply_weights(y) return code.ruzicka(vector_a, vector_b)
def test_no_rebuild_if_no_deps_change(): mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule") test_code = ''' import cppimport; mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule"); assert(not hasattr(mymodule, 'Thing')) ''' with appended('tests/thing2.h', add_to_thing): subprocess_check(test_code)
def mesh2volume(mesh_file, scaling, exterior_band=1, interior_band=1000, spacing=None): global _vdb_meshing if not _vdb_meshing: _vdb_meshing = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_meshing') spacing = spacing or 1/scaling if isinstance(spacing, (float, int)): spacing = [spacing] * 3 return _vdb_meshing.meshToVolume(mesh_file, spacing, exterior_band, interior_band)
def mesh2volume_known_dimensions(mesh_file, origin, spacing, shape, exterior_band=1, interior_band=1000): global _vdb_meshing if not _vdb_meshing: _vdb_meshing = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_meshing') return _vdb_meshing.meshToVolumeKnownDimensions(mesh_file, origin, spacing, shape[::-1], exterior_band, interior_band)
def calc_vertex_data_from_scalar_field(mesh_file, scalar_field, origin, spacing, exterior_band=1, interior_band=1000): global _vdb_meshing if not _vdb_meshing: _vdb_meshing = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_meshing') assert len(scalar_field.shape) == 3 return _vdb_meshing.calcVertexDataFromScalarField(mesh_file, scalar_field, origin, spacing, exterior_band, interior_band)
def generate_data(n_samples=1000, max_runs=1000, write_data_dir=None, write_data_suffix=None): print("Generating data") cpp_calculator = cppimport.imp("tools.montecarlo_cpp.pymontecarlo") cpp_equity_func = cpp_calculator.montecarlo get_equity = cpp_equity_func table = HoldemTable() rank_enc, suit_enc = make_one_hot_encoders() n = 0 x_data = [] y_data = [] for i in range(n_samples): # Create deck table._create_card_deck() # Sample player cards p1_cards = sample_cards(table.deck, 2) p2_cards = sample_cards(table.deck, 2) # Sample table cards from either preflop, # flop, river or turn stage_card_nums = [0, 3, 4, 5] num_table_samples = np.random.choice(stage_card_nums) table_cards = sample_cards(table.deck, num_table_samples) equity = get_equity(set(p1_cards), set(table_cards), 2, max_runs) encoded_state = preprocess_data_state(p1_cards, table_cards, rank_enc, suit_enc) x_data.append(encoded_state) y_data.append(equity) x_data = np.array(x_data) y_data = np.array(y_data) if write_data_dir and write_data_suffix: X_data_path = write_data_dir + 'X_' + write_data_suffix Y_data_path = write_data_dir + 'Y_' + write_data_suffix with open(X_data_path, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(x_data, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with open(Y_data_path, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(y_data, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return x_data, y_data
def speed_and_error_comparison(number_of_samples): # python_equity_calculator = montecarlo_python.MonteCarlo() # py_equity_func = python_equity_calculator.run_montecarlo cpp_calculator = cppimport.imp("tools.montecarlo_cpp.pymontecarlo") cpp_equity_func = cpp_calculator.montecarlo players = 2 load_model = "equity_optuna_4_17" nn_equity_calculator = nn_equity.PredictEquity(load_model_name=load_model, load_model_dir='./tools/nn_equity_model/') nn_equity_func = nn_equity_calculator.get_equity model_data_dict = {'cpp_montecarlo_10k': {'equity_function': cpp_equity_func, 'runs': 10000, 'error_data': [], 'time_data': []}, 'cpp_montecarlo_1k': {'equity_function': cpp_equity_func, 'runs': 1000, 'error_data': [], 'time_data': []}, # 'py_montecarlo_1k': {'equity_function': py_get_equity, 'runs': 1000, 'error_data': [], 'time_data': []}, 'neural_network': {'equity_function': nn_equity_func, 'runs': 1, 'error_data': [], 'time_data': []}} for i in range(number_of_samples): print("Sample number {}".format(i)) my_cards, cards_on_table = sample_scenario() base_line_res, base_line_time = test_model(cpp_equity_func, my_cards, cards_on_table, players, runs=100000) for key in model_data_dict.keys(): equity_func = model_data_dict[key]['equity_function'] runs = model_data_dict[key]['runs'] res, ex_time = test_model(equity_func, my_cards, cards_on_table, players, runs=runs) error = abs(res - base_line_res) if error > 0.1 and key=='neural_network': print(my_cards) print(cards_on_table) # Don't save first results. Tensorflow is slow on first prediction use # of a model if i == 0: continue print("Name: {}, \tError: {}, \tTime: {}".format(key, error, ex_time)) model_data_dict[key]['error_data'].append(error) model_data_dict[key]['time_data'].append(ex_time) print(model_data_dict['neural_network']['time_data']) return model_data_dict
def compile(self): try: import cppimport except ImportError: try: from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load except Exception: assert False, 'cppimport or torch ist required for compiling pybind11 modules' assert not self.is_cuda source_code = self.CPP_IMPORT_PREFIX + str(self) hash_str = _hash(source_code.encode()).hexdigest() source_code_with_hash = source_code.replace( f'PYBIND11_MODULE({self.module_name}', f'PYBIND11_MODULE(cppimport_{hash_str}') cache_dir = join(get_cache_config()['object_cache']) file_name = join(cache_dir, f'cppimport_{hash_str}.cpp') os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) if not exists(file_name): write_file(file_name, source_code_with_hash) # TODO: propagate extra headers if cache_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(cache_dir) # Torch regards CXX os.environ['CXX'] = get_compiler_config()['command'] try: torch_extension = cppimport.imp(f'cppimport_{hash_str}') except Exception as e: print(e) torch_extension = load(hash, [file_name], with_cuda=self.is_cuda, extra_cflags=['--std=c++14', get_compiler_config()['flags'].replace('--std=c++11', '')], extra_cuda_cflags=['-std=c++14', '-ccbin', get_compiler_config()['command']], build_directory=cache_dir, extra_include_paths=[get_pycuda_include_path(), get_pystencils_include_path()]) return torch_extension
def find_peaks(x, mph=None, mpd=1, threshold=0, edge='rising', kpsh=False, valley=False, show=False, ax=None): import cppimport m = cppimport.imp('PyFindPeaks') edge_type = m.EdgeRising if edge == None: edge_type = m.EdgeNone elif edge == 'falling': edge_type = m.EdgeFalling elif edge == 'both': edge_type = m.EdgeBoth x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype('float64') ind = m.FindPeaks(x.tolist(), math.nan if mph == None else mph, mpd, threshold, edge_type, kpsh, valley) ind = np.array(ind) if show: detect_peaks._plot(x, mph, mpd, threshold, edge, valley, ax, np.array(ind)) return ind
def bucket_size_benchmark(): #bucket_sizes = 2048, 2039 bucket_sizes = (2039, ) fig = plt.figure("Atom string hashing distribution") for plot_number, size in enumerate(bucket_sizes): m = cppimport.imp('cii_atom_cppimport') with open(same_dir('wordlist'), encoding='utf-8') as f: for word in f: word = word.strip() if word: m.Atom_new_from_string(word) buckets_hist = tuple(map(m.Atom_bench_bucket_len, range(m.Atom_bench_buckets_size()))) plt.subplot(len(bucket_sizes), 1, plot_number+1), buckets_hist) plt.title('bucket size: {}'.format(size))
def volume2mesh(file, volume, threshold, adaptivity=0., spacing=[1., 1., 1.], origin=[0., 0., 0.], binary_file=True, only_write_biggest_components=False, max_component_count=1): global _vdb_meshing if not _vdb_meshing: _vdb_meshing = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_meshing') _vdb_meshing.writeMeshFromVolume( file, volume, -threshold, adaptivity, spacing, origin, binary_file, only_write_biggest_components, max_component_count)
def bucket_size_benchmark(): #bucket_sizes = 2048, 2039 bucket_sizes = (2039, ) fig = plt.figure("Atom string hashing distribution") for plot_number, size in enumerate(bucket_sizes): m = cppimport.imp('cii_atom_cppimport') with open(same_dir('wordlist'), encoding='utf-8') as f: for word in f: word = word.strip() if word: m.Atom_new_from_string(word) buckets_hist = tuple( map(m.Atom_bench_bucket_len, range(m.Atom_bench_buckets_size()))) plt.subplot(len(bucket_sizes), 1, plot_number + 1), buckets_hist) plt.title('bucket size: {}'.format(size))
def cpp_run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Run a C++ file with cppimport') parser.add_argument('filename', help='The file to run.') parser.add_argument( '--add_main_caller', '-m', action='store_true', help='Add a pybind11 function that will call your main()') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Tell me everything!') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: cppimport.set_quiet(False) filename = args.filename filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) filebasename = os.path.basename(filename) module_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filebasename) if args.add_main_caller: cpprun_dir = '.cpprunfiles' if not os.path.exists(cpprun_dir): os.makedirs(cpprun_dir) src = os.path.join(cpprun_dir, filebasename) open(src, 'w').write(open(filename, 'r').read() + footer) sys.path.append(cpprun_dir) else: sys.path.append(filedir) module = cppimport.imp(module_name) if args.verbose: print("Launching!") module.main()
def cpp_run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run a C++ file with cppimport') parser.add_argument('filename', help = 'The file to run.') parser.add_argument( '--add_main_caller', '-m', action = 'store_true', help = 'Add a pybind11 function that will call your main()' ) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', '-v', action = 'store_true', help = 'Tell me everything!' ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: cppimport.set_quiet(False) filename = args.filename filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) filebasename = os.path.basename(filename) module_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filebasename) if args.add_main_caller: cpprun_dir = '.cpprunfiles' if not os.path.exists(cpprun_dir): os.makedirs(cpprun_dir) src = os.path.join(cpprun_dir, filebasename) open(src, 'w').write(open(filename, 'r').read() + footer) sys.path.append(cpprun_dir) else: sys.path.append(filedir) module = cppimport.imp(module_name) if args.verbose: print("Launching!") module.main()
def read_vdb(file, grid_name='', dense_shape=[0]*3, array=None, return_spacing_origin=False): global _vdb_io if not _vdb_io: _vdb_io = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_io') if grid_name == '': try: tuple_dict = _vdb_io.readFloatVdbGrid(file, dense_shape) except Exception: tuple_dict = _vdb_io.readIntVdbGrid(file, dense_shape) rtn = {k: v[0] for k, v in tuple_dict.items()} spacing = {k: v[1] for k, v in tuple_dict.items()} origin = {k: v[2] for k, v in tuple_dict.items()} elif array is None: rtn, spacing, origin = _vdb_io.readFloatVdbGrid(file, grid_name, dense_shape) else: rtn, spacing, origin = _vdb_io.readFloatVdbGrid(file, array, grid_name, dense_shape) if return_spacing_origin: return rtn, spacing, origin else: return rtn
def compile_module(): cpp_code_header = f""" /* <% setup_pybind11(cfg) cfg['compiler_args'] = ['-std=c++17'] cfg['include_dirs'] += {dolfinx_pc["include_dirs"] + [mpi4py.get_include()] + [str(wrappers.get_include_path())]} %> */ """ cpp_code = """ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <caster_mpi.h> dolfinx_wrappers::MPICommWrapper test_comm_passing(const dolfinx_wrappers::MPICommWrapper comm) { MPI_Comm c = comm.get(); return dolfinx_wrappers::MPICommWrapper(c); } PYBIND11_MODULE(mpi_comm_wrapper, m) { m.def("test_comm_passing", &test_comm_passing); } """ path = pathlib.Path(tempdir) open(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "mpi_comm_wrapper.cpp"), "w").write(cpp_code + cpp_code_header) rel_path = path.relative_to(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent) p = str(rel_path).replace("/", ".") + ".mpi_comm_wrapper" return cppimport.imp(p)
__author__ = "Mikael Mortensen <*****@*****.**>" __date__ = "2013-12-13" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 " + __author__ __license__ = "GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or any later version" import cppimport import petsc4py from dolfin import info, Function, FunctionSpace, assemble, TrialFunction, TestFunction, dx, Matrix, as_backend_type compiled_gradient_module = cppimport.imp('fenicstools.fem.gradient_weight') def weighted_gradient_matrix(mesh, i, family='CG', degree=1, constrained_domain=None): """Compute weighted gradient matrix The matrix allows you to compute the gradient of a P1 Function through a simple matrix vector product CG family: p_ is the pressure solution on CG1 dPdX = weighted_gradient_matrix(mesh, 0, 'CG', degree) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', degree) dpdx = Function(V) dpdx.vector()[:] = dPdX * p_.vector() The space for dpdx must be continuous Lagrange of some order CR family:
import cppimport cppimport.set_quiet(False) wrapper = cppimport.imp("taskloaf.wrapper").wrapper task = wrapper.task ready = wrapper.ready Future = wrapper.Future Config = wrapper.Config def launch_local(n_cores, cfg = Config()): return wrapper.launch_local(n_cores, cfg) # def when_all(*args): # def make_split_args(f): # def split_args(x): # return f(*x) # return split_args # # def flatten_tuple(t): # return sum(t, ()) # # def when_all_helper(*args): # stage = [] # for i in range(0, len(args) - 1, 2): # stage.append(when_both(args[i], args[i + 1])) # if len(args) % 2 == 1: # stage.append(args[-1]) # if len(stage) > 1: # return when_all_helper(*stage).then(flatten_tuple) # else: # return stage[0]
"""Test numpy based equity calculator""" import cppimport import pytest calculator = cppimport.imp("tools.montecarlo_cpp.pymontecarlo") def _runner(my_cards, cards_on_table, players, expected_result, iterations=5000): """Montecarlo test""" if len(cards_on_table) < 3: cards_on_table = {'null'} equity = calculator.montecarlo(my_cards, cards_on_table, players, iterations) * 100 assert equity == pytest.approx(expected_result, abs=3) def test_montecarlo1(): """Montecarlo test""" my_cards = {'3H', '3S'} cards_on_table = {'8S', '4S', 'QH', '8C', '4H'} expected_results = 40.2 players = 2 _runner(my_cards, cards_on_table, players, expected_results) def test_montecarlo2():
def write_vdb(file, array, grid_name, spacing=[1., 1., 1.], origin=[0., 0., 0.], clipping_tolerance=0.): global _vdb_io if not _vdb_io: _vdb_io = cppimport.imp('volume2mesh.internal.vdb_io') array = np.ascontiguousarray(array, np.float32) _vdb_io.writeFloatVdbGrid(file, array, grid_name, spacing, origin, clipping_tolerance)
# import wrap import cppimport funcs = cppimport.imp('wrap') def test_add(): print(funcs.add(5, 4)) assert (funcs.add(3, 4) == 7) if __name__ == '__main__': test_add()
__author__ = "Mikael Mortensen <*****@*****.**>" __date__ = "2011-12-19" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2011 " + __author__ __license__ = "GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or any later version" """ This module contains functionality for efficiently probing a Function many times. """ from dolfin import * from numpy import zeros, array, squeeze, reshape, save import os, inspect from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as comm import cppimport probe11 = cppimport.imp('fenicstools.probe.probe11') # Give the compiled classes some additional pythonic functionality class Probe(probe11.Probe): def __call__(self, *args): return self.eval(*args) def __len__(self): return self.value_size() def __getitem__(self, i): return self.get_probe_at_snapshot(i) class Probes(probe11.Probes): def __call__(self, *args):
import cppimport cppimport.set_quiet(False) # A hack required to get relative imports working # with cppimport import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: cppimport.imp('marker_ba') # cppimport.imp('_theia') finally: sys.path.pop(0) from marker_ba import * #import _theia as theia
def test_cython3_pac(x=np.load('numpy_arrays/z.npy'), y=np.load('numpy_arrays/w.npy')): from ruzicka import retrial x = np.unpackbits(x) y = np.unpackbits(y) vector_a = _n_apply_weights(x) vector_b = _n_apply_weights(y) return retrial(vector_a, vector_b) import cppimport cppimport.set_quiet(False) cppimport.force_rebuild() code = cppimport.imp("wrap7") def test_pybind11(x=np.load('numpy_arrays/z.npy'), y=np.load('numpy_arrays/w.npy')): x = np.unpackbits(x) y = np.unpackbits(y) vector_a = _n_apply_weights(x) vector_b = _n_apply_weights(y) return code.ruzicka(vector_a, vector_b) def calculate_n(num): #time_base = timeit.timeit("test_base()", number=num, setup="from __main__ import test_base") #time_test_numpy = timeit.timeit("test_numpy()", number=num, setup="from __main__ import test_numpy") time_test_numpy_v2 = timeit.timeit(
def __init__(self, initial_stacks=100, small_blind=1, big_blind=2, render=False, funds_plot=True, max_raising_rounds=2, use_cpp_montecarlo=False): """ The table needs to be initialized once at the beginning Args: num_of_players (int): number of players that need to be added initial_stacks (real): initial stacks per placyer small_blind (real) big_blind (real) render (bool): render table after each move in graphical format funds_plot (bool): show plot of funds history at end of each episode max_raising_rounds (int): max raises per round per player """ if use_cpp_montecarlo: import cppimport calculator = cppimport.imp("tools.montecarlo_cpp.pymontecarlo") get_equity = calculator.montecarlo else: from tools.montecarlo_python import get_equity self.get_equity = get_equity self.use_cpp_montecarlo = use_cpp_montecarlo self.num_of_players = 0 self.small_blind = small_blind self.big_blind = big_blind self.render_switch = render self.players = [] self.table_cards = None self.dealer_pos = None self.player_status = [] # one hot encoded self.current_player = None self.player_cycle = None # cycle iterator self.stage = None self.last_player_pot = None self.viewer = None self.player_max_win = None # used for side pots self.second_round = False self.last_caller = None self.last_raiser = None self.raisers = [] self.callers = [] self.played_in_round = None self.min_call = None self.community_data = None self.player_data = None self.stage_data = None self.deck = None self.action = None self.winner_ix = None self.initial_stacks = initial_stacks self.acting_agent = None self.funds_plot = funds_plot self.max_round_raising = max_raising_rounds # pots self.community_pot = 0 self.current_round_pot = 9 self.player_pots = None # individual player pots self.observation = None self.reward = None = None self.done = False self.funds_history = None self.array_everything = None self.legal_moves = None self.illegal_move_reward = -1000000 self.action_space = Discrete(len(Action) - 2) self.first_action_for_hand = None
def test_inner_package_mymodule(): apackage = cppimport.imp("apackage.inner.mymodule") module_tester(apackage.inner.mymodule)
def test_with_file_in_syspath(): orig_sys_path = copy.copy(sys.path) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mymodule.cpp')) mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule") sys.path = orig_sys_path
__author__ = "Mikael Mortensen <*****@*****.**>" __date__ = "2013-12-13" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 " + __author__ __license__ = "GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or any later version" from dolfin import Function import cppimport compiled_fem_module = cppimport.imp('fenicstools.fem.interpolation') def interpolate_nonmatching_mesh(u0, V): """Interpolate from GenericFunction u0 to FunctionSpace V. The FunctionSpace V can have a different mesh than that of u0, if u0 has a mesh. """ u = Function(V) compiled_fem_module.interpolate(u0, u) return u def interpolate_nonmatching_mesh_any(u0, V): """Interpolate from GenericFunction u0 to FunctionSpace V. The FunctionSpace V can have a different mesh than that of u0, if u0 has a mesh. This function works for any finite element space, not just Lagrange. """ u = Function(V) compiled_fem_module.interpolate_any(u0, u)
__author__ = "Miroslav Kuchta <*****@*****.**>" __date__ = "2014-04-05" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 " + __author__ __license__ = "GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or any later version" from dolfin import TensorFunctionSpace, VectorFunctionSpace, FunctionSpace,\ Function, interpolate, assemble, \ TrialFunction, TestFunction, dx, Matrix, dot, div from fenicstools import SetMatrixValue from os.path import abspath, join import cppimport compiled_cr_module = cppimport.imp('fenicstools.fem.cr_divergence') def gauss_divergence(u, mesh=None): ''' This function uses Gauss divergence theorem to compute divergence of u inside the cell by integrating normal fluxes across the cell boundary. If u is a vector or tensor field the result of computation is diverence of u in the cell center = DG0 scalar/vector function. For scalar fields, the result is grad(u) = DG0 vector function. The fluxes are computed by midpoint rule and as such the computed divergence is exact for linear fields. ''' # Require u to be Function assert isinstance(u, Function) # Require u to be scalar/vector/rank 2 tensor rank = u.value_rank() assert rank in [0, 1, 2]
def test_mymodule(): mymodule = cppimport.imp("mymodule") module_tester(mymodule)
def compile_eigen_csr_assembler_module(): cpp_code_header = f""" <% setup_pybind11(cfg) cfg['include_dirs'] = {dolfinx_pc["include_dirs"] + [petsc4py.get_include()] + [str(pybind_inc())]} cfg['compiler_args'] = {["-D" + dm for dm in dolfinx_pc["define_macros"]]} cfg['compiler_args'] = ['-std=c++17'] cfg['libraries'] = {dolfinx_pc["libraries"]} cfg['library_dirs'] = {dolfinx_pc["library_dirs"]} %> """ cpp_code = """ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/eigen.h> #include <pybind11/stl.h> #include <vector> #include <Eigen/Sparse> #include <petscsys.h> #include <dolfinx/fem/assembler.h> #include <dolfinx/fem/DirichletBC.h> #include <dolfinx/fem/Form.h> template<typename T> Eigen::SparseMatrix<T, Eigen::RowMajor> assemble_csr(const dolfinx::fem::Form<T>& a, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const dolfinx::fem::DirichletBC<T>>>& bcs) { std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<T>> triplets; const auto mat_add = [&triplets](std::int32_t nrow, const std::int32_t* rows, std::int32_t ncol, const std::int32_t* cols, const T* v) { for (int i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) triplets.emplace_back(rows[i], cols[j], v[i * ncol + j]); return 0; }; dolfinx::fem::assemble_matrix<T>(mat_add, a, bcs); auto map0 = a.function_space(0)->dofmap()->index_map; auto map1 = a.function_space(1)->dofmap()->index_map; Eigen::SparseMatrix<T, Eigen::RowMajor> mat( map0->block_size() * (map0->size_local() + map0->num_ghosts()), map1->block_size() * (map1->size_local() + map1->num_ghosts())); mat.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end()); return mat; } PYBIND11_MODULE(eigen_csr, m) { m.def("assemble_matrix", &assemble_csr<PetscScalar>); } """ path = pathlib.Path(tempdir) open(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "eigen_csr.cpp"), "w").write(cpp_code + cpp_code_header) rel_path = path.relative_to(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent) p = str(rel_path).replace("/", ".") + ".eigen_csr" return cppimport.imp(p)
def test_extra_sources(): mod = cppimport.imp("extra_sources") assert(mod.square_sum(3, 4) == 25)
import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image import win32api import win32con import win32ui import win32gui import time import cppimport zoom = 1 # 显示器放大倍数 img = None if __name__ == "__main__": somecode = cppimport.imp("somecode") hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, '跃动方块') # 窗口的编号,0号表示当前活跃窗口 # 根据窗口句柄获取窗口的设备上下文DC(Divice Context) hwndDC = win32gui.GetWindowDC(hwnd) # 根据窗口的DC获取mfcDC mfcDC = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(hwndDC) # mfcDC创建可兼容的DC saveDC = mfcDC.CreateCompatibleDC() # 创建bigmap准备保存图片 saveBitMap = win32ui.CreateBitmap() # 获取监控器信息 left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd) w = int((right - left) * zoom) h = int((bottom - top) * zoom) # print("得到窗口大小:", w, h) # 图片大小 # 为bitmap开辟空间
def test_raw_extensions(): raw_extension = cppimport.imp("raw_extension") assert(raw_extension.add(1,2) == 3)
import cppimport cppimport.imp('agents.cppmodule.agent') cppimport.imp('agents.cppmodule.core')
This code is released under Apache 2.0 license """ def test_two_vectors(vector, expected_list): assert len(list(vector)) == len(expected_list), "Length wrong" + str( len(list(vector))) + " instead of " + str(len(expected_list)) assert list(vector) == expected_list, "Wrong result: " + str( list(vector)) + " instead of expected " + str(expected_list) import cppimport #This will pause for a moment to compile the module cppimport.set_quiet(False) m = cppimport.imp("minionn") print("Successfuly imported c++ code\n") print("Testing MPC functions, server side...") m.init_aby("", 5000, True) print("Connected to client, testing ReLu.") num = 5 xs = m.VectorInt([-5, -4, -3, -2, 1]) ys = m.VectorInt([]) m.relu_server(num, xs, ys) print("Relu done, testing correctness.") #print("Num is " + str(num)) #print("Xs is " + str(xs))
import cppimport apss = cppimport.imp("apss_py") vec = [[(10, 0.1), (20, 0.9), (30, 0.5)], [(10, 0.99), (40, 0.99)], [(30, 2.0), (40, 0.6)]] threshold = 0.5 for u, v in apss.all_pairs2(vec, threshold): print(u, v)
__author__ = "Mikael Mortensen <*****@*****.**>" __date__ = "2014-01-08" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 " + __author__ __license__ = "GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or any later version" import cppimport compiled_module = cppimport.imp('fenicstools.fem.common') def getMemoryUsage(rss=True): return compiled_module.getMemoryUsage(rss) def SetMatrixValue(A, val): compiled_module.SetMatrixValue(A, val)