Exemplo n.º 1
def test_readme():
    """The basic examples in the README"""

    # Basic DFA that accepts ab+
    E				= cpppo.state( "E" )
    A				= cpppo.state_input( "A" )
    B				= cpppo.state_input( "B", terminal=True )
    E['a']			= A
    A['b']			= B
    B['b']			= B

    data			= cpppo.dotdict()
    source			= cpppo.peekable( str( 'abbbb,ab' ))
    with cpppo.dfa( initial=E ) as abplus:
        for i,(m,s) in enumerate( abplus.run( source=source, path="ab+", data=data )):
            log.info( "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r", m.name_centered(),
                      i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data )
        assert i == 5
    assert source.peek() == str(',')
    # Composite state machine accepting ab+, ignoring ,[ ]* separators
    CSV				= cpppo.dfa( "CSV", initial=E, terminal=True )
    SEP				= cpppo.state_drop( "SEP" )

    CSV[',']			= SEP
    SEP[' ']			= SEP
    SEP[None]			= CSV

    source			= cpppo.peekable( str( 'abbbb, ab' ))
    with cpppo.dfa( initial=CSV ) as r2:
        for i,(m,s) in enumerate( r2.run( source=source, path="readme_CSV", data=data )):
            log.info( "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r", m.name_centered(),
                      i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data )
        assert i == 14
    assert source.peek() is None
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """The basic examples in the README"""

    # Basic DFA that accepts ab+
    E			= cpppo.state( 'E' )
    A			= cpppo.state_input( 'A' )
    B			= cpppo.state_input( 'B', terminal=True )
    E['a']		= A
    A['b']		= B
    B['b']		= B

    BASIC		= cpppo.dfa( 'ab+', initial=E, context='basic' )

    # Composite state machine accepting ab+, ignoring ,[ ]* separators
    ABP			= cpppo.dfa( 'ab+', initial=E, terminal=True )
    SEP			= cpppo.state_drop( 'SEP' )
    ABP[',']		= SEP
    SEP[' ']		= SEP
    SEP[None]		= ABP

    CSV			= cpppo.dfa( 'CSV', initial=ABP, context='csv' )

    # A regular expression; he default dfa name is the regular expression itself.
    REGEX		= cpppo.regex( initial='(ab+)((,[ ]*)(ab+))*', context='regex' )

    data		= cpppo.dotdict()
    for machine in [ BASIC, CSV, REGEX ]:
        path		= machine.context() + '.input' # default for state_input data
        source		= cpppo.peekable( str( 'abbbb, ab' ))
        with machine:
            for i,(m,s) in enumerate( machine.run( source=source, data=data )):
                print( "%s #%3d; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r" % (
                       m.name_centered(), i, source.sent, source.peek(), data.get(path) ))
        print( "Accepted: %r; remaining: %r\n" % ( data.get(path), ''.join( source )))
    print( "Final: %r" % ( data ))
Exemplo n.º 3
def tnet_machine( name="TNET", context="tnet" ):
    """Accept a sentence of input bytes matching a tnetstring, and then
    loop.  Sub-machine terminates at earliest match (non-greedy), causing
    echo.transition to trigger .process (which resets our sub-machine to initial
    state), and then we move to the next state (loops), allowing us to
    immediately run."""

    class tnet_parser( cpppo.state_input ):
        TYPES			= (b'#'[0], b'}'[0], b']'[0], b','[0],
                                   b'$'[0], b'!'[0], b'~'[0], b'^'[0])

        def process( self, source, machine=None, path=None, data=None ):
            """Convert the collected data according to the type"""
            tntype		= next( source )
            ours		= self.context( path )
            raw			= ours + '...data.input'
            src			= b'' if raw not in data else (
                data[raw].tostring() if sys.version_info[0] < 3
                else data[raw].tobytes() )

            if tntype == b','[0]:
                log.info("%5d bytes  data: %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ))
                data[ours]	= src
            elif tntype == b'$'[0]:
                log.info("%5d string data: %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ))
                data[ours]	= src.decode( 'utf-8' )
            elif tntype == b'#'[0]:
                data[ours]	= int( src )
                log.info("%5d int    data: %s == %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ),
                         cpppo.reprlib.repr( data[ours] ))
            elif tntype == b'~'[0]:
                assert 0 == len( src )
                data[ours]	= None
                assert False, "Invalid tnetstring type: %s" % tntype
    bytes_conf 			= {
        "alphabet":	cpppo.type_bytes_iter,
        "typecode":	cpppo.type_bytes_array_symbol,

    SIZE			= cpppo.dfa( name="SIZE", 
                                                 name="INT", context="size", decode='ascii', terminal=True ))
    COLON			= cpppo.state_drop( name="COLON", **bytes_conf )
    DATA			= data_parser( name="DATA", context="data", repeat="..size" )
    TYPE			= tnet_parser( name="TYPE", context="type", terminal=True,
                                                     **bytes_conf )

    SIZE[b':'[0]]		= COLON
    COLON[None]			= DATA
    for t in tnet_parser.TYPES:
        DATA[t]			= TYPE

    # Recognize a TNET string and then terminate, resetting to automatically
    # recognize another
    return cpppo.dfa( name=name, context=context, initial=SIZE, terminal=True )
Exemplo n.º 4
def tnet_machine( name="TNET", context="tnet" ):
    """Accept a sentence of input bytes matching a tnetstring, and then
    loop.  Sub-machine terminates at earliest match (non-greedy), causing
    echo.transition to trigger .process (which resets our sub-machine to initial
    state), and then we move to the next state (loops), allowing us to
    immediately run."""

    class tnet_parser( cpppo.state_input ):
        TYPES			= (b'#'[0], b'}'[0], b']'[0], b','[0],
                                   b'$'[0], b'!'[0], b'~'[0], b'^'[0])

        def process( self, source, machine=None, path=None, data=None ):
            """Convert the collected data according to the type"""
            tntype		= next( source )
            ours		= self.context( path )
            raw			= ours + '...data.input'
            src			= ( data[raw].tostring() if sys.version_info[0] < 3
                                    else data[raw].tobytes() )

            if tntype == b','[0]:
                log.info("%5d bytes  data: %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ))
                data[ours]	= src
            elif tntype == b'$'[0]:
                log.info("%5d string data: %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ))
                data[ours]	= src.decode( 'utf-8' )
            elif tntype == b'#'[0]:
                data[ours]	= int( src )
                log.info("%5d int    data: %s == %s", len( src ), cpppo.reprlib.repr( src ),
                         cpppo.reprlib.repr( data[ours] ))
            elif tntype == b'~'[0]:
                assert 0 == len( src )
                data[ours]	= None
                assert False, "Invalid tnetstring type: %s" % tntype
    bytes_conf 			= {
        "alphabet":	cpppo.type_bytes_iter,
        "typecode":	cpppo.type_bytes_array_symbol,

    SIZE			= cpppo.dfa( name="SIZE", 
                                                 name="INT", context="size", decode='ascii', terminal=True ))
    COLON			= cpppo.state_drop( name="COLON", **bytes_conf )
    DATA			= data_parser( name="DATA", context="data", repeat="..size" )
    TYPE			= tnet_parser( name="TYPE", context="type", terminal=True,
                                                     **bytes_conf )

    SIZE[b':'[0]]		= COLON
    COLON[None]			= DATA
    for t in tnet_parser.TYPES:
        DATA[t]			= TYPE

    # Recognize a TNET string and then terminate, resetting to automatically
    # recognize another
    return cpppo.dfa( name=name, context=context, initial=SIZE, terminal=True )
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_decide():
    """Allow state transition decisions based on collected context other than just
    the next source symbol.

    e = cpppo.state("enter")
    e["a"] = a = cpppo.state_input("a", context="a")
    a[" "] = s1 = cpppo.state_drop("s1")
    s1[" "] = s1
    s1[None] = i1 = cpppo.integer("i1", context="i1")

    i1[" "] = s2 = cpppo.state_drop("s2")
    s2[" "] = s2
    s2[None] = i2 = cpppo.integer("i2", context="i2")
    less = cpppo.state("less", terminal=True)
    greater = cpppo.state("greater", terminal=True)
    equal = cpppo.state("equal", terminal=True)
    i2[None] = cpppo.decide("isless", less, predicate=lambda machine, source, path, data: data.i1 < data.i2)
    i2[None] = cpppo.decide("isgreater", greater, predicate=lambda machine, source, path, data: data.i1 > data.i2)
    i2[None] = equal

    source = cpppo.peekable(str("a 1 2"))
    data = cpppo.dotdict()
    with cpppo.dfa("comparo", initial=e) as comparo:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(comparo.run(source=source, data=data)):
                "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
        assert i == 11
        assert s is less

    source = cpppo.peekable(str("a 33 33"))
    data = cpppo.dotdict()
    with cpppo.dfa("comparo", initial=e) as comparo:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(comparo.run(source=source, data=data)):
                "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
        assert i == 13
        assert s is equal
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__( self, name=None, **kwds ):
        name 			= name or kwds.setdefault( 'context', self.__class__.__name__ )

        # Parse the status, and status_ext.size
        stat			= USINT( 	'status',	context=None )
        stat[True]	= size	= USINT( 	'_ext.size',	extension='_ext.size' )

        # Prepare a state-machine to parse each UINT into .UINT, and move it onto the .data list
        exts			= UINT(		'ext_status',	extension='.ext_status' )
        exts[None]		= move_if( 	'data',		source='.ext_status',
                                           destination='.data',	initializer=lambda **kwds: [] )
        exts[None]		= cpppo.state( 	'done', terminal=True )

        # Parse each status_ext.data in a sub-dfa, repeating status_ext.size times
        each			= cpppo.dfa(    'each',		extension='_ext',
                                                initial=exts,	repeat='_ext.size',
                                                terminal=True )
        # Only enter the state_ext.data dfa if status_ext.size is non-zero
        size[None]		= cpppo.decide(	'_ext.size', 
                            predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: data[path+'_ext.size'],
                                                state=each )
        # Otherwise, we're done!
        size[None]		= octets_noop( 'done', 
                                               terminal=True )
        super( status, self ).__init__( name=name, initial=stat, **kwds )
Exemplo n.º 7
def data_parser( **kwds ):
    """Parses raw bytes into .data, by default using ..size to denote the amount.  """
    kwds.setdefault( "name", "DATA" )
    kwds.setdefault( "context", "data" )
    kwds.setdefault( "repeat", "..size" )
    return cpppo.dfa(
        initial=cpppo.state_input( name="BYTE", terminal=True, **bytes_conf ), **kwds )
Exemplo n.º 8
def data_parser( **kwds ):
    """Parses raw bytes into .data, by default using ..size to denote the amount.  """
    kwds.setdefault( "name", "DATA" )
    kwds.setdefault( "context", "data" )
    kwds.setdefault( "repeat", "..size" )
    return cpppo.dfa(
        initial=cpppo.state_input( name="BYTE", terminal=True, **bytes_conf ), **kwds )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, name=None, **kwds):
        name = name or kwds.setdefault('context', self.__class__.__name__)

        # Parse the status, and status_ext.size
        stat = USINT('status', context=None)
        stat[True] = size = USINT('_ext.size', extension='_ext.size')

        # Prepare a state-machine to parse each UINT into .UINT, and move it onto the .data list
        exts = UINT('ext_status', extension='.ext_status')
        exts[None] = move_if('data',
                             initializer=lambda **kwds: [])
        exts[None] = cpppo.state('done', terminal=True)

        # Parse each status_ext.data in a sub-dfa, repeating status_ext.size times
        each = cpppo.dfa('each',
        # Only enter the state_ext.data dfa if status_ext.size is non-zero
        size[None] = cpppo.decide('_ext.size',
                                  predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **
                                  kwds: data[path + '_ext.size'],
        # Otherwise, we're done!
        size[None] = octets_noop('done', terminal=True)
        super(status, self).__init__(name=name, initial=stat, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, name=None, **kwds):
        """Parse CPF list items 'til .count reached, which should be simultaneous with symbol exhaustion, if
        caller specified a symbol limit.

        name = name or kwds.setdefault('context', self.__class__.__name__)

        # A number, and then each CPF item consistes of a type, length and then parsable data.
        ityp = UINT(context='type_id')
        ityp[True] = ilen = UINT(context='length')
        ilen[None] = cpppo.decide('empty',
                                  predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **
                                  kwds: not data[path].length,
                                  state=octets_noop('done', terminal=True))

        # Prepare a parser for each recognized CPF item type.  It must establish one level of
        # context, because we need to pass it a limit='..length' denoting the length we just parsed.

        for typ, cls in (self.item_parsers or {}).items():
            ilen[None] = cpppo.decide(cls.__name__,
                                      predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **
                                      kwds: data[path].type_id == typ)

        # If we don't recognize the CPF item type, just parse remainder into .input (so we could re-generate)
        ilen[None] = urec = octets('unrecognized', context=None, terminal=True)
        urec[True] = urec

        # Each item is collected into '.item__', 'til no more input available, and then moved into
        # place into '.item' (init to [])
        item = cpppo.dfa('each', context='item__', initial=ityp)
        item[None] = move_if('move',
                             initializer=lambda **kwds: [])
        item[None] = cpppo.state('done', terminal=True)

        # Parse count, and then exactly .count CPF items.
        loop = UINT(context='count')
        loop[None] = cpppo.dfa('all',

        super(CPF, self).__init__(name=name, initial=loop, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_decide():
    """Allow state transition decisions based on collected context other than just
    the next source symbol.

    e = cpppo.state("enter")
    e['a'] = a = cpppo.state_input("a", context='a')
    a[' '] = s1 = cpppo.state_drop("s1")
    s1[' '] = s1
    s1[None] = i1 = cpppo.integer("i1", context='i1')

    i1[' '] = s2 = cpppo.state_drop("s2")
    s2[' '] = s2
    s2[None] = i2 = cpppo.integer("i2", context='i2')
    less = cpppo.state("less", terminal=True)
    greater = cpppo.state("greater", terminal=True)
    equal = cpppo.state("equal", terminal=True)
    i2[None] = cpppo.decide(
        predicate=lambda machine, source, path, data: data.i1 < data.i2)
    i2[None] = cpppo.decide(
        predicate=lambda machine, source, path, data: data.i1 > data.i2)
    i2[None] = equal

    source = cpppo.peekable(str('a 1 2'))
    data = cpppo.dotdict()
    with cpppo.dfa("comparo", initial=e) as comparo:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(comparo.run(source=source, data=data)):
            log.info("%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
                     m.name_centered(), i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data)
        assert i == 12
        assert s is less

    source = cpppo.peekable(str('a 33 33'))
    data = cpppo.dotdict()
    with cpppo.dfa("comparo", initial=e) as comparo:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(comparo.run(source=source, data=data)):
            log.info("%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
                     m.name_centered(), i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data)
        assert i == 14
        assert s is equal
Exemplo n.º 12
    def register_service_parser( cls, number, name, short, machine ):
        """Registers a parser with the Object.  May be invoked during import; no logging."""

        assert number not in cls.service and name not in cls.service, \
            "Duplicate service #%d: %r registered for Object %s" % ( number, name, cls.__name__ )

        cls.service[number]	= name
        cls.service[name]	= number
        cls.transit[number]	= chr( number ) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else number
        cls.parser.initial[cls.transit[number]] \
				= cpppo.dfa( name=short, initial=machine, terminal=True )
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__( self, name=None, **kwds ):
        """Parse CPF list items 'til .count reached, which should be simultaneous with symbol exhaustion, if
        caller specified a symbol limit.

        name 			= name or kwds.setdefault( 'context', self.__class__.__name__ )

        # A number, and then each CPF item consistes of a type, length and then parsable data.  
        ityp			= UINT( 			context='type_id' )
        ityp[True]	= ilen	= UINT( 			context='length' )
        ilen[None]		= cpppo.decide( 'empty',
                                predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: not data[path].length,
                                                state=octets_noop( 'done', terminal=True ))

        # Prepare a parser for each recognized CPF item type.  It must establish one level of
        # context, because we need to pass it a limit='..length' denoting the length we just parsed.

        for typ,cls in ( self.item_parsers or {} ).items():
            ilen[None]		= cpppo.decide( cls.__name__, state=cls( terminal=True, limit='..length' ),
                        predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: data[path].type_id == typ )

        # If we don't recognize the CPF item type, just parse remainder into .input (so we could re-generate)
        ilen[None]	= urec	= octets( 	'unrecognized',	context=None,
                                                terminal=True )
        urec[True]		= urec

        # Each item is collected into '.item__', 'til no more input available, and then moved into
        # place into '.item' (init to [])
        item			= cpppo.dfa( 	'each', 	context='item__',
                                                initial=ityp )
        item[None] 		= move_if( 	'move', 	source='.item__',
                                           destination='.item', initializer=lambda **kwds: [] )
        item[None]		= cpppo.state( 	'done', terminal=True )

        # Parse count, and then exactly .count CPF items.
        loop			= UINT( 			context='count' )
        loop[None]		= cpppo.dfa( 	'all', 	
                                                initial=item,	repeat='.count',
                                                terminal=True )

        super( CPF, self ).__init__( name=name, initial=loop, **kwds )
Exemplo n.º 14
    def register_service_parser(cls, number, name, short, machine):
        """Registers a parser with the Object.  May be invoked during import; no logging."""

        assert number not in cls.service and name not in cls.service, \
            "Duplicate service #%d: %r registered for Object %s" % ( number, name, cls.__name__ )

        cls.service[number] = name
        cls.service[name] = number
        cls.transit[number] = chr(
            number) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else number
        cls.parser.initial[cls.transit[number]] \
    = cpppo.dfa( name=short, initial=machine, terminal=True )
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_struct():
    dtp				= cpppo.type_bytes_array_symbol
    abt				= cpppo.type_bytes_iter
    ctx				= 'val'
    a				= cpppo.state_input( "First",  alphabet=abt, typecode=dtp, context=ctx )
    a[True] = b 		= cpppo.state_input( "Second", alphabet=abt, typecode=dtp, context=ctx )
    b[True] = c 		= cpppo.state_input( "Third",  alphabet=abt, typecode=dtp, context=ctx )
    c[True] = d			= cpppo.state_input( "Fourth", alphabet=abt, typecode=dtp, context=ctx )
    d[None] 			= cpppo.state_struct( "int32", context=ctx,
                                                      terminal=True )
    machine			= cpppo.dfa( initial=a )
    with machine:
        material		= b'\x01\x02\x03\x80\x99'
        segment			= 3
        source			= cpppo.chainable()
        log.info( "States; %r input, by %d", material, segment )
        inp			= None
        data			= cpppo.dotdict()
        path			= "struct"
        sequence		= machine.run( source=source, path=path, data=data )
        for num in range( 10 ):
                mch,sta		= next( sequence )
                inp		= source.peek()
            except StopIteration:
                inp		= source.peek()
                log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r test done", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
            log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r test rcvd", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
            if sta is None:
                log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r test no next state", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
            if inp is None:
                if not material:
                    log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r test source finished", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
                # Will load consecutive empty iterables; chainable must handle
                source.chain( material[:segment] )
                material		= material[segment:]
                inp			= source.peek()
                log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r test chain", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
            if num == 0: assert inp == b'\x01'[0]; assert sta.name == "First"
            if num == 1: assert inp == b'\x02'[0]; assert sta.name == "Second"
            if num == 2: assert inp == b'\x03'[0]; assert sta.name == "Third"
            if num == 3: assert inp == b'\x80'[0]; assert sta is None
            if num == 4: assert inp == b'\x80'[0]; assert sta.name == "Fourth"
            if num == 5: assert inp == b'\x99'[0]; assert sta.name == "int32"
            if num == 6: assert inp == b'\x99'[0]; assert sta.name == "int32"
        assert inp == b'\x99'[0]
        assert num == 6
        assert sta.name == "int32"
        assert data.struct.val == -2147286527
Exemplo n.º 16
def main():
    """The basic examples in the README"""

    # Basic DFA that accepts ab+
    E = cpppo.state('E')
    A = cpppo.state_input('A')
    B = cpppo.state_input('B', terminal=True)
    E['a'] = A
    A['b'] = B
    B['b'] = B

    BASIC = cpppo.dfa('ab+', initial=E, context='basic')

    # Composite state machine accepting ab+, ignoring ,[ ]* separators
    ABP = cpppo.dfa('ab+', initial=E, terminal=True)
    SEP = cpppo.state_drop('SEP')
    ABP[','] = SEP
    SEP[' '] = SEP
    SEP[None] = ABP

    CSV = cpppo.dfa('CSV', initial=ABP, context='csv')

    # A regular expression; he default dfa name is the regular expression itself.
    REGEX = cpppo.regex(initial='(ab+)((,[ ]*)(ab+))*', context='regex')

    data = cpppo.dotdict()
    for machine in [BASIC, CSV, REGEX]:
        path = machine.context() + '.input'  # default for state_input data
        source = cpppo.peekable(str('abbbb, ab'))
        with machine:
            for i, (m, s) in enumerate(machine.run(source=source, data=data)):
                print("%s #%3d; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r" %
                      (m.name_centered(), i, source.sent, source.peek(),
        print("Accepted: %r; remaining: %r\n" %
              (data.get(path), ''.join(source)))
    print("Final: %r" % (data))
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_dfa():
    # Simple DFA with states consuming no input.  A NULL (None) state transition
    # doesn't require input for state change.  The Default (True) transition
    # requires input to make the transition, but none of these states consume
    # it, so it'll be left over at the end.
    a = cpppo.state("Initial")
    a[None] = b = cpppo.state("Middle")
    b[True] = cpppo.state("Terminal", terminal=True)

    source = cpppo.chainable()
    i = a.run(source=source)
    m, s = next(i)
    assert m is None
    assert s is not None and s.name == "Middle"
        assert False, "Expected no more non-transition events"
    except StopIteration:

    machine = cpppo.dfa(initial=a)

    with machine:
        for initial in machine.initial.nodes():
            for inp, target in initial.edges():
                    "%s <- %-10.10r -> %s" %
                    (cpppo.centeraxis(initial, 25, clip=True), inp, target))

        # Running with no input will yield the initial state, with None input; since it is a NULL
        # state (no input processed), it will simply attempt to transition.  This will require the
        # next input from source, which is empty, so it will return input,state=(None, None)
        # indicating a non-terminal state and no input left.  This gives the caller an opportunity
        # to reload input and try again.  If a loop is detected (same state and input conditions
        # seen repeatedly), the DFA will terminate; if not in a terminal state, an exception will be
        # raised.
        log.info("States; No input")
        source = cpppo.chainable()
        sequence = machine.run(source=source)
        for num in range(10):
                mch, sta = next(sequence)
            except StopIteration:
                sequence = None
            except cpppo.NonTerminal as e:
                assert "non-terminal state" in str(e)

            inp = source.peek()
            log.info("%s <- %r" % (cpppo.centeraxis(mch, 25, clip=True), inp))
            if num == 0:
                assert inp is None
                assert sta.name == "Initial"
            if num == 1:
                assert inp is None
                assert sta.name == "Middle"
            if num == 2:
                assert inp is None
                assert sta is None  # And no more no-input transitions
            assert num < 3  # If we get here, we didn't detect loop
        assert num == 3

        # since the iterator did not stop cleanly (after processing a state's input,
        # and then trying to determine the next state), it'll continue indefinitely
        assert sta is None
        assert sequence is not None

        # Try with some input loaded into source stream, using an identical generator sequence.
        # Only the first element is gotten, and is reused for every NULL state transition, and is
        # left over at the end.
        log.info("States; 'abc' input")
        assert source.peek() is None
        assert source.peek() == b'a'[0]  # python2: str, python3: int
        sequence = machine.run(source=source)
        for num in range(10):
                mch, sta = next(sequence)
            except StopIteration:
            inp = source.peek()
            log.info("%s <- %r", cpppo.centeraxis(mch, 25, clip=True), inp)
            if num == 0:
                assert inp == b'a'[0]
                assert sta.name == "Initial"
            if num == 1:
                assert inp == b'a'[0]
                assert sta.name == "Middle"
            if num == 2:
                assert inp == b'a'[0]
                assert sta.name == "Terminal"
            assert num < 3
        assert num == 3
        assert inp == b'a'[0]
        assert sta.name == "Terminal"
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_state():
    """A state is expected to process its input (perhaps nothing, if its a no-input state), and then use
    the next input symbol to transition to another state.  Each state has a context into a data
    artifact, into which it will collect its results.

    We must ensure that all state transitions are configured in the target alphabet; if an encoder
    is supplied, then all input symbols and all transition symbols will be encoded using it.  In
    this test, all string literals are Unicode (in both Python 2 and 3), so we use a unicode encoder
    to convert them to symbols."""

    unicodekwds = {
        'alphabet': unicode if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else str,
        'encoder': cpppo.type_unicode_encoder,
    s1 = cpppo.state('one', **unicodekwds)
    s2 = cpppo.state_drop('two', **unicodekwds)

    s1['a'] = s2
    assert s1['a'] is s2

    source = cpppo.peeking('abc')

    # We can run state instances with/without acquisition
    g = s1.run(source=source)
    assert next(g) == (None, s2)
    assert source.peek() == 'a'
    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
    with s1:
        g = s1.run(source=source)
        assert source.peek() == 'a'
        assert next(g) == (None, s2)
        assert source.peek() == 'a'
            assert False, "Should have terminated"
        except StopIteration:
        assert source.peek() == 'a'

    # A state machine accepting a sequence of unicode a's
    a_s = cpppo.state("a_s", **unicodekwds)
    an_a = cpppo.state_input("a",
    a_s['a'] = an_a
    an_a['a'] = an_a

    source = cpppo.peeking('aaaa')
    data = cpppo.dotdict()

    with cpppo.dfa(initial=a_s) as aplus:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(aplus.run(source=source)):
            log.info("%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
                     m.name_centered(), i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data)
        assert i == 5
        assert source.peek() is None
        assert len(data) == 0

    # Accepting a's separated by comma and space/pi (for kicks).  When the lower level a's machine
    # doesn't recognize the symbol, then the higher level machine will recognize and discard
    sep = cpppo.state_drop("sep", **unicodekwds)
    csv = cpppo.dfa("csv", initial=a_s, terminal=True, **unicodekwds)
    csv[','] = sep
    sep[' '] = sep
    sep['π'] = sep
    sep[None] = csv

    source = cpppo.peeking('aaaa, a,π a')
    data = cpppo.dotdict()

    with cpppo.dfa(initial=csv) as csvaplus:
        for i, (m, s) in enumerate(
                csvaplus.run(source=source, path="csv", data=data)):
            log.info("%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r",
                     m.name_centered(), i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data)
        assert i == 18
        assert source.peek() is None
    assert data.csv.input.tounicode() == 'aaaaaa'
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, name=None, **kwds):
        name = name or kwds.setdefault('context', self.__class__.__name__)

        # Get the size, and chain remaining machine onto rest.  When used as a Route Path, the size
        # is padded, so insert a state to drop the pad, and chain rest to that instead.
        size = rest = USINT(context='size')
        if self.padsize:
            size[True] = rest = octets_drop('pad', repeat=1)

        # After capturing each segment__ (pseg), move it onto the path segment list, and loop
        pseg = octets_noop('type', terminal=True)
        # ...segment parsers...
        pmov = move_if('move',
                       initializer=lambda **kwds: [],

        # Wire each different segment type parser between pseg and pmov
        pseg[b'\x28'[0]] = e_8t = octets_drop('type', repeat=1)
        e_8t[True] = e_8v = USINT('elem_8bit', context='element')
        e_8v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x29'[0]] = e16t = octets_drop('type', repeat=2)
        e16t[True] = e16v = UINT('elem16bit', context='element')
        e16v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x2a'[0]] = e32t = octets_drop('type', repeat=2)
        e32t[True] = e32v = UDINT('elem32bit', context='element')
        e32v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x20'[0]] = c_8t = octets_drop('type', repeat=1)
        c_8t[True] = c_8v = USINT('clas_8bit', context='class')
        c_8v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x21'[0]] = c16t = octets_drop('type', repeat=2)
        c16t[True] = c16v = UINT('clas16bit', context='class')
        c16v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x24'[0]] = i_8t = octets_drop('type', repeat=1)
        i_8t[True] = i_8v = USINT('inst_8bit', context='instance')
        i_8v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x25'[0]] = i16t = octets_drop('type', repeat=2)
        i16t[True] = i16v = UINT('inst16bit', context='instance')
        i16v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x30'[0]] = a_8t = octets_drop('type', repeat=1)
        a_8t[True] = a_8v = USINT('attr_8bit', context='attribute')
        a_8v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x31'[0]] = a16t = octets_drop('type', repeat=2)
        a16t[True] = a16v = UINT('attr16bit', context='attribute')
        a16v[None] = pmov

        pseg[b'\x91'[0]] = symt = octets_drop('type', repeat=1)
        symt[True] = syml = USINT('sym_len', context='symbolic.length')
        syml[None] = symv = cpppo.string_bytes('symbolic',

        # An odd-length ANSI Extended Symbolic name means an odd total.  Pad
        symo = octets_drop('pad', repeat=1)
        symo[None] = pmov

        symv[None] = cpppo.decide('odd',
                                  predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **
                                  kwds: len(data[path].symbolic) % 2,
        symv[None] = pmov

        # Route Path port/link-address.  See Vol 1-3.13, Table C-1.3 Port Segment Encoding.
        # segment:  0b000spppp
        #                |\\\\+-> port number 0x01-0x0E; 0x0F=>extended
        #                |
        #                +------> link size+address; 0=>numeric, 1=>size+string

        def port_fix(path=None, data=None, **kwds):
            """Discard port values about 0x0F; return True (transition) if remaining port value is 0x0F
            (Optional Extended port)"""
            data[path].port &= 0x0F
            if data[path].port == 0x0F:
                # Port is extended; discard and prepare to collect new port number
                data[path].port = cpppo.dotdict()
                return True
            # Port is OK; don't transition
            return False

        # [01-0E][LL] 				port 01-0E, link-address #LL
        pseg[b'\x01'[0]] = pnum = USINT('port_num', context='port')
        pseg[b'\x02'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x03'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x04'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x05'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x06'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x07'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x08'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x09'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x0a'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x0b'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x0c'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x0d'[0]] = pnum
        pseg[b'\x0e'[0]] = pnum

        # [0F][PPPP][LL]			port 0xPPPP,  link-address 0xLL
        pseg[b'\x0f'[0]] = pnum

        # A big port#; re-scan a UINT into .port (won't work 'til port_fix is called)
        pnbg = UINT('port_nbg', context='port')
        pnbg[True] = pnlk = USINT('link_num', context='link')

        # Fix the port#; if 0x0F, setup for extended port and transition to pnbg.  Otherwise,
        # (not extended port), just go the the port numeric link.
        pnum[None] = cpppo.decide('port_nfix', predicate=port_fix, state=pnbg)
        pnum[None] = pnlk
        pnlk[None] = pmov  # and done; move segment, get next

        # [11-1E][SS]''[00]	port 0x01-0E, link address '' (pad if size 0xSS odd)
        pseg[b'\x11'] = padr = USINT('port_adr', context='port')
        pseg[b'\x12'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x13'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x14'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x15'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x16'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x17'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x18'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x19'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x1a'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x1b'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x1c'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x1d'[0]] = padr
        pseg[b'\x1e'[0]] = padr

        # [1F][SS][PPPP]''[00]	port 0xPPPP,  link address '' (pad if size SS odd)
        pseg[b'\x1f'[0]] = padr

        # Harvest the addresses into .link
        adrv = cpppo.string_bytes('link_add',

        # An odd-length link address means an odd total.  Pad
        adro = octets_drop('link_pad', repeat=1)
        adro[None] = pmov

        adrv[None] = cpppo.decide('link_odd',
                                  predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **
                                  kwds: len(data[path + '.link']) % 2,
        adrv[None] = pmov

        # A big port#; re-scan a UINT into .port (won't work 'til port_fix is called)
        pabg = UINT('port_abg', context='port')
        pabg[None] = adrv

        padr[True] = adrl = USINT('link_len', context='link.length')
        adrl[None] = cpppo.decide('port_afix', predicate=port_fix, state=pabg)
        adrl[None] = adrv

        # Parse all segments in a sub-dfa limited by the parsed path.size (in words; double)
        rest[None] = cpppo.dfa('each',
                               limit=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: data[
                                   path + '..size'] * 2)

        super(EPATH, self).__init__(name=name, initial=size, **kwds)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_dfa():
    # Simple DFA with states consuming no input.  A NULL (None) state transition
    # doesn't require input for state change.  The Default (True) transition
    # requires input to make the transition, but none of these states consume
    # it, so it'll be left over at the end.
    a 				= cpppo.state( "Initial" )
    a[None] = b			= cpppo.state( "Middle" )
    b[True]			= cpppo.state( "Terminal", terminal=True )

    source			= cpppo.chainable()
    i				= a.run( source=source )
    m,s				= next( i )
    assert m is None
    assert s is not None and s.name == "Middle"
        next( i )
        assert False, "Expected no more non-transition events"
    except StopIteration:

    machine			= cpppo.dfa( initial=a )

    with machine:
        log.info( "DFA:" )
        for initial in machine.initial.nodes():
            for inp,target in initial.edges():
                log.info( "%s <- %-10.10r -> %s" % ( cpppo.centeraxis( initial, 25, clip=True ),
                                                     inp, target ))

        # Running with no input will yield the initial state, with None input; since it is a NULL
        # state (no input processed), it will simply attempt to transition.  This will require the
        # next input from source, which is empty, so it will return input,state=(None, None)
        # indicating a non-terminal state and no input left.  This gives the caller an opportunity
        # to reload input and try again.  If a loop is detected (same state and input conditions
        # seen repeatedly), the DFA will terminate; if not in a terminal state, an exception will be
        # raised.
        log.info( "States; No input" )
        source			= cpppo.chainable()
        sequence		= machine.run( source=source )
        for num in range( 10 ):
                mch,sta		= next( sequence )
            except StopIteration:
                sequence	= None
            except cpppo.NonTerminal as e:
                assert "non-terminal state" in str( e )

            inp			= source.peek()
            log.info( "%s <- %r" % ( cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp ))
            if num == 0: assert inp is None; assert sta.name == "Initial"
            if num == 1: assert inp is None; assert sta.name == "Middle"
            if num == 2: assert inp is None; assert sta is None	# And no more no-input transitions
            assert num < 3 # If we get here, we didn't detect loop
        assert num == 3

        # since the iterator did not stop cleanly (after processing a state's input,
        # and then trying to determine the next state), it'll continue indefinitely
        assert sta is None
        assert sequence is not None
        # Try with some input loaded into source stream, using an identical generator sequence.
        # Only the first element is gotten, and is reused for every NULL state transition, and is
        # left over at the end.
        log.info( "States; 'abc' input" )
        assert source.peek() is None
        source.chain( b'abc' )
        assert source.peek() == b'a'[0] # python2: str, python3: int
        sequence		= machine.run( source=source )
        for num in range( 10 ):
                mch,sta		= next( sequence )
            except StopIteration:
            inp			= source.peek()
            log.info( "%s <- %r", cpppo.centeraxis( mch, 25, clip=True ), inp )
            if num == 0: assert inp == b'a'[0]; assert sta.name == "Initial"
            if num == 1: assert inp == b'a'[0]; assert sta.name == "Middle"
            if num == 2: assert inp == b'a'[0]; assert sta.name == "Terminal"
            assert num < 3
        assert num == 3
        assert inp == b'a'[0]
        assert sta.name == "Terminal"
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_state():
    """A state is expected to process its input (perhaps nothing, if its a no-input state), and then use
    the next input symbol to transition to another state.  Each state has a context into a data
    artifact, into which it will collect its results.

    We must ensure that all state transitions are configured in the target alphabet; if an encoder
    is supplied, then all input symbols and all transition symbols will be encoded using it.  In
    this test, all string literals are Unicode (in both Python 2 and 3), so we use a unicode encoder
    to convert them to symbols."""

    unicodekwds			= {
        'alphabet':	unicode if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else str,
        'encoder':	cpppo.type_unicode_encoder,
    s1				= cpppo.state(
        'one', **unicodekwds )
    s2				= cpppo.state_drop(
        'two', **unicodekwds )

    s1['a']			= s2
    assert s1['a'] is s2

    source			= cpppo.peeking( 'abc' )

    # We can run state instances with/without acquisition
    g				= s1.run( source=source )
    assert next( g ) == (None, s2)
    assert source.peek() == 'a'
    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
        next( g )
    with s1:
        g			= s1.run( source=source )
        assert source.peek() == 'a'
        assert next( g ) == (None, s2)
        assert source.peek() == 'a'
            next( g )
            assert False, "Should have terminated"
        except StopIteration:
        assert source.peek() == 'a'

    # A state machine accepting a sequence of unicode a's
    a_s				= cpppo.state( 		"a_s", **unicodekwds )
    an_a			= cpppo.state_input(	"a",   terminal=True,
                                                        **unicodekwds )
    a_s['a']			= an_a
    an_a['a']			= an_a

    source			= cpppo.peeking( 'aaaa' )
    data			= cpppo.dotdict()

    with cpppo.dfa( initial=a_s ) as aplus:
        for i,(m,s) in enumerate( aplus.run( source=source )):
            log.info( "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r", m.name_centered(),
                      i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data )
        assert i == 5
        assert source.peek() is None
        assert len( data ) == 0

    # Accepting a's separated by comma and space/pi (for kicks).  When the lower level a's machine
    # doesn't recognize the symbol, then the higher level machine will recognize and discard
    sep				= cpppo.state_drop(	"sep", **unicodekwds )
    csv				= cpppo.dfa( "csv", initial=a_s , terminal=True, **unicodekwds )
    csv[',']			= sep
    sep[' ']			= sep
    sep['π']			= sep
    sep[None]			= csv
    source			= cpppo.peeking( 'aaaa, a,π a' )
    data			= cpppo.dotdict()

    with cpppo.dfa( initial=csv ) as csvaplus:
        for i,(m,s) in enumerate( csvaplus.run( source=source, path="csv", data=data )):
            log.info( "%s #%3d -> %10.10s; next byte %3d: %-10.10r: %r", m.name_centered(),
                i, s, source.sent, source.peek(), data )
        assert i == 18
        assert source.peek() is None
    assert data.csv.input.tounicode() == 'aaaaaa'
Exemplo n.º 22
class Object(object):
    """An EtherNet/IP device.Object is capable of parsing and processing a number of requests.  It has
    a class_id and an instance_id; an instance_id of 0 indicates the "class" instance of the
    device.Object, which has different (class level) Attributes (and may respond to different commands)
    than the other instance_id's.

    Each Object has a single class-level parser, which is used to register all of its available
    service request parsers.  The next available symbol designates the type of service request,
    eg. 0x01 ==> Get Attributes All.  These parsers enumerate the requests that are *possible* on
    the Object.  Later, when the Object is requested to actually process the request, a decision can
    be made about whether the request is *allowed*.

    The parser knows how to parse any requests it must handle, and any replies it can generate, and
    puts the results into the provided data artifact.

    Assuming Obj is an instance of Object, and the source iterator produces the incoming symbols:

        0x52, 0x04, 0x91, 0x05, 0x53, 0x43, 0x41, 0x44, #/* R...SCAD */
        0x41, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, #/* A....... */

    then we could run the parser:

        data = cpppo.dotdict()
        with Obj.parse as machine:
            for m,w in machine.run( source=source, data=data ):
    and it would parse a recognized command (or reply, but that would be unexpected), and produce
    the following entries (in data, under the current context):

            'service': 			0x52,
            'path.segment': 		[{'symbolic': 'SCADA', 'length': 5}],
            'read_frag.elements':	20,
            'read_frag.offset':		2,

    Then, we could process the request:

        proceed = Obj.request( data )

    and this would process a request, converting it into a reply (any data elements unchanged by the
    reply remain):

            'service': 			0xd2,			# changed: |= 0x80
            'status':			0x00,			# default if not specified
            'path.segment': 		[{'symbolic': 'SCADA', 'length': 5}], # unchanged
            'read_frag.elements':	20,			# unchanged
            'read_frag.offset':		2,			# unchanged
            'read_frag.type':		0x00c3,			# produced for reply
            'read_frag.data':	[				# produced for response
                0x104c, 0x0008,
                0x0003, 0x0002, 0x0002, 0x0002,
                0x000e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x42e6,
                0x0007, 0x40c8, 0x40c8, 0x0000,
                0x00e4, 0x0000, 0x0064, 0x02b2,
            'input':			bytearray( [	# encoded response payload
                                                        0xd2, 0x00, #/* ....,... */
                    0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, #/* ....L... */
                    0x03, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, #/* ........ */
                    0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x42, #/* .......B */
                    0x07, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x40, 0xc8, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, #/* ...@.@.. */
                    0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x02, #/* ....d... */
                    0xc8, 0x80                                      #/* .@ */

    The response payload is also produced as a bytes array in data.input, encoded and ready for
    transmission, or encapsulation by the next higher level of request processor (eg. a
    Message_Router, encapsulating the response into an EtherNet/IP response).

    max_instance = 0
    lock = threading.Lock()
    service = {}  # Service number/name mappings
    transit = {}  # Symbol to transition to service parser on

    # The parser doesn't add a layer of context; run it with a path= keyword to add a layer
    parser = cpppo.dfa(service, initial=cpppo.state('select'), terminal=True)

    def register_service_parser(cls, number, name, short, machine):
        """Registers a parser with the Object.  May be invoked during import; no logging."""

        assert number not in cls.service and name not in cls.service, \
            "Duplicate service #%d: %r registered for Object %s" % ( number, name, cls.__name__ )

        cls.service[number] = name
        cls.service[name] = number
        cls.transit[number] = chr(
            number) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else number
        cls.parser.initial[cls.transit[number]] \
    = cpppo.dfa( name=short, initial=machine, terminal=True )

    GA_ALL_NAM = "Get Attributes All"
    GA_ALL_CTX = "get_attributes_all"
    GA_ALL_REQ = 0x01
    GA_ALL_RPY = GA_ALL_REQ | 0x80
    GA_SNG_NAM = "Get Attribute Single"
    GA_SNG_REQ = 0x0e
    GA_SNG_RPY = GA_SNG_REQ | 0x80
    SA_SNG_NAM = "Set Attribute Single"
    SA_SNG_REQ = 0x10
    SA_SNG_RPY = SA_SNG_REQ | 0x80

    def __init__(self, name=None, instance_id=None):
        """Create the instance (default to the next available instance_id).  An instance_id of 0 holds
        the "class" attributes/commands.

        self.name = name or self.__class__.__name__

        # Allocate and/or keep track of maximum instance ID assigned thus far.
        if instance_id is None:
            instance_id = self.__class__.max_instance + 1
        if instance_id > self.__class__.max_instance:
            self.__class__.max_instance = instance_id
        self.instance_id = instance_id

        (log.normal if self.instance_id else log.info)(
            "%24s, Class ID 0x%04x, Instance ID %3d created", self,
            self.class_id, self.instance_id)

        instance = lookup(self.class_id, instance_id)
        assert instance is None, \
            "CIP Object class %x, instance %x already exists" % ( self.class_id, self.instance_id )

        # directory.1.2.None 	== self
        # self.attribute 	== directory.1.2 (a dotdict), for direct access of our attributes
        self.attribute = directory.setdefault(
            str(self.class_id) + '.' + str(instance_id), cpppo.dotdict())
        self.attribute['0'] = self

        # Check that the class-level instance (0) has been created; if not, we'll create one using
        # the default parameters.  If this isn't appropriate, then the user should create it using
        # the appropriate parameters.
        if lookup(self.class_id, 0) is None:
            self.__class__(name='meta-' + self.name, instance_id=0)

        if self.instance_id == 0:
            # Set up the default Class-level values.
            self.attribute['1'] = Attribute('Revision', INT, default=0)
            self.attribute['2'] = MaxInstance('Max Instance',
            self.attribute['3'] = NumInstances('Num Instances',
            # A UINT array; 1st UINT is size (default 0)
            self.attribute['4'] = Attribute('Optional Attributes',

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def __repr__(self):
        return "(0x%02x,%3d) %s" % (self.class_id, self.instance_id, self)

    def request(self, data):
        """Handle a request, converting it into a response.  Must be a dotdict data artifact such as is
        produced by the Object's parser.  For example, a request data containing either of the

                'service':		0x01,
                'get_attributes_all':	True,

        should run the Get Attribute All service, and return True if the channel should continue.
        In addition, we produce the bytes used by any higher level encapsulation.

        TODO: Validate the request.
        result = b''
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DETAIL):
            log.detail("%s Request: %s", self, enip_format(data))
            # Validate the request.  As we process, ensure that .status is set to reflect the
            # failure mode, should an exception be raised.  Return True iff the communications
            # channel should continue.
            data.status = 0x08  # Service not supported, if not recognized
            data.pop('status_ext', None)

            if (data.get('service') == self.GA_ALL_REQ
                    or 'get_attributes_all' in data and data.setdefault(
                        'service', self.GA_ALL_REQ) == self.GA_ALL_REQ):
                raise AssertionError("Unrecognized Service Request")

            # A recognized request; process the request data artifact, converting it into a reply.
            data.service |= 0x80

            if data.service == self.GA_ALL_RPY:
                # Get Attributes All.  Collect up the bytes representing the attributes.  Replace
                # the place-holder .get_attribute_all=True with a real dotdict.
                data.status = 0x08  # Service not supported, if we fail to access an Attribute
                result = b''
                a_id = 1
                while str(a_id) in self.attribute:
                    result += self.attribute[str(a_id)].produce()
                    a_id += 1
                data.get_attributes_all = cpppo.dotdict()
                data.get_attributes_all.data = bytearray(result)

                data.status = 0x00
                data.pop('status_ext', None)

                # TODO: Other request processing here...
                raise AssertionError("Unrecognized Service Reply")
        except Exception as exc:
                "%r Service 0x%02x %s failed with Exception: %s\nRequest: %s\n%s\nStack %s",
                self, data.service if 'service' in data else 0,
                (self.service[data.service] if 'service' in data
                 and data.service in self.service else "(Unknown)"), exc,

            assert data.status != 0x00, \
                "Implementation error: must specify .status error code before raising Exception"

        # Always produce a response payload; if a failure occurred, will contain an error status.
        # If this fails, we'll raise an exception for higher level encapsulation to handle.
        data.input = bytearray(self.produce(data))
        log.detail("%s Response: %s: %s", self, self.service[data.service],
        return True  # We shouldn't be able to terminate a connection at this level

    def produce(cls, data):
        result = b''
        if (data.get('service') == cls.GA_ALL_REQ
                or 'get_attributes_all' in data and data.setdefault(
                    'service', cls.GA_ALL_REQ) == cls.GA_ALL_REQ):
            # Get Attributes All
            result += USINT.produce(data.service)
            result += EPATH.produce(data.path)
        elif data.get('service') == cls.GA_ALL_RPY:
            # Get Attributes All Reply
            result += USINT.produce(data.service)
            result += b'\x00'  # reserved
            result += status.produce(data)
            result += octets_encode(data.get_attributes_all.data)
            assert False, "%s doesn't recognize request/reply format: %r" % (
                cls.__name__, data)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__( self, name=None, **kwds ):
        name 			= name or kwds.setdefault( 'context', self.__class__.__name__ )

        # Get the size, and chain remaining machine onto rest.  When used as a Route Path, the size
        # is padded, so insert a state to drop the pad, and chain rest to that instead.
        size		= rest	= USINT(			context='size' )
        if self.padsize:
            size[True]	= rest	= octets_drop( 	'pad', 		repeat=1 )

        # After capturing each segment__ (pseg), move it onto the path segment list, and loop
        pseg			= octets_noop(	'type',		terminal=True )
        # ...segment parsers...
        pmov			= move_if( 	'move',		initializer=lambda **kwds: [],
                                            source='..segment__', destination='..segment',
                                                state=pseg )

        # Wire each different segment type parser between pseg and pmov
        pseg[b'\x28'[0]]= e_8t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=1 )
        e_8t[True]	= e_8v	= USINT( 	'elem_8bit',	context='element')
        e_8v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x29'[0]]= e16t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=2 )
        e16t[True]	= e16v	= UINT(		'elem16bit',	context='element')
        e16v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x2a'[0]]= e32t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=2 )
        e32t[True]	= e32v	= UDINT(	'elem32bit',	context='element')
        e32v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x20'[0]]= c_8t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=1 )
        c_8t[True]	= c_8v	= USINT(	'clas_8bit',	context='class')
        c_8v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x21'[0]]= c16t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=2 )
        c16t[True]	= c16v	= UINT(		'clas16bit',	context='class')
        c16v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x24'[0]]= i_8t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=1 )
        i_8t[True]	= i_8v	= USINT(	'inst_8bit',	context='instance')
        i_8v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x25'[0]]= i16t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=2 )
        i16t[True]	= i16v	= UINT(		'inst16bit',	context='instance')
        i16v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x30'[0]]= a_8t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=1 )
        a_8t[True]	= a_8v	= USINT(	'attr_8bit',	context='attribute')
        a_8v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x31'[0]]= a16t	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=2 )
        a16t[True]	= a16v	= UINT(		'attr16bit',	context='attribute')
        a16v[None]		= pmov

        pseg[b'\x91'[0]]= symt	= octets_drop(	'type',		repeat=1 )
        symt[True]	= syml	= USINT(	'sym_len',	context='symbolic.length' )
        syml[None]	= symv	= cpppo.string_bytes(
            					'symbolic',	context='symbolic', limit='.length',
                                                initial='.*',	decode='iso-8859-1' )

        # An odd-length ANSI Extended Symbolic name means an odd total.  Pad
        symo			= octets_drop(	'pad', 		repeat=1 )
        symo[None]		= pmov

        symv[None]		= cpppo.decide(	'odd',
                predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: len( data[path].symbolic ) % 2,
                                                state=symo )
        symv[None]		= pmov

        # Route Path port/link-address.  See Vol 1-3.13, Table C-1.3 Port Segment Encoding.
        # segment:  0b000spppp 
        #                |\\\\+-> port number 0x01-0x0E; 0x0F=>extended
        #                |
        #                +------> link size+address; 0=>numeric, 1=>size+string

        def port_fix( path=None, data=None, **kwds ):
            """Discard port values about 0x0F; return True (transition) if remaining port value is 0x0F
            (Optional Extended port)"""
            data[path].port    &= 0x0F
            if data[path].port == 0x0F:
                # Port is extended; discard and prepare to collect new port number
                data[path].port	= cpppo.dotdict()
                return True
            # Port is OK; don't transition
            return False

        # [01-0E][LL] 				port 01-0E, link-address #LL
        pseg[b'\x01'[0]]= pnum	= USINT(	'port_num',	context='port' )
        pseg[b'\x02'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x03'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x04'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x05'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x06'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x07'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x08'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x09'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x0a'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x0b'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x0c'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x0d'[0]]	= pnum
        pseg[b'\x0e'[0]]	= pnum

        # [0F][PPPP][LL]			port 0xPPPP,  link-address 0xLL
        pseg[b'\x0f'[0]]	= pnum

        # A big port#; re-scan a UINT into .port (won't work 'til port_fix is called)
        pnbg			= UINT(		'port_nbg',	context='port' )
        pnbg[True]	= pnlk	= USINT(	'link_num',	context='link' )

        # Fix the port#; if 0x0F, setup for extended port and transition to pnbg.  Otherwise,
        # (not extended port), just go the the port numeric link.
        pnum[None]		= cpppo.decide( 'port_nfix',	predicate=port_fix,
                                                state=pnbg )
        pnum[None]		= pnlk
        pnlk[None]		= pmov	 	# and done; move segment, get next

        # [11-1E][SS]''[00]	port 0x01-0E, link address '' (pad if size 0xSS odd)
        pseg[b'\x11']	= padr	= USINT(	'port_adr',	context='port' )
        pseg[b'\x12'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x13'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x14'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x15'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x16'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x17'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x18'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x19'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x1a'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x1b'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x1c'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x1d'[0]]	= padr
        pseg[b'\x1e'[0]]	= padr

        # [1F][SS][PPPP]''[00]	port 0xPPPP,  link address '' (pad if size SS odd)
        pseg[b'\x1f'[0]]	= padr

        # Harvest the addresses into .link
        adrv			= cpppo.string_bytes(
            					'link_add',	context='link',	limit='.length',
                                                initial='.*',	decode='iso-8859-1' )

        # An odd-length link address means an odd total.  Pad
        adro			= octets_drop(	'link_pad', 		repeat=1 )
        adro[None]		= pmov

        adrv[None]		= cpppo.decide(	'link_odd',
                predicate=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: len( data[path+'.link'] ) % 2,
                                                state=adro )
        adrv[None]		= pmov

        # A big port#; re-scan a UINT into .port (won't work 'til port_fix is called)
        pabg			= UINT(		'port_abg',	context='port' )
        pabg[None]		= adrv

        padr[True]	= adrl	= USINT(	'link_len',	context='link.length' )
        adrl[None]		= cpppo.decide(	'port_afix', 	predicate=port_fix,
                                                state=pabg )
        adrl[None]	= adrv

        # Parse all segments in a sub-dfa limited by the parsed path.size (in words; double)
        rest[None]		= cpppo.dfa(    'each',		context='segment__',
                                                initial=pseg,	terminal=True,
            limit=lambda path=None, data=None, **kwds: data[path+'..size'] * 2 )

        super( EPATH, self ).__init__( name=name, initial=size, **kwds )