Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    cl = MongoClient()
    coll = cl.cagaben_2_sources1_trump.story

    def printTweet(descr, t):
        print descr
        print "Username: %s" % t.username
        print "Date: %s" % t.date
        # print "Retweets: %d" % t.retweets
        print "Text: %s" % t.text
        # print "Mentions: %s" % t.mentions
        # print "Hashtags: %s\n" % t.hashtags
        print "Link: %s\n" % t.permalink

    # The current date for the algorithm
    today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    ## Variables that Define the Database ##
    numTweets = 20

    topics = [
        #'gun control',
        #'climate change',
        # 'obama',

    newsSources = [
        #'washtimes', #1
        'FoxNews',  #2
        #'NewsHour', #3
        'cnn',  #4
        #'gma', #5
        #'usatoday', #6
        #'usnews', #7
        #'latimes', #8
        #'CBSNews', #9
        #'nytimes', #10
        #'washingtonpost', #11
        #'wsj', #11 - not good

    finalTweets = {}

    # For each topic
    for t in xrange(len(topics)):
        finalTweets[topics[t]] = {}  # Add an object for that topic

        # For each news source
        for i in xrange(len(newsSources)):
            finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]] = [
            ]  # Add a list for all the tweets

            # if newsSources[i] in ['gma', 'usnews', 'nytimes']:
            # 	numTweets = 5
            # else:
            # 	numTweets = 10

            # initialize the range to be from today to a month ago
            dateRange = {'s': subtractMonth(today), 'u': today}

            while (len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) < numTweets):
                print dateRange

                # Set the tweet criteria
                tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria() \
                 .setUsername(newsSources[i]) \
                 .setQuerySearch(topics[t]) \
                 .setSince(dateRange['s']) \
                 .setUntil(dateRange['u']) \

                # Retrieve the tweets
                print "Retrieving Tweets . . ."
                tweets = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)
                if (len(tweets) != 0):

                    # Loop through the results, looking for tweets that match our criteria
                    for j in reversed(xrange(len(tweets))):
                        print j
                        text = tweets[j].text

                        print '\nTweet: '
                        printTweet("New Tweet:", tweets[j])

                        httpStart = text.find('http')
                        if httpStart != -1:
                            # httpEnd = text.find(' ', httpStart)
                            # link = text[httpStart : httpEnd]
                            link = re.findall(

                            if link.find('twimg') != -1:
                            print 'Link in Tweet: '
                            print link
                            print c.pageExists(link)
                            if c.pageExists(link) not in [200, 301, 302, 303]:
                                print "This link doesn't exist: " + link

                            jsonTweet = jsonifyTweetObj(tweets[j])
                            jsonTweet['topic'] = topics[t]
                            jsonTweet['link'] = link
                            jsonTweet['source'] = newsSources[i]

                                jsonTweet['title'], jsonTweet['content'] = \
                                 c.scrapeContent(jsonTweet['link'], jsonTweet['source'])
                                print "the page doesn't exist anymore"

                            if len(jsonTweet['content']) < 100:
                                print "news content not available"
                                for tweet in finalTweets[topics[t]][
                                    if tweet['link'] == link:
                                        print "duplicate story"
                                        raise StopIteration
                            except StopIteration:

                            if link in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
                                print "duplicate story"


                        if (len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) >=
                            print 'There are: ' + str(
                                    newsSources[i]])) + ' Tweets with links'

                # Update the date range for the next iteration
                dateRange['u'] = dateRange['s']
                dateRange['s'] = subtractMonth(dateRange['u'])

    print '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'

    # convert finalStories to an array of all tweets and save to a mongo collection called "story"
    stories = []

    for topic in topics:
        for source in newsSources:
            for story in xrange(len(finalTweets[topic][source])):

    #get data from news web page
    # for story in stories:
    # 	print "retrieving story from " + story['source']
    # 	story['title'], story['content'] =\
    # 		c.scrapeContent(story['link'], story['source'])

    # for story in stories:
    # 	print(story)

    # save into mongodb
    print "saving in mongo"
    for story in stories:
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    cl = MongoClient()
    coll = cl.cagaben6.story

    def printTweet(descr, t):
        print descr
        print "Username: %s" % t.username
        print "Date: %s" % t.date
        # print "Retweets: %d" % t.retweets
        print "Text: %s" % t.text
        # print "Mentions: %s" % t.mentions
        # print "Hashtags: %s\n" % t.hashtags
        print "Link: %s\n" % t.permalink

        # The current date for the algorithm

    today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    ## Variables that Define the Database ##
    # numTweets = 100

    topics = [
        #'gun control',
        #'climate change',
        # 'isis',
        # 'obamacare',

    newsSources = [
        "washtimes",  # 1
        # 'FoxNews', #2
        #### 'NewsHour', #3
        # 'cnn', #4
        ###'gma', #5
        # 'usatoday', #6
        ####'usnews', #7
        # 'latimes', #8
        # 'CBSNews', #9
        # 'nytimes', #10
        # 'washingtonpost', #11
        #### 'wsj', #11 - not good

    finalTweets = {}

    # For each topic
    for t in xrange(len(topics)):
        finalTweets[topics[t]] = {}  # Add an object for that topic

        # For each news source
        for i in xrange(len(newsSources)):
            finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]] = []  # Add a list for all the tweets

            term = "from:" + newsSources[i]
            geocode = None
            since_id = None
            max_id = None
            until = None
            count = 100
            lang = None
            locale = None
            result_type = "recent"
            include_entities = None

            for r in range(1, 10):

                print "round " + str(r) + " started"

                # if newsSources[i] in ['gma', 'usnews', 'nytimes']:
                # 	numTweets = 5
                # else:
                # 	numTweets = 10

                # initialize the range to be from today to a month ago
                # dateRange = { 's':subtractMonth(today), 'u':today }

                # while(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) < numTweets):
                # print dateRange

                # Set the tweet criteria
                # tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria() \
                # 	.setUsername(newsSources[i]) \
                # 	.setMaxTweets(500)
                # .setSince(dateRange['s']) \
                # .setUntil(dateRange['u']) \
                # .setQuerySearch(topics[t]) \

                # Retrieve the tweets
                print "Retrieving Tweets . . ."

                tweets = api.GetSearch(
                    term, geocode, since_id, max_id, until, count, lang, locale, result_type, include_entities

                # for element in tweets:
                # 	element = json.loads(str(element))
                # print json.dumps(element, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

                if len(tweets) != 0:

                    # Loop through the results, looking for tweets that match our criteria

                    for j, tweet in enumerate(tweets):
                        print str(j) + " -"
                        tweet = json.loads(str(tweet))

                        print str(tweet["id"]) + " " + tweet["text"]
                        print tweet["created_at"]
                        print "\n"

                        # httpStart = text.find('http')
                        if "urls" in tweet:

                            link = tweet["urls"].itervalues().next()
                            # httpEnd = text.find(' ', httpStart)
                            # link = text[httpStart : httpEnd]
                            # link = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', text)[0]

                            if link.find("twimg") != -1:
                            print "Link in Tweet: "
                            print link
                            print c.pageExists(link)
                            if c.pageExists(link) not in [200, 301, 302, 303]:
                                print "This link doesn't exist: " + link
                                # sys.exit()

                            jsonTweet = jsonifyTweetObj(tweet)
                            jsonTweet["topic"] = topics[t]
                            jsonTweet["link"] = link
                            jsonTweet["source"] = newsSources[i]

                                for tw in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
                                    if tw["title"] == link:
                                        print "duplicate story"
                                        raise StopIteration
                            except StopIteration:

                                jsonTweet["title"], jsonTweet["content"] = c.scrapeContent(
                                    jsonTweet["link"], jsonTweet["source"]
                                print "the page doesn't exist anymore"

                            if len(jsonTweet["content"]) < 100:
                                print "news content not available"
                                for tw2 in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
                                    if tw2["title"] == jsonTweet["title"]:
                                        print "duplicate story"
                                        raise StopIteration
                            except StopIteration:

                                # if link in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
                                # 	print "duplicate story"
                                # 	continue


                            # if j == len(tweets) - 1:
                        if tweet.get("id"):
                            max_id = tweet["id"]
                            # print "yesssssss"
                            # else:
                            # 	print j
                            # 	print len(tweets)

                    print "max_id updated to: " + str(max_id)
                    # exit()

                    # if (len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) >= numTweets):
                    # 	print 'There are: ' + str(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])) + ' Tweets with links'
                    # 	break

                    # print "we got this many tweets:"
                    # print len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])
                    # sys.exit()

                    # Update the date range for the next iteration
                    # dateRange['u'] = dateRange['s']
                    # dateRange['s'] = subtractMonth(dateRange['u'])

    print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"

    # convert finalStories to an array of all tweets and save to a mongo collection called "story"
    stories = []

    for topic in topics:
        for source in newsSources:
            for story in xrange(len(finalTweets[topic][source])):

                # get data from news web page
                # for story in stories:
                # 	print "retrieving story from " + story['source']
                # 	story['title'], story['content'] =\
                # 		c.scrapeContent(story['link'], story['source'])

                # for story in stories:
                # 	print(story)

                # save into mongodb
    print "saving in mongo"
    for story in stories:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
	cl = MongoClient()
	coll = cl.cagaben9.story

	def printTweet(descr, t):
		print descr
		print "Username: %s" % t.username
		print "Date: %s" % t.date
		# print "Retweets: %d" % t.retweets
		print "Text: %s" % t.text
		# print "Mentions: %s" % t.mentions
		# print "Hashtags: %s\n" % t.hashtags
		print "Link: %s\n" % t.permalink

	# The current date for the algorithm
	today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

	## Variables that Define the Database ##
	numTweets = 50

	topics = [
		#'gun control',
		#'climate change',
		# 'isis',
		# 'obamacare',

	newsSources = [
		# 'washtimes', #1
		'FoxNews', #2
		#### 'NewsHour', #3
		'cnn', #4
		####'gma', #5
		# 'usatoday', #6
		####'usnews', #7
		# 'latimes', #8
		# 'CBSNews', #9
		# 'nytimes', #10
		# 'washingtonpost', #11
		#### 'wsj', #11 - not good

	finalTweets = {}

	# For each topic
	for t in xrange(len(topics)):
		finalTweets[topics[t]] = {}  # Add an object for that topic

		# For each news source
		for i in xrange(len(newsSources)):
			finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]] = []  # Add a list for all the tweets

			# if newsSources[i] in ['gma', 'usnews', 'nytimes']:
			# 	numTweets = 5
			# else:
			# 	numTweets = 10

			# initialize the range to be from today to a month ago
			dateRange = { 's':subtractMonth(today), 'u':today }

			while(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) < numTweets):
				print dateRange

				# Set the tweet criteria
				tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria() \
					.setUsername(newsSources[i]) \
					#.setSince(dateRange['s']) \
					#.setUntil(dateRange['u']) \
				# .setQuerySearch(topics[t]) \

				# Retrieve the tweets
				print "Retrieving Tweets . . ."
				tweets = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)
				if (len(tweets) != 0):

					# Loop through the results, looking for tweets that match our criteria
					for j in reversed(xrange(len(tweets))):
						print j
						text = tweets[j].text

						print '\nTweet: '
						printTweet("New Tweet:", tweets[j])

						httpStart = text.find('http')
						if httpStart != -1:
							# httpEnd = text.find(' ', httpStart)
							# link = text[httpStart : httpEnd]
							link = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', text)[0]

							if link.find('twimg') != -1:
							print 'Link in Tweet: '
							print link
							print c.pageExists(link)
							if c.pageExists(link) not in [200, 301, 302, 303]:
								print "This link doesn't exist: " + link

							jsonTweet = jsonifyTweetObj(tweets[j])
							jsonTweet['topic'] = topics[t]
							jsonTweet['link'] = link
							jsonTweet['source'] = newsSources[i]

								jsonTweet['title'], jsonTweet['content'] = \
									c.scrapeContent(jsonTweet['link'], jsonTweet['source'])
								print "the page doesn't exist anymore"

							if len(jsonTweet['content']) < 100:
								print "news content not available"
								for tweet in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
									if tweet['link'] == link:
										print "duplicate story"
										raise StopIteration
							except StopIteration:

							if link in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
								print "duplicate story"


						if (len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) >= numTweets):
							print 'There are: ' + str(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])) + ' Tweets with links'

				# print "we got this many tweets:"
				# print len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])
				# sys.exit()

				# Update the date range for the next iteration
				dateRange['u'] = dateRange['s']
				dateRange['s'] = subtractMonth(dateRange['u'])

	print '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'

	# convert finalStories to an array of all tweets and save to a mongo collection called "story"
	stories = []

	for topic in topics:
		for source in newsSources:
			for story in xrange(len(finalTweets[topic][source])):

	#get data from news web page
	# for story in stories:
	# 	print "retrieving story from " + story['source']
	# 	story['title'], story['content'] =\
	# 		c.scrapeContent(story['link'], story['source'])

	# for story in stories:
	# 	print(story)

	# save into mongodb
	print "saving in mongo"
	for story in stories:
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
	cl = MongoClient()
	coll = cl.cagaben6.story

	def printTweet(descr, t):
		print descr
		print "Username: %s" % t.username
		print "Date: %s" % t.date
		# print "Retweets: %d" % t.retweets
		print "Text: %s" % t.text
		# print "Mentions: %s" % t.mentions
		# print "Hashtags: %s\n" % t.hashtags
		print "Link: %s\n" % t.permalink

	# The current date for the algorithm
	today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

	## Variables that Define the Database ##
	# numTweets = 100

	topics = [
		#'gun control',
		#'climate change',
		# 'isis',
		# 'obamacare',

	newsSources = [
		'washtimes', #1
		# 'FoxNews', #2
		#### 'NewsHour', #3
		# 'cnn', #4
		###'gma', #5
		# 'usatoday', #6
		####'usnews', #7
		# 'latimes', #8
		# 'CBSNews', #9
		# 'nytimes', #10
		# 'washingtonpost', #11
		#### 'wsj', #11 - not good

	finalTweets = {}

	# For each topic
	for t in xrange(len(topics)):
		finalTweets[topics[t]] = {}  # Add an object for that topic

		# For each news source
		for i in xrange(len(newsSources)):
			finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]] = []  # Add a list for all the tweets

			term 				= 'from:' + newsSources[i]
			geocode				= None
			since_id			= None
			max_id				= None
			until				= None
			count				= 100
			lang				= None
			locale				= None
			result_type			= 'recent'
			include_entities	= None

			for r in range(1,10):

				print "round " + str(r) + " started"

				# if newsSources[i] in ['gma', 'usnews', 'nytimes']:
				# 	numTweets = 5
				# else:
				# 	numTweets = 10

				# initialize the range to be from today to a month ago
				# dateRange = { 's':subtractMonth(today), 'u':today }

				# while(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) < numTweets):
					# print dateRange

					# Set the tweet criteria
					# tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria() \
					# 	.setUsername(newsSources[i]) \
					# 	.setMaxTweets(500)
						#.setSince(dateRange['s']) \
						#.setUntil(dateRange['u']) \
					# .setQuerySearch(topics[t]) \

					# Retrieve the tweets
				print "Retrieving Tweets . . ."

				tweets = api.GetSearch(term, geocode, since_id, max_id, until, count, lang, locale, result_type, include_entities)

				# for element in tweets:
				# 	element = json.loads(str(element))
					# print json.dumps(element, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

				if len(tweets) != 0:

					# Loop through the results, looking for tweets that match our criteria

					for j, tweet in enumerate(tweets):
						print str(j) + " -"
						tweet = json.loads(str(tweet))

						print str(tweet['id']) + " " + tweet['text']
						print tweet['created_at']
						print "\n"

						# httpStart = text.find('http')
						if 'urls' in tweet:

							link = tweet['urls'].itervalues().next()
							# httpEnd = text.find(' ', httpStart)
							# link = text[httpStart : httpEnd]
							# link = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', text)[0]

							if link.find('twimg') != -1:
							print 'Link in Tweet: '
							print link
							print c.pageExists(link)
							if c.pageExists(link) not in [200, 301, 302, 303]:
								print "This link doesn't exist: " + link

							jsonTweet = jsonifyTweetObj(tweet)
							jsonTweet['topic'] = topics[t]
							jsonTweet['link'] = link
							jsonTweet['source'] = newsSources[i]

								for tw in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
									if tw['title'] == link:
										print "duplicate story"
										raise StopIteration
							except StopIteration:

								jsonTweet['title'], jsonTweet['content'] = \
									c.scrapeContent(jsonTweet['link'], jsonTweet['source'])
								print "the page doesn't exist anymore"

							if len(jsonTweet['content']) < 100:
								print "news content not available"
								for tw2 in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
									if tw2['title'] == jsonTweet['title']:
										print "duplicate story"
										raise StopIteration
							except StopIteration:

							# if link in finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]:
							# 	print "duplicate story"
							# 	continue


						# if j == len(tweets) - 1:
						if tweet.get('id'):
							max_id = tweet['id']
						# print "yesssssss"
						# else:
						# 	print j
						# 	print len(tweets)

					print "max_id updated to: " + str(max_id)
				# exit()

					# if (len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]]) >= numTweets):
					# 	print 'There are: ' + str(len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])) + ' Tweets with links'
					# 	break

			# print "we got this many tweets:"
			# print len(finalTweets[topics[t]][newsSources[i]])
			# sys.exit()

			# Update the date range for the next iteration
			# dateRange['u'] = dateRange['s']
			# dateRange['s'] = subtractMonth(dateRange['u'])

	print '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'

	# convert finalStories to an array of all tweets and save to a mongo collection called "story"
	stories = []

	for topic in topics:
		for source in newsSources:
			for story in xrange(len(finalTweets[topic][source])):

	#get data from news web page
	# for story in stories:
	# 	print "retrieving story from " + story['source']
	# 	story['title'], story['content'] =\
	# 		c.scrapeContent(story['link'], story['source'])

	# for story in stories:
	# 	print(story)

	# save into mongodb
	print "saving in mongo"
	for story in stories: