Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, name, poly, endian='!'):
     if type(poly) == str:
         self.crc = PredefinedCrc(poly)
     elif type(poly) == int:
         self.poly = poly
         self.crc = Crc(poly)
     Checksum.__init__(self, name, self.crc.digest_size, endian)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_simple_crc32_class(self):
        """Verify the CRC class when not using xorOut"""
        crc = Crc(g32)

        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0xFFFFFFFF
xorOut   = 0x00000000
crcValue = 0xFFFFFFFF'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\xff\xff\xff\xff')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), 'FFFFFFFF')

        self.assertEqual(crc.crcValue, 0xF7B400A7L)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\xf7\xb4\x00\xa7')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), 'F7B400A7')

        # Verify the .copy() method
        x = crc.copy()
        self.assertTrue(x is not crc)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0xFFFFFFFF
xorOut   = 0x00000000
crcValue = 0xF7B400A7'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(str(x), str_rep)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_simple_crc32_class(self):
        """Verify the CRC class when not using xorOut"""
        crc = Crc(g32)

        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0xFFFFFFFF
xorOut   = 0x00000000
crcValue = 0xFFFFFFFF'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\xff\xff\xff\xff')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), 'FFFFFFFF')

        self.assertEqual(crc.crcValue, 0xF7B400A7L)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\xf7\xb4\x00\xa7')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), 'F7B400A7')

        # Verify the .copy() method
        x = crc.copy()
        self.assertTrue(x is not crc)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0xFFFFFFFF
xorOut   = 0x00000000
crcValue = 0xF7B400A7'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(str(x), str_rep)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_full_crc32_class(self):
        """Verify the CRC class when using xorOut"""

        crc = Crc(g32, initCrc=0, xorOut=~0L)

        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x00000000'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), '00000000')

        self.assertEqual(crc.crcValue, 0x84BFF58L)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\x08\x4b\xff\x58')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), '084BFF58')

        # Verify the .copy() method
        x = crc.copy()
        self.assertTrue(x is not crc)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x084BFF58'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(str(x), str_rep)

        # Verify the .new() method
        y = crc.new()
        self.assertTrue(y is not crc)
        self.assertTrue(y is not x)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x00000000'''
        self.assertEqual(str(y), str_rep)
Exemplo n.º 5
def dot11crc(pkt):
    #crc_fun = crcmod.Crc(0b100000100110000010001110110110111, rev=True, initCrc=0x0, xorOut=0xFFFFFFFF) # this was valid for python2
    #crc_fun.update(str(pkt))   # this was valid for python2

    # FIXME: the next 2 lines do not work for python3
    crc_fun = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0b100000100110000010001110110110111,
    crc_fun = Crc(crc_fun, 0)

    crc = struct.pack('<I', crc_fun.crcValue)
    return crc
Exemplo n.º 6
    def is_exist(self, storage, file_path, category, now_date):
        file_name = file_path.split(sep)[-1]
        for curdir, dirs, files in walk(self.current_dir + storage + sep):
            if curdir.split(
                    sep)[-1] == category and curdir.split(sep)[-2] != now_date:
                for file in files:
                    if file[:-8] == file_name:
                        checksumm = Crc(0x104c11db7)
                        with open(file_path, 'rb') as reader:
                            chunk = reader.read(1024 * 1024 * 8)
                            while chunk:
                                chunk = reader.read(1024 * 1024 * 8)

                        if checksumm.hexdigest() == file[-8:]:
                            return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_full_crc32_class(self):
        """Verify the CRC class when using xorOut"""

        crc = Crc(g32, initCrc=0, xorOut= ~0L)

        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x00000000'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), '00000000')

        self.assertEqual(crc.crcValue, 0x84BFF58L)
        self.assertEqual(crc.digest(), '\x08\x4b\xff\x58')
        self.assertEqual(crc.hexdigest(), '084BFF58')

        # Verify the .copy() method
        x = crc.copy()
        self.assertTrue(x is not crc)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x084BFF58'''
        self.assertEqual(str(crc), str_rep)
        self.assertEqual(str(x), str_rep)

        # Verify the .new() method
        y = crc.new()
        self.assertTrue(y is not crc)
        self.assertTrue(y is not x)
        str_rep = \
'''poly = 0x104C11DB7
reverse = True
initCrc  = 0x00000000
xorOut   = 0xFFFFFFFF
crcValue = 0x00000000'''
        self.assertEqual(str(y), str_rep)
Exemplo n.º 8
class CRC(Checksum):
    Uses the `crcmod.Crc` class for calculating proper CRC's. Expects a
    generator polynom `poly` either as an `int` or as a `str`. If `poly` is a
    `str` it is interpreted as a name of a well-known crc-function and looked
    up from `crcmod.predefined` using the `crcmod.predefined.PredefinedCRC`

    def __init__(self, name, poly, endian='!'):
        if type(poly) == str:
            self.crc = PredefinedCrc(poly)
        elif type(poly) == int:
            self.poly = poly
            self.crc = Crc(poly)
        Checksum.__init__(self, name, self.crc.digest_size, endian)

    def checksum(self, bytes):
        crc = self.crc.new(bytes)
        return int(crc.hexdigest(), 16)
Exemplo n.º 9
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, math, binascii, struct
from bitarray import bitarray
from crcmod import Crc
from collections import defaultdict
from hamm import hamming

# poly: x16+x13+x12+x11+x10+x8+x6+x5+x2+1
poly = (1 << 16) + (1 << 13) + (1 << 12) + (1 << 11) + (1 << 10) + (1 << 8) + (
    1 << 6) + (1 << 5) + (1 << 2) + 1
CRC16 = Crc(poly, initCrc=0xffff, rev=False, xorOut=0xffff)

def check(data, crc):
    crc16 = CRC16.copy()
    return crc == crc16.digest()

def todate(d):
    d = [ord(c) for c in d]
    return '%04d-%02d-%02d' % ((d[1] >> 5) + 2014, ((d[1] >> 1) & 0xf),
                               ((d[1] & 1) << 4) | (d[0] >> 4))

def dump(decoded):
    manuf = []
    vendor = struct.unpack("<H", decoded[2:4])[0]
    for i in xrange(3):
        manuf.append(chr(0x40 + (vendor & 0x1f)))
Exemplo n.º 10
# Magnetic Tape Cartridges -DLT1 Format-", December 1992.

g64 = polyFromBits([
    64, 62, 57, 55, 54, 53, 52, 47, 46, 45, 40, 39, 38, 37, 35, 33, 32, 31, 29,
    27, 24, 23, 22, 21, 19, 17, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7, 4, 1, 0

print('Generating examples.c')
out = open('examples.c', 'w')
out.write('''// Define the required data types
typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
Crc(g8, rev=False).generateCode('crc8', out)
Crc(g8, rev=True).generateCode('crc8r', out)
Crc(g16, rev=False).generateCode('crc16', out)
Crc(g16, rev=True).generateCode('crc16r', out)
Crc(g24, rev=False).generateCode('crc24', out)
Crc(g24, rev=True).generateCode('crc24r', out)
Crc(g32, rev=False).generateCode('crc32', out)
Crc(g32, rev=True).generateCode('crc32r', out)
Crc(g64, rev=False).generateCode('crc64', out)
Crc(g64, rev=True).generateCode('crc64r', out)

# Check out the XOR-out feature.
Crc(g16, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc16x', out)
Crc(g24, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc24x', out)
Crc(g32, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc32x', out)
Crc(g64, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc64x', out)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def encrypt_and_save_to(self, warehouse):
        files_count = sum(len(f) for f in self.files_found.values())
        now_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('Backup_%m-%d-%y_%H-%M')
        mkdir(self.current_dir + warehouse + sep + now_date + sep)
        for category, files in self.files_found.items():
            current_dir = self.current_dir + warehouse + sep + now_date + sep + category + sep
            if not path.exists(current_dir):
            for file_path in files:
                if file_path == 'deleted':
                        self.progressBarBackup.value() + 1)
                file_name = file_path.split(sep)[-1]
                if not self.is_exist(warehouse, file_path, category, now_date):
                    checksumm = Crc(0x104c11db7)
                        stat(file_path)[-2]))  # modification time
                    with open(file_path,
                              'rb') as reader, open(current_dir + file_name,
                                                    'wb') as writer:
                        chunksize = 64 * 1024 * 16
                        iv = ''.join(
                            chr(random.randint(0, 0xFF)) for _ in range(16))
                        cipher = AES.new(
                            self.password + self.padding[len(self.password):],
                            AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
                        filesize = path.getsize(file_path)

                        writer.write(pack('<Q', filesize))

                        part = reader.read(chunksize)
                        while part:
                            if len(part) % 16 != 0:
                                part += ' ' * (16 - len(part) % 16)
                            ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(part)
                            part = reader.read(chunksize)
                    rename(current_dir + file_name,
                           current_dir + file_name + checksumm.hexdigest())

                    self.progressBarBackup.value() + 1)
Exemplo n.º 12
#   Name           Identifier-name,         Poly            Reverse         Init-value      XOR-out     Check
[   'crc-8',            'Crc8',             0x107,          NON_REVERSE,    0x00,           0x00,       0xF4,       ],
from io import StringIO
from crcmod import Crc
c8 = 0x107
code = StringIO()
Crc(c8, rev=False).generateCode('crc8', code)

out = open('opsis_eeprom_crc.c', 'w')
out.write(code.getvalue().replace('UINT8', '__u8'))
Exemplo n.º 13
    64, 62, 57, 55, 54, 53, 52, 47, 46, 45, 40, 39, 38, 37, 35, 33, 32, 31, 29,
    27, 24, 23, 22, 21, 19, 17, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7, 4, 1, 0

print('Generating crc.c')
out = open('crc.c', 'w')
out.write('''// Define the required data types
typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
#Crc(g8, rev=False).generateCode('crc8',out)
#Crc(g8, rev=True).generateCode('crc8r',out)
#Crc(g16, rev=False).generateCode('crc16',out)
Crc(g16, rev=True).generateCode('crc16r', out)
#Crc(g24, rev=False).generateCode('crc24',out)
#Crc(g24, rev=True).generateCode('crc24r',out)
#Crc(g32, rev=False).generateCode('crc32',out)
Crc(g32, rev=True).generateCode('crc32r', out)
#Crc(g64, rev=False).generateCode('crc64',out)
#Crc(g64, rev=True).generateCode('crc64r',out)

# Check out the XOR-out feature.
#Crc(g16, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc16x',out)
#Crc(g24, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc24x',out)
#Crc(g32, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc32x',out)
#Crc(g64, initCrc=0, rev=True, xorOut=~0).generateCode('crc64x',out)

Exemplo n.º 14
from __future__ import division, print_function

from crcmod import Crc
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from struct import unpack, pack

crc24pgp = Crc(0x1864CFB, initCrc=0xB704CE, rev=False, xorOut=0)

TEMPLATE = (b'-----BEGIN PGP {what}-----\x0a\x0a'
            b'-----END PGP {what}-----\x0a')

def armor(s, what="PUBLIC KEY BLOCK"):
    crc = b64encode(crc24pgp.new(s).digest())
    return TEMPLATE.format(what=what, crc=crc, b64=b64encode(s))