Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_config_refpath(context, cal_ver):
    """Given CRDS `context` and calibration s/w version `cal_ver`,  identify the applicable
    SYSTEM CRDSCFG reference file, cache it, and return the file path.
    context = _get_missing_context(context)
    cal_ver = _get_missing_calver(cal_ver)
    i = 0
    while (i < len(REFPATHS) - 1
           and not _versions_lt(cal_ver, REFPATHS[i + 1][0])):
        i += 1
    refpath = os.path.join(HERE, REFPATHS[i][1])
    try:  # Use a normal try/except because exceptions are expected.
        header = {
        pmap = crds.get_symbolic_mapping(context)
        imap = pmap.get_imap("system")
        rmapping = imap.get_rmap("crdscfg")
        ref = rmapping.get_best_ref(header)
        refpath = rmapping.locate_file(ref)
        api.dump_references(context, [ref])
    except Exception:
        log.verbose_warning("Failed locating SYSTEM CRDSCFG reference",
                            "under context", repr(context), "and cal_ver",
                            repr(cal_ver) + ".   Using built-in references.")
    log.verbose("Using", srepr(os.path.basename(refpath)),
                "to determine applicable default reftypes for", srepr(cal_ver))
    return refpath
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_pipeline_types(self, pipeline, exp_type):
        """Based on a pipeline .cfg filename and an EXP_TYPE,  look up
        the Steps corresponding to the .cfg and extrapolate those to the
        reftypes used by those Steps.   If there are exceptions to the
        reftypes assigned for a particular Step that depend on EXP_TYPE,
        return the revised types for that Step instead.

        Return [reftypes, ...]
        steps = self.pipeline_cfgs_to_steps[pipeline]
        reftypes = []
        for step in steps:
            if step not in self.loaded_cfg.steps_to_reftypes_exceptions:
                for case in self.loaded_cfg.steps_to_reftypes_exceptions[step]:
                    item = list(case.values())[0]
                    more_reftypes = item["reftypes"][:]
                    exptypes = item["exp_types"][:]
                    found = False
                    for exptype_pattern in exptypes:
                        if glob_match(exptype_pattern, exp_type):
                            log.verbose("Adding exceptional types", more_reftypes,
                                        "for step", srepr(step), "case", srepr(exptype_pattern),
                                        "based on exp_type", srepr(exp_type))
                            found = True
                    if found:
                    raise exceptions.CrdsPipelineTypeDeterminationError("Unhandled EXP_TYPE for exceptional Step", srepr(step))
        return reftypes
Exemplo n.º 3
    def is_applicable(self, header):
        """Return True IFF this Validator is applicable based upon header and the
        presence field of the TpnInfo.   The presence field can contain an expression
        which is evaluated in the context of `header`.

        There are variations of "True" which can be returned.  Some checks are
        designated optional (O), warning (W), or as only applying to FULL (F)
        frame or true SUBARRAY (S) cases.  These cases return the presence
        character which as a non-zero length string also evaluates to True but
        carries extra information,  particularly "optional" or "warning".
        SUBARRAY = header.get('SUBARRAY','UNDEFINED')
        if self._presence_condition_code:
                presence = eval(self._presence_condition_code, header, self._eval_namespace)
                log.verbose("Validator", self.info, "is",
                            "applicable." if presence else "not applicable.", verbosity=70)
                if not presence:
                    return False
            except Exception as exc:
                log.warning("Failed checking applicability of", repr(self.info),"skipping check : ", str(exc))
                return False
            presence = self.info.presence
        if presence in ["O","W"]:
            return presence
#            return header.get(self.name, False) != "UNDEFINED"
        elif presence == "F": # IF_FULL_FRAME
            return validator_helpers.is_full_frame(SUBARRAY)
        elif presence == "S": # IF_SUBARRAY        
            return validator_helpers.is_subarray(SUBARRAY)
        elif presence == "A":
            return validator_helpers.subarray_defined(header)
            return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_cache_filelist_and_report_errors(bestrefs):
    """Compute the list of files to download based on the `bestrefs` dictionary,
    skimming off and reporting errors, and raising an exception on the last error seen.

    Return the list of files to download,  collapsing complex return types like tuples
    and dictionaries into a list of simple filenames.
    wanted = []
    last_error = None
    for filetype, refname in bestrefs.items():
        if isinstance(refname, tuple):
        elif isinstance(refname, dict):
        elif isinstance(refname, str):
            if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
                if "n/a" in refname.lower():
                    log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype),
                                "NOT FOUND.  Skipping reference caching/download.", verbosity=70)
                    last_error = CrdsLookupError(
                        "Error determining best reference for",
                        srepr(filetype), " = ", str(refname)[len("NOT FOUND"):])
                log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype), "defined as", srepr(refname))
            last_error = CrdsLookupError(
                "Unhandled bestrefs return value type for", srepr(filetype))
    if last_error is not None:
        raise last_error
    return wanted
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _write_last_processed(self, hist):
     """Write down the history tuple of the last context processed."""
     log.verbose("Saving last processed:", repr(hist))
     log.verbose("Storing last processed state at", repr(self.last_processed_path))
     with open(self.last_processed_path, "w+") as last:
Exemplo n.º 6
def locate_dir(instrument, mode=None):
    """Locate the instrument specific directory for a reference file."""
    if mode is  None:
        mode = config.get_crds_ref_subdir_mode(observatory="hst")
    crds_refpath = config.get_crds_refpath("hst")
    prefix = get_env_prefix(instrument)
    if mode == "legacy":   # Locate cached files at the appropriate CDBS-style  iref$ locations
            rootdir = os.environ[prefix]
        except KeyError:
                rootdir = os.environ[prefix[:-1]]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError("Reference location not defined for " + repr(instrument) + 
                               ".  Did you configure " + repr(prefix) + "?")
    elif mode == "instrument" and instrument != "synphot":   # use simple names inside CRDS cache.
        rootdir = os.path.join(crds_refpath, instrument)
        refdir = os.path.join(crds_refpath, prefix[:-1])
        if not os.path.exists(refdir):
            if config.writable_cache_or_verbose("Skipping making instrument directory link for", repr(instrument)):
                log.verbose("Creating legacy cache link", repr(refdir), "-->", repr(rootdir))
                with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Failed creating legacy symlink:", refdir, "-->", rootdir):
                    utils.ensure_dir_exists(rootdir + "/locate_dir.fits")
                    os.symlink(rootdir, refdir)
    elif mode == "instrument" and instrument == "synphot":
        rootdir = os.path.join(crds_refpath, instrument)        
    elif mode == "flat":    # use original flat cache structure,  all instruments in same directory.
        rootdir = crds_refpath
        raise ValueError("Unhandled reference file location mode " + repr(mode))
    return rootdir
Exemplo n.º 7
    def upload_file(self, filepath):
        abs_url = self.abs_url("/upload/chunked/")
        response = self.session.get(abs_url)
        log.verbose("COOKIES:", log.PP(response.cookies))
        csrf_token = response.cookies["csrftoken"]
        file_size = os.stat(filepath).st_size
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)

        if file_size < _UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE:
            files = {"files": (filename, open(filepath, "rb"))}
            data = {"csrfmiddlewaretoken": csrf_token}
            self.session.post(abs_url, files=files, data=data)
            with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
                start_byte = 0
                while True:
                    chunk = f.read(_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE)
                    if len(chunk) == 0:

                    files = {"files": (filename, io.BytesIO(chunk))}
                    data = {"csrfmiddlewaretoken": csrf_token}
                    end_byte = start_byte + len(chunk) - 1
                    content_range = f"bytes {start_byte}-{end_byte}/{file_size}"
                    headers = {"Content-Range": content_range}
                    response = self.session.post(abs_url,
                    csrf_token = response.cookies["csrftoken"]
                    start_byte = end_byte + 1
Exemplo n.º 8
    def check_header(self, filename, header):
        """Evalutate the header expression associated with this validator (as its sole value)
        with respect to the given `header`.  Read `header` from `filename` if `header` is None.
        # super(KernelunityValidator, self).check_header(filename, header)
        array_name = self.complex_name
        all_data = header[array_name].DATA.transpose()
        images = int(np.product(all_data.shape[:-2]))
        images_shape = (images,) + all_data.shape[-2:]
        images_data = np.reshape(all_data, images_shape)
        log.verbose("File=" + repr(os.path.basename(filename)),
                   "Checking", len(images_data), repr(array_name), "kernel(s) of size", 
                    images_data[0].shape, "for individual sums of 1+-1e-6.   Center pixels >= 1.")

        center_0 = images_data.shape[-2]//2
        center_1 = images_data.shape[-1]//2
        center_pixels = images_data[..., center_0, center_1]
        if not np.all(center_pixels >= 1.0):
            log.warning("Possible bad IPC Kernel:  One or more kernel center pixel value(s) too small, should be >= 1.0")
            # raise BadKernelCenterPixelTooSmall(
            #    "One or more kernel center pixel value(s) too small,  should be >= 1.0")
        for (i, image) in enumerate(images_data):
            if abs(image.sum()-1.0) > 1.0e-6:
                raise BadKernelSumError("Kernel sum", image.sum(),
                    "is not 1+-1e-6 for kernel #" + str(i), ":", repr(image))    
Exemplo n.º 9
def locate_dir(instrument, mode=None):
    """Locate the instrument specific directory for a reference file."""
    if mode is None:
        mode = config.get_crds_ref_subdir_mode(observatory="tobs")
    crds_refpath = config.get_crds_refpath("tobs")
    prefix = get_env_prefix(instrument)
    if mode == "legacy":  # Locate cached files at the appropriate CDBS-style  iref$ locations
            rootdir = os.environ[prefix]
        except KeyError:
                rootdir = os.environ[prefix[:-1]]
            except KeyError as exc:
                raise KeyError("Reference location not defined for",
                               repr(instrument), ".  Did you configure",
                               repr(prefix) + "?") from exc
    elif mode == "instrument":  # use simple names inside CRDS cache.
        rootdir = os.path.join(crds_refpath, instrument)
        refdir = os.path.join(crds_refpath, prefix[:-1])
        if not os.path.exists(refdir):
            if config.writable_cache_or_verbose(
                    "Skipping making instrument directory link for",
                log.verbose("Creating legacy cache link", repr(refdir), "-->",
                utils.ensure_dir_exists(rootdir + "/locate_dir.fits")
                os.symlink(rootdir, refdir)
    elif mode == "flat":  # use original flat cache structure,  all instruments in same directory.
        rootdir = crds_refpath
        raise ValueError("Unhandled reference file location mode " +
    return rootdir
Exemplo n.º 10
 def fetch_files(self, context, files):
     """Downloads `files` as needed relative to `context` nominally used to identify
     the observatory to the server.  If the CRDS cache is currently configured as READONLY,
     prints an estimate about which files will download and the total size.  The estimate
     does not (currently) include the nested mappings associated with the closure of `files`,
     but the dominant costs of downloads are reference files.
     files = set([os.path.basename(_file) for _file in files])
     if config.get_cache_readonly():
         log.info("READONLY CACHE estimating required downloads.")
         if not self.args.ignore_cache:
             already_have = (set(rmap.list_references("*", self.observatory)) |
                             set(rmap.list_mappings("*", self.observatory)))
             already_have = set()
         fetched = [ x for x in sorted(files - already_have) if not x.startswith("NOT FOUND") ]
         for _file in files:
             if _file in already_have:
                 log.verbose("File", repr(_file), "is already in the CRDS cache.", verbosity=55)
                 log.verbose("File", repr(_file), "would be downloaded.", verbosity=55)
         if fetched:
             with log.info_on_exception("File size information not available."):
                 info_map = api.get_file_info_map(self.observatory, fetched, fields=["size"])
                 total_bytes = api.get_total_bytes(info_map)
                 log.info("READONLY CACHE would download", len(fetched), "files totalling",  
                          utils.human_format_number(total_bytes).strip(), "bytes.")
             log.info("READONLY CACHE no reference downloads expected.")
         self.dump_files(context, files, self.args.ignore_cache)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def sync_datasets(self):
     """Sync mappings and references for datasets with respect to `self.contexts`."""
     if not self.contexts:
         log.error("Define --contexts under which references are fetched for --dataset-files or --dataset-ids.""")
     active_references = []
     for context in self.contexts:
         if self.args.dataset_ids:
             if len(self.args.dataset_ids) == 1 and self.args.dataset_ids[0].startswith("@"):
                 with open(self.args.dataset_ids[0][1:]) as pfile:
                     self.args.dataset_ids = pfile.read().splitlines()
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed to get matching parameters for", self.args.dataset_ids):
                 id_headers = api.get_dataset_headers_by_id(context, self.args.dataset_ids)
         for dataset in self.args.dataset_files or self.args.dataset_ids:
             log.info("Syncing context '%s' dataset '%s'." % (context, dataset))
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed to get matching parameters from", repr(dataset)):
                 if self.args.dataset_files:
                     headers = { dataset : data_file.get_conditioned_header(dataset, observatory=self.observatory) }
                     headers = { dataset_id : header for (dataset_id, header) in id_headers.items() if
                                 dataset.upper() in dataset_id }
                 for assc_dataset, header in headers.items():
                     with log.error_on_exception("Failed syncing references for dataset", repr(assc_dataset), 
                                                 "under context", repr(context)):   
                         bestrefs = crds.getrecommendations(header, context=context, observatory=self.observatory, 
                         log.verbose("Best references for", repr(assc_dataset), "are", bestrefs)
     active_references = [ ref for ref in active_references if not ref.startswith("NOT FOUND") ]
     log.verbose("Syncing references:", repr(active_references))
     return list(set(active_references))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def sync_datasets(self):
     """Sync mappings and references for datasets with respect to `self.contexts`."""
     if not self.contexts:
         log.error("Define --contexts under which references are fetched for --dataset-files or --dataset-ids.""")
     active_references = []
     for context in self.contexts:
         if self.args.dataset_ids:
             if len(self.args.dataset_ids) == 1 and self.args.dataset_ids[0].startswith("@"):
                 with open(self.args.dataset_ids[0][1:]) as pfile:
                     self.args.dataset_ids = pfile.read().splitlines()
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed to get matching parameters for", self.args.dataset_ids):
                 id_headers = api.get_dataset_headers_by_id(context, self.args.dataset_ids)
         for dataset in self.args.dataset_files or self.args.dataset_ids:
             log.info("Syncing context '%s' dataset '%s'." % (context, dataset))
             with log.error_on_exception("Failed to get matching parameters from", repr(dataset)):
                 if self.args.dataset_files:
                     headers = { dataset : data_file.get_conditioned_header(dataset, observatory=self.observatory) }
                     headers = { dataset_id : header for (dataset_id, header) in id_headers.items() if
                                 dataset.upper() in dataset_id }
                 for assc_dataset, header in headers.items():
                     with log.error_on_exception("Failed syncing references for dataset", repr(assc_dataset),
                                                 "under context", repr(context)):
                         bestrefs = crds.getrecommendations(header, context=context, observatory=self.observatory,
                         log.verbose("Best references for", repr(assc_dataset), "are", bestrefs)
     active_references = [ ref for ref in active_references if not ref.startswith("NOT FOUND") ]
     log.verbose("Syncing references:", repr(active_references))
     return list(set(active_references))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_affected(self):
        """Examine the diffs between `old_pmap` and `new_pmap` and return sorted lists of affected instruments and types.

        Returns { affected_instrument : { affected_type, ... } }
        instrs = defaultdict(set)
        diffs = self.mapping_diffs()
        diffs = remove_boring(diffs)
        for diff in diffs:
            for step in diff:
                # Walking down the diff steps 1-by-1 eventually hits an rmap comparison which
                # will define both instrument and type.  pmaps and imaps leave at least one blank.
                if len(step) == 2 and config.is_mapping(step[0]):
                    instrument, filekind = utils.get_file_properties(self.observatory, step[0])
                # This is inefficient since diff doesn't vary by step,  but set logic cleans up the redundancy
                # New rmaps imply reprocessing the entire type.
                elif isinstance(diff[-1],str) and diff[-1].startswith(("added","deleted")) and \
                    rmap_name = diff[-1].split()[-1].replace("'","")
                    rmapping = rmap.fetch_mapping(rmap_name, ignore_checksum=True)
                    instrument, filekind = rmapping.instrument, rmapping.filekind
                if instrument.strip() and filekind.strip():
                    if filekind not in instrs[instrument]:
                        log.verbose("Affected", (instrument, filekind), "based on diff", diff, verbosity=20)
        return { key:list(val) for (key, val) in instrs.items() }
Exemplo n.º 14
def _flat_to_tpns(flat=None, schema_name=None):
    """Convert flat representation of DM schema to list of all TpnInfo objects."""
    if flat is None:
        flat = _schema_to_flat(_load_schema(schema_name))
    tpns = []
    for key, value in flat.items():
        if key.endswith(".TYPE"):
            basekey = str(key[:-len(".TYPE")])
            legal_values = [
                str(val) for val in flat.get(basekey + ".ENUM", [])
            if legal_values:
                legal_values += ["ANY", "N/A"]
            legal_values = tuple(sorted(set(legal_values)))
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = tuple(value)
            datatype = SCHEMA_TYPE_TO_TPN.get(value, None)
            if datatype is not None:
                tpn = TpnInfo(name=basekey.upper(),
                log.verbose("Adding tpn constraint from DM schema:",
                log.warning("No TPN form for", repr(key), repr(value))
    return sorted(tpns)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def fetch_files(self, context, files):
     """Downloads `files` as needed relative to `context` nominally used to identify
     the observatory to the server.  If the CRDS cache is currently configured as READONLY,
     prints an estimate about which files will download and the total size.  The estimate
     does not (currently) include the nested mappings associated with the closure of `files`,
     but the dominant costs of downloads are reference files.
     files = set([os.path.basename(_file) for _file in files])
     if config.get_cache_readonly():
         log.info("READONLY CACHE estimating required downloads.")
         if not self.args.ignore_cache:
             already_have = (set(rmap.list_references("*", self.observatory)) |
                             set(rmap.list_mappings("*", self.observatory)))
             already_have = set()
         fetched = [ x for x in sorted(files - already_have) if not x.startswith("NOT FOUND") ]
         for _file in files:
             if _file in already_have:
                 log.verbose("File", repr(_file), "is already in the CRDS cache.", verbosity=55)
                 log.verbose("File", repr(_file), "would be downloaded.", verbosity=55)
         if fetched:
             with log.info_on_exception("File size information not available."):
                 info_map = api.get_file_info_map(self.observatory, fetched, fields=["size"])
                 total_bytes = api.get_total_bytes(info_map)
                 log.info("READONLY CACHE would download", len(fetched), "files totalling",
                          utils.human_format_number(total_bytes).strip(), "bytes.")
             log.info("READONLY CACHE no reference downloads expected.")
         self.dump_files(context, files, self.args.ignore_cache)
Exemplo n.º 16
def _get_cache_filelist_and_report_errors(bestrefs):
    """Compute the list of files to download based on the `bestrefs` dictionary,
    skimming off and reporting errors, and raising an exception on the last error seen.

    Return the list of files to download,  collapsing complex return types like tuples
    and dictionaries into a list of simple filenames.
    wanted = []
    last_error = None
    for filetype, refname in bestrefs.items():
        if isinstance(refname, tuple):
        elif isinstance(refname, dict):
        elif isinstance(refname, str):
            if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
                if "n/a" in refname.lower():
                    log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype),
                                "NOT FOUND.  Skipping reference caching/download.", verbosity=70)
                    last_error = CrdsLookupError(
                        "Error determining best reference for",
                        srepr(filetype), " = ", str(refname)[len("NOT FOUND"):])
                log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype), "defined as", srepr(refname))
            last_error = CrdsLookupError(
                "Unhandled bestrefs return value type for", srepr(filetype))
    if last_error is not None:
        raise last_error
    return wanted
Exemplo n.º 17
 def remove_file(self, localpath):
     """Removes file at `localpath`."""
     log.verbose("Removing file", repr(localpath))
     except Exception:
         log.verbose("Exception during file removal of", repr(localpath))
Exemplo n.º 18
def header_to_pipelines(header, context=None):
    """Given a dataset `header`,  extract the EXP_TYPE or META.EXPOSURE.TYPE keyword
    from and use it to look up the pipelines required to process it.

    Return a list of pipeline .cfg names.
    with log.augment_exception(
            "Failed determining exp_type, cal_ver from header",
        exp_type, cal_ver = _header_to_exptype_calver(header)
    config_manager = _get_config_manager(context, cal_ver)
    pipelines = _get_pipelines(exp_type, cal_ver, context)  # uncorrected
    if config_manager.pipeline_exceptions:  # correction based on extra non-EXP_TYPE params
        pipelines2 = []
        for cfg in pipelines:
            for param, exceptions in config_manager.pipeline_exceptions.items(
                exceptions = dict(exceptions)
                dont_replace = exceptions.pop("dont_replace")
                default_missing = exceptions.pop("default_missing")
                paramval = header.get(param.upper(), default_missing)
                if paramval not in dont_replace:
                    cfg = exceptions.get(cfg, cfg)
        pipelines = pipelines2
    log.verbose("Applicable pipelines for", srepr(exp_type), "are",
    return pipelines
Exemplo n.º 19
 def verify_files(self, files):
     """Check `files` against the CRDS server database to ensure integrity and check reject status."""
     basenames = [os.path.basename(file) for file in files]
         log.verbose("Downloading verification info for",
         infos = api.get_file_info_map(
             fields=["size", "rejected", "blacklisted", "state", "sha1sum"])
     except Exception as exc:
             "Failed getting file info.  CACHE VERIFICATION FAILED.  Exception: ",
     bytes_so_far = 0
     total_bytes = api.get_total_bytes(infos)
     for nth_file, file in enumerate(files):
         bfile = os.path.basename(file)
         if infos[bfile] == "NOT FOUND":
             log.error("CRDS has no record of file", repr(bfile))
             self.verify_file(file, infos[bfile], bytes_so_far, total_bytes,
                              nth_file, len(files))
             bytes_so_far += int(infos[bfile]["size"])
Exemplo n.º 20
 def get_row_keys(self, instrument, filekind):
     """Return the row_keys which define unique table rows corresponding to mapping.
     These are used for "mode" checks to issue warnings when unique rows are deleted
     in a certify comparison check against the preceding version of a table.
     row_keys are now also utlized to perform "affected datasets" table row
     lookups which essentially requires emulating that aspect of the calibration
     software.  Consequently, row_keys now have a requirement for a higher level
     of fidelity since they were originally defined for mode checks, since the
     consequences of inadequate row keys becomes failed "affects checks" and not
     merely an extraneous warning.  In their capacity as affected datasets
     parameters,  row_keys must be supported by the interface which connects the
     CRDS server to the appropriate system dataset parameter database,  DADSOPS
     for HST.   That interface must be updated when row_keys.dat is changed.
     The certify mode checks have a shaky foundation since the concept of mode
     doesn't apply to all tables and sometimes "data" parameters are required to
     render rows unique.   The checks only issue warnings however so they can be
     ignored by file submitters.
     For HST calibration references mapping is an rmap.
         return self.row_keys[instrument][filekind]
     except KeyError:
         log.verbose("No unique row keys defined for", repr((instrument, filekind)))
         return []
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_affected(self):
     """Examine the diffs between `old_pmap` and `new_pmap` and return sorted lists of affected instruments and types.
     Returns { affected_instrument : { affected_type, ... } }
     instrs = defaultdict(set)
     diffs = self.mapping_diffs()
     diffs = remove_boring(diffs)
     for diff in diffs:
         for step in diff:
             # Walking down the diff steps 1-by-1 eventually hits an rmap comparison which
             # will define both instrument and type.  pmaps and imaps leave at least one blank.
             if len(step) == 2 and rmap.is_mapping(step[0]):
                 instrument, filekind = utils.get_file_properties(self.observatory, step[0])
             # This is inefficient since diff doesn't vary by step,  but set logic cleans up the redundancy
             # New rmaps imply reprocessing the entire type.
             elif isinstance(diff[-1],str) and diff[-1].startswith(("added","deleted")) and \
                 rmap_name = diff[-1].split()[-1].replace("'","")
                 rmapping = rmap.fetch_mapping(rmap_name, ignore_checksum=True)
                 instrument, filekind = rmapping.instrument, rmapping.filekind
             if instrument.strip() and filekind.strip():
                 if filekind not in instrs[instrument]:
                     log.verbose("Affected", (instrument, filekind), "based on diff", diff, verbosity=20)
     return { key:list(val) for (key, val) in instrs.items() }
Exemplo n.º 22
    def get_row_keys(self, instrument, filekind):
        """Return the row_keys which define unique table rows corresponding to mapping.

        These are used for "mode" checks to issue warnings when unique rows are deleted
        in a certify comparison check against the preceding version of a table.

        row_keys are now also utlized to perform "affected datasets" table row
        lookups which essentially requires emulating that aspect of the calibration
        software.  Consequently, row_keys now have a requirement for a higher level
        of fidelity since they were originally defined for mode checks, since the
        consequences of inadequate row keys becomes failed "affects checks" and not
        merely an extraneous warning.  In their capacity as affected datasets
        parameters,  row_keys must be supported by the interface which connects the
        CRDS server to the appropriate system dataset parameter database,  DADSOPS
        for HST.   That interface must be updated when row_keys.dat is changed.

        The certify mode checks have a shaky foundation since the concept of mode
        doesn't apply to all tables and sometimes "data" parameters are required to
        render rows unique.   The checks only issue warnings however so they can be
        ignored by file submitters.

        For HST calibration references mapping is an rmap.
            return self.row_keys[instrument][filekind]
        except KeyError:
            log.verbose("No unique row keys defined for",
                        repr((instrument, filekind)))
            return []
Exemplo n.º 23
def get_best_references(pipeline_context, header, reftypes=None):
    """Get best references for dict-like `header` relative to 
    pipeline_context  CRDS context for lookup,   e.g.   'hst_0001.pmap'
    header            dict-like mapping { lookup_parameter : value }
    reftypes         If None,  return all reference types;  otherwise return 
                     best refs for the specified list of reftypes. 

    Returns          { reftype : reference_basename ... }
    Raises           CrdsLookupError,  typically for problems with header values
    header = { str(key):str(value) for (key,value) in header.items() }
        bestrefs = S.get_best_references(pipeline_context, dict(header), reftypes)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise CrdsLookupError(str(exc)) from exc
    # Due to limitations of jsonrpc,  exception handling is kludged in here.
    for filetype, refname in bestrefs.items():
        if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
            if refname.upper() == "NOT FOUND N/A":
                log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype),
                            "not applicable.", verbosity=80)
                exc_str = str(refname)[len("NOT FOUND"):]
                raise CrdsLookupError(
                    "Error determining best reference for", 
                    srepr(filetype), "=", repr(exc_str))
    return bestrefs
Exemplo n.º 24
def _get_config_refpath(context, cal_ver):
    """Given CRDS `context` and calibration s/w version `cal_ver`,  identify the applicable
    SYSTEM CRDSCFG reference file, cache it, and return the file path.
    i = 0
    while (i < len(REFPATHS)-1 and not _versions_lt(cal_ver, REFPATHS[i+1][0])):
        i += 1
    refpath = os.path.join(HERE, REFPATHS[i][1])
    try:  # Use a normal try/except because exceptions are expected.
        header = {
        pmap = crds.get_symbolic_mapping(context)
        imap = pmap.get_imap("system")
        rmapping = imap.get_rmap("crdscfg")
        ref = rmapping.get_best_ref(header)
        refpath = rmapping.locate_file(ref)
        api.dump_references(context, [ref])
    except Exception:
            "Failed locating SYSTEM CRDSCFG reference",
            "under context", repr(context),
            "and cal_ver", repr(cal_ver) + ".   Using built-in references.")
    log.verbose("Using", srepr(os.path.basename(refpath)),
                "to determine applicable default reftypes for", srepr(cal_ver))
    return refpath
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_best_references(pipeline_context, header, reftypes=None):
    """Get best references for dict-like `header` relative to 
    pipeline_context  CRDS context for lookup,   e.g.   'hst_0001.pmap'
    header            dict-like mapping { lookup_parameter : value }
    reftypes         If None,  return all reference types;  otherwise return 
                     best refs for the specified list of reftypes. 

    Returns          { reftype : reference_basename ... }
    Raises           CrdsLookupError,  typically for problems with header values
    header = { str(key):str(value) for (key,value) in header.items() }
        bestrefs = S.get_best_references(pipeline_context, dict(header), reftypes)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise CrdsLookupError(str(exc)) from exc
    # Due to limitations of jsonrpc,  exception handling is kludged in here.
    for filetype, refname in bestrefs.items():
        if "NOT FOUND" in refname:
            if refname.upper() == "NOT FOUND N/A":
                log.verbose("Reference type", srepr(filetype),
                            "not applicable.", verbosity=80)
                exc_str = str(refname)[len("NOT FOUND"):]
                raise CrdsLookupError(
                    "Error determining best reference for", 
                    srepr(filetype), "=", repr(exc_str))
    return bestrefs
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Core of RPC dispatch without error interpretation, logging, or return value decoding."""
        params = kwargs if len(kwargs) else args
        # if Any.kind(params) == Object and self.__version != '2.0':
        #   raise Exception('Unsupport arg type for JSON-RPC 1.0 '
        #                  '(the default version for this client, '
        #                  'pass version="2.0" to use keyword arguments)')
        jsonrpc_params = {"jsonrpc": self.__version,
                          "method": self.__service_name,
                          'params': params,
                          'id': message_id()
        parameters = json.dumps(jsonrpc_params)
        url = self._get_url(jsonrpc_params)
        if "serverless" in url or "server-less" in url:
            raise exceptions.ServiceError("Configured for server-less mode.  Skipping JSON RPC " + repr(self.__service_name))

        if log.get_verbose() <= 50:
            log.verbose("CRDS JSON RPC", self.__service_name, params if len(str(params)) <= 60 else "(...)", "-->")
            log.verbose("CRDS JSON RPC to", url, "parameters", params, "-->")
        response = apply_with_retries(self._call_service, parameters, url)

            rval = json.loads(response)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.warning("Invalid CRDS jsonrpc response:\n", response)
        return rval
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_local_files(self, names):
        """Given a list of basename `mapping_names` which are pertinent to the 
        given `pipeline_context`,   cache the mappings locally where they can 
        be used by CRDS.
        if isinstance(names, dict):
            names = names.values()
        localpaths = {}
        # Add in GEIS format "conjugate" data files,  .rmaps specify only .rXh
        names2 = names[:]
        for refname in names2:
            if re.match(r"\w+\.r[0-9]h$", refname):

        downloads = []
        for name in names:
            localpath = self.locate(name)
            if name.lower() in ["n/a", "undefined"]:
            if not os.path.exists(localpath):
            elif self.ignore_cache:
                utils.remove(localpath, observatory=self.observatory)
                utils.remove(localpath, observatory=self.observatory)
            localpaths[name] = localpath
        if downloads:
            n_bytes = self.download_files(downloads, localpaths)
            log.verbose("Skipping download for cached files", sorted(names), verbosity=60)
            n_bytes = 0
        return localpaths, len(downloads), n_bytes
Exemplo n.º 28
    def get_local_files(self, names):
        """Given a list of basename `mapping_names` which are pertinent to the 
        given `pipeline_context`,   cache the mappings locally where they can 
        be used by CRDS.
        if isinstance(names, dict):
            names = names.values()
        localpaths = {}
        # Add in GEIS format "conjugate" data files,  .rmaps specify only .rXh
        names2 = names[:]
        for refname in names2:
            if re.match(r"\w+\.r[0-9]h$", refname):

        downloads = []
        for name in names:
            localpath = self.locate(name)
            if name.lower() in ["n/a", "undefined"]:
            if not os.path.exists(localpath):
            elif self.ignore_cache:
                utils.remove(localpath, observatory=self.observatory)
                utils.remove(localpath, observatory=self.observatory)
            localpaths[name] = localpath
        if downloads:
            n_bytes = self.download_files(downloads, localpaths)
            log.verbose("Skipping download for cached files", sorted(names), verbosity=60)
            n_bytes = 0
        return localpaths, len(downloads), n_bytes
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_dataset_headers_by_instrument(context,
    """return { dataset_id:header, ...} for every `dataset_id` for `instrument`."""
    log.verbose("Dumping datasets for", repr(instrument))
    ids = get_dataset_ids(context, instrument, datasets_since)
    return dict(get_dataset_headers_unlimited(context, ids))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def get_data_http(self, filename):
     """Yield the data returned from `filename` of `pipeline_context` in manageable chunks."""
     url = self.get_url(filename)
         infile = request.urlopen(url)
         file_size = utils.human_format_number(
         stats = utils.TimingStats()
         data = infile.read(config.CRDS_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
         while data:
             stats.increment("bytes", len(data))
             status = stats.status("bytes")
             bytes_so_far = " ".join(status[0].split()[:-1])
             log.verbose("Transferred HTTP",
                         "bytes at",
             yield data
             data = infile.read(config.CRDS_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
     except Exception as exc:
         raise CrdsDownloadError("Failed downloading", srepr(filename),
                                 "from url", srepr(url), ":",
                                 str(exc)) from exc
         except UnboundLocalError:  # maybe the open failed.
Exemplo n.º 31
    def submit(self):
        '''Validate submission form, upload to CRDS staging, handle server-side
        submission errors.'''
        # Client-side validation
        # Upload the form
        # Handle returned server-side errors

        argv = [ "crds.submit", "--files" ] + self.files + [
            "--creator", "{} Team".format(self['instrument']),
            "--change-level", self["change_level"],
            "--description", self["description"],
        script = RedCatApiScript(argv)
        script._extra_redcat_parameters = dict(self)

        return SubmissionResult(
Exemplo n.º 32
def _get_server_info():
    """Fetch the server info dict.   If CRDS_CONFIG_URI is set then
    download that URL and load json from the contents.  Otherwise,
    call the CRDS server JSONRPC get_server_info() API.

    Returns  server info dict
    config_uri = config.get_uri("server_config")
        if config_uri != "none":
            log.verbose(f"Loading config from URI '{config_uri}'.")
            content = utils.get_uri_content(config_uri)
            info = ast.literal_eval(content)
            info["status"] = "uri"
            info["connected"] = False
            config_uri = f"JSON RPC service at '{get_crds_server()}'"
            info = S.get_server_info()
            log.verbose("Connected to server at", srepr(get_crds_server()))
            info["status"] = "server"
            info["connected"] = True
    except Exception as exc:
        raise CrdsNetworkError(
            f"Failed downloading cache config from: {config_uri}:",
            srepr(exc)) from exc
    return info
Exemplo n.º 33
 def get_pipeline_types(self, pipeline, exp_type):
     """Based on a pipeline .cfg filename and an EXP_TYPE,  look up
     the Steps corresponding to the .cfg and extrapolate those to the
     reftypes used by those Steps.   If there are exceptions to the
     reftypes assigned for a particular Step that depend on EXP_TYPE,
     return the revised types for that Step instead.
     Return [reftypes, ...]
     steps = self.pipeline_cfgs_to_steps[pipeline]
     reftypes = []
     for step in steps:
         if step not in self.loaded_cfg.steps_to_reftypes_exceptions:
             for case in self.loaded_cfg.steps_to_reftypes_exceptions[step]:
                 item = list(case.values())[0]
                 more_reftypes = item["reftypes"][:]
                 exptypes = item["exp_types"][:]
                 found = False
                 for exptype_pattern in exptypes:
                     if glob_match(exptype_pattern, exp_type):
                         log.verbose("Adding exceptional types", more_reftypes, 
                                     "for step", srepr(step), "case", srepr(exptype_pattern), 
                                     "based on exp_type", srepr(exp_type))
                         found = True
                 if found:
                 raise exceptions.CrdsPipelineTypeDeterminationError("Unhandled EXP_TYPE for exceptional Step", srepr(step))
     return reftypes
Exemplo n.º 34
 def check_exptypes(self):
     """Based on EXP_TYPEs defined by CAL schema and the specified instrument
     contexts, print out log info on missing or unexpected coverage.
     for imap_name in self.contexts:
         i_loaded = crds.get_cached_mapping(imap_name)
         s_exp_types = self.locator.get_exptypes(i_loaded.instrument)
         for exp_type in s_exp_types:
             reftypes = self.locator.get_reftypes(exp_type)
             for filekind in i_loaded.selections:
                 ufilekind = (i_loaded.instrument.upper(), filekind.upper())
                 rmap_name = i_loaded.selections[filekind]
                 if rmap_name == 'N/A':
                     if filekind in reftypes:
                         log.verbose("Reftype rmap", repr(ufilekind), "is defined as N/A for", repr(exp_type))
                     r_loaded = i_loaded.get_rmap(filekind)
                     r_exp_types = r_loaded.get_parkey_map().get("META.EXPOSURE.TYPE", None)
                     if r_exp_types is None:   # ???
                         log.verbose("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "does not match using EXP_TYPE.")
                     elif exp_type in r_exp_types:
                         if filekind in reftypes:
                             log.verbose("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "explicitly mentions", repr(exp_type))
                             log.warning("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "has unexpected coverage for", repr(exp_type))
                     elif "ANY" in r_exp_types or "N/A" in r_exp_types:
                         log.verbose("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "is satisfied by ANY or N/A for", repr(exp_type))
                     elif filekind in reftypes:
                         log.info("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "is missing coverage for", repr(exp_type))
                         log.verbose("Reftype", repr(ufilekind), "has no expected coverage for", repr(exp_type))
Exemplo n.º 35
    def check_header(self, filename, header):
        """Evalutate the header expression associated with this validator (as its sole value)
        with respect to the given `header`.  Read `header` from `filename` if `header` is None.
        # super(KernelunityValidator, self).check_header(filename, header)
        array_name = self.complex_name
        all_data = header[array_name].DATA.transpose()
        images = int(np.product(all_data.shape[:-2]))
        images_shape = (images, ) + all_data.shape[-2:]
        images_data = np.reshape(all_data, images_shape)
        log.verbose("File=" + repr(os.path.basename(filename)), "Checking",
                    len(images_data), repr(array_name), "kernel(s) of size",
                    "for individual sums of 1+-1e-6.   Center pixels >= 1.")

        center_0 = images_data.shape[-2] // 2
        center_1 = images_data.shape[-1] // 2
        center_pixels = images_data[..., center_0, center_1]
        if not np.all(center_pixels >= 1.0):
                "Possible bad IPC Kernel:  One or more kernel center pixel value(s) too small, should be >= 1.0"
            # raise BadKernelCenterPixelTooSmall(
            #    "One or more kernel center pixel value(s) too small,  should be >= 1.0")

        for (i, image) in enumerate(images_data):
            if abs(image.sum() - 1.0) > 1.0e-6:
                raise BadKernelSumError("Kernel sum", image.sum(),
                                        "is not 1+-1e-6 for kernel #" + str(i),
                                        ":", repr(image))
Exemplo n.º 36
    def check_header(self, filename, header):
        """Evalutate the header expression associated with this validator (as its sole value)
        with respect to the given `header`.

        Note that array-based checkers are not automatically loaded during a classic header
        fetch and expressions can involve operations on multiple keywords or arrays.
        log.verbose("File=" + repr(os.path.basename(filename)), "Checking",
                    repr(self.name), "condition", str(self._expr))
        for keyword in expr_identifiers(self._expr):
            if header.get(keyword, "UNDEFINED") == "UNDEFINED":
                log.verbose_warning("Keyword or Array", repr(keyword),
                                    "is 'UNDEFINED'. Skipping ",
                return True  # fake satisfied
            satisfied = eval(self._expr_code, header, self._eval_namespace)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise RequiredConditionError("Failed checking constraint",
                                         repr(self._expr), ":", str(exc))
        if not satisfied:
            raise RequiredConditionError("Constraint", str(self._expr),
                                         "is not satisfied.")
        elif satisfied == "W":  # from warn_only() helper
            log.warning("Constraint", str(self._expr), "is not satisfied.")
            satisfied = True
        return satisfied
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Core of RPC dispatch without error interpretation, logging, or return value decoding."""
        params = kwargs if len(kwargs) else args
        jsonrpc_params = {"jsonrpc": self.__version,
                          "method": self.__service_name,
                          'params': params,
                          'id': message_id()

        parameters = json.dumps(jsonrpc_params)

        url = self._get_url(jsonrpc_params)

        if "serverless" in url or "server-less" in url:
            raise exceptions.ServiceError("Configured for server-less mode.  Skipping JSON RPC " + repr(self.__service_name))

        if log.get_verbose() <= 50:
            log.verbose("CRDS JSON RPC", self.__service_name, params if len(str(params)) <= 60 else "(...)", "-->")
            log.verbose("CRDS JSON RPC to", url, "parameters", params, "-->")

        response = apply_with_retries(self._call_service, parameters, url)

            rval = json.loads(response)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.warning("Invalid CRDS jsonrpc response:\n", response)

        return rval
Exemplo n.º 38
 def remove_file(self, localpath):
     """Removes file at `localpath`."""
     log.verbose("Removing file", repr(localpath))
     except Exception:
         log.verbose("Exception during file removal of", repr(localpath))
Exemplo n.º 39
 def handle_updates(self, all_updates):
     """Write best reference updates back to dataset file headers."""
     super(FileHeaderGenerator, self).handle_updates(all_updates)
     for source in sorted(all_updates):
         updates = all_updates[source]
         if updates:
             log.verbose("-" * 120)
             update_file_bestrefs(self.context, source, updates)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def condition(self, value):
     crds_name = value
     if "$" in value:  # remove IRAF-style path prefix from SYNPHOT TMC and TMT filename column values
         crds_name = crds_name.split("$")[-1]
     if "[" in value:  # split off HDU index trailer,  or SYNPHOT parameterization trailer
         crds_name = crds_name.split("[")[0]
     log.verbose("Conditioned filepath", repr(value), "to", repr(crds_name))
     return crds_name
Exemplo n.º 41
 def upload_file(self, relative_url, filepath):
     abs_url = self.abs_url(relative_url)
     response = self.session.get(abs_url)
     log.verbose("COOKIES:", log.PP(response.cookies))
     csrf_token = response.cookies['csrftoken']
     files = { "files" : open(filepath, "rb") }        
     data = {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf_token}
     self.session.post(abs_url, files=files, data=data)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def upload_file(self, relative_url, filepath):
     abs_url = self.abs_url(relative_url)
     response = self.session.get(abs_url)
     log.verbose("COOKIES:", log.PP(response.cookies))
     csrf_token = response.cookies['csrftoken']
     files = {"files": open(filepath, "rb")}
     data = {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf_token}
     self.session.post(abs_url, files=files, data=data)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def condition(self, value):
     crds_name = value
     if "$" in value: # remove IRAF-style path prefix from SYNPHOT TMC and TMT filename column values
         crds_name = crds_name.split("$")[-1]
     if "[" in value: # split off HDU index trailer,  or SYNPHOT parameterization trailer
         crds_name = crds_name.split("[")[0]
     log.verbose("Conditioned filepath", repr(value), "to", repr(crds_name))
     return crds_name
Exemplo n.º 44
 def fail_if_existing_lock(self):
     """Issue a warning if self.locked_instrument is already locked."""
     response = self.get("/lock_status/"+self.username+"/")
     log.verbose("lock_status:", response)
     json_dict = utils.Struct(response.json())
     if (json_dict.name and (not json_dict.is_expired) and (json_dict.type == "instrument") and (json_dict.user == self.username)):
         log.fatal_error("User", repr(self.username), "has already locked", repr(json_dict.name),
                         ".  Failing to avert collisions.  User --logout or logout on the website to bypass.")
Exemplo n.º 45
def del_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Deleting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for", srepr(header_key))
    del rmapping.header[header_key]
Exemplo n.º 46
 def get_ingested_files(self):
     """Return the server-side JSON info on the files already in the submitter's ingest directory."""
     log.verbose("Querying for existing files.")
     result = self.connection.get('/upload/list/').json()
     log.verbose("JSON info on existing ingested files:\n", log.PP(result))
     if "files" in result and isinstance(result["files"], list):
         return {info["name"]: info for info in result["files"]}
     return {info["name"]: info for info in result}
Exemplo n.º 47
 def possibly_remote_command(self, host, cmd, verbosity=65):
     """If `host` is the localhost,  excecute `cmd` in subshell.  Otherwise execute `cmd` by ssh."""
     if host.startswith(socket.gethostname()):
         output = pysh.out_err(cmd, trace_commands=log.get_verbose() >= verbosity)
         output = pysh.out_err("ssh   ${host}    ${cmd}", trace_commands=log.get_verbose() >= verbosity)
     if output:
         log.verbose(output, verbosity=verbosity)
Exemplo n.º 48
def get_validators(observatory, refpath):
    """Given `observatory` and a path to a reference file `refpath`,  load the
    corresponding validators that define individual constraints that reference
    should satisfy.
    tpns = get_reffile_tpninfos(observatory, refpath)
    checkers = [validator(x) for x in tpns]
    log.verbose("Validators for", repr(refpath), "("+str(len(checkers))+"):\n", log.PP(checkers), verbosity=65)
    return checkers
Exemplo n.º 49
 def run_query(self, query):
     """Run the string `query` on the downloaded CRDS sqlite database."""
     connection = sqlite3.connect(self.sqlite_db_path)
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     log.verbose("querying:", repr(query))
     for row in cursor.execute(query):
Exemplo n.º 50
    def from_filekind(cls, instrument, filekind):
        """Create the appropriate object for the type of reference file"""

        name = (instrument + '_' + filekind).lower()
        log.verbose('Instantiating rules for reference type {}.'.format(name), verbosity=25)
        if name in cls.rules:
            return  cls.rules[name]() 
            raise DeepLookError('No rules for instrument {} and reference file kind {}'.format(instrument, filekind))
Exemplo n.º 51
 def get_tables(self):
     """Return the list of database table names."""
     connection = sqlite3.connect(self.sqlite_db_path)
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     query = 'select name from sqlite_master where type=\'table\''
     log.verbose("querying:", repr(query))
     tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.execute(query)]
     return tables
Exemplo n.º 52
    def rmdir(self, subdir):
        """If it exists, remove `subdir` of the <synphot_dir> specified.

        subdir    string    subdirectory of <synphot_dir> to remove.
        path = os.path.join(self.args.synphot_dir, subdir)
        log.verbose("rmdir: ", repr(path))
        with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Failed removing", repr(path)):
Exemplo n.º 53
 def get_ingested_files(self):
     """Return the server-side JSON info on the files already in the submitter's ingest directory."""
     log.info("Determining existing files.")
     result = self.connection.get('/upload/list/').json()
     log.verbose("JSON info on existing ingested files:\n", log.PP(result))
     if "files" in result and isinstance(result["files"], list):
         return { info["name"] : info for info in result["files"] }
         return { info["name"] : info for info in result }
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_2_delete_fails(self):
     r = rmap.ReferenceMapping.from_string(self.rmap_str, "./test.rmap", ignore_checksum=True)
         result = r.delete("shazaam.fits")
     except crds.CrdsError:
         assert False, "Expected delete to fail."    
Exemplo n.º 55
def fallback_header_wfpc2_flatfile_v1(rmap, header):
    """Compute a fallback header for WFPC2 BIASFILE."""
    filter1 = header["FILTER1"]
    filter2 = header["FILTER2"]
    log.verbose("Computing fallback header wfpc2 ", rmap.filekind, 
                "swapping filter1 was" , filter1, "filter2 was", filter2)
    header["FILTER1"] = filter2
    header["FILTER2"] = filter1
    return header
Exemplo n.º 56
def del_rmap_header(rmapping, new_filename, header_key):
    """Set the value of `key` in `filename` to `new_value` and rewrite the rmap.
    This is potentially lossy since rewriting the rmap may/will lose comments and 
    formatting quirks.
    log.verbose("Deleting header value in", srepr(rmapping.basename), "for",
    del rmapping.header[header_key]
Exemplo n.º 57
 def get_extra_parameters(self):
     '''Return the form dictionary mapping form variables to value strings for
     new variables being added by the streamlining project.'''
     with open(self.args.redcat_parameters) as f:
         text = f.read()
         log.verbose("Raw YAML read:\n", text, verbosity=75)
         loaded = yaml.safe_load(text)
         log.verbose("ReDCaT parameters:\n", log.PP(loaded))
         return loaded
Exemplo n.º 58
def precondition_header_wfc3_biasfile_v1(rmap, header_in):
    """Mutate the incoming dataset header based upon hard coded rules
    and the header's contents.
    header = dict(header_in)
    if header["SUBARRAY"] == "T" and "SUB" not in header["APERTURE"]:
        header["APERTURE"] = "N/A"
        log.verbose("Mutated APERTURE to ", repr(header["APERTURE"]), 
                    "based on SUBARRAY='T' and 'SUB' not in APERTURE.")
    return header
Exemplo n.º 59
def scan_exp_type_coverage():
    """Verify that there is some get_reftypes() response for all available exp_types."""
    from . import schema as crds_schema
    exp_types = crds_schema.get_exptypes()
    for exp_type in exp_types:
        if exp_type in ["ANY","N/A"]:
        with log.warn_on_exception("failed determining reftypes for", repr(exp_type)):
            reftypes = get_reftypes(exp_type)
            log.verbose("Reftypes for", repr(exp_type), "=", repr(reftypes))