Exemplo n.º 1
# To test the fix configure a CREAM CE with the new blparser.
# Don't use it (i.e. do not submit jobs nor issue any other commands).
# kill the budater and bnotifier processes.
# Wait for 1 minute: you should see that the bupdater and bnotifier have been restarted. 

import cream_regression, blah_regression, cream_testing
import re, time, sys

blparser_with_updater_and_notifier = cream_regression.get_yaim_param("BLPARSER_WITH_UPDATER_NOTIFIER")

print "blparser_with_updater_and_notifier = " + blparser_with_updater_and_notifier

if not blparser_with_updater_and_notifier:
    print "Changing configuration parameter ... "
    cream_regression.change_conf_param_in_file("/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "BLPARSER_WITH_UPDATER_NOTIFIER", "true")
config_file = cream_regression.get_file_from_ce("/etc/blah.config", "/tmp")
is_initialized = cream_regression.check_parameter(config_file, "blah_check_children_interval")
if is_initialized != "INITIALIZED":
    print "KO - parameter blah_check_children_interval not initialized in /etc/blah.config"

print "Create proxy"

print "Clear the ce deleting al jobs"

print "Re-configure the ce"
Exemplo n.º 2
cream_regression.exec_remote_command("service tomcat5 stop")

now = datetime.datetime.now()
suffix = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%M%S")
os.mkdir("/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)
local_copy_of_services = cream_regression.get_file_from_ce(
    "/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)

print "Saving services file on a local copy _save"
cream_regression.exec_local_command("cp " + local_copy_of_services + " " +
                                    local_copy_of_services + "_save")

# Reconfigure the CE with a different value of CREAM_SANDBOX_PATH
print "Changing configuration parameter ... "
    "/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "CREAM_SANDBOX_PATH",

print "Reconfiguring cream ce ... "

# Get db username and password
print "Get db username and password from CE"
db_usr_name, db_usr_pass = cream_regression.get_cream_db_user_password_from_config(

# Try, with the JobDBAdminPurger.sh script, to purge the submitted job
print "Running jobDBAdminPurger.sh ... "
cream_job_name = cream_regression.get_job_label_from_jid(cream_job_id)
print cream_job_name
Exemplo n.º 3
#cream_concurrency_level_old = 50

 Save a local copy of services
now = datetime.datetime.now()
suffix = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%M%S")
os.mkdir("/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)
local_copy_of_services = cream_regression.get_file_from_ce("/root/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)

print "Saving services file on a local copy _save"
cream_regression.exec_local_command("cp " + local_copy_of_services +  " " + local_copy_of_services + "_save")

# Reconfigure the CE with a different value of CREAM_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL
print "Changing configuration parameter ... "
cream_concurrency_level_new = int(cream_concurrency_level_old) + 50
cream_regression.change_conf_param_in_file("/root/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "CREAM_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL", str(cream_concurrency_level_new))

print "Re-configure running yaim"

#cream_concurrency_level_new = 100
print "Check CREAM_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL in configuration file"
local_copy_config_file = cream_regression.get_file_from_ce("/etc/glite-ce-cream/cream-config.xml", "/tmp")
#local_copy_config_file = "/tmp/local_copy_of_a_cream_file"
print "Conf file = " + local_copy_config_file

print "Check if parameter " + regression_vars.cream_concurrency_level + " is correctly set in conf file"

config_file_name = regression_vars.ce_cream_xml
print "Configuration file where search : " + config_file_name
final_job_status = cream_testing.get_final_status(cream_job_id)
print "Final job status = " + final_job_status

cream_regression.exec_remote_command("service tomcat5 stop")

now = datetime.datetime.now()
suffix = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%M%S")
os.mkdir("/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)
local_copy_of_services = cream_regression.get_file_from_ce("/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "/tmp/tmp_" + suffix)

print "Saving services file on a local copy _save"
cream_regression.exec_local_command("cp " + local_copy_of_services +  " " + local_copy_of_services + "_save")

# Reconfigure the CE with a different value of CREAM_SANDBOX_PATH
print "Changing configuration parameter ... "
cream_regression.change_conf_param_in_file("/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/services/glite-creamce", "CREAM_SANDBOX_PATH", "/tmp/cream_sanbox_x")

print "Reconfiguring cream ce ... "
cream_regression.run_yaim_func("/root/sarab_devel/siteinfo/site-info.def", "config_cream_ce")

# Get db username and password
print "Get db username and password from CE"
db_usr_name, db_usr_pass = cream_regression.get_cream_db_user_password_from_config()

# Try, with the JobDBAdminPurger.sh script, to purge the submitted job
print "Running jobDBAdminPurger.sh ... "
cream_job_name =  cream_regression.get_job_label_from_jid(cream_job_id)
print cream_job_name
options =  " --jobIds " + cream_job_name + " -s " + final_job_status