Exemplo n.º 1
def update_violation_page(line, line2, color):
    update violation pages
    input:  line    --- table contents
            pos     --- lower or upper
            color   --- yellow or red
    output: <house_keeping>/<pos>_<color>_violation.html
    title = color.capitalize() + ' Violation'

    head = chs.read_template('html_head')
    jscript = chs.read_template('java_script_deposit')
    tstyle = chs.read_template('two_col_style')
    tail = chs.read_template('html_close')

    head = head.replace('#MSID#', title)
    head = head.replace('#JAVASCRIPT#', jscript)
    head = head.replace('#STYLE#', tstyle)

    if color == 'yellow':
        ocolor = 'red'
        other = 'Go to Red Violation'
        ocolor = 'yellow'
        other = 'Go to Yellow Violation'

    tline = head + '<h2 style="background-color:' + color + ';">' + title + '</h2>\n'
    tline = tline + '<div style="text-align:right;">\n'
    tline = tline + '<a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta/MSID_Trends/mta_trending_main.html">'
    tline = tline + 'Back to Top</a>\n'
    tline = tline + '<br />\n'
    tline = tline + '<a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta/MSID_Trends/'
    tline = tline + ocolor + '_violation.html">'
    tline = tline + other + '</a>\n'
    tline = tline + '</div>\n'
    tline = tline + '<div class="row">\n'
    tline = tline + '<div class="column">\n'
    tline = tline + '<h3>Lower Violation</h3>\n'
    tline = tline + '<table border=1 cellpadding=2>\n'
    tline = tline + line
    tline = tline + '</table>\n'
    tline = tline + '</div>\n'
    tline = tline + '<div class="column2">\n'
    tline = tline + '<h3>Upper Violation</h3>\n'
    tline = tline + '<table border=1 cellpadding=2>\n'
    tline = tline + line2
    tline = tline + '</table>\n'
    tline = tline + '</div>\n'
    tline = tline + '</div>\n'
    tline = tline + tail
    #--- print out the page
    page = web_dir + color + '_violation.html'

    with open(page, 'w') as fo:
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_html(catg, h_list, ytime, udict, ddict, ltype, mtype, ptype):
    create a html page for category <catg>
    input:  catg    --- category of the msids
            h_list  --- a list of msids of the category
            ytime   --- current time
            udict   --- a dictionary of unit: <msid> <---> <unit>
            ddict   --- a dictionary of description: <msid> <---> <description>
            ltype   --- date length: week, short, one, five, long
            mtype   --- data type: mid, min, max
            ptype   --- static or interactive
    output: <catg>_main.html
#--- create links to other pages

    line = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>Envelope Trending  Plots: ' 
    line = line + catg.upper() + '</title>\n'
    line = line + '</head>\n<body style="width:95%;margin-left:10px; margin-right;'
    line = line + '10px;background-color:#FAEBD7;'
    line = line + 'font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif">\n\n'

    line = line + '<div style="float:right;padding-right:50px;font-size:120%">\n'
    line = line + '<a href="../mta_trending_main.html" '
    line = line + 'style="float:right;padding-right:50px;font-size:80%">'
    line = line + '<b>Back to Top</b></a><br />\n'

    line = line + '</div>\n'

    line = line + '<h3 style="padding-bottom:0px">' + catg.upper() + ' '

    if ptype == 'static':
        line = line + '<br /> Static Version: '
        line = line + '<br /> Interactive Version: '

    if mtype == 'min':
        line = line +  ' Min --- '
    elif mtype == 'max':
        line = line +  ' Max --- '
        line = line +  ' Mean --- ' 

    if ltype == 'week':
        line = line +  ' One Week '
    elif ltype == 'short':
        line = line +  ' Last Three Months '
    elif ltype == 'one':
        line = line +  ' Last One Years '
    elif ltype == 'five':
        line = line +  ' Last Five years '
        line = line +  ' Full Range '

    line = line + '</h3>\n'
#--- link to the other plot category
    line = line + create_link_names(catg, ltype, mtype, ptype)

    line = line + '<p style="margin-left:35px; margin-right:35px;">'
    line = line + '<em><b>Delta/Yr</b></em> below is a slope of the liear fitting '
    line = line + 'over the data of the period. '
    line = line + '<em><b>Delta/Yr/Yr</b></em> is a slope of the liner fitting '
    line = line + 'over the devivative data of the period. <em><b>Slope</b></em> '
    line = line + 'listed on a linked plot is the slope computed on '
    line = line + 'the last few periods of the  data to show the direction of the trend, '
    line = line + 'and different from that of Delta/Yr.</p>'
    line = line + '<div style="padding-bottom:30px;"></div>'

    line = line + '<div style="text-align:center">\n\n'
    line = line + '<table border=1 cellspacing=2 style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'
    line = line + 'text-align:center;">\n'
    line = line + '<th>MSID</th><th>Mean</th><th>RMS</th><th>Delta/Yr</th><th>Delta/Yr/Yr</th>'
    line = line + '<th>Unit</th><th>Description</th><th>Limit Violation</th>\n'
#--- create a table with one row for each msid
    violation_save = []
    for ent in h_list:
        atemp = re.split('_plot', ent)
        msid  = atemp[0]
#--- read fitting results
            [a, b, d, avg, std, da, db, dd] = extract_data(catg, msid, ltype, mtype)
            [a, b, d, avg, std, da, db, dd] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#--- check whether plot html file exist
        cfile = check_plot_existance(msid, catg, ltype, mtype, ptype)
        if cfile == False:
#--- hrc has 4 different entries (all, hrc i, hrc s, and off cases) 
#--- but share the same unit and descriptions
        msidp = msid.replace('_i', '')
        msidp = msidp.replace('_s', '')
        msidp = msidp.replace('_off', '')
            unit  = udict[msidp]
            discp = ddict[msidp]
#--- convert all F and most C temperature to K, exception: if the uint is "C", leave as it is
            if unit == 'DEGF':
                unit = 'K'
            elif unit == 'DEGC':
                if msid[:-2].lower() != 'tc':
                    unit = 'K'
            unit  = '---'
            discp = msid
#--- check violation status; if it is 'na', there is no data
        [vnote, color] = create_status(msid, catg, ytime)
#--- save the violation description if msid is in the violation range
        if color != 'black':
            violation_save.append([msid, vnote])

        cfile = check_plot_existance(msid, catg, ltype, mtype, ptype)

        if (abs(float(b)) > 100) or (abs(float(b)) < 0.001):
            fline = ecf.modify_slope_dicimal(float(b), float(d))
            fline =  b + '+/-' + d

        fline = check_na_std(fline)

        if (abs(float(db)) > 100) or (abs(float(db)) < 0.001):
            dline = ecf.modify_slope_dicimal(float(db), float(dd))
            dline =  db + '+/-' + dd

        dline = check_na_std(dline)

        if cfile == False:
            line = line + '<tr>\n<th>' + msid +'</a></th>'
            line = line + '<td>' + avg + '</td><td>' + std + '</td><td>' + fline + '</td>'
            line = line + '<td>' + dline + '</td><td>' + unit +'</td><td>' + discp + '</td>'
            line = line + '<th style="font-size:90%;color:#B22222;padding-left:10px;'
            line = line + 'padding-right:10px">No Data</th>\n</tr>\n'
            xfile = cfile.replace('www\/','')
            ctemp = re.split('\/', cfile)
            xfile = ctemp[-2] + '/' + ctemp[-1]
            line = line + '<tr>\n<th><a href="'+ xfile  +  '">' + msid +'</a></th>'
            line = line + '<td>' + avg + '</td><td>' + std + '</td><td>' + fline + '</td>'
            line = line + '<td>' + dline + '</td><td>' + unit +'</td><td>' + discp + '</td>'
            line = line + '<th style="font-size:90%;color:' + color + ';padding-left:10px;'
            line = line + 'padding-right:10px">' + vnote + '</th>\n</tr>\n'

    line = line + '</table>\n'

    line = line + '</div>\n'

    fout = chs.read_template('html_close')
    line = line +  fout
#--- category html has the tail of "_main.html"
        name = create_out_name(catg, ltype, mtype, ptype)
        with  open(name, 'w') as fo:

    vout = web_dir + catg + '/violations'
    if len(violation_save) ==  0:
        line = ''
        for ent in violation_save:
            if len(ent[0]) < 8:
                line = line + ent[0] + '\t\t' + ent[1] + '\n'
                line = line + ent[0] + '\t'   + ent[1] + '\n'

        with open(vout, 'w') as fo:
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_plot_html_page(msid, msid_list, group, descrip, trend_list, dev_list, dtype, mtype, mta_msids):
    create a html page to display the trend plot
    input:  msid        --- msid
            msid_list   --- the list of msids in the group
            group       --- group name to which msid belongs
            descrip     --- description of the msid
            trend_list  --- a list of trend plot files
            dev_list    --- a list of deviation plot files
            dtype       --- data type, week, short, year, five, or long
            mtype       --- data type, mid, min, max
            mta_msids   --- a list of mta created msids
    output: plot <web_dir>/<msid>_plot.html
#--- read javascript file
    jscript = chs.read_template('java_script_deposit')
#--- set web page names including link back pages
    [tweb, hname, other, other_list] = set_link_htmls(group, msid, dtype, mtype)
#--- pop up limit table web address
    file_name = web_address + group +  '/Limit_table/' + msid + '_limit_table.html'
#--- start creating html page
    repl = [["#MSID#",  msid.upper()], ["#JAVASCRIPT#", jscript], ["#STYLE#", '']]
    out = chs.read_template('html_head', repl )

    out = out + '<div style="float:right;padding-right:50px;">'
    out = out + '<a href="' + tweb + '" '
    out = out + 'style="text-align:right"><b>Back to ' + group + ' Page</b></a><br />\n'
    out = out + '<b><a href = "' + web_address + 'mta_trending_main.html">Back To Top</a><br />\n'
#--- interactive/static page link back
    out = out + '<a href="'  + other  + '" style="text-align:right">'
    out = out + '</a><br />\n'
    out = out + '<b><a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + web_address 
    out = out + '/how_to_create_plots.html\')" style="text-align:right">'
    out = out + 'How the Plots Are Created</a></b><br />\n'
#--- prev and next msid
    out = out + make_msid_link(msid, msid_list, group,  dtype, mtype)

    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- title of the page 
    out = out + set_title(msid, descrip, dtype, mtype)
#--- popup limit table link
    out = out + '<div style="paddng-top:10px"><h3>'
    out = out + 'Open <a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + file_name + '\')" '
    out = out + 'style="text-align:right">Limit Table</a>.'
    out = out + '</h3>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- link to the other type of length plots
    out = out + create_period_link(other_list, msid, dtype, mtype)

    for plotname in trend_list:
        out = out + '<img src="' + plotname + '" width=80%>'
        out = out + '<br />\n'
#--- msid is mta created one, don't put the interactive page link
    if msid in mta_msids:
        out = out + '<br><br>\n'
        phpfile  = web_address + "Interactive/msid_data_interactive.php"
        int_note = web_address + 'interactive_note.html'
        out = out + '<div style="padding-bottom:10px;font-size:90%;">\n';
        if msid.lower() in exclude_from_interactive:
            out = out + '<h3>This Data Set Cannot Produce an Interactive Plot</h3>\n'
            out = out + '<h3>Create an Interactive Plot ('
            out = out + '<a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + int_note + '\')" '
            out = out + 'style="text-align:right">Usage Note</a>'
            out = out + ')</h3>\n'
            out = out + '<form method="post" action=' + phpfile + '>\n'
            out = out + '<b>Starting Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstart"  size=20>\n'
            out = out + '<b>Stopping Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstop"  size=20>\n'
            out = out + '<b>Bin Size:</b>      <input type="text" name="binsize"  '
            out = out + 'value=300.0 size=10>\n '
            out = out + '<b>Data Type:</b>\n '
            out = out + '<select id="mstype", name="mstype">\n'
            if mtype == 'mid':
                out = out + '   <option value="mid" selected>Mean</option>\n'
                out = out + '   <option value="mid">Mean</option>\n'
            out = out + '   <option value="med">Median</option>\n'
            if mtype == 'min':
                out = out + '   <option value="min" selected>Minimum</option>\n'
                out = out + '   <option value="min">Minimum</option>\n'
            if mtype == 'max':
                out = out + '   <option value="max" selected>Maximum</option>\n'
                out = out + '   <option value="max">Maximum</option>\n'
            out = out + '</select>\n'

        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="dtype" value="' + dtype + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="mtype" value="' + mtype + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="msid"  value="' + msid  + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="group" value="' + group + '">\n'
        out = out + '</br><span style="text-align:right;"><input type=submit '
        out = out + 'name="submit" value="Submit"></span>\n'
        out = out + '<br />\n'
        out = out + '</form>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- add the derivative plot
    out = out + '<h3>Derivative Plot</h3>\n'
    for ent in dev_list:
        out = out + '<img src="' + ent + '" width=80%>'
        out = out + '<br />'
#--- add the link to other plots in a table format
    [lout, gname] = get_group_names(msid, group,  dtype, mtype)
    if lout != '':
        out = out + '<h3>Other msids in this group: ' + gname + '</h3>'
        out = out + lout
#--- close html page
    date = mcf.today_date_display2()
    out  = out + chs.read_template('html_close', repl=[['#TODAY#', date]])
#--- write out the html data
    with open(hname, 'w') as fo:
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_plot_html_page(msid, group, ltype, mtype, descrip, pout, bin_size):
    create a html page to display the trend plot
    input:  msid        --- msid
            group       --- group name to which msid belongs
            ltype       --- week, short etc, but usually week for the interactive
            mtype       --- mid, max, min, but usually mid
            descrip     --- description of the msid
            pout        --- plot in html format' it is <blank> if this is a static version
    output: plot <web_dir>/Interactive/<msid>_tmin_avg.html
    #--- copy an empty page to the position so that the user won't get an error message
    hname = web_dir + 'Interactive/' + msid + '_inter_avg.html'

    cmd = 'cp ' + house_keeping + '/Templates/no_page_yet ' + hname
    cmd = 'chmod 777 ' + hname
    #--- read javascript file
    jscript = chs.read_template('java_script_deposit')
    #--- pop up limit table web address
    file_name = web_address + group + '/Limit_table/' + msid + '_limit_table.html'
    #--- start creating html page
    repl = [["#MSID#", msid.upper()], ["#JAVASCRIPT#", jscript],
            ["#STYLE#", '']]
    out = chs.read_template('html_head', repl)
    #--- title of the page
    if bin_size == 0.0:
        out = out + '<h2>' + msid + ' <span style="font-size:90%;">(Full Resolution)</span></h2>'
        out = out + '<h2>' + msid + ' <span style="font-size:90%;">(Bin Size: ' + str(
            bin_size) + ' sec)</span></h2>'
#--- popup limit table link
    out = out + '<div style="paddng-top:10px"><h3>'
    out = out + 'Open <a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + file_name + '\')" style="text-align:right">Limit Table</a>.'
    out = out + '</h3>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'
    #--- interactive page case
    if (pout == False) or (str(pout) == 'na'):
        out = out + '<h3 style="padding-top:200px;padding-bottom:200px">No Data/No Plot</h3>'
        out = out + '<div style="text-align:center;">'
        out = out + pout
        out = out + '</div>'
#---- changing the time span, step etc again
    phpfile = web_address + "Interactive/msid_data_interactive.php"
    int_note = web_address + 'interactive_note.html'

    out = out + '<div style="padding-bottom:10px;font-size:90%;">\n'
    out = out + '<h3>Change the Interactive Plot Parameters ('
    out = out + '<a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + int_note + '\')" style="text-align:right">Usage Note</a>'
    out = out + ')</h3>\n'
    out = out + '<form method="post" action=' + phpfile + '>\n'
    out = out + '<b>Starting Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstart"  size=20>\n'
    out = out + '<b>Stopping Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstop"  size=20>\n'
    out = out + '<b>Bin Size:</b>      <input type="text" name="binsize"  value=300.0 size=10>\n '

    out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="ltype" value="' + ltype + '">\n'
    out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="mtype" value="' + mtype + '">\n'
    out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="msid"  value="' + msid + '">\n'
    out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="group" value="' + group + '">\n'
    out = out + '</br><span style="text-align:right;"><input type=submit name="submit" value="Submit"></span>\n'
    out = out + '<br />\n'
    out = out + '</form>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'

    out = out + chs.read_template('interact_descript')

    #--- add the derivative plot
    ###    dplotname = web_dir + 'Interactive/' + msid + '_inters_avg_dev.png'
    ###    out = out + '<h3>Derivative Plot</h3>\n'
    ###    out = out + '<img src="' + dplotname + '" width=80%>'
    #--- close html page
    out = out + chs.read_template('html_close')
    #--- write out the html data
    fo = open(hname, 'w')

    cmd = 'chmod 777 ' + hname
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_top_html():
    create the top html page
    input:  none
    output: <web_dir>/mta_trending_main.html
    dline = '<th colspan=4 class="blue">Full Range</th>\n'
    dline = dline + '<th colspan=4 class="blue">Past 5 Years</th>\n'
    dline = dline + '<th colspan=4 class="blue">Past 1 Year</th>\n'
    dline = dline + '<th colspan=4 class="blue">Quarterly</th>\n'
    dline = dline + '<th colspan=4 class="blue">Weekly</th>\n'
    dline = dline + '</tr>\n'
    #--- read descriptions of groups and create dictionaries etc
    gfile = house_keeping + 'group_descriptions'
    gdata = mcf.read_data_file(gfile)

    g_list = []
    gn_dict = {}
    gd_dict = {}
    gn_list = []
    g_disc = []
    p_dict = {}

    for ent in gdata:
        mc = re.search('#', ent)
        if mc is not None:
            ent = ent.replace('#', '')
            gname = ent
        elif ent == "":
            gn_dict[gname] = gn_list
            gd_dict[gname] = g_disc
            gn_list = []
            g_disc = []

            atemp = re.split('::', ent)

            p_dict[atemp[0].lower()] = atemp[1]

    mlist = ('mid', 'min', 'max')
    mname = ('Avg', 'Min', 'Max')
    #--- go through each main group
    line = ''
    for gval in g_list:
        group_list = gn_dict[gval]
        discip_list = gd_dict[gval]

        line = line + '<tr><th class="blue">' + gval + '</th>\n'
        line = line + dline

        for k in range(0, len(group_list)):
            gnam = group_list[k].lower()

            if gnam == 'hrcveto_eph':

            line = line + '<tr>\n'
            line = line + '<th>' + discip_list[k] + '</th</tr>\n'

            mpart = '<td><a href="./' + gnam.capitalize() + '/' + gnam + '_'

            for ltype in ('long', 'five', 'one', 'short', 'week'):
                for m in range(0, 3):
                    line = line + mpart + mlist[m] + '_static_' + ltype
                    line = line + '_main.html">' + mname[m] + '</a></td>\n'
                line = line + '<td class="blue"></td>\n'

            line = line + '</tr>\n'

        line = line + '<tr><th colspan=21>&#160;</th></tr>\n\n'

    line = line + '</tr>\n'

    j_script = chs.read_template('java_script_deposit')
    #--- the template for the main part
    page = chs.read_template('top_template')

    top_note = '<p><b><em>This page provides trending and limit predictions '
    top_note = top_note + 'for various Chandra subsystems.</em></b></p>'

    page = page.replace('#JAVASCRIPT#', j_script)
    page = page.replace('#TITLE#', 'MTA MSID Trending')
    page = page.replace('#TABLE#', line)
    page = page.replace('<!-- INTRO -->', top_note)
    page = page.replace('#EXPLANATIONS#', '')

    page = page.replace('#OTHER_H#', 'mta_trending_sun_angle_main.html')
    page = page.replace('#OTHER#', 'Sun Angle Page')

    page = page.replace('#OTHER_H2#', 'mta_trending_eph_tephin_main.html')
    page = page.replace('#OTHER2#', 'EPHIN Values vs. Temperature Page')

    page = page.replace('#OTHER_H3#', 'mta_trending_hrcveto_eph_main.html')
    page = page.replace('#OTHER3#', 'HRC Shield Rates vs. EPHIN Rates')

    page = page.replace('#VIO1#', 'yellow_violation.html')
    page = page.replace('#VIO2#', 'red_violation.html')

    page = page.replace('#PAGE_EXP#', 'how_to_create_plots.html')
    #--- add the potential violation candidate table
    violation_table = find_future_violation(p_dict)

    if violation_table != 'na':
        page = page.replace('#VIOLATION#', violation_table)
#--- the template for the closing part
    pclose = chs.read_template('html_close')
    page = page + pclose

    outfile = web_dir + 'mta_trending_main.html'
    with open(outfile, 'w') as fo:
#---- update violation pages
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_plot_html_page(msid, msid_list, group, descrip, pout, plotname, ltype, mtype, plink):
    create a html page to display the trend plot
    input:  msid        --- msid
            msid_list   --- the list of msids in the group
            group       --- group name to which msid belongs
            descrip     --- description of the msid
            pout        --- plot in html format' it is <blank> if this is a static version
            plotname    --- the name of the png file; it is <blank> 
                            if this is an interacitve version
            ltype       --- data type, week, short, one, five, or long
            mtype       --- data type, mid, min, max
    output: plot <web_dir>/<msid>_plot.html
    if plotname == "":
        ptype = 'inter'
        ptype = 'static'
#--- read javascript file
    jscript = chs.read_template('java_script_deposit')
#--- set web page names including link back pages
    [tweb, hname, other, other_list] = set_link_htmls(group, msid, ltype, mtype, ptype)
#--- pop up limit table web address
    file_name = web_address + group +  '/Limit_table/' + msid + '_limit_table.html'
#--- start creating html page
    repl = [["#MSID#",  msid.upper()], ["#JAVASCRIPT#", jscript], ["#STYLE#", '']]
    out = chs.read_template('html_head', repl )

    out = out + '<div style="float:right;padding-right:50px;">'
    out = out + '<a href="' + tweb + '" '
    out = out + 'style="text-align:right"><b>Back to ' + group + ' Page</b></a><br />\n'
    out = out + '<b><a href = "' + web_address + 'mta_trending_main.html">Back To Top</a><br />\n'
#--- interactive/static page link back
    out = out + '<a href="'  + other  + '" style="text-align:right">'
    if ptype == 'inter':
        out = out + '<b>Open Static Version</b>'
        if plink == 'inter':
            out = out + '<b>Open Interactive Version</b>'

    out = out + '</a><br />\n'
    out = out + '<b><a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + web_address 
    out = out + '/how_to_create_plots.html\')" style="text-align:right">'
    out = out + 'How the Plots Are Created</a></b><br />\n'
#--- prev and next msid
    out = out + make_msid_link(msid, msid_list, group,  ltype, mtype, ptype)

    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- title of the page 
    out = out + set_title(msid, descrip, ltype, mtype, ptype)
#--- popup limit table link
    out = out + '<div style="paddng-top:10px"><h3>'
    out = out + 'Open <a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + file_name + '\')" '
    out = out + 'style="text-align:right">Limit Table</a>.'
    out = out + '</h3>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- link to the other type of length plots
    out = out + create_period_link(other_list)
#--- interactive page case
    if plotname == "":
        if (pout == False) or (str(pout) == 'na'):
            out = out + '<h3 style="padding-top:200px;padding-bottom:200px">No Data/No Plot</h3>'
            out = out +  '<div style="margin-left:-30px;">'
            out = out +  pout
            out = out + '</div>'

        out = out + chs.read_template('interact_descript')
#--- static page case
        out = out + '<img src="' + plotname + '" width=80%>'

    phpfile  = web_address + "Interactive/msid_data_interactive.php"
    int_note = web_address + 'interactive_note.html'

    out = out + '<div style="padding-bottom:10px;font-size:90%;">\n';
    if group.lower() in exclude_from_interactive:
        out = out + '<h3>This Data Set Cannot Produce an Interactive Plot</h3>\n'
        out = out + '<h3>Create an Interactive Plot ('
        out = out + '<a href="javascript:popitup(\'' + int_note + '\')" '
        out = out + 'style="text-align:right">Usage Note</a>'
        out = out + ')</h3>\n'
        out = out + '<form method="post" action=' + phpfile + '>\n'
        out = out + '<b>Starting Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstart"  size=20>\n'
        out = out + '<b>Stopping Time:</b> <input type="text" name="tstop"  size=20>\n'
        out = out + '<b>Bin Size:</b>      <input type="text" name="binsize"  '
        out = out + 'value=300.0 size=10>\n '

        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="ltype" value="' + ltype + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="mtype" value="' + mtype + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="msid"  value="' + msid  + '">\n'
        out = out + '<input type="hidden" name="group" value="' + group + '">\n'
        out = out + '</br><span style="text-align:right;"><input type=submit '
        out = out + 'name="submit" value="Submit"></span>\n'
        out = out + '<br />\n'
        out = out + '</form>\n'
    out = out + '</div>\n'
#--- add the derivative plot
    dplotname = web_address + group.capitalize() + '/' + msid.capitalize()
    dplotname = dplotname + '/Plots/' + msid + '_' + ltype + '_' + mtype + '_dev.png'

    out = out + '<h3>Derivative Plot</h3>\n'
    out = out + '<img src="' + dplotname + '" width=80%>'
#--- add the link to other plots in a table format
    [lout, gname] = get_group_names(msid, group,  ltype, mtype, ptype)
    if lout != '':
        out = out + '<h3>Other msids in this group: ' + gname + '</h3>'
        out = out + lout
#--- close html page
    out = out + chs.read_template('html_close')
#--- write out the html data
    with open(hname, 'w') as fo:
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_html(catg,
    create a html page for category <catg>
    input:  catg    --- category of the msids
            msid_list  --- a list of msids of the category
            ytime   --- current time
            udict   --- a dictionary of unit: <msid> <---> <unit>
            ddict   --- a dictionary of description: <msid> <---> <description>
            dtype   --- date length: week, short, year, five, long
            mtype   --- data type: mid, min, max
    output: <catg>_main.html
    #--- create links to other pages
    line = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>Envelope Trending  Plots: '
    line = line + catg.upper() + '</title>\n'
    line = line + '</head>\n<body style="width:95%;margin-left:10px; margin-right;'
    line = line + '10px;background-color:#FAEBD7;'
    line = line + 'font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif">\n\n'

    line = line + '<div style="float:right;padding-right:50px;font-size:120%">\n'
    line = line + '<a href="../mta_trending_main.html" '
    line = line + 'style="float:right;padding-right:50px;font-size:80%">'
    line = line + '<b>Back to Top</b></a><br />\n'

    line = line + '</div>\n'

    line = line + '<h3 style="padding-bottom:0px">' + catg.upper() + ' '

    if ptype == 'static':
        line = line + '<br /> Static Version: '
        line = line + '<br /> Interactive Version: '

    if mtype == 'min':
        line = line + ' Min --- '
    elif mtype == 'max':
        line = line + ' Max --- '
        line = line + ' Mean --- '

    if dtype == 'week':
        line = line + ' One Week '
    elif dtype == 'short':
        line = line + ' Last Three Months '
    elif dtype == 'year':
        line = line + ' Last One Years '
    elif dtype == 'five':
        line = line + ' Last Five years '
        line = line + ' Full Range '

    line = line + '</h3>\n'
    #--- link to the other plot category
    line = line + create_link_names(catg, dtype, mtype, ptype)

    line = line + '<p style="margin-left:35px; margin-right:35px;">'
    line = line + '<em><b>Delta/Yr</b></em> below is a slope of the liear fitting '
    line = line + 'over the data of the period. '
    line = line + '<em><b>Delta/Yr/Yr</b></em> is a slope of the liner fitting '
    line = line + 'over the devivative data of the period. <em><b>Slope</b></em> '
    line = line + 'listed on a linked plot is the slope computed on '
    line = line + 'the last few periods of the  data to show the direction of the trend, '
    line = line + 'and different from that of Delta/Yr.</p>'
    line = line + '<div style="padding-bottom:30px;"></div>'

    line = line + '<div style="text-align:center">\n\n'
    line = line + '<table border=1 cellspacing=2 style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'
    line = line + 'text-align:center;">\n'
    line = line + '<th>MSID</th><th>&#160;</th><th>Mean</th><th>RMS</th><th>Delta/Yr</th><th>Delta/Yr/Yr</th>'
    line = line + '<th>Unit</th><th>Description</th><th>Limit Violation</th>\n'
    #--- create a table with one row for each msid
    violation_save = []
    for msid in msid_list:
        #--- check whether plot html file exist
        cfile = check_plot_existance(msid, catg, dtype, mtype, ptype)
        if cfile == False:

        [states, fit_dict] = extract_data(catg, msid, dtype, mtype)
        slen = len(states)
            unit = udict[msid]
            discp = ddict[msid]
            #--- convert all F and most C temperature to K, exception: if the uint is "C", leave as it is
            if unit == 'DEGF':
                unit = 'K'
            elif unit == 'DEGC':
                if msid[:-2].lower() != 'tc':
                    unit = 'K'
            unit = '---'
            discp = msid

        xfile = cfile.replace('www\/', '')
        ctemp = re.split('\/', cfile)
        xfile = ctemp[-2] + '/' + ctemp[-1]
        #--- for the case there are more than one state
        if slen > 1:
            line = line + '<tr>\n'
            line = line + '<th rowspan=' + str(slen) + '>'
            line = line + '<a href="' + xfile + '">' + msid + '</a></th>'

            for k in range(0, slen):
                state = states[k]
                fit_save = fit_dict[state]
                [avg, std] = set_avg_std(fit_save[0], fit_save[1])
                [fline, dline] = set_slope_lines(fit_save[2], fit_save[3], \
                                                 fit_save[4], fit_save[5])
                #--- check violation status; if it is 'na', there is no data
                [vnote, color] = create_status(msid, dtype, mtype, state, catg,
                if color != 'black':
                    violation_save.append([msid, vnote])

                if slen == 1 and state == 'none':
                    state = '&#160;'

                line = line + '<td>' + state + '</td>'
                line = line + '<td>' + str(avg) + '</td>'
                line = line + '<td>' + str(std) + '</td>'
                line = line + '<td>' + fline + '</td>'
                line = line + '<td>' + dline + '</td>'

                if k == 0:
                    line = line + '<td rowspan=' + str(
                        slen) + '>' + unit + '</td>'
                    line = line + '<td rowspan=' + str(
                        slen) + '>' + discp + '</td>'

                line = line + '<th style="font-size:90%;color:' + color + ';padding-left:10px;'
                line = line + 'padding-right:10px">' + vnote + '</th>\n</tr>\n'
#--- for the case there is only one state
            fit_save = fit_dict[states[0]]
            [avg, std] = set_avg_std(fit_save[0], fit_save[1])
            [fline, dline] = set_slope_lines(fit_save[2], fit_save[3], \
                                             fit_save[4], fit_save[5])
            [vnote, color] = create_status(msid, dtype, mtype, 'none', catg,
            if color != 'black':
                violation_save.append([msid, vnote])

            line = line + '<tr>\n<th><a href="' + xfile + '">' + msid + '</a></th>'
            line = line + '<th>&#160;</th><td>' + str(avg) + '</td><td>'
            line = line + str(std) + '</td><td>' + fline + '</td>'
            line = line + '<td>' + dline + '</td><td>' + unit + '</td><td>' + discp + '</td>'
            line = line + '<th style="font-size:90%;color:' + color + ';padding-left:10px;'
            line = line + 'padding-right:10px">' + vnote + '</th>\n</tr>\n'

    line = line + '</table>\n'

    line = line + '</div>\n'

    out = mcf.today_date_display2()
    fout = chs.read_template('html_close', repl=[['#TODAY#', out]])

    line = line + fout
    #--- category html has the tail of "_main.html"
        name = create_out_name(catg, dtype, mtype, ptype)
        with open(name, 'w') as fo:
#--- update violation file; this will be used by the top html page
    if mtype == 'mid':
        vout = web_dir + catg + '/violations'
        if len(violation_save) == 0:
            line = ''
            for ent in violation_save:
                if len(ent[0]) < 8:
                    line = line + ent[0] + '\t\t' + ent[1] + '\n'
                    line = line + ent[0] + '\t' + ent[1] + '\n'

            with open(vout, 'w') as fo: