def clone(): rat = creature.NPC('rat', __file__, 2) rat.set_description('nasty rat', 'This is a nasty rat with gleaming red eyes.') rat.set_weight(1000) rat.set_volume(1) rat.set_combat_vars(5, 10, 10, 60) rat.set_default_weapon("sharp teeth", 5, 10, 1) rat.forbid_room('') rat.forbid_room('') return rat
def clone(): monster = creature.NPC('monster', '', aggressive=2) monster.set_description( 'terrible monster', 'This is a horrible monster. You want to run away from it.') monster.set_combat_vars(50, 60, 80, 40) monster.act_frequency = 1 monster.set_volume(100) monster.set_weight(500000) return monster
def clone(): scavenger = creature.NPC('horster', __file__, 1) scavenger.set_description( 'large red horster', 'This is a bright red horster. It scans the ground carefully, looking for things. It keeps a huge pile of things in an old bag it has.' ) scavenger.add_adjectives('large', 'red') scavenger.choices.append(take_stuff) scavenger.act_frequency = 2 bag = gametools.clone('') scavenger.insert(bag) return scavenger
def clone(): goblin = creature.NPC('goblin', __file__, 1) goblin.set_description( 'green goblin', 'This green goblin is staring at you. It keeps staring at you, then looks around the room.' ) goblin.add_adjectives('horrid', 'creepy', 'mean', 'green') goblin.set_weight(200 / 2.2) goblin.set_volume(71) goblin.armor_class = 100 goblin.combat_skill = 70 goblin.strength = 35 goblin.dexterity = 50 goblin.add_script('If anyone dares to enter our cave...') goblin.add_script('Whoever attacked us will be punished...') return goblin
def clone(): fish = creature.NPC('fish', __file__) fish.set_description('red-orange fish', 'This brightly colored fish is a red-orange. It is also quite large.') fish.add_adjectives('red-orange', 'bright', 'large') return fish
def clone(): butterfly = creature.NPC('butterfly', __file__) butterfly.set_description('butterfly', 'A pretty monarch butterfly') butterfly.add_script("""wh""") return butterfly