def populate_indicator_actions(drop):
    Populate default set of Indicator Actions into the system.

    :param drop: Drop the existing collection before trying to populate.
    :type: boolean

    # define your indicator actions here
    actions = ['Blocked Outbound At Firewall', 'Blocked Outbound At Desktop Firewall']
    if drop:
    if len(IndicatorAction.objects()) < 1:
        for action in actions:
            ia = IndicatorAction()
   = action
        print "Indicator Actions: added %s actions!" % len(actions)
        print "Indicator Actions: existing documents detected. skipping!"
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_new_indicator_action(action, analyst):
    Add a new indicator action to CRITs.

    :param action: The action to add to CRITs.
    :type action: str
    :param analyst: The user adding this action.
    :returns: True, False

    action = action.strip()
        idb_action = IndicatorAction.objects(name=action).first()
        if idb_action:
            return False
        idb_action = IndicatorAction() = action
        return True
    except ValidationError:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def class_from_id(type_, _id):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRITs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param _id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type _id: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from import ActorThreatIdentifier, Actor
    from crits.backdoors.backdoor import Backdoor
    from crits.campaigns.campaign import Campaign
    from crits.certificates.certificate import Certificate
    from crits.comments.comment import Comment
    from crits.core.source_access import SourceAccess
    from crits.core.user_role import UserRole
    from import Domain
    from import Email
    from import Event
    from crits.exploits.exploit import Exploit
    from crits.indicators.indicator import Indicator, IndicatorAction
    from crits.ips.ip import IP
    from crits.pcaps.pcap import PCAP
    from crits.raw_data.raw_data import RawData, RawDataType
    from crits.samples.sample import Sample
    from crits.screenshots.screenshot import Screenshot
    from import Target

    if not _id:
        return None

    # make sure it's a string
    _id = str(_id)

    # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise
    # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception.
    if not ObjectId.is_valid(_id.decode('utf8')):
        return None

    if type_ == 'Actor':
        return Actor.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Backdoor':
        return Backdoor.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'ActorThreatIdentifier':
        return ActorThreatIdentifier.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Campaign':
        return Campaign.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Certificate':
        return Certificate.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Domain':
        return Domain.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Email':
        return Email.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Exploit':
        return Exploit.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Indicator':
        return Indicator.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'IndicatorAction':
        return IndicatorAction.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'IP':
        return IP.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'PCAP':
        return PCAP.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'RawData':
        return RawData.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'RawDataType':
        return RawDataType.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Sample':
        return Sample.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'SourceAccess':
        return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Screenshot':
        return Screenshot.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserRole':
        return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first()
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def handle_indicator_csv(csv_data, source, method, reference, ctype, username,
    Handle adding Indicators in CSV format (file or blob).

    :param csv_data: The CSV data.
    :type csv_data: str or file handle
    :param source: The name of the source for these indicators.
    :type source: str
    :param method: The method of acquisition of this indicator.
    :type method: str
    :param reference: The reference to this data.
    :type reference: str
    :param ctype: The CSV type.
    :type ctype: str ("file" or "blob")
    :param username: The user adding these indicators.
    :type username: str
    :param add_domain: If the indicators being added are also other top-level
                       objects, add those too.
    :type add_domain: boolean
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str)

    if ctype == "file":
        cdata =
        cdata = csv_data.encode('ascii')
    data = csv.DictReader(StringIO(cdata), skipinitialspace=True)
    result = {'success': True}
    result_message = ""
    # Compute permitted values in CSV
    valid_ratings = {
        'unknown': 'unknown',
        'benign': 'benign',
        'low': 'low',
        'medium': 'medium',
        'high': 'high'}
    valid_campaign_confidence = {
        'low': 'low',
        'medium': 'medium',
        'high': 'high'}
    valid_campaigns = {}
    for c in Campaign.objects(active='on'):
        valid_campaigns[c['name'].lower().replace(' - ', '-')] = c['name']
    valid_actions = {}
    for a in IndicatorAction.objects(active='on'):
        valid_actions[a['name'].lower().replace(' - ', '-')] = a['name']
    valid_ind_types = {}
    for obj in ObjectType.objects(datatype__enum__exists=False, datatype__file__exists=False):
        if obj['object_type'] == obj['name']:
            name = obj['object_type']
            name = "%s - %s" % (obj['object_type'], obj['name'])
        valid_ind_types[name.lower().replace(' - ', '-')] = name

    # Start line-by-line import
    added = 0
    for processed, d in enumerate(data, 1):
        ind = {}
        ind['value'] = d.get('Indicator', '').lower().strip()
        ind['type'] = get_verified_field(d, valid_ind_types, 'Type')
        if not ind['value'] or not ind['type']:
            # Mandatory value missing or malformed, cannot process csv row
            i = ""
            result['success'] = False
            if not ind['value']:
                i += "No valid Indicator value "
            if not ind['type']:
                i += "No valid Indicator type "
            result_message += "Cannot process row %s: %s<br />" % (processed, i)
        campaign = get_verified_field(d, valid_campaigns, 'Campaign')
        if campaign:
            ind['campaign'] = campaign
            ind['campaign_confidence'] = get_verified_field(d, valid_campaign_confidence,
                                                            'Campaign Confidence',
        actions = d.get('Action', '')
        if actions:
            actions = get_verified_field(actions.split(','), valid_actions)
            if not actions:
                result['success'] = False
                result_message += "Cannot process row %s: Invalid Action<br />" % processed
        ind['confidence'] = get_verified_field(d, valid_ratings, 'Confidence',
        ind['impact'] = get_verified_field(d, valid_ratings, 'Impact',
        ind[form_consts.Common.BUCKET_LIST_VARIABLE_NAME] = d.get(form_consts.Common.BUCKET_LIST, '')
        ind[form_consts.Common.TICKET_VARIABLE_NAME] = d.get(form_consts.Common.TICKET, '')
            response = handle_indicator_insert(ind, source, reference, analyst=username,
                                               method=method, add_domain=add_domain)
        except Exception, e:
            result['success'] = False
            result_message += "Failure processing row %s: %s<br />" % (processed, str(e))
        if response['success']:
            if actions:
                action = {'active': 'on',
                          'analyst': username,
                          'begin_date': '',
                          'end_date': '',
                          'performed_date': '',
                          'reason': '',
                for action_type in actions:
                    action['action_type'] = action_type
                    action_add(response.get('objectid'), action)
            result['success'] = False
            result_message += "Failure processing row %s: %s<br />" % (processed, response['message'])
        added += 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def class_from_id(type_, _id):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRITs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param _id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type _id: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from crits.campaigns.campaign import Campaign
    from crits.certificates.certificate import Certificate
    from crits.comments.comment import Comment
    from crits.core.crits_mongoengine import RelationshipType
    from crits.core.source_access import SourceAccess
    from crits.core.user_role import UserRole
    from import Domain
    from import Email
    from import Event, EventType
    from crits.indicators.indicator import Indicator, IndicatorAction
    from crits.ips.ip import IP
    from crits.objects.object_type import ObjectType
    from crits.pcaps.pcap import PCAP
    from crits.raw_data.raw_data import RawData, RawDataType
    from crits.samples.backdoor import Backdoor
    from crits.samples.exploit import Exploit
    from crits.samples.sample import Sample
    from import Target

    if not _id:
        return None

    # make sure it's a string
    _id = str(_id)

    if type_ == 'Backdoor':
        return Backdoor.objects(id=_id).first()
    if type_ == 'Campaign':
        return Campaign.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Certificate':
        return Certificate.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Domain':
        return Domain.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Email':
        return Email.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'EventType':
        return EventType.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Exploit':
        return Exploit.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Indicator':
        return Indicator.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'IndicatorAction':
        return IndicatorAction.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'IP':
        return IP.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'ObjectType':
        return ObjectType.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'PCAP':
        return PCAP.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'RawData':
        return RawData.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'RawDataType':
        return RawDataType.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'RelationshipType':
        return RelationshipType.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Sample':
        return Sample.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'SourceAccess':
        return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserRole':
        return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first()
        return None