Exemplo n.º 1
	def _setNativeCamera( self, nativeCamera ):
		if type( nativeCamera ) in [ str, unicode ]:
			from cross3d import Scene
			scene = Scene()
			camera = scene._findNativeObject( nativeCamera )
			camera = nativeCamera
		if nativeCamera:
			mxs.viewport.setCamera( camera )
			return True
		return False
Exemplo n.º 2
	def _nativeModel( self ):
			\remarks	implements the AbstractSceneObject._nativeModel method to look up the native model for this object
			\sa			children
			\return		<list> [ <Py3dsMax.mxs.Object> nativeObject, .. ]
		name = self.name()
		split = name.split( '.' )
		if len( split ) > 1:
			modelName = split[0]
			from cross3d import Scene
			scene = Scene()
			return scene._findNativeObject( modelName )
		return None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _nativeModel(self):
			\remarks	implements the AbstractSceneObject._nativeModel method to look up the native model for this object
			\sa			children
			\return		<list> [ <Py3dsMax.mxs.Object> nativeObject, .. ]
        name = self.name()
        split = name.split('.')
        if len(split) > 1:
            modelName = split[0]
            from cross3d import Scene
            scene = Scene()
            return scene._findNativeObject(modelName)
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
	def exportAlembic(self, filename, **kwargs):
		from cross3d import Scene
		scene = Scene()
		job = {'filename': filename}
		objects = kwargs.get('objects', scene.selection())
		job["objects"] = ",".join([obj.name() for obj in objects])
		job['in'] = kwargs.get('in', scene.animationRange()[0])
		job['out'] = kwargs.get('out', scene.animationRange()[1])
		jobString = ";".join( [ "=".join([k,str(v)]) for k, v in job.iteritems()] )
		return xsi.alembic_export(jobString)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def exportAlembic(self, filename, **kwargs):
        from cross3d import Scene
        scene = Scene()

        job = {'filename': filename}

        objects = kwargs.get('objects', scene.selection())
        job["objects"] = ",".join([obj.name() for obj in objects])

        job['in'] = kwargs.get('in', scene.animationRange()[0])
        job['out'] = kwargs.get('out', scene.animationRange()[1])

        jobString = ";".join(
            ["=".join([k, str(v)]) for k, v in job.iteritems()])
        return xsi.alembic_export(jobString)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _nativeCamera(self):
        cameraName = self.cameraName()
        if cameraName in self.sceneCameras:
            cameraName = "Views.View%s.%sCamera" % (self.name, cameraName)

        if cameraName == 'Render Pass':
            from cross3d import Scene
            scene = Scene()
            renderPass = self.scene.currentRenderPass()
            cameraName = renderPass.camera().name()
        if cameraName:
            return xsi.Dictionary.GetObject(cameraName)
            return None
Exemplo n.º 7
	def dispatchEvent(self, signal, *args):
		print 'Dispatching event', signal
		if ( self.signalsBlocked() ):
		# emit a defined pyqtSignal
		if ( hasattr(Dispatch,signal) and type(getattr(Dispatch,signal)).__name__ == 'pyqtBoundSignal' ):
			# this should identify the object type before emiting it if it needs to emit something
			getattr(Dispatch,signal).emit(SceneObject(Scene.instance(), args[0]))
		# elif process application specific signals like xsi's value changed
		# otherwise emit a custom signal
			from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL
			self.emit( SIGNAL( signal ), *args )
		# emit linked signals
		if ( signal in self._linkedSignals ):
			for trigger in self._linkedSignals[signal]:
				self.dispatch( trigger )
Exemplo n.º 8
    def dispatchEvent(self, signal, *args):
        print 'Dispatching event', signal
        if (self.signalsBlocked()):

        # emit a defined pyqtSignal
        if (hasattr(Dispatch, signal) and type(getattr(
                Dispatch, signal)).__name__ == 'pyqtBoundSignal'):
            # this should identify the object type before emiting it if it needs to emit something
                    signal).emit(SceneObject(Scene.instance(), args[0]))

        # elif process application specific signals like xsi's value changed

        # otherwise emit a custom signal
            from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL
            self.emit(SIGNAL(signal), *args)

        # emit linked signals
        if (signal in self._linkedSignals):
            for trigger in self._linkedSignals[signal]:
	def _nativeCamera( self ):
		cameraName = self.nativePointer().Camera.Value
		from cross3d import Scene
		scene = Scene()
		return scene.findObject( cameraName )
Exemplo n.º 10
import sys
from Py3dsMax import mxs
exLibs = "C:/Python2.7.6/Lib/site-packages/"
if not exLibs in sys.path:
import MaxPlus
from cross3d import Scene
scene = Scene()
print scene.currentFileName()
print len(scene.objects())
for obj in scene.objects():
    MaxPlus.Core.EvalMAXScript("print %s" % obj)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def fromDictionary(
        """Creates a new material from the given dictionary.

		A new material is created from the description provided in the given
		dictionary.  For more information on the structure of the dictionary
		expected, please see the documentation for AbstractSceneMaterial.__iter__.

			dictionary(dict): The dictionary containing the material description.
			materialType(cross3d.constants.MaterialType): The type of material to
				create.  Default is MaterialType.Generic.
			mapType(cross3d.constants.MapType): The type of map to use.  Default
				if MapType.Generic.

        name = dictionary.get('name', None)
        maps = dictionary.get('maps', dict())
        objects = dictionary.get('objects', [])
        if materialType & MaterialType.VRay:
            mtl = mxs.VRayMtl()
            propMap = dict(diffuse='texmap_diffuse', )
            mtl = mxs.StandardMaterial()
            propMap = dict(diffuse='diffuseMap', )
        if name:
            mtl.name = name
        # We'll keep a running tab of loaders and reuse those that
        # point to the same files.  We can also go ahead and pull
        # the existing loaders of the correct type from the scene
        # so that we can potentially reuse those, as well.
        mapRefs = dict()
        if mapType & MapType.VRay:
            for bm in mxs.getClassInstances(mxs.vrayhdri):
                mapPath = bm.HDRIMapName
                if mapPath:
                    mapRefs[mapPath] = bm
            for bm in mxs.getClassInstances(mxs.bitmaptex):
                mapPath = bm.fileName
                if mapPath:
                    mapRefs[mapPath] = bm
        for prop, mapPath in maps.iteritems():
            if prop in propMap:
                # If a loader already exists for this map, then use
                # that rather than constructing a duplicate.
                if mapPath in mapRefs:
                    bitmap = mapRefs[mapPath]
                elif mapType & MapType.VRay:
                    bitmap = mxs.vrayhdri()
                    bitmap.HDRIMapName = mapPath
                    mapRefs[mapPath] = bitmap
                    bitmap = mxs.bitmaptex()
                    bitmap.fileName = mapPath
                    mapRefs[mapPath] = bitmap
                bitmap.name = os.path.basename(mapPath) + '_{}'.format(prop)
                mtl.setProperty(propMap[prop], bitmap)
        # If we have a list of object names that the material
        # should be assigned to, get the object by name and do so.
        for objName in objects:
            obj = mxs.getNodeByName(objName)
            if obj:
                obj.material = mtl
        scn = Scene()
        return StudiomaxSceneMaterial(scn, mtl)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _nativeCamera(self):
     cameraName = self.nativePointer().Camera.Value
     from cross3d import Scene
     scene = Scene()
     return scene.findObject(cameraName)