Exemplo n.º 1
def doAll(srcDir, oiFile, tiFile):

    oiMatch = BlindMatch()
    tiMatch = BlindMatch()

    oiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (srcDir, oiFile))
    tiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (srcDir, tiFile))

    tiXY, mchIdxsTi = tiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(tiData)
    oiXY, mchIdxsOi = oiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(oiData)

    if len(tiXY) == 0:
        print("%s create feature failure" % (tiFile))
    elif len(oiXY) == 0:
        print("%s create feature failure" % (oiFile))
        tarray = np.array(mchIdxsTi)
        tDist = tarray[:, :, 2]
        tiTree = KDTree(tDist)

        totalMatchNum = 0
        mchList = []
        for i, oIdx in enumerate(mchIdxsOi):
            td = oIdx[:, 2]
            mchIdx = tiTree.query_ball_point(td, 20)

            if len(mchIdx) > 0:
                for ii, tidx0 in enumerate(mchIdx):
                    tdata00 = tarray[tidx0]
                    dm, isMchOk = oiMatch.blindDistMatch(oIdx, tdata00, 1, 5)
                    if isMchOk:
                        #print("query %d KDTree match %d, precisely match %dth with %d point"%(i, len(mchIdx), ii, len(dm)))
                        omIdx = dm[:, 0]
                        tmIdx = dm[:, 1]
                        oxy01 = oiXY[i]
                        txy02 = tiXY[tidx0]
                        totalMatchNum += 1

                        opos = omIdx[:, 0:2]
                        tpos = tmIdx[:, 0:2]
                        oxy1 = np.concatenate([opos, [oxy01]])
                        txy1 = np.concatenate([tpos, [txy02]])
                        mchList.append((oxy1, txy1))
                        ox1 = omIdx[:,0]
                        oy1 = omIdx[:,1]
                        tx2 = tmIdx[:,0]
                        ty2 = tmIdx[:,1]

        if len(mchList) > 1:
            print("total Match key points %d" % (totalMatchNum))
            starOiTi, xshift, yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial(
                mchList, oiData, 2)  # posTransPolynomial posTransPerspective
            #print("fitting: xshift=%.2f, yshift=%.2f, xrotation=%.5f, yrotation=%.5f"%(xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation))

            mchRadius = 4
            starttime = datetime.now()
            crossMatch = CrossMatch()
            #tiData = crossMatch.filterStar(tiData)
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTi, mchRadius)
            endtime = datetime.now()
            runTime0 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
            #print("********** rematch %s use %d micro seconds"%(oiFile, runTime0))

            mchRatios0, oiPosJoin0,tiPosJoin0, mchData0, xshift0,yshift0, xrms0, yrms0 \
                = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTi, tiData, mchPosPairs)

            oiDataMch = oiData[orgPosIdxs]

            oiMchPos = oiDataMch[:, 0:2]
            tiMchPos = mchPosPairs[:, 2:4]
            starOiTiPsp2 = tiMatch.posTransPerspective2(
                oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData)
            starOiTiPly2 = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial2(oiMchPos, tiMchPos,
                                                       oiData, 3)

            starttime = datetime.now()
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTiPsp2, 4)
            endtime = datetime.now()
            runTime1 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
            #print("********** rematch %s use %d micro seconds"%(oiFile, runTime1))

            mchRatios1, oiPosJoin1,tiPosJoin1, mchData1, xshift1,yshift1, xrms1, yrms1 \
                = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPsp2, tiData, mchPosPairs)

            starttime = datetime.now()
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTiPly2, 4)
            endtime = datetime.now()
            runTime2 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
            #print("********** rematch %s use %d micro seconds"%(oiFile, runTime2))

            mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2 \
                = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPly2, tiData, mchPosPairs)

            rstStr = "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d %d "\
                "%d %d "\
                "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d \n"\
                %(oiFile, xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum, totalMatchNum, \
                  tiData.shape[0], oiData.shape[0], \
                  oiPosJoin0,tiPosJoin0, mchData0, mchRatios0, xshift0,yshift0, xrms0, yrms0,runTime0,\
                  oiPosJoin1,tiPosJoin1, mchData1, mchRatios1, xshift1,yshift1, xrms1, yrms1,runTime1,\
                  oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, mchRatios2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2,runTime2)
            print([mchData0, mchData1, mchData2])
            print([mchRatios0, mchRatios1, mchRatios2])
            print([xshift0, xshift1, xshift2])
            ''' '''
            oiDataMch = oiData[orgPosIdxs]
            oiDataNch = np.delete(oiData, orgPosIdxs, axis=0)
            oiMchPos = oiDataMch[:, 0:2].copy()
            oiNchPos = oiDataNch[:, 0:2].copy()
            oiMchPos[:, 0] = oiMchPos[:, 0] + 20
            oiNchPos[:, 0] = oiNchPos[:, 0] + 20
            tiMchPos = mchPosPairs[:, 2:4]

            crossMatch1 = CrossMatch()
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch1.xyMatch(tiData, 1)

            tiDataNch = np.delete(tiData, orgPosIdxs, axis=0)
            tiNchPos = tiDataNch[:, 0:2].copy()
            tiMchPos[:, 0] = tiMchPos[:, 0] + 20
            tiNchPos[:, 0] = tiNchPos[:, 0] + 20

Exemplo n.º 2
def doAll(tiPath, tiFile, oiPath, oiFile, oiImgPath, oiImgFile, savePath,
          origImgName, templateImgName):

    oiMatch = BlindMatch()
    tiMatch = BlindMatch()

    oiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (oiPath, oiFile))
    tiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (tiPath, tiFile))

    tiXY, mchIdxsTi = tiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(tiData,
    oiXY, mchIdxsOi = oiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(oiData,

    if len(tiXY) == 0:
        #print("%s create feature failure"%(tiFile))
        return [
    elif len(oiXY) == 0:
        #print("%s create feature failure"%(oiFile))
        return [
        tarray = np.array(mchIdxsTi)
        tDist = tarray[:, :, 2]
        tiTree = KDTree(tDist)

        totalMatchNum = 0
        mchList = []
        for i, oIdx in enumerate(mchIdxsOi):
            td = oIdx[:, 2]
            mchIdx = tiTree.query_ball_point(td, 20)  #kdTree match

            if len(mchIdx) > 0:
                for ii, tidx0 in enumerate(mchIdx):
                    tdata00 = tarray[tidx0]
                    dm, isMchOk = oiMatch.blindDistMatch(oIdx, tdata00, 1,
                                                         5)  #blind match
                    if isMchOk:
                        #print("query %d KDTree match %d, precisely match %dth with %d point"%(i, len(mchIdx), ii, len(dm)))
                        omIdx = dm[:, 0]
                        tmIdx = dm[:, 1]
                        oxy01 = oiXY[i]
                        txy02 = tiXY[tidx0]
                        totalMatchNum += 1

                        opos = omIdx[:, 0:2]
                        tpos = tmIdx[:, 0:2]
                        oxy1 = np.concatenate([opos, [oxy01]])
                        txy1 = np.concatenate([tpos, [txy02]])
                        mchList.append((oxy1, txy1))


        if len(mchList) > 1:

            #print("total Match key points %d"%(totalMatchNum))
            starOiTi, xshift, yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial(
                mchList, oiData, 2)  # posTransPolynomial posTransPerspective

            mchRadius = 4
            crossMatch = CrossMatch()
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTi, mchRadius)

            oiDataMch = oiData[orgPosIdxs]
            oiGoodIdx = crossMatch.getGoodStarIndex(oiDataMch)

            oiMchPos = oiDataMch[oiGoodIdx, 0:2]
            tiMchPos = mchPosPairs[oiGoodIdx, 2:4]

                print("blindmatch oiGoodIdx=%d" % (oiGoodIdx.shape[0]))
                starOiTiPly2, t2oX, t2oY = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial2(
                    oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData, oiImgFile, oiImgPath, savePath,
                    origImgName, templateImgName, 3)

                crossMatch = CrossMatch()
                mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTiPly2, 1.5)

                mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2 \
                    = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPly2, tiData, mchPosPairs)
                #print("mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2")
                #print((mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2))

                return [
                    totalMatchNum, xshift, yshift, xrotation, yrotation,
                    blindStarNum, mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2, tiPosJoin2, mchData2,
                    xshift2, yshift2, xrms2, yrms2, t2oX, t2oY

            except Exception as e:
                tstr = traceback.format_exc()
                return [0]
            print("blindmatch: no feature point match")
            return [0]
Exemplo n.º 3
def doAll(tiPath, tiFile, oiPath, oiFile, oiImgPath, oiImgFile, savePath, origImgName, templateImgName):
    oiMatch = BlindMatch(imgW, imgH)
    tiMatch = BlindMatch(imgW, imgH)
    oiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s"%(oiPath, oiFile))
    tiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s"%(tiPath, tiFile))
    tiXY, mchIdxsTi = tiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(tiData)
    oiXY, mchIdxsOi = oiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(oiData)
    tpath = "data/tipos%d.reg"%(len(tiXY))
    tiMatch.saveReg(tiXY, tpath, radius=18, width=3, color='red')
    tpath = "data/oipos%d.reg"%(len(oiXY))
    tiMatch.saveReg(oiXY, tpath, radius=18, width=3, color='red')
    tfeature = []
    for td1 in mchIdxsTi:
        for td2 in td1:
    tpath = "data/tifeature%d.reg"%(len(tfeature))
    tiMatch.saveReg(tfeature, tpath, radius=12, width=3, color='green')
    tfeature = []
    for td1 in mchIdxsOi:
        for td2 in td1:
    tpath = "data/oifeature%d.reg"%(len(tfeature))
    tiMatch.saveReg(tfeature, tpath, radius=12, width=3, color='green')
    if len(tiXY)==0:
        #print("%s create feature failure"%(tiFile))
        return (-1,)
    elif len(oiXY)==0:
        #print("%s create feature failure"%(oiFile))
        return (-1,)
        tarray = np.array(mchIdxsTi)
        tDist = tarray[:,:,2]
        tiTree = KDTree(tDist)
        totalMatchNum = 0
        mchList = []
        for i, oIdx in enumerate(mchIdxsOi):
            td = oIdx[:,2]
            mchIdx = tiTree.query_ball_point(td, 90) #kdTree match
            if len(mchIdx)>0:
                for ii, tidx0 in enumerate(mchIdx):
                    tdata00 = tarray[tidx0]
                    dm, isMchOk = oiMatch.blindDistMatch(oIdx, tdata00, 1, 4) #blind match 8 
                    if isMchOk:
                        #print("query %d KDTree match %d, precisely match %dth with %d point"%(i, len(mchIdx), ii, len(dm)))
                        omIdx = dm[:,0]
                        tmIdx = dm[:,1]
                        oxy01 = oiXY[i]
                        txy02 = tiXY[tidx0]
                        totalMatchNum += 1
                        opos = omIdx[:,0:2]
                        tpos = tmIdx[:,0:2]
                        oxy1 = np.concatenate([opos,[oxy01]])
                        txy1 = np.concatenate([tpos,[txy02]])
                        ox1 = omIdx[:,0]
                        oy1 = omIdx[:,1]
                        tx2 = tmIdx[:,0]
                        ty2 = tmIdx[:,1]
        if len(mchList)>1:
            print("total Match key points %d"%(totalMatchNum))
            starOiTi, xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial(mchList, oiData, 2) # posTransPolynomial posTransPerspective
            print(xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum)
            mchRadius = 4
            crossMatch = CrossMatch(imgW, imgH)
            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTi, mchRadius)            
            oiDataMch = oiData[orgPosIdxs]
            '''  '''
            oiMchPos = oiDataMch[:,0:2]
            tiMchPos = mchPosPairs[:,2:4]
            starOiTiPly2 = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial2(oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData, oiImgFile, oiImgPath, savePath, origImgName, templateImgName, 3)

            mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(starOiTiPly2, 4)
            mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2 \
                = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPly2, tiData, mchPosPairs)
            #print("mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2")
            #print((mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2))
            return (totalMatchNum, xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum, mchRatios2)
            print("blindmatch: no feature point match")
            return (0,)
Exemplo n.º 4
def doBlindMatch(srcDir, oiFile, tiFile):

    rstStr = ''
    oiMatch = BlindMatch()
    tiMatch = BlindMatch()

    oiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (srcDir, oiFile))
    tiData = np.loadtxt("%s/%s" % (srcDir, tiFile))

    dateStr, camName, fwhmMean, fwhmRms, bkgMean, bkgRms = imgStatistic(
        oiFile, oiData)

        tiXY, mchIdxsTi = tiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(tiData)

        if len(tiXY) == 0:
            print("%s create feature failure" % (tiFile))
            tarray = np.array(mchIdxsTi)
            tDist = tarray[:, :, 2]
            tiTree = KDTree(tDist)

            starttime = datetime.now()
            #createBlindMatchFeatures(self, stars, featurePoint=160, featureNum=10, searchRTimes=2, partitionNum=4)
            oiXY, mchIdxsOi = oiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(oiData)
            if len(mchIdxsOi) == 0:
                print("%s searchR %d create feature failure, reuse %d" %
                      (oiFile, 2, 2 * 2))
                oiXY, mchIdxsOi = oiMatch.createBlindMatchFeatures(
                    oiData, searchRTimes=4)

            totalMatchNum = 0
            mchList = []
            mchRadius = [20, 40, 100]
            for mchR in mchRadius:
                for i, oIdx in enumerate(mchIdxsOi):
                    td = oIdx[:, 2]
                    mchIdx = tiTree.query_ball_point(td, mchR)

                    if len(mchIdx) > 0:
                        for ii, tidx0 in enumerate(mchIdx):
                            tdata00 = tarray[tidx0]
                            dm, isMchOk = oiMatch.blindDistMatch(
                                oIdx, tdata00, 1, 5)
                            if isMchOk:
                                #print("query %d KDTree match %d, precisely match %dth with %d point"%(i, len(mchIdx), ii, len(dm)))
                                omIdx = dm[:, 0]
                                tmIdx = dm[:, 1]
                                oxy01 = oiXY[i]
                                txy02 = tiXY[tidx0]
                                totalMatchNum += 1

                                opos = omIdx[:, 0:2]
                                tpos = tmIdx[:, 0:2]
                                oxy1 = np.concatenate([opos, [oxy01]])
                                txy1 = np.concatenate([tpos, [txy02]])
                                mchList.append((oxy1, txy1))

                if len(mchList) > 5:
                elif mchR < 100:
                    mchList = []
                    print("%s radius %d matchNum %d" %
                          (oiFile, mchR, len(mchList)))

            endtime = datetime.now()
            blindMatchTime = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000

            if len(mchList) > 1:
                #print("total Match key points %d"%(totalMatchNum))
                starOiTi, xshift, yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial(
                    mchList, oiData,
                    2)  # posTransPolynomial posTransPerspective
                #print("fitting: xshift=%.2f, yshift=%.2f, xrotation=%.5f, yrotation=%.5f"%(xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation))

                mchRadius = 4
                starttime = datetime.now()
                crossMatch = CrossMatch()
                #tiData = crossMatch.filterStar(tiData)
                mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(
                    starOiTi, mchRadius)
                endtime = datetime.now()
                runTime0 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
                mchRatios0, oiPosJoin0,tiPosJoin0, mchData0, xshift0,yshift0, xrms0, yrms0 \
                    = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTi, tiData, mchPosPairs)

                oiDataMch = oiData[orgPosIdxs]
                oiMchPos = oiDataMch[:, 0:2]
                tiMchPos = mchPosPairs[:, 2:4]
                starOiTiPsp2 = tiMatch.posTransPerspective2(
                    oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData)
                starOiTiPly23 = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial2(
                    oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData, 3)
                starOiTiPly25 = tiMatch.posTransPolynomial2(
                    oiMchPos, tiMchPos, oiData, 5)

                starttime = datetime.now()
                mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(
                    starOiTiPsp2, mchRadius)
                endtime = datetime.now()
                runTime1 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
                mchRatios1, oiPosJoin1,tiPosJoin1, mchData1, xshift1,yshift1, xrms1, yrms1 \
                    = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPsp2, tiData, mchPosPairs)

                starttime = datetime.now()
                mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(
                    starOiTiPly23, mchRadius)
                endtime = datetime.now()
                runTime2 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
                mchRatios2, oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2 \
                    = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPly23, tiData, mchPosPairs)

                starttime = datetime.now()
                mchPosPairs, orgPosIdxs = crossMatch.xyMatch(
                    starOiTiPly25, mchRadius)
                endtime = datetime.now()
                runTime3 = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds() * 1000
                mchRatios3, oiPosJoin3,tiPosJoin3, mchData3, xshift3,yshift3, xrms3, yrms3 \
                    = crossMatch.evaluateMatchResult(starOiTiPly25, tiData, mchPosPairs)

                rstStr = "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d %d "\
                    "%d %d "\
                    "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                    "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                    "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                    "%s %s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
                    "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d \n"\
                    %(oiFile, xshift,yshift, xrotation, yrotation, blindStarNum, totalMatchNum, \
                      tiData.shape[0], oiData.shape[0], \
                      oiPosJoin0,tiPosJoin0, mchData0, mchRatios0, xshift0,yshift0, xrms0, yrms0,runTime0,\
                      oiPosJoin1,tiPosJoin1, mchData1, mchRatios1, xshift1,yshift1, xrms1, yrms1,runTime1,\
                      oiPosJoin2,tiPosJoin2, mchData2, mchRatios2, xshift2,yshift2, xrms2, yrms2,runTime2,\
                      dateStr, camName, fwhmMean, fwhmRms, bkgMean, bkgRms, blindMatchTime,\
                      oiPosJoin3,tiPosJoin3, mchData3, mchRatios3, xshift3,yshift3, xrms3, yrms3,runTime3)

    except Exception as e:
        print("blind match error")
        tstr = traceback.format_exc()
    if len(rstStr) == 0:
        rstStr = "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d %d "\
            "%d %d "\
            "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
            "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
            "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
            "%s %s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d "\
            "%d %d %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d \n"\
            %(oiFile, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
              tiData.shape[0], oiData.shape[0], \
              0,0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0,0,\
              0,0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0,0,\
              0,0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0,0,\
              dateStr, camName, fwhmMean, fwhmRms, bkgMean, bkgRms, 0,\
              0,0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0,0)
    return rstStr