Exemplo n.º 1
def test_aesgcm_missing_iv_on_decrypt():
    encrypter = AES_GCMEncrypter(bit_length=192)
    enc_msg = encrypter.encrypt(b"Murder must advertise.",
                                b"Dorothy L. Sayers")
    ctx, tag = split_ctx_and_tag(enc_msg)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        encrypter.decrypt(ctx, tag=tag)
def test_aesgcm_bit_length():
    encrypter = AES_GCMEncrypter(bit_length=192)
    enc_msg = encrypter.encrypt(b'Murder must advertise.',
                                b'Dorothy L. Sayers')
    ctx, tag = split_ctx_and_tag(enc_msg)
    _msg = encrypter.decrypt(ctx, iv=b'Dorothy L. Sayers', tag=tag)
    assert _msg == b'Murder must advertise.'
Exemplo n.º 3
def ver_dec_content(parts, sign_key=None, enc_key=None, sign_alg="SHA256"):
    Verifies the value of a cookie

    :param parts: The parts of the payload
    :param sign_key: A :py:class:`cryptojwt.jwk.hmac.SYMKey` instance
    :param enc_key: A :py:class:`cryptojwt.jwk.hmac.SYMKey` instance
    :param sign_alg: Which signing algorithm to was used
    :return: A tuple with basic information and a timestamp

    if parts is None:
        return None
    elif len(parts) == 3:
        # verify the cookie signature
        timestamp, load, b64_mac = parts
        mac = base64.b64decode(b64_mac)
        verifier = HMACSigner(algorithm=sign_alg)
        if verifier.verify(
                load.encode("utf-8") + timestamp.encode("utf-8"), mac, sign_key.key
            return load, timestamp
            raise VerificationError()
    elif len(parts) == 4:
        b_timestamp = parts[0]
        iv = base64.b64decode(parts[1])
        ciphertext = base64.b64decode(parts[2])
        tag = base64.b64decode(parts[3])

        decrypter = AES_GCMEncrypter(key=enc_key.key)
        msg = decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, iv, tag=tag)
        p = lv_unpack(msg.decode("utf-8"))
        load = p[0]
        timestamp = p[1]
        if len(p) == 3:
            verifier = HMACSigner(algorithm=sign_alg)
            if verifier.verify(
                    load.encode("utf-8") + timestamp.encode("utf-8"),
                return load, timestamp
            return load, timestamp
    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _decrypt_sid(self, enc_msg):
     _msg = b64d(as_bytes(enc_msg))
     encrypter = AES_GCMEncrypter(key=as_bytes(self.server_get("endpoint_context").symkey))
     ctx, tag = split_ctx_and_tag(_msg)
     return as_unicode(encrypter.decrypt(as_bytes(ctx), iv=self.iv, tag=as_bytes(tag)))