Exemplo n.º 1
            # test for centering
            centering = xl.center(h, k, l, center_type)
            if centering == False: continue
            Qpeak = xl.huq(h, k, l, UB_rotated)  # units of 1/d
            if Qpeak[0] > 0.0: continue   # x pointing downstream
            # if Qpeak[1] > 0.0: continue   # only detectors on -y side
            lenQpeak = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(Qpeak, Qpeak))   # magnitude or length of Qpeak
            dsp = 1.0 / lenQpeak
            if dsp < dmin: continue
            # ISAW uses IPNS coordinate system for SNS data
            peak_params = xl.calc_2th_wl_IPNS(Qpeak) # ISAW uses IPNS coordinate system for SNS data
            two_theta = (peak_params[0] / 180.0) * math.pi
            wl = peak_params[1]
            if wl < wlmin: continue
            if wl > wlmax: continue
            # Create neutron vectorin Q space in SNS coordinates.
            # This is the scattered vector with the origin on the crystal.
            nvector = numpy.array([Qpeak[1], Qpeak[2], Qpeak[0]+1.0/wl])

            # create neutron vector in Q space with SNS coordinates
            nvecQ = numpy.zeros(3)
            nvecQ = numpy.array([Qpeak[1], Qpeak[2], Qpeak[0]+1.0/wl])

            # Determine which detector, if any, the peak hits
            for i in range(dc.nod):
Exemplo n.º 2
            # R centering for sapphire
            sumhkl = -h + k + l
            if sumhkl%3 != 0: continue
            Qpeak = xl.huq(h, k, l, UB_IPNS)  # units of 1/d
            if Qpeak[0] > 0.0: continue   # x pointing downstream
            if Qpeak[1] > 0.0: continue   # only detectors on -y side
            lenQpeak = math.sqrt(np.dot(Qpeak, Qpeak))   # magnitude or length of Qpeak
            dsp = 1.0 / lenQpeak
            if dsp < dmin: continue
			# ISAW uses IPNS coordinate system for SNS data
            peak_params = xl.calc_2th_wl_IPNS(Qpeak)
            two_theta = (peak_params[0] / 180.0) * math.pi
            wl = peak_params[1]
            if wl < wlmin: continue
            if wl > wlmax: continue
            # Create neutron vectorin Q space in SNS coordinates.
			# This is the scattered vector with the origin on the crystal.
            nvector = np.array([Qpeak[1], Qpeak[2], Qpeak[0]+1.0/wl])

            # create neutron vector in Q space with SNS coordinates
            nvecQ = np.zeros(3)
            nvecQ = np.array([Qpeak[1], Qpeak[2], Qpeak[0]+1.0/wl])

            # Determine which detector, if any, the peak hits
            for i in range(dc.nod):