Exemplo n.º 1
    def predict(self,
        The function you want to call for the reconstruction of the
        event. It takes care of setting up the event and consecutively
        calls the functions for the direction and core position
        reconstruction.  Shower parameters not reconstructed by this
        class are set to np.nan

        hillas_dict: dict
            dictionary with telescope IDs as key and
            HillasParametersContainer instances as values
        inst : ctapipe.io.InstrumentContainer
            instrumental description
        array_pointing: SkyCoord[AltAz]
            pointing direction of the array
        telescopes_pointings: dict[SkyCoord[AltAz]]
            dictionary of pointing direction per each telescope

            if len(hillas_dict) < 2
            if any width is np.nan or 0

        # filter warnings for missing obs time. this is needed because MC data has no obs time

        # stereoscopy needs at least two telescopes
        if len(hillas_dict) < 2:
            raise TooFewTelescopesException(
                "need at least two telescopes, have {}".format(

        # check for np.nan or 0 width's as these screw up weights
        if any(
             for tel in hillas_dict]):
            raise InvalidWidthException(
                "A HillasContainer contains an ellipse of width==np.nan")

        if any([hillas_dict[tel]['width'].value == 0 for tel in hillas_dict]):
            raise InvalidWidthException(
                "A HillasContainer contains an ellipse of width==0")

        # use the single telescope pointing also for parallel pointing: code is more general
        if telescopes_pointings is None:
            telescopes_pointings = {
                tel_id: array_pointing
                for tel_id in hillas_dict.keys()
            self.divergent_mode = True
            self.corrected_angle_dict = {}

        self.initialize_hillas_planes(hillas_dict, inst.subarray,
                                      telescopes_pointings, array_pointing)

        # algebraic direction estimate
        direction, err_est_dir = self.estimate_direction()

        # array pointing is needed to define the tilted frame
        core_pos = self.estimate_core_position(hillas_dict, array_pointing)

        # container class for reconstructed showers
        result = ReconstructedShowerContainer()
        _, lat, lon = cartesian_to_spherical(*direction)

        # estimate max height of shower
        h_max = self.estimate_h_max()

        # astropy's coordinates system rotates counter-clockwise.
        # Apparently we assume it to be clockwise.
        result.alt, result.az = lat, -lon
        result.core_x = core_pos[0]
        result.core_y = core_pos[1]
        result.core_uncert = np.nan

        result.tel_ids = [h for h in hillas_dict.keys()]
        result.average_intensity = np.mean(
            [h.intensity for h in hillas_dict.values()])
        result.is_valid = True

        result.alt_uncert = err_est_dir
        result.az_uncert = np.nan

        result.h_max = h_max
        result.h_max_uncert = np.nan

        result.goodness_of_fit = np.nan

        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def predict(self, hillas_dict, inst, array_pointing, telescopes_pointings=None):

        hillas_dict: dict
            Dictionary containing Hillas parameters for all telescopes
            in reconstruction
        inst : ctapipe.io.InstrumentContainer
            instrumental description
        array_pointing: SkyCoord[AltAz]
            pointing direction of the array
        telescopes_pointings: dict[SkyCoord[AltAz]]
            dictionary of pointing direction per each telescope



        # filter warnings for missing obs time. this is needed because MC data has no obs time
        warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=MissingFrameAttributeWarning)

        # stereoscopy needs at least two telescopes
        if len(hillas_dict) < 2:
            raise TooFewTelescopesException(
                "need at least two telescopes, have {}"

        # check for np.nan or 0 width's as these screw up weights
        if any([np.isnan(hillas_dict[tel]['width'].value) for tel in hillas_dict]):
            raise InvalidWidthException(
                "A HillasContainer contains an ellipse of width==np.nan")

        if any([hillas_dict[tel]['width'].value == 0 for tel in hillas_dict]):
            raise InvalidWidthException(
                "A HillasContainer contains an ellipse of width==0")

        if telescopes_pointings is None:
            telescopes_pointings = {tel_id: array_pointing for tel_id in hillas_dict.keys()}

        tilted_frame = TiltedGroundFrame(pointing_direction=array_pointing)

        ground_positions = inst.subarray.tel_coords
        grd_coord = GroundFrame(x=ground_positions.x,

        tilt_coord = grd_coord.transform_to(tilted_frame)

        tel_x = {tel_id: tilt_coord.x[tel_id-1] for tel_id in list(hillas_dict.keys())}
        tel_y = {tel_id: tilt_coord.y[tel_id-1] for tel_id in list(hillas_dict.keys())}

        nom_frame = NominalFrame(origin=array_pointing)

        hillas_dict_mod = copy.deepcopy(hillas_dict)

        for tel_id, hillas in hillas_dict_mod.items():
            # prevent from using rads instead of meters as inputs
            assert hillas.x.to(u.m).unit == u.Unit('m')

            focal_length = inst.subarray.tel[tel_id].optics.equivalent_focal_length

            camera_frame = CameraFrame(
            cog_coords = SkyCoord(x=hillas.x, y=hillas.y, frame=camera_frame)
            cog_coords_nom = cog_coords.transform_to(nom_frame)
            hillas.x = cog_coords_nom.delta_alt
            hillas.y = cog_coords_nom.delta_az

        src_x, src_y, err_x, err_y = self.reconstruct_nominal(hillas_dict_mod)
        core_x, core_y, core_err_x, core_err_y = self.reconstruct_tilted(
            hillas_dict_mod, tel_x, tel_y)

        err_x *= u.rad
        err_y *= u.rad

        nom = SkyCoord(
            delta_az=src_x * u.rad,
            delta_alt=src_y * u.rad,
        # nom = sky_pos.transform_to(nom_frame)
        sky_pos = nom.transform_to(array_pointing.frame)

        result = ReconstructedShowerContainer()
        result.alt = sky_pos.altaz.alt.to(u.rad)
        result.az = sky_pos.altaz.az.to(u.rad)

        tilt = SkyCoord(
            x=core_x * u.m,
            y=core_y * u.m,
        grd = project_to_ground(tilt)
        result.core_x = grd.x
        result.core_y = grd.y

        x_max = self.reconstruct_xmax(
            tilt.x, tilt.y,
            tel_x, tel_y,
            90 * u.deg - array_pointing.alt,

        result.core_uncert = np.sqrt(core_err_x**2 + core_err_y**2) * u.m

        result.tel_ids = [h for h in hillas_dict_mod.keys()]
        result.average_intensity = np.mean([h.intensity for h in hillas_dict_mod.values()])
        result.is_valid = True

        src_error = np.sqrt(err_x**2 + err_y**2)
        result.alt_uncert = src_error.to(u.rad)
        result.az_uncert = src_error.to(u.rad)
        result.h_max = x_max
        result.h_max_uncert = np.nan
        result.goodness_of_fit = np.nan

        return result