Exemplo n.º 1
    def getRepoPaths( self, path_section ):
        ctxAssert( path_section in ctx_repo.REPO_PATH_SECTIONS, "Unknown path section '%s'"%(path_section) )
        paths = list()
        for repo in self.getRepositories():
            paths.extend( repo.getFullPaths( path_section ) )

        return paths
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update(self):
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal(),
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing working copy." )

        infoMessage("Updating RSpec repository '%s' (%s)"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        self.client.updateWorkingCopy( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getRSpecRevision() )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update(self):
        if not treesAreEqual( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ):

            print >>sys.stderr, '\n'
            infoMessage("Regular file repository '%s' is out of sync.\n'%s' and '%s' doesn't match. The system is unable to\nperform intelligent synchronization of non-revisioned repositories.\nDo you want to overwrite (delete and replace) the local copy '%s'\nwith the contents of the remote copy '%s'?"\
                %(self.getID(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ), 0)
            choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

            while choice not in ['yes','no']:
                infoMessage("Invalid choice, try again.", 0)
                choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

            if choice == 'yes':
                infoMessage("Updating (replacing) local copy '%s' with '%s'"\
                    %(self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref()), 1)

                shutil.rmtree( self.getAbsLocalPath() )
                shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

            elif choice == 'no':
                infoMessage("Skipping update of repository '%s'"%self.getID(), 2)

                ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled choice" )
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is up to date"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def checkout(self):
        import shutil
        import ctx_view
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )

        infoMessage("Checking out repository '%s' (%s) to '%s'"
            %(self.getID(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath()), 1)
        shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def checkout(self):
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing working copy." )

        infoMessage("Checking out RSpec repository '%s' (%s)"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        if not os.path.isdir(self.getAbsLocalPath()):
            os.makedirs( self.getAbsLocalPath() )

        self.client.checkout( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getRSpecRevision() )
Exemplo n.º 6
    def getRevisionFromWorkingCopy( self, lc_path ):
        if not os.path.exists(lc_path):
            userErrorExit("Given path to local copy '%s' is invalid"%(lc_path))

        entry = self.client.info( lc_path )

        if entry.revision.kind == pysvn.opt_revision_kind.head:
            return 'HEAD'
        elif entry.revision.kind == pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number:
            return entry.revision.number
            ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled pysvn revision kind" )
Exemplo n.º 7
 def isWorkingCopy( self, local_path ):
         entry = self.client.info( local_path )
     except pysvn.ClientError, e:
         for message, code in e.args[1]:
                 return False
             elif code == ERR_UNSUPPORTED_WORKING_COPY_FORMAT:
                 userErrorExit("Unsupported working copy format in '%s'\n \
                     Looks like the working copy was accessed using an incomptatible version of a svn client\n. \
                     PySvn currently uses svn version %s. "%(local_path, pysvn.svn_version)  )
                 ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled pysvn exception: (%d) %s. This code need to be updated." )
Exemplo n.º 8
    def checkout(self):
        import shutil
        import ctx_view
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )

        if self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_PREFER_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is accessible from its remote location, skipping checkout."
                         %(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        elif self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Checking out repository '%s' (%s) to '%s'"
                         %(self.getID(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath()), 1)
            shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

            ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled access policy '%d'"%self.getAccessPolicy() )
Exemplo n.º 9
def genTreeChecksum( root_folder, md5_checksum ):
    ctxAssert( os.path.isdir(root_folder), "Existance of folder must be checked prior to this call" )

    folder_items = os.listdir( root_folder )

    for item_name in folder_items:

        md5_checksum.update( item_name )

        item_path = os.path.join( root_folder, item_name )

        if os.path.isdir( item_path ):
            genTreeChecksum( item_path, md5_checksum ) # POINT OF RECURSION
            ctxAssert( os.path.isfile(item_path), "Path concatenation probably went wrong here" )

            f = open( item_path, 'rb' )
            contents = f.read()
            md5_checksum.update( contents )

    return md5_checksum
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update(self):
        import ctx_view

        ctxAssert( self.isLocal(), "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )
        ctxAssert( self.getAccessPolicy() != None, "No access policy has been set for repository '%s'"%(self.getID()) )

        if self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_PREFER_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is accessed from its remote location, skipping update."%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        elif self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS:

            if not treesAreEqual( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ):

                print '\n'
                infoMessage("Regular file repository '%s' is out of sync.\n'%s' and '%s' doesn't match. The system is unable to\nperform intelligent synchronization of non-revisioned repositories.\nDo you want to overwrite (delete and replace) the local copy '%s'\nwith the contents of the remote copy '%s'?"\
                             %(self.getID(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ), 0)
                choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

                while choice not in ['yes','no']:
                    infoMessage("Invalid choice, try again.", 0)
                    choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

                if   choice == 'yes':
                    infoMessage("Updating (replacing) local copy '%s' with '%s'"\
                                 %(self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref()), 1)

                    shutil.rmtree( self.getAbsLocalPath() )
                    shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

                elif choice == 'no':
                    infoMessage("Skipping update of repository '%s'"%self.getID(), 2)

                    ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled choice" )
                infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is up to date"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

            ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled access policy '%d'"%self.getAccessPolicy() )
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getRevisionFromURL( self, url ):
     url = urllib.quote(url,  safe=',~=!@#$%^&*()+|}{:?><;[]\\/')
     entry = self.client.info2( url )
     ctxAssert( entry[0][1]['rev'].kind == pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, "Revision of URL is not a number" )
     return entry[0][1]['rev'].number