def get(self, item, topic, date_time=False, indx=0, check_indx=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if indx < 0: indx += self._block_size if indx >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid index value passed to get()") if check_indx and indx >= self.stream_occupancy(item, topic): raise TOSDB_DataError("data not available at this index yet " + "(disable check_indx to avoid this error)") dts = _DateTimeStamp() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) if tytup[0] == "String": ret_str = _BUF_(data_str_max + 1) _lib_call("TOSDB_GetString", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, ret_str, data_str_max + 1, _pointer(dts) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _pchar_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) if date_time : return (ret_str.value.decode(), TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return ret_str.value.decode() else: val = tytup[1]() _lib_call("TOSDB_Get"+tytup[0], self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, _pointer(val), _pointer(dts) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) if date_time: return (val.value, TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return val.value
def stream_snapshot_from_marker(self, item, topic, date_time=False, beg=0, margin_of_safety=100, throw_if_data_lost=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = self._handle_raw_item(item) topic = self._handle_raw_topic(topic) if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") if beg < 0: beg += self._block_size if beg < 0 or beg >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid 'beg' index value") if margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY: raise TOSDB_ValueError("margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY") if throw_if_data_lost: # check this first so we don't move marker if dirty is_dirty = _uint_() _lib_call("TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_))) if is_dirty: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") mpos = _longlong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(mpos), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_longlong_))) cur_sz = mpos.value - beg + 1 if cur_sz < 0: return None tytup = _type_switch(type_bits(topic)) if tytup[0] == "String": return self._stream_snapshot_from_marker_strings( item, topic, date_time, beg, cur_sz + margin_of_safety, throw_if_data_lost, data_str_max) else: return self._stream_snapshot_from_marker_numbers( tytup, item, topic, date_time, beg, cur_sz + margin_of_safety, throw_if_data_lost)
def _get_number(self, tytup, item, topic, date_time, indx): dt = _DateTimeStamp() n = tytup[1]() _lib_call("TOSDB_Get" + tytup[0], self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, _pointer(n), _pointer(dt) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) return (n.value, TOSDB_DateTime(dt)) if date_time else n.value
def _n_from_marker_numbers(self, tytup, item, topic, date_time, n, throw_if_data_lost): nums = (tytup[1] * n)() dts = (_DateTimeStamp * n)() g = _long_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetN" + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), nums, n, dts if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), _pointer(g), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _PTR_(_long_))) g = g.value if g == 0: return None elif g < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: g *= -1 return list(zip(nums[:g], _map_dt(dts[:g])) if date_time else nums[:g])
def _item_count( self ): i_count = _ulong_() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetItemCount", self._name, _pointer(i_count) ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + " from library call", "TOSDB_GetItemCount" ) return i_count.value
def _get_item_or_topic_count(self, fname): c = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_Get" + fname + "Count", self._name, _pointer(c), arg_types=(_str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return c.value
def get_block_size(self): b_size = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetBlockSize", self._name, _pointer(b_size), arg_types=(_str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return b_size.value
def _topic_count( self ): t_count = _ulong_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTopicCount", self._name, _pointer(t_count) ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetTopicCount" ) return t_count.value
def n_from_marker(self, item, topic, date_time=False, n=1, throw_if_data_lost=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = self._handle_raw_item(item) topic = self._handle_raw_topic(topic) if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") if throw_if_data_lost: # check this first so we don't move marker if dirty is_dirty = _uint_() _lib_call("TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_))) if is_dirty: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") tytup = _type_switch(type_bits(topic)) if tytup[0] == "String": return self._n_from_marker_strings(item, topic, date_time, n, throw_if_data_lost, data_str_max) else: return self._n_from_marker_numbers(tytup, item, topic, date_time, n, throw_if_data_lost)
def _item_count(self): i_count = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetItemCount", self._name, _pointer(i_count), arg_types=(_str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return i_count.value
def _topic_count(self): t_count = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTopicCount", self._name, _pointer(t_count), arg_types=(_str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return t_count.value
def _n_from_marker_strings(self, item, topic, date_time, n, throw_if_data_lost, data_str_max): strs = _gen_str_buffers(data_str_max + 1, n) pstrs = _gen_str_buffers_ptrs(strs) dts = (_DateTimeStamp * n)() g = _long_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetNStringsFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), pstrs, n, data_str_max + 1, dts if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), _pointer(g), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _ppchar_, _uint32_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _PTR_(_long_))) g = g.value if g == 0: return None elif g < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: g *= -1 return list( _zip_cstr_dt(pstrs[:g], dts[:g] ) if date_time else _map_cstr(pstrs[:g]))
def _topic_count(self): t_count = _ulong_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTopicCount", self._name, _pointer(t_count)) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetTopicCount") return t_count.value
def _item_count(self): i_count = _ulong_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetItemCount", self._name, _pointer(i_count)) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + " from library call", "TOSDB_GetItemCount") return i_count.value
def get_block_size( self ): """ Returns the amount of historical data stored in the block """ b_size = _ulong_() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetBlockSize", self._name, _pointer(b_size)) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetBlockSize" ) return b_size.value
def get_block_size(self): """ Returns the amount of historical data stored in the block """ b_size = _ulong_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetBlockSize", self._name, _pointer(b_size)) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetBlockSize") return b_size.value
def type_bits(topic): """ Returns the type bits for a particular 'topic' topic: string representing a TOS data field('LAST','ASK', etc) returns -> value that can be logical &'d with type bit contstants (ex. QUAD_BIT) """ tybits = _uchar_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTypeBits", topic.upper().encode("ascii"), _pointer(tybits)) return tybits.value
def type_bits(topic): """ Returns the type bits for a particular 'topic' topic: string representing a TOS data field('LAST','ASK', etc) returns -> value that can be logical &'d with type bit contstants (ex. QUAD_BIT) """ b = _uint8_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTypeBits", topic.upper().encode("ascii"), _pointer(b), arg_types=(_str_,_PTR_(_uint8_)) ) return b.value
def stream_occupancy(self, item, topic): item = self._handle_raw_item(item) topic = self._handle_raw_topic(topic) occ = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(occ), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return occ.value
def type_bits( topic ): """ Returns the type bits for a particular 'topic' topic: string representing a TOS data field('LAST','ASK', etc) returns -> value that can be logical &'d with type bit contstants ( ex. QUAD_BIT ) """ tybits = _uchar_() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetTypeBits", topic.upper().encode("ascii"), _pointer(tybits) ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetTypeBits" ) return tybits.value
def type_bits(topic): """ Returns the type bits for a particular 'topic' topic: string representing a TOS data field('LAST','ASK', etc) returns -> value that can be logical &'d with type bit contstants ( ex. QUAD_BIT ) """ tybits = _uchar_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTypeBits", topic.upper().encode("ascii"), _pointer(tybits)) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetTypeBits") return tybits.value
def stream_occupancy(self, item, topic): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) occ = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(occ), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint32_))) return occ.value
def stream_occupancy(self, item, topic): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) occ = _ulong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(occ), arg_list=[_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_ulong_)]) return occ.value
def stream_occupancy( self, item, topic ): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) occ = _ulong_() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(occ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_ulong_) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy" ) return occ.value
def _get_string(self, item, topic, date_time, indx, data_str_max): dt = _DateTimeStamp() s = _BUF_(data_str_max + 1) _lib_call("TOSDB_GetString", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, s, data_str_max + 1, _pointer(dt) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _pchar_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) s = s.value.decode() return (s, TOSDB_DateTime(dt)) if date_time else s
def stream_occupancy(self, item, topic): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) occ = _ulong_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(occ), arg_list=[_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_ulong_)]) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] returned" + "from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamOccupancy") return occ.value
def type_bits(topic): """ Returns the type bits for a particular topic These type bits can be logical &'d with type bit contstants (ex. QUAD_BIT) to determine the underlying type of the topic. type_bits(topic) topic :: str :: topic string ('LAST','ASK', etc) returns -> int throws TOSDB_CLibError """ b = _uint8_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTypeBits", topic.upper().encode("ascii"), _pointer(b), arg_types=(_str_, _PTR_(_uint8_))) return b.value
def stream_snapshot_from_marker(self, item, topic, date_time=False, beg=0, margin_of_safety=100, throw_if_data_lost=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if beg < 0: beg += self._block_size if beg < 0 or beg >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid 'beg' index value") if margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY: raise TOSDB_ValueError("margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY") is_dirty = _uint_() _lib_call("TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_))) if is_dirty and throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") mpos = _longlong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(mpos), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_longlong_))) cur_sz = mpos.value - beg + 1 if cur_sz < 0: return None safe_sz = cur_sz + margin_of_safety dtss = (_DateTimeStamp * safe_sz)() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) get_size = _long_() if tytup[0] == "String": strs = [_BUF_(data_str_max + 1) for _ in range(safe_sz)] strs_array = (_pchar_ * safe_sz)(*[_cast(s, _pchar_) for s in strs]) _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStringsFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), strs_array, safe_sz, data_str_max + 1, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer(get_size), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _ppchar_, _uint32_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_))) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [ sd for sd in zip(map(_cast_cstr, strs_array[:get_size]), adj_dts) ] else: return [_cast_cstr(s) for s in strs_array[:get_size]] else: num_array = (tytup[1] * safe_sz)() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), num_array, safe_sz, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer(get_size), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_))) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [nd for nd in zip(num_array[:get_size], adj_dts)] else: return [n for n in num_array[:get_size]]
def get(self, item, topic, date_time=False, indx=0, check_indx=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if indx < 0: indx += self._block_size if indx >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid index value passed to get()") if check_indx and indx >= self.stream_occupancy(item, topic): raise TOSDB_DataError("data not available at this index yet " + "(disable check_indx to avoid this error)") dts = _DateTimeStamp() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) if tytup[0] == "String": ret_str = _BUF_(data_str_max + 1) _lib_call("TOSDB_GetString", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, ret_str, data_str_max + 1, _pointer(dts) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _pchar_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) if date_time: return (ret_str.value.decode(), TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return ret_str.value.decode() else: val = tytup[1]() _lib_call("TOSDB_Get" + tytup[0], self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, _pointer(val), _pointer(dts) if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp))) if date_time: return (val.value, TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return val.value
def get(self, item, topic, date_time=False, indx=0, check_indx=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): """ Return a single data-point from the data-stream item: any item string in the block topic: any topic string in the block date_time: (True/False) attempt to retrieve a TOSDB_DateTime object indx: index of data-points [0 to block_size), [-block_size to -1] check_indx: throw if datum doesn't exist at that particular index data_str_max: the maximum size of string data returned """ item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if indx < 0: indx += self._block_size if indx >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid index value passed to get()") if check_indx and indx >= self.stream_occupancy(item, topic): raise TOSDB_DataError("data not available at this index yet " + "(disable check_indx to avoid this error)") dts = _DateTimeStamp() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) if tytup[0] == "String": ret_str = _BUF_(data_str_max + 1) err =_lib_call( "TOSDB_GetString", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, ret_str, data_str_max + 1, ( _pointer(dts) if date_time \ else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)() ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _pchar_, _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetString") if date_time: return (ret_str.value.decode(), TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return ret_str.value.decode() else: val = tytup[1]() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_Get"+tytup[0], self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, _pointer(val), ( _pointer(dts) if date_time \ else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)() ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_Get" + tytup[0]) if date_time: return (val.value, TOSDB_DateTime(dts)) else: return val.value
def stream_snapshot_from_marker(self, item, topic, date_time=False, beg=0, margin_of_safety=100, throw_if_data_lost=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): """ Return multiple data-points(a snapshot) from the data-stream, ending where the last call began It's likely the stream will grow between consecutive calls. This call guarantees to pick up where the last get(), stream_snapshot(), or stream_snapshot_from_marker() call ended (under a few assumptions, see below). Internally the stream maintains a 'marker' that tracks the position of the last value pulled; the act of retreiving data and moving the marker can be thought of as a single, 'atomic' operation. There are three states to be aware of: 1) a 'beg' value that is greater than the marker (even if beg = 0) 2) a marker that moves through the entire stream and hits the bound 3) passing a buffer that is too small for the whole range State (1) can be caused by passing in a beginning index that is past the current marker, or by passing in 0 when the marker has yet to move. 'None' will be returned. State (2) occurs when the marker doesn't get reset before it hits the bound (block_size); as the oldest data is popped of the back of the stream it is lost (the marker can't grow past the end of the stream). State (3) occurs when an inadequately small buffer is used. The call handles buffer sizing for you by calling down to get the marker index, adjusting by 'beg' and 'margin_of_safety'. The latter helps assure the marker doesn't outgrow the buffer by the time the low-level retrieval operation completes. The default value indicates that over 100 push operations would have to take place during this call(highly unlikely). In either case (state (2) or (3)) if throw_if_data_lost is True a TOSDB_DataError will be thrown, otherwise the available data will be returned as normal. item: any item string in the block topic: any topic string in the block date_time: (True/False) attempt to retrieve a TOSDB_DateTime object beg: index of most recent data-point ( beginning of the snapshot ) margin_of_safety: (True/False) error margin for async stream growth throw_if_data_loss: (True/False) how to handle error states (see above) data_str_max: the maximum length of string data returned if beg > internal marker value: returns -> None if date_time is True: returns-> list of 2tuple else: returns -> list """ item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if beg < 0: beg += self._block_size if beg < 0 or beg >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid 'beg' index value") if margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY: raise TOSDB_ValueError("margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY") is_dirty = _uint_() err = _lib_call("TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_list=[_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_)]) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty") if is_dirty and throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") mpos = _longlong_() err2 = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(mpos), arg_list=[_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_longlong_)]) if err2: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err2) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition") cur_sz = mpos.value - beg + 1 if cur_sz < 0: return None safe_sz = cur_sz + margin_of_safety dtss = (_DateTimeStamp * safe_sz)() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) get_size = _long_() if tytup[0] == "String": # store char buffers strs = [_BUF_(data_str_max + 1) for _ in range(safe_sz)] # cast char buffers into (char*)[ ] strs_array = (_pchar_ * safe_sz)(*[cast(s, _pchar_) for s in strs]) err3 = _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStringsFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), strs_array, safe_sz, data_str_max + 1, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer(get_size), arg_list=[ _str_, _str_, _str_, _ppchar_, _ulong_, _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_) ]) if err3: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err3) + " ] returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStrings" \ + "FromMarker") get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [ _ for _ in \ zip( map( lambda x : cast(x, _str_).value.decode(), strs_array[:get_size] ), adj_dts ) ] else: return [ cast(ptr, _str_).value.decode() for ptr in strs_array[:get_size] ] else: num_array = (tytup[1] * safe_sz)() err3 = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" \ + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker" , self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), num_array, safe_sz, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer( get_size ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_) ] ) if err3: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value of [ " + str(err3) + " ] returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" \ + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker" ) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [_ for _ in zip(num_array[:get_size], adj_dts)] else: return [_ for _ in num_array[:get_size]]
def get_block_size(self): b_size = _ulong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetBlockSize", self._name, _pointer(b_size)) return b_size.value
def _topic_count(self): t_count = _ulong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetTopicCount", self._name, _pointer(t_count)) return t_count.value
def _item_count(self): i_count = _ulong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetItemCount", self._name, _pointer(i_count)) return i_count.value
def stream_snapshot_from_marker(self, item, topic, date_time=False, beg=0, margin_of_safety=100, throw_if_data_lost=True, data_str_max=STR_DATA_SZ): item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if beg < 0: beg += self._block_size if beg < 0 or beg >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid 'beg' index value") if margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY: raise TOSDB_ValueError("margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY") is_dirty = _uint_() _lib_call("TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_))) if is_dirty and throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") mpos = _longlong_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(mpos), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_longlong_))) cur_sz = mpos.value - beg + 1 if cur_sz < 0: return None safe_sz = cur_sz + margin_of_safety dtss = (_DateTimeStamp * safe_sz)() tbits = type_bits(topic) tytup = _type_switch(tbits) get_size = _long_() if tytup[0] == "String": strs = [ _BUF_( data_str_max +1) for _ in range(safe_sz) ] strs_array = (_pchar_ * safe_sz)(*[_cast(s,_pchar_) for s in strs]) _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStringsFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), strs_array, safe_sz, data_str_max + 1, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer(get_size), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _ppchar_, _uint32_, _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_))) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [sd for sd in zip(map(_cast_cstr, strs_array[:get_size]), adj_dts)] else: return [_cast_cstr(s) for s in strs_array[:get_size]] else: num_array = (tytup[1] * safe_sz)() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), num_array, safe_sz, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer(get_size), arg_types=(_str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _uint32_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_))) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [TOSDB_DateTime(x) for x in dtss[:get_size]] return [nd for nd in zip(num_array[:get_size], adj_dts)] else: return [n for n in num_array[:get_size]]
def get( self, item, topic, date_time = False, indx = 0, check_indx = True, data_str_max = STR_DATA_SZ ): """ Return a single data-point from the data-stream item: any item string in the block topic: any topic string in the block date_time: (True/False) attempt to retrieve a TOSDB_DateTime object indx: index of data-points [0 to block_size), [-block_size to -1] check_indx: throw if datum doesn't exist at that particular index data_str_max: the maximum size of string data returned """ item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if indx < 0: indx += self._block_size if indx >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError( "invalid index value passed to get()" ) if check_indx and indx >= self.stream_occupancy( item, topic ): raise TOSDB_DataError( "data not available at this index yet " + "(disable check_indx to avoid this error)" ) dts = _DateTimeStamp() tbits = type_bits( topic ) tytup = _type_switch( tbits ) if tytup[0] == "String": ret_str = _BUF_( data_str_max + 1 ) err =_lib_call( "TOSDB_GetString", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, ret_str, data_str_max + 1, ( _pointer(dts) if date_time \ else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)() ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _pchar_, _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetString" ) if date_time : return (ret_str.value.decode(), TOSDB_DateTime( dts )) else: return ret_str.value.decode() else: val = tytup[1]() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_Get"+tytup[0], self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), indx, _pointer(val), ( _pointer(dts) if date_time \ else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)() ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _long_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_Get"+tytup[0] ) if date_time: return (val.value, TOSDB_DateTime( dts )) else: return val.value
def stream_snapshot_from_marker( self, item, topic, date_time = False, beg = 0, margin_of_safety = 100, throw_if_data_lost = True, data_str_max = STR_DATA_SZ ): """ Return multiple data-points(a snapshot) from the data-stream, ending where the last call began It's likely the stream will grow between consecutive calls. This call guarantees to pick up where the last get(), stream_snapshot(), or stream_snapshot_from_marker() call ended (under a few assumptions, see below). Internally the stream maintains a 'marker' that tracks the position of the last value pulled; the act of retreiving data and moving the marker can be thought of as a single, 'atomic' operation. There are three states to be aware of: 1) a 'beg' value that is greater than the marker (even if beg = 0) 2) a marker that moves through the entire stream and hits the bound 3) passing a buffer that is too small for the whole range State (1) can be caused by passing in a beginning index that is past the current marker, or by passing in 0 when the marker has yet to move. 'None' will be returned. State (2) occurs when the marker doesn't get reset before it hits the bound (block_size); as the oldest data is popped of the back of the stream it is lost (the marker can't grow past the end of the stream). State (3) occurs when an inadequately small buffer is used. The call handles buffer sizing for you by calling down to get the marker index, adjusting by 'beg' and 'margin_of_safety'. The latter helps assure the marker doesn't outgrow the buffer by the time the low-level retrieval operation completes. The default value indicates that over 100 push operations would have to take place during this call(highly unlikely). In either case (state (2) or (3)) if throw_if_data_lost is True a TOSDB_DataError will be thrown, otherwise the available data will be returned as normal. item: any item string in the block topic: any topic string in the block date_time: (True/False) attempt to retrieve a TOSDB_DateTime object beg: index of most recent data-point ( beginning of the snapshot ) margin_of_safety: (True/False) error margin for async stream growth throw_if_data_loss: (True/False) how to handle error states (see above) data_str_max: the maximum length of string data returned if beg > internal marker value: returns -> None if date_time is True: returns-> list of 2tuple else: returns -> list """ item = item.upper() topic = topic.upper() if date_time and not self._date_time: raise TOSDB_DateTimeError("date_time not available for this block") self._valid_item(item) self._valid_topic(topic) if beg < 0: beg += self._block_size if beg < 0 or beg >= self._block_size: raise TOSDB_IndexError("invalid 'beg' index value") if margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY: raise TOSDB_ValueError("margin_of_safety < MIN_MARGIN_OF_SAFETY") is_dirty = _uint_() err = _lib_call( "TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(is_dirty), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_uint_) ] ) if err: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_IsMarkerDirty" ) if is_dirty and throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("marker is already dirty") mpos = _longlong_() err2 = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), _pointer(mpos), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(_longlong_) ]) if err2: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ "+ str(err2) + " ] " + "returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetMarkerPosition" ) cur_sz = mpos.value - beg + 1 if cur_sz < 0: return None safe_sz = cur_sz + margin_of_safety dtss = (_DateTimeStamp * safe_sz)() tbits = type_bits( topic ) tytup = _type_switch( tbits ) get_size = _long_() if tytup[0] == "String": # store char buffers strs = [ _BUF_( data_str_max +1 ) for _ in range(safe_sz) ] # cast char buffers into (char*)[ ] strs_array = (_pchar_ * safe_sz)(*[ cast(s,_pchar_) for s in strs]) err3 = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStringsFromMarker", self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), strs_array, safe_sz, data_str_max + 1, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer( get_size ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _ppchar_, _ulong_, _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_) ] ) if err3: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value [ " + str(err3) + " ] returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshotStrings" \ + "FromMarker") get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [ TOSDB_DateTime( x ) for x in dtss[:get_size] ] return [ _ for _ in \ zip( map( lambda x : cast(x, _str_).value.decode(), strs_array[:get_size] ), adj_dts ) ] else: return [ cast(ptr,_str_).value.decode() for ptr in strs_array[:get_size] ] else: num_array = (tytup[1] * safe_sz)() err3 = _lib_call( "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" \ + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker" , self._name, item.encode("ascii"), topic.encode("ascii"), num_array, safe_sz, dtss if date_time else _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp)(), beg, _pointer( get_size ), arg_list = [ _str_, _str_, _str_, _PTR_(tytup[1]), _ulong_, _PTR_(_DateTimeStamp), _long_, _PTR_(_long_) ] ) if err3: raise TOSDB_CLibError( "error value of [ " + str(err3) + " ] returned from library call", "TOSDB_GetStreamSnapshot" \ + tytup[0] + "sFromMarker" ) get_size = get_size.value if get_size == 0: return None elif get_size < 0: if throw_if_data_lost: raise TOSDB_DataError("data lost behind the 'marker'") else: get_size *= -1 if date_time: adj_dts = [ TOSDB_DateTime( x ) for x in dtss[:get_size] ] return [ _ for _ in zip( num_array[:get_size], adj_dts ) ] else: return [ _ for _ in num_array[:get_size] ]
def get_block_size(self): b = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetBlockSize", self._name, _pointer(b), arg_types=(_str_,_PTR_(_uint32_))) return b.value
def _topic_precached_count(self): t = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetPreCachedTopicCount", self._name, _pointer(t), arg_types=(_str_,_PTR_(_uint32_))) return t.value
def _item_precached_count(self): i = _uint32_() _lib_call("TOSDB_GetPreCachedItemCount", self._name, _pointer(i), arg_types=(_str_,_PTR_(_uint32_))) return i.value