Exemplo n.º 1
    def elem_write(self, mesh_name):
        meshfile = open(mesh_name, 'w')
        print('Writing ' + mesh_name + '.....')
        nelem = cubit.get_tri_count()
        print('number of elements:', str(nelem))
        meshfile.write(str(nelem) + '\n')
        num_write = 0
        temp_tri = []
        for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat, self.block_flag):
            tris = cubit.get_block_tris(block)
            for tri in tris:
                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tri', tri)

#                txt=('%10i ')% tri
#                txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes[:]
#               meshfile.write(txt)

        for tri in temp_tri:
            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tri', tri)
            txt = ('%10i ') % tri
            txt = txt + ('%10i %10i %10i\n') % nodes[:]

Exemplo n.º 2
def save_elements_nodes(name, quads_fault_u, quads_fault_d):
    fault_file = open(name, 'w')
    txt = ''
    list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'all')
    txt = '%10i %10i\n' % (len(quads_fault_u), len(quads_fault_d))

    dic_quads_fault_u = dict(zip(quads_fault_u, quads_fault_u))
    dic_quads_fault_d = dict(zip(quads_fault_d, quads_fault_d))

    for h in list_hex:
        faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex', h, 2)
        for f in faces:
            if dic_quads_fault_d.has_key(f):
                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Face', f)
                #           print 'h,fault nodes side down :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
                txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

    for h in list_hex:
        faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex', h, 2)
        for f in faces:
            if dic_quads_fault_u.has_key(f):
                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Face', f)
                #           print 'h,fault nodes side up :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
                txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

def save_elements_nodes(name,quads_fault_u,quads_fault_d):
   fault_file = open(name,'w')
   txt =''
   txt='%10i %10i\n' % (len(quads_fault_u),len(quads_fault_d))
   dic_quads_fault_u = dict(zip(quads_fault_u,quads_fault_u)) 
   dic_quads_fault_d = dict(zip(quads_fault_d,quads_fault_d)) 
   for h in list_hex: 
       faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex',h,2)  
       for f in faces:
           if dic_quads_fault_d.has_key(f): 
   #           print 'h,fault nodes side down :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
              txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

   for h in list_hex: 
       faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex',h,2)  
       for f in faces:
           if dic_quads_fault_u.has_key(f): 
   #           print 'h,fault nodes side up :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
              txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

Exemplo n.º 4
 def axis_write(self, axis_name):
     """ Write axis on file """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     axisedge = open(axis_name, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + axis_name + '.....'
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                            self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
         if block == self.axisId:  # If the block correspond to the axis
             edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                 block))  # Import all axis edges id as a Set
     toWritetoFile = [""] * (len(edges_all) + 1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % len(
         edges_all)  # Write the number of edges on the axis
     #axisedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     print 'Number of edges on the axis :', len(edges_all)
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                            self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
         for quad in quads:  # For each quad
             #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
             edges = Set(
                 cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
             )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
             # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
             intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that are on the axis
             if len(intersection) != 0:  # If this quad touch the axis
                 nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                     'face', quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                 nodes = self.jac_check(
                     list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                 for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the axis
                     node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         'edge', e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                     nodes_ok = []
                     for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                         if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to the axis
                             nodes_ok.append(i)  # Add it to nodes_ok
                     txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad, 2, nodes_ok[0],
                     #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                     # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes
                     toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                     indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 5
 def forcing_write(self,forcname):
     """ Write forcing surfaces on file : forcname """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     forceedge = open(forcname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+forcname+'.....'
     edges_forc = [Set()]*self.nforc # edges_forc[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing the forcing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of forcing edges
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iforc in range(0, self.nforc): # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
             if block == self.forcing_boun[iforc]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_forc[iforc] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_forc
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_forc[iforc]) # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(nedges_all+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     #forceedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 for iforc in range(0,self.nforc): # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_forc[iforc]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the forcing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the forcing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the forcing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to forcing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # add it to nodes_ok
                             # forcname contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the acoustic forcing edge
                             # (which currently must always be equal to two, see comment below),
                             # 3/ first node on the acforcing surface, 4/ second node on the acforcing surface
                             # 5/ 1 = IBOTTOME, 2 = IRIGHT, 3 = ITOP, 4 = ILEFT
                             #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                             #print indexFile
                             toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                             indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 6
 def abs_write(self,absname):
     """ Write absorbing surfaces on file : absname """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file.
     from sets import Set
     # if not absname: absname = self.absname
     absedge = open(absname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+absname+'.....'
     edges_abs = [Set()]*self.nabs # edges_abs[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing bottom adsorbing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of absorbing edges
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iabs in range(0, self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
             if block == self.abs_boun[iabs]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_abs[iabs] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_abs
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_abs[iabs]); # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(nedges_all+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     #absedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 for iabs in range(0,self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_abs[iabs]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the absorbing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the absorbing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the absorbing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to absorbing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                             #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                             toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                             indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 7
def curve2poly(line):
    cubit.cmd('curve '+str(curve)+' size auto factor 1')
    cubit.cmd('mesh curve '+str(curve))
    vertex_list = cubit.get_relatives("curve", curve, "vertex")
    if len(vertex_list) != 0:
        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
    node_id_list = list(cubit.get_connectivity("edge", edgestart))
    while startnode != begin and not stopflag:
        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
        if len(edges) != 1:
            node_id_list = list(cubit.get_connectivity("edge", edgestart))
    for n in orientnode:
    return vx,vy,orientnode
Exemplo n.º 8
    def free_write(self, free_name):
        freefile = open(free_name, 'w')
        print('writing ' + free_name)

        list_tet = cubit.parse_cubit_list('tet', 'all')

        if (self.block_free != []):
            for n in self.block_free:
                elems_free = cubit.get_block_tris(n)
                dic_free = dict(zip(elems_free, elems_free))
                nfree = len(elems_free)
                freefile.write(str(nfree) + '\n')
                print('Number of free elements ', nfree)

            for tet in list_tet:
                tris = cubit.get_sub_elements('tet', tet, 2)
                for tri in tris:
                    if dic_free.has_key(tri):
                        nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tri', tri)
                        txt = ('%10i ') % tet
                        txt = txt + ('%10i %10i %10i') % nodes[:]
                        freefile.write(str(txt) + '\n')
            freefile.write(str(0) + '\n')
            print('Number of free elements ', 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def absorb_write(self, absorb_name):
        absorbfile = open(absorb_name, 'w')
        print('writing ' + absorb_name)

        #        for n in self.ns_absorb:
        #            nodes_absorb=cubit.get_nodeset_nodes(n)
        #        nabs=len(nodes_absorb)
        #        absorbfile.write(str(nabs)+'\n')
        #        print('Number of absorbing nodes ',nabs)

        #        for node in nodes_absorb:
        #            absorbfile.write(str(node)+'\n')
        list_tet = cubit.parse_cubit_list('tet', 'all')

        if (self.block_absorb != []):
            for n in self.block_absorb:
                elems_absorb = cubit.get_block_tris(n)
                dic_absorb = dict(zip(elems_absorb, elems_absorb))
                nabs = len(elems_absorb)
                absorbfile.write(str(nabs) + '\n')
                print('Number of absorbing elements ', nabs)

            for tet in list_tet:
                tris = cubit.get_sub_elements('tet', tet, 2)
                for tri in tris:
                    if dic_absorb.has_key(tri):
                        nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tri', tri)
                        txt = ('%10i ') % tet
                        txt = txt + ('%10i %10i %10i') % nodes[:]
                        absorbfile.write(str(txt) + '\n')
            absorbfile.write(str(0) + '\n')
            print('Number of absorbing elements ', 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def hex_simulation_parameter(self, h, vp_static=None, vs_static=None):
     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Hex", h)
     id_nodes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
     id_faces = [[1, 3, 4], [0, 2, 5], [1, 3, 6], [0, 2, 7], [5, 7], [4, 6], [5, 7], [4, 6]]
     dt = []
     pmax = []
     vmax = []
     vmin = []
     for i in id_nodes[:-1]:
         for j in id_nodes[i + 1 :]:
             x1, y1, z1 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[i])
             x2, y2, z2 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[j])
             nvp1, nvs1 = self.tomo(x1, y1, z1, vp_static, vs_static)
             nvp2, nvs2 = self.tomo(x2, y2, z2, vp_static, vs_static)
             d = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2 + (z2 - z1) ** 2)
             # pmax_tmp=d*self.gllcoeff/min(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2)*self.Ngll_per_wavelength
             pmax_tmp = (
                 d * (0.5 - self.gllcoeff) / min(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2) * self.Ngll_per_wavelength
             )  # more conservative.....
             dt_tmp = self.Cmax * d * self.gllcoeff / max(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2)
             vmax.append(max(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2))
             vmin.append(min(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2))
     return min(dt), max(pmax), min(vmin), max(vmax)
def getTetsOverlapPassedVols(target_list, volume_ids):
    Return tetraherons overlap with mouse selected CUBIT volumes.
        * target_list List of indices of target tetrahedrons
        List of indices of tetrahedrons overlap with the volumes
    in_list = []
    for t in target_list:
        verts = cubit.get_connectivity("tet", t)
        cords = []
        for v in verts:
            c = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(v)
        for vol_id in volume_ids:
            volume = cubit.volume(vol_id)
            body = volume.bodies()[0]
            within = False
            for cord in cords:
                status = body.point_containment(cord)
                if status == 1:
                    within = True
            if within:
    return in_list
 def free_write(self,freename=None):
     # free surface
     cubit.cmd('set info off')
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')
     from sets import Set
     if not freename: freename=self.freename
     # writes free surface file
     print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
     # searches block definition with name face_topo
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag):
         if block == self.topography:
             print '  block name:',name,'id:',block
             print '  number of faces = ',len(quads_all)
             freehex.write('%10i\n' % len(quads_all))
             for h in list_hex:
                 for f in faces:
                     if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                         #print f
                         txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],\
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')
 def free_write(self, freename=None):
     # free surface
     cubit.cmd('set info off')
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')
     from sets import Set
     normal = (0, 0, 1)
     if not freename: freename = self.freename
     # writes free surface file
     print 'Writing ' + freename + '.....'
     freehex = open(freename, 'w')
     # searches block definition with name face_topo
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc, self.block_bc_flag):
         if block == self.topography:
             name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block', block)
             print '  block name:', name, 'id:', block
             quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
             print '  number of faces = ', len(quads_all)
             dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
             freehex.write('%10i\n' % len(quads_all))
             list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'all')
             for h in list_hex:
                 faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex', h, 2)
                 for f in faces:
                     if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                         #print f
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Face', f)
                         nodes_ok = self.normal_check(nodes, normal)
                         txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],\
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')
Exemplo n.º 14
 def hex_simulation_parameter(self, h, vp_static=None, vs_static=None):
     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', h)
     id_nodes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
     id_faces = [[1, 3, 4], [0, 2, 5], [1, 3, 6], [0, 2, 7], [5, 7], [4, 6],
                 [5, 7], [4, 6]]
     dt = []
     pmax = []
     vmax = []
     vmin = []
     for i in id_nodes[:-1]:
         for j in id_nodes[i + 1:]:
             x1, y1, z1 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[i])
             x2, y2, z2 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[j])
             nvp1, nvs1 = self.tomo(x1, y1, z1, vp_static, vs_static)
             nvp2, nvs2 = self.tomo(x2, y2, z2, vp_static, vs_static)
             d = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 + (z2 - z1)**2)
             pmax_tmp = d * (.5 - self.gllcoeff) / min(
                 nvp1, nvp2, nvs1,
                 nvs2) * self.Ngll_per_wavelength  #more conservative.....
             dt_tmp = self.Cmax * d * self.gllcoeff / max(
                 nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2)
             vmax.append(max(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2))
             vmin.append(min(nvp1, nvp2, nvs1, nvs2))
     return min(dt), max(pmax), min(vmin), max(vmax)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def free_write(self,freename): #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename,'w')
     print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography: # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         toWritetoFile = [] #[""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
         toWritetoFile.append('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             print block,flag
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the free surface
                     #print "  ",quad," -> this quad touch the free surface!"
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     #print "    it is described by nodes:",nodes," and edges :",edges
                     #print "      edges:",intersection," is/are on the free surface"
                     nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection: # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         #print "      edge",e,"is composed of nodes",node_edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to the free surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i) # Put it in nodes_ok
                         #print "    nodes:",nodes_ok,"belong to free surface"
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         freeedge.write('0') # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_face_connectivity(self,ind):
     if self.hex27:
             cubit.silent_cmd('group "nf" add Node in face '+str(ind))
             group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("nf")
             cubit.cmd('del group '+str(group1))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_face_connectivity(self,ind):
     if self.hex27:
             cubit.silent_cmd('group "nf" add Node in face '+str(ind))
             group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("nf")
             cubit.cmd('del group '+str(group1))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 18
 def free_write(self, freename):  #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + freename + '.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                                self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography:  # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         freeedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)
                        )  # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         print 'Number of edges in free surface :', len(edges_all)
         id_element = 0
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                                self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
             for quad in quads:  # For each quad
                 id_element = id_element + 1  # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(
                     cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
                 )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection
                        ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the free surface
                     nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # ??? TODO nodes_ok == node_edge ???
                             if i in node_edge:
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             id_element, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         )  # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 19
    def elem_write(self, mesh_name):
        meshfile = open(mesh_name, 'w')
        print('Writing ' + mesh_name + '.....')
        nelem = cubit.get_tet_count()
        print('number of elements:', str(nelem))
        meshfile.write(str(nelem) + '\n')
        num_write = 0
        temp_tet = []
        tetlength = 1
        for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat, self.block_flag):
            tetlength += len(cubit.get_block_tets(block))
        tet_vp = range(tetlength)
        tet_vs = range(tetlength)
        tet_rho = range(tetlength)
        tet_qp = range(tetlength)
        tet_qs = range(tetlength)
        tet_block = range(tetlength)
        for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat, self.block_flag):
            tets = cubit.get_block_tets(block)
            for tet in tets:
                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tet', tet)
                tet_vp[tet] = cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 1)
                tet_vs[tet] = cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 2)
                tet_rho[tet] = cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 3)
                tet_qp[tet] = cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 4)
                tet_qs[tet] = cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 5)
                tet_block[tet] = block
#                txt=('%10i ')% tet
#                txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes[:]
#                meshfile.write(txt)

        for tet in temp_tet:
            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tet', tet)
            txt = ('%10i ') % tet
            txt = txt + ('%10i %10i %10i %10i') % nodes[:]
            txt = txt + (' %9.1f %9.1f %9.1f %5i %5i\n') % (
                tet_vp[tet], tet_vs[tet], tet_rho[tet], tet_qp[tet],

Exemplo n.º 20
 def axis_write(self,axis_name):
     """ Write axis on file """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     axisedge = open(axis_name,'w')
     print 'Writing '+axis_name+'.....'
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         if block == self.axisId: # If the block correspond to the axis
             edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all axis edges id as a Set
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % len(edges_all) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     #axisedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     print 'Number of edges on the axis :',len(edges_all)
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that are on the axis
                 if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the axis
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection: # For each edge on the axis
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to the axis
                                 nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes
                         toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                         indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_hex_connectivity(self,ind):
     if self.hex27:
             cubit.silent_cmd('group "nh" add Node in hex '+str(ind))
             group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("nh")
             if len(result) != 27: print 'error hex27'
             cubit.cmd('del group '+str(group1))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 22
 def get_hex_connectivity(self,ind):
     if self.hex27:
             cubit.silent_cmd('group "nh" add Node in hex '+str(ind))
             group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("nh")
             if len(result) != 27: print 'error hex27'
             cubit.cmd('del group '+str(group1))
     return result
Exemplo n.º 23
    def elem_write(self,mesh_name):
        print('Writing '+mesh_name+'.....')
        print('number of elements:',str(nelem))
        for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag):
            trilength += len(cubit.get_block_tris(block))
        for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag):
            for tri in tris:
                values=name.split(" ")
        for tri in temp_tri:
            txt=('%10i ')% tri
            txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes[:]
            # This is later needed for the inversion feature:
            #txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i')% nodes[:]
            #txt=txt+(' %9.1f %9.1f %9.1f %5i %5i\n') % (tri_vp[tri],tri_vs[tri],tri_rho[tri],tri_qp[tri],tri_qs[tri])

Exemplo n.º 24
 def edge_length(self,edge):
         return the length of a edge
     from math import sqrt
     return d
Exemplo n.º 25
 def edge_length(self,edge):
     length = edge_length(edge)
         return the length of a edge
     from math import sqrt
     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',edge)
     x0,y0,z0 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[0])
     x1,y1,z1 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[1])
     d = sqrt((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2+(z1-z0)**2)
     return d
Exemplo n.º 26
 def write_hex8(self, path):
     f = open(path + self.filename_hex8, 'w')
     nhex8 = len(self.hex8)
     print "writing hex8 file '" + path + self.filename_hex8 + "' containing " + str(
         nhex8) + " hexahedral cells"
     f.write('%10i\n' % nhex8)
     for hex8 in self.hex8:
         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', hex8)
         f.write('%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % nodes)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def write_tet4(self, path):
     f = open(path + self.filename_tet4, 'w')
     ntet4 = len(self.tet4)
     print "writing tet4 file '" + path + self.filename_tet4 + "' containing " + str(
         ntet4) + " tetrahedral cells"
     f.write('%10i\n' % ntet4)
     for tet4 in self.tet4:
         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Tet', tet4)
         f.write('%10i %10i %10i %10i \n' % nodes)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def hex_metric(self, h):
     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', h)
     equiangle_skewness = None
     min_angle = float('infinity')
     edge_length_min = float('infinity')
     max_angle = None
     edge_length_max = None
     #loopnode=[(i,j) for i in range(8) for j in range(i+1,8)]
     if len(nodes) == 4:
         faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]
     elif len(nodes) == 8:
         faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 5, 6, 2], [0, 4, 7, 3],
                  [2, 6, 7, 3], [1, 5, 4, 0]]
         print 'bad definition of nodes'
         return None, None, None
     x = []
     y = []
     z = []
     for i in nodes:
         n = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(i)
     for face in faces:
         for i in range(-1, 3):
             vx1 = x[face[i - 1]] - x[face[i]]
             vy1 = y[face[i - 1]] - y[face[i]]
             vz1 = z[face[i - 1]] - z[face[i]]
             vx2 = x[face[i + 1]] - x[face[i]]
             vy2 = y[face[i + 1]] - y[face[i]]
             vz2 = z[face[i + 1]] - z[face[i]]
             norm1 = math.sqrt(vx1 * vx1 + vy1 * vy1 + vz1 * vz1)
             norm2 = math.sqrt(vx2 * vx2 + vy2 * vy2 + vz2 * vz2)
             if norm1 == 0 or norm2 == 0:
                 print 'degenerated mesh, 0 length edge'
                 import sys
             angle = math.acos(
                 (vx1 * vx2 + vy1 * vy2 + vz1 * vz2) / (norm1 * norm2))
             equiangle_skewness = max(
                 math.fabs(2. * angle - math.pi) / math.pi)
             min_angle = min(min_angle, angle * 180. / math.pi)
             max_angle = max(max_angle, angle * 180. / math.pi)
             edge_length_min = min(edge_length_min, norm1)
             edge_length_max = max(edge_length_max, norm1)
     return round(equiangle_skewness, 5), min_angle, max_angle, round(
         edge_length_min, 5), round(edge_length_max, 5)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def saveMeshPoisson(self):
     nNodes = cubit.get_node_count()
     nTets = cubit.get_tet_count()
     meshFile = open(folder+"meshPoisson.xml", 'w')
     meshFile.write('<mesh celltype="tetrahedron" dim="3">\n')
     meshFile.write('  <nodes size="%d">\n' % (nNodes))
     for x in range(0, nNodes):
         coords = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(x+1)
         meshFile.write('    <node id="%d" x="%f" y="%f" z="%f"/>\n' % (x,coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]))
     meshFile.write('  </nodes>\n')
     meshFile.write('  <elements size="%d">\n' % (nTets))
     for x in range(0, nTets):
         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tet", x+1)
         meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d" v3="%d"/>\n' % (x,nodes[0]-1,nodes[1]-1,nodes[2]-1,nodes[3]-1))
     meshFile.write('  </elements>\n')
     meshFile.write('  <boundary celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n')
     surfs = cubit.get_relatives("volume", self.vol, "surface")
     ec = 0
     for x in range(0, 2):
         tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(surfs[x])
         for y in range(0, len(tris)):
             nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[y])
             element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1, nodes[2]-1]
             ec = ec+1
             meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (ec,x,element[0],element[1],element[2]))
     meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (ec+1,2,element[0],element[1],element[2]))
     meshFile.write('  </boundary>\n')
     meshFile.write('  <neumann>\n')
     meshFile.write('    <node id="0" marker="0" value="-1.0" />\n')
     meshFile.write('    <node id="1" marker="1" value="1.0" />\n')
     meshFile.write('  </neumann>\n')
     meshFile.write('  <dirichlet>\n')
     meshFile.write('    <node id="2" marker="2" value="0.0" />\n')
     meshFile.write('  </dirichlet>\n')
Exemplo n.º 30
 def hex_metric(self, h):
     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', h)
     equiangle_skewness = None
     min_angle = float('infinity')
     edge_length_min = float('infinity')
     max_angle = None
     edge_length_max = None
     if len(nodes) == 4:
         faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]
     elif len(nodes) == 8:
         faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 5, 6, 2],
                  [0, 4, 7, 3], [2, 6, 7, 3], [1, 5, 4, 0]]
         print 'bad definition of nodes'
         return None, None, None
     x = []
     y = []
     z = []
     for i in nodes:
         n = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(i)
     for face in faces:
         for i in range(-1, 3):
             vx1 = x[face[i - 1]] - x[face[i]]
             vy1 = y[face[i - 1]] - y[face[i]]
             vz1 = z[face[i - 1]] - z[face[i]]
             vx2 = x[face[i + 1]] - x[face[i]]
             vy2 = y[face[i + 1]] - y[face[i]]
             vz2 = z[face[i + 1]] - z[face[i]]
             norm1 = math.sqrt(vx1 * vx1 + vy1 * vy1 + vz1 * vz1)
             norm2 = math.sqrt(vx2 * vx2 + vy2 * vy2 + vz2 * vz2)
             if norm1 == 0 or norm2 == 0:
                 print 'degenerated mesh, 0 length edge'
                 import sys
             angle = math.acos(
                 (vx1 * vx2 + vy1 * vy2 + vz1 * vz2) / (norm1 * norm2))
             equiangle_skewness = max(equiangle_skewness, math.fabs(
                 2. * angle - math.pi) / math.pi)
             min_angle = min(min_angle, angle * 180. / math.pi)
             max_angle = max(max_angle, angle * 180. / math.pi)
             edge_length_min = min(edge_length_min, norm1)
             edge_length_max = max(edge_length_max, norm1)
     return round(equiangle_skewness, 5), min_angle, max_angle, \
         round(edge_length_min, 5), round(edge_length_max, 5)
Exemplo n.º 31
def getMeshData():
    ELEM = cubit.get_entities("tri")
    NODE = cubit.get_entities("node")

    nELEM = len(ELEM)
    nNODE = len(NODE)

    eCONNECT = numpy.zeros(shape=(nELEM,3),dtype="int64")
    COORD = numpy.zeros(shape=(nNODE,3),dtype="double")

    for i in range(0,nELEM):
      eCONNECT[i,:] = list(cubit.get_connectivity("tri",ELEM[i]))

    for i in range(0,nNODE):
      COORD[i,:] = list(cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(NODE[i]))

Exemplo n.º 32
    def surface_write(self, pathdir=None):
        # optional surfaces, e.g. moho_surface
        # should be created like e.g.:
        #  > block 10 face in surface 2
        #  > block 10 name 'moho_surface'
        import re
        from sets import Set

        for block in self.block_bc:
            if block != self.topography:
                name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name("block", block)
                # skips block names like face_abs**, face_topo**
                if re.search("abs", name):
                elif re.search("topo", name):
                elif re.search("surface", name):
                    filename = pathdir + name + "_file"
                # gets face elements
                print "  surface block name: ", name, "id: ", block
                quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
                print "  face = ", len(quads_all)
                if len(quads_all) == 0:
                # writes out surface infos to file
                print "Writing " + filename + "....."
                surfhex_local = open(filename, "w")
                dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
                # writes number of surface elements
                surfhex_local.write("%10i\n" % len(quads_all))
                # writes out element node ids
                list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list("hex", "all")
                for h in list_hex:
                    faces = cubit.get_sub_elements("hex", h, 2)
                    for f in faces:
                        if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Face", f)
                            txt = "%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n" % (h, nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3])
                # closes file
        print "Ok"
 def surface_write(self,pathdir=None):
     # optional surfaces, e.g. moho_surface
     # should be created like e.g.:
     #  > block 10 face in surface 2
     #  > block 10 name 'moho_surface'
     import re
     from sets import Set
     for block in self.block_bc :
         if block != self.topography:
             # skips block names like face_abs**, face_topo**
             if re.search('abs',name):
             elif re.search('topo',name):
             elif re.search('surface',name):
             # gets face elements
             print '  surface block name: ',name,'id: ',block
             print '  face = ',len(quads_all)
             if len(quads_all) == 0 :
             # writes out surface infos to file
             print 'Writing '+filename+'.....'
             # writes number of surface elements
             surfhex_local.write('%10i\n' % len(quads_all))
             # writes out element node ids
             for h in list_hex:
                 for f in faces:
                     if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                         txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
             # closes file
     print 'Ok'
 def surface_write(self, pathdir=None):
     # optional surfaces, e.g. moho_surface
     # should be created like e.g.:
     #  > block 10 face in surface 2
     #  > block 10 name 'moho_surface'
     import re
     from sets import Set
     for block in self.block_bc:
         if block != self.topography:
             name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block', block)
             # skips block names like face_abs**, face_topo**
             if re.search('abs', name):
             elif re.search('topo', name):
             elif re.search('surface', name):
                 filename = pathdir + name + '_file'
             # gets face elements
             print '  surface block name: ', name, 'id: ', block
             quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
             print '  face = ', len(quads_all)
             if len(quads_all) == 0:
             # writes out surface infos to file
             print 'Writing ' + filename + '.....'
             surfhex_local = open(filename, 'w')
             dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
             # writes number of surface elements
             surfhex_local.write('%10i\n' % len(quads_all))
             # writes out element node ids
             list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'all')
             for h in list_hex:
                 faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex', h, 2)
                 for f in faces:
                     if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Face', f)
                         txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
             # closes file
     print 'Ok'
Exemplo n.º 35
 def abs_write(self,absname): #absname=None):
     """ Write absorbing surfaces on file : absname """ 
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not absname: absname = self.absname
     absedge = open(absname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+absname+'.....'
     edges_abs = [Set()]*self.nabs # edges_abs[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing bottom adsorbing boundary 
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of absorbing edges 
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iabs in range(0, self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
             if block == self.abs_boun[iabs]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_abs[iabs] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_abs
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_abs[iabs]); # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     absedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     id_element  = 0
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities. 
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set 
                 for iabs in range(0,self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_abs[iabs]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the absorbing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the absorbing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the absorbing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to absorbing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary 
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
 def mesh_write(self,mesh_name):
     print 'Writing '+mesh_name+'.....'
     print '  number of elements:',str(num_elems)
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag):
         #print block,flag
         #print len(hexes)
         for hexa in hexes:
             #print hexa
             #nodes=self.jac_check(nodes) #is it valid for 3D? TODO
             txt=('%10i ')% hexa
             txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes[:]
     print 'Ok'
Exemplo n.º 37
 def mesh_write(self, mesh_name):
     meshfile = open(mesh_name, "w")
     print "Writing " + mesh_name + "....."
     num_elems = cubit.get_hex_count()
     print "  number of elements:", str(num_elems)
     meshfile.write(str(num_elems) + "\n")
     num_write = 0
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat, self.block_flag):
         # print block,flag
         hexes = cubit.get_block_hexes(block)
         # print len(hexes)
         for hexa in hexes:
             # print hexa
             nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Hex", hexa)
             # nodes=self.jac_check(nodes) #is it valid for 3D? TODO
             txt = ("%10i ") % hexa
             txt = txt + ("%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n") % nodes[:]
     print "Ok"
 def free_write(self,freename): #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """ 
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename,'w')
     print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography: # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         freeedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         print 'Number of edges in free surface :',len(edges_all)
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
                 quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
                 for quad in quads: # For each quad
                     id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                     edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities. 
                     # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set 
                     intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the free surface
                         nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the free surface
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # ??? TODO nodes_ok == node_edge ???
                                 if i in node_edge:
                             txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1]) 
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         freeedge.write('0') # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 39
 def check_valence(self):
     #usage: hex_valence()
     for h in list_hex:
         for i in n:
             if lookup.has_key(i): lookup[i]=lookup[i]+1
     print 'max hex valence ',vmax,' at node ',nmax
     print '_____'
     for v in inv_lookup.keys():
         print ('valence %2i - %9i hexes '% (v,len(inv_lookup[v])))
 def mesh_write(self, mesh_name):
     meshfile = open(mesh_name, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + mesh_name + '.....'
     num_elems = cubit.get_hex_count()
     print '  number of elements:', str(num_elems)
     meshfile.write(str(num_elems) + '\n')
     num_write = 0
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat, self.block_flag):
         #print block,flag
         hexes = cubit.get_block_hexes(block)
         #print len(hexes)
         for hexa in hexes:
             #print hexa
             nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', hexa)
             #nodes=self.jac_check(nodes) #is it valid for 3D? TODO
             txt = ('%10i ') % hexa
             txt = txt + (
                 '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n') % nodes[:]
     print 'Ok'
Exemplo n.º 41
 def check_valence(self):
     #usage: hex_valence()
     list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'all')
     list_node = cubit.parse_cubit_list('node', 'all')
     lookup = dict(zip(list_node, [0] * len(list_node)))
     for h in list_hex:
         n = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', h)
         for i in n:
             if lookup.has_key(i): lookup[i] = lookup[i] + 1
     inv_lookup = self.invert_dict(lookup)
     vmax = max(inv_lookup.keys())
     nmax = inv_lookup[max(inv_lookup.keys())]
     print 'max hex valence ', vmax, ' at node ', nmax
     print '_____'
     for v in inv_lookup.keys():
         print('valence %2i - %9i hexes ' % (v, len(inv_lookup[v])))
     self.valence_summary = inv_lookup
     self.max_valence = vmax
     self.node_with_max_valence = nmax
Exemplo n.º 42
    def boundary(self):
        boundary = []
        surfs = cubit.get_relatives("volume", self.vol, "surface")
        for x in range(6, len(surfs)):
            tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(surfs[x])
            for y in range(0, len(tris)):
                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[y])
                p1 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[0])
                p2 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[1])
                p3 = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[2])
                u_0 = [p2[0]-p1[0],p2[1]-p1[1],p2[2]-p1[2]]
                u_1 = [p3[0]-p1[0],p3[1]-p1[1],p3[2]-p1[2]]
                u1 = geo2.crossProduct(u_0, u_1)
                u1 = geo2.getVector4_3(u1)
#                 if y == 0:
#                     center_point = cubit.get_center_point("tri", tris[y])
#                     cubit.cmd("create curve location %f %f %f direction %f %f %f length %f" %(center_point[0],center_point[1],center_point[2],u1[0],u1[1],u1[2],self.root.radius))
                element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1, nodes[2]-1, u1[0], u1[1], u1[2]]
        return boundary
Exemplo n.º 43
 def check_valence(self):
     # usage: hex_valence()
     list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list("hex", "all")
     list_node = cubit.parse_cubit_list("node", "all")
     lookup = dict(zip(list_node, [0] * len(list_node)))
     for h in list_hex:
         n = cubit.get_connectivity("Hex", h)
         for i in n:
             if lookup.has_key(i):
                 lookup[i] = lookup[i] + 1
     inv_lookup = self.invert_dict(lookup)
     vmax = max(inv_lookup.keys())
     nmax = inv_lookup[max(inv_lookup.keys())]
     print "max hex valence ", vmax, " at node ", nmax
     print "_____"
     for v in inv_lookup.keys():
         print ("valence %2i - %9i hexes " % (v, len(inv_lookup[v])))
     self.valence_summary = inv_lookup
     self.max_valence = vmax
     self.node_with_max_valence = nmax
Exemplo n.º 44
 def mesh_write(self,mesh_name):
     """ Write mesh (quads ids with their corresponding nodes ids) on file : mesh_name """
     meshfile = open(mesh_name,'w')
     print 'Writing '+mesh_name+'.....'
     num_elems = cubit.get_quad_count() # Store the number of elements
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(num_elems+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = str(num_elems)+'\n'
     #meshfile.write(str(num_elems)+'\n') # Write it on first line
     num_write = 0
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # for each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads ids
         for inum,quad in enumerate(quads): # For each of these quads
             nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Get the nodes
             nodes = self.jac_check(nodes) # Check the jacobian
             txt = ('%10i %10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes
             toWritetoFile[quad] = txt
             #meshfile.write(txt) # Write a line to mesh file
         num_write = num_write+inum+1
         print 'block', block, 'number of ',self.face,' : ', inum+1
     print 'Ok num elements/write =',str(num_elems), str(num_write)
Exemplo n.º 45
def getTrisBoundInSelectedVols(target_list):
    Return triangles bound in selected CUBIT volumes.
        * target_list List of indices of target triangles
        List of indices of triangles bound by the volumes

    group_id = cubit.create_new_group()
    cubit.silent_cmd("group %i add selection" % (group_id))
    volume_ids = cubit.get_group_volumes(group_id)

    in_list = []

    for t in target_list:
        verts = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", t)
        with_in = True
        cords = []
        for v in verts:
            c = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(v)
        for vol_id in volume_ids:
            volume = cubit.volume(vol_id)
            body = volume.bodies()[0]
            within = True
            for cord in cords:
                status = body.point_containment(cord)
                if status == 0:
                    within = False
            if within:
    return in_list
Exemplo n.º 46
 def mesh_write(self, mesh_name):
     """ Write mesh (quads ids with their corresponding nodes ids) on file : mesh_name """
     meshfile = open(mesh_name, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + mesh_name + '.....'
     num_elems = cubit.get_quad_count()  # Store the number of elements
     toWritetoFile = [""] * (num_elems + 1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = str(num_elems) + '\n'
     #meshfile.write(str(num_elems)+'\n') # Write it on first line
     num_write = 0
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                            self.block_flag):  # for each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads ids
         for inum, quad in enumerate(quads):  # For each of these quads
             nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face', quad)  # Get the nodes
             nodes = self.jac_check(nodes)  # Check the jacobian
             txt = ('%10i %10i %10i %10i\n') % nodes
             toWritetoFile[quad] = txt
             #meshfile.write(txt) # Write a line to mesh file
         num_write = num_write + inum + 1
         print 'block', block, 'number of ', self.face, ' : ', inum + 1
     print 'Ok num elements/write =', str(num_elems), str(num_write)
def getTrisOverlapSelectedVols(target_list):
    Return triangles overlap with mouse selected CUBIT volumes.
        * target_list List of indices of target triangles
        List of indices of triangles overlap with the volumes
    group_id = cubit.create_new_group()
    cubit.silent_cmd("group %i add selection" % (group_id))
    volume_ids = cubit.get_group_volumes(group_id)
    in_list = []
    for t in target_list:
        verts = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", t)
        cords = []
        for v in verts:
            c = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(v)
        for vol_id in volume_ids:
            volume = cubit.volume(vol_id)
            body = volume.bodies()[0]
            within = False
            for cord in cords:
                status = body.point_containment(cord)
                if status == 1:
                    within = True
            if within:
    return in_list
Exemplo n.º 48
    def free_write(self, freename=None):
        # free surface
        cubit.cmd("set info off")
        cubit.cmd("set echo off")
        cubit.cmd("set journal off")
        from sets import Set

        normal = (0, 0, 1)
        if not freename:
            freename = self.freename
        # writes free surface file
        print "Writing " + freename + "....."
        freehex = open(freename, "w")
        # searches block definition with name face_topo
        for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc, self.block_bc_flag):
            if block == self.topography:
                name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name("block", block)
                print "  block name:", name, "id:", block
                quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
                print "  number of faces = ", len(quads_all)
                dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
                freehex.write("%10i\n" % len(quads_all))
                list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list("hex", "all")
                for h in list_hex:
                    faces = cubit.get_sub_elements("hex", h, 2)
                    for f in faces:
                        if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                            # print f
                            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Face", f)
                            nodes_ok = self.normal_check(nodes, normal)
                            txt = "%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n" % (h, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1], nodes_ok[2], nodes_ok[3])
        print "Ok"
        cubit.cmd("set info on")
        cubit.cmd("set echo on")
Exemplo n.º 49
 def forcing_write(self, forcname):
     """ Write forcing surfaces on file : forcname """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     forceedge = open(forcname, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + forcname + '.....'
     edges_forc = [
     ] * self.nforc  # edges_forc[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing the forcing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0  # To count the total number of forcing edges
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                            self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
         for iforc in range(
                 0, self.nforc
         ):  # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
             if block == self.forcing_boun[
                     iforc]:  # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_forc[iforc] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Store each edge on edges_forc
                 nedges_all = nedges_all + len(
                 )  # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""] * (nedges_all + 1)
         0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all  # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     #forceedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                            self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
         for quad in quads:  # For each quad
             #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
             edges = Set(
                 cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
             )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
             # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
             for iforc in range(
                     0, self.nforc
             ):  # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
                 intersection = edges & edges_forc[
                     iforc]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the forcing boundary considered
                 if len(
                 ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the forcing boundary considered
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the forcing boundary considered
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to forcing surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i)  # add it to nodes_ok
                         # forcname contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the acoustic forcing edge
                         # (which currently must always be equal to two, see comment below),
                         # 3/ first node on the acforcing surface, 4/ second node on the acforcing surface
                         # 5/ 1 = IBOTTOME, 2 = IRIGHT, 3 = ITOP, 4 = ILEFT
                         #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             quad, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1], iforc + 1)
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                         #print indexFile
                         toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                         indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
    def getstats(self):
        ''' Get statistics for differend blocks in the hexmesh '''
        ############################## READ BLOCKS ######################
            blocks = cubit.get_block_id_list()
            print('no blocks defined')

        nblocks = len(blocks)
        print('Found ', nblocks, ' Blocks')
        # lists of details of all elastic blocks. For each elastic block, append respective values
        name = []
        typ = []
        nattrib = []
        vp = []
        vs = []
        rho = []
        minEdge = []
        maxEdge = []
        minEdgeMesh = []
        maxEdgeMesh = []
        # k: counter of all elastic blocks
        k = 0
        for block in blocks:
            minEdgeMeshTmp = []
            maxEdgeMeshTmp = []
            blockname = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block', block)
            # only apply stats to elastic blocks
            if blockname.find("elastic") >= 0:
                # NOW APPEND VALUES OF THIS ELASTIC BLOCK TO LISTS (defined as empty above)
                # attribute count
                # vp
                vp.append(cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 1))
                # vs
                vs.append(cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 2))
                # rho
                rho.append(cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block, 3))
                hexes = cubit.get_block_hexes(block)
                print(block, k, 'name: ', name[k], '#hexes:', len(hexes),
                      'type: ', typ[k], 'attribute count: ', nattrib[k],
                      'vp: ', vp[k], 'vs: ', vs[k], 'rho: ', rho[k])

                # minimum/maximum edgelength search for this elastic block
                # initiate  with very large minEdge and very small maxEdge
                # now search
                for hexa in hexes:
                    nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Hex', hexa)
                    # get coordinates of nodes of this hexahedron
                    node_coords = []
                    for node in nodes:

                    minv = self.minEdgeHex(node_coords)
                    maxv = self.maxEdgeHex(node_coords)

                    # is minimum edgelength of this this element smaller than minimum edgelength found before?
                    if minv < minEdge[k]:
                        minEdge[k] = minv

                    # is maximum edgelength of this this element larger than maximum edgelength found before?
                    if maxv > maxEdge[k]:
                        maxEdge[k] = maxv

                # end of processing of this elastic block. incremet counter
                k = k + 1
            # if not "elastic" in this blockname
                print(blockname, '--no elastic')

        # now calculate maximum frequency for which the mesh is stable
        # and maximal dt

        # first do that for each block
        fmax = []
        dtmax_05 = []
        for i in range(len(name)):
            fmax.append(self.calcMaxFreq(maxEdge[i], vs[i]))
            dtmax_05.append(self.calcMaxDt(minEdge[i], vp[i], cn=0.5))
            min_dx = minEdge[i] * 0.1727
            max_dx = maxEdge[i] * 0.3272 * sqrt(3.)
            print('Block ', name[i], ' min dx: ', min_dx, ' max dx: ', max_dx,
                  'max frequency: ', fmax[i], ' maximal dt (C=0.5):',
            vals, bin_edges = histogram(minEdgeMesh[i], 10)
            nhexa = sum(vals)
            print('   ' + str(nhexa) + ' HEXAS IN THIS BLOCK')
            print('   histogram of minimum edge length of hexa of this block:')
            for j, val in enumerate(vals):
                    '       %6.3f %% of hexas have minimum edgelength between %3.3f and %3.3f  ->   dt (C=0.5) is %8.3e'
                    (100. * val / float(nhexa), bin_edges[j], bin_edges[j + 1],
                     self.calcMaxDt(bin_edges[j], vp[i], cn=0.5)))
            vals, bin_edges = histogram(maxEdgeMesh[i], 10)
            nhexa = sum(vals)
            print('   ' + str(nhexa) + ' HEXAS IN THIS BLOCK')
            print('   histogram of maximum edge length of hexa of this block:')
            for j, val in enumerate(vals):
                    '       %6.3f %% of hexas have maximum edgelength between %3.3f and %3.3f  ->   fmax (5 GLL points per wavelength) is %8.3e'
                    (100. * val / float(nhexa), bin_edges[j], bin_edges[j + 1],
                     self.calcMaxFreq(bin_edges[j + 1], vs[i])))
        # now compare the values for all the blocks
        dtm_05 = sorted(dtmax_05)
            'The minimum over all blocks of the respective maximal dt for C=0.5 is: ',
        fmax_min = sorted(fmax)
            'The minimum over all blocks of the respective maximal frequency is: ',
Exemplo n.º 51
cubit.cmd("playback 'Mandel3D_msh.jou'")
    "import mesh geometry './Mandel3D.exo' block all use nodeset sideset")
surf_list = cubit.get_sideset_surfaces(1)
quad_list = [
    cubit.get_surface_quads(surf_list[i]) for i in range(len(surf_list))
vol_list = cubit.get_block_volumes(1)
hex_list = [cubit.get_volume_hexes(vol_list[i]) for i in range(len(vol_list))]

trac_el = []
mat_typ = np.ones(shape=(cubit.get_hex_count(), 1), dtype=np.uint8)
for quadset, hexset in zip(quad_list, hex_list):
    for quad in quadset:
        nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("quad", quad)
        for hx in hexset:
            nodes_hx = cubit.get_connectivity("hex", hx)
            if set(nodes).issubset(set(nodes_hx)):
                if set(nodes).issubset(set(np.array(nodes_hx)[[0, 1, 5, 4]])):
                    side = 1
                elif set(nodes).issubset(set(np.array(nodes_hx)[[1, 2, 6,
                    side = 2
                elif set(nodes).issubset(set(np.array(nodes_hx)[[2, 3, 7,
                    side = 3
                elif set(nodes).issubset(set(np.array(nodes_hx)[[3, 2, 6,
                    side = 4
                elif set(nodes).issubset(set(np.array(nodes_hx)[[0, 1, 2,
Exemplo n.º 52
    def saveMesh2D2(self):
        cubit.cmd("create surface rectangle width 5000 height 5000 zplane")
        cubit.cmd("create surface rectangle width 1000 height 1000 zplane")
        cubit.cmd("subtract body 2 from body 1")
        surfID = cubit.get_last_id("surface")
        cubit.cmd("surface all size auto factor 4")
        cubit.cmd("surface all scheme TriMesh")
        cubit.cmd("mesh surface all") 
        nNodes = cubit.get_node_count()
        meshFile = open(folder+"mesh2D2.xml", 'w')
        meshFile.write('<mesh celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n')
        meshFile.write('  <nodes size="%d">\n' % (nNodes))
        for x in range(0, nNodes):
            coords = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(x+1)
            meshFile.write('    <node id="%d" x="%f" y="%f" z="%f"/>\n' % (x,coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]))
        meshFile.write('  </nodes>\n')

        tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(surfID)
        meshFile.write('  <elements size="%d">\n' % (len(tris)))
        for x in range(0, len(tris)):
            nd = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[x])
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (x,nd[0]-1,nd[1]-1,nd[2]-1))
        meshFile.write('  </elements>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <element_data type="fiber_transversely_isotropic">\n')
        for x in range(0, len(tris)):
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d">\n' %(x))
            meshFile.write('      <fiber>1.000000,0.000000,0.000000</fiber>\n')
            meshFile.write('    </element>\n')
        meshFile.write('  </element_data>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <boundary celltype="line" dim="1">\n')
        eds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

        ec = 1
        surf = cubit.surface(surfID)
        for y in range(0, len(eds)):
            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("edge", eds[y])
            element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1]
            #cp = cubit.get_center_point("edge", eds[y])
            #norm = surf.normal_at([cp[0],cp[1],cp[2]])
            #cubit.cmd("create curve location %f %f %f direction %f %f %f length %f" % (cp[0],cp[1],cp[2], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], 200))
            #ec = ec+1
            #meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" nx="%f" ny="%f" nz="%f"/>\n' % (ec,1,element[0],element[1], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2]))
        #meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (ec+1,2,element[0],element[1],element[2]))
        meshFile.write('  </boundary>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <neumann>\n')
        meshFile.write('    <node id="1" marker="1" value="1.0" />\n')
        meshFile.write('  </neumann>\n')
        #meshFile.write('  <dirichlet>\n')
        #meshFile.write('    <node id="2" marker="2" value="0.0" />\n')
        #meshFile.write('  </dirichlet>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <stimuli number="1">\n')
        bb = cubit.get_bounding_box("surface", surfID)
        x0 = bb[0]
        x1 = 0.8*x0 + 0.2*bb[1]
        y0 = bb[3]
        y1 = 0.8*y0 + 0.2*bb[4]
        #z0 = bb[6]
        #z1 = 0.8*z0 + 0.2*bb[7]
        meshFile.write('    <stim start="0.00" duration="4.00" value="-35.7140" x0="%f" x1="%f" y0="%f" y1="%f" />\n' % (x0,x1,y0,y1))
        meshFile.write('  </stimuli>\n')
Exemplo n.º 53
    def saveMesh(self):
        nNodes = cubit.get_node_count()
        nTets = cubit.get_tet_count()
        meshFile = open(folder+"Cubo.xml", 'w')
        meshFile.write('<mesh celltype="tetrahedron" dim="3">\n')
        meshFile.write('  <nodes size="%d">\n' % (nNodes))
        for x in range(0, nNodes):
            coords = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(x+1)
            meshFile.write('    <node id="%d" x="%f" y="%f" z="%f"/>\n' % (x,coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]))
        meshFile.write('  </nodes>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <elements size="%d">\n' % (nTets))
        for x in range(0, nTets):
            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tet", x+1)
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d" v3="%d"/>\n' % (x,nodes[0]-1,nodes[1]-1,nodes[2]-1,nodes[3]-1))
        meshFile.write('  </elements>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <element_data type="fiber_transversely_isotropic">\n')
        for x in range(0, nTets):
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d">\n' %(x))
            meshFile.write('      <fiber>1.000000,0.000000,0.000000</fiber>\n')
            meshFile.write('    </element>\n')
        meshFile.write('  </element_data>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <boundary celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n')
        bsurfs = cubit.get_relatives("volume", self.vol, "surface")
        ec = 0
        for x in range(0, len(bsurfs)):
        #for x in range(6, len(bsurfs)):
            #if x is not 16 and x is not 14:
            tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(bsurfs[x])
            surf = cubit.surface(bsurfs[x])
            for y in range(0, len(tris)):
                cp = cubit.get_center_point("tri", tris[y])
                norm = surf.normal_at([cp[0],cp[1],cp[2]])
                #cubit.cmd("create curve location %f %f %f direction %f %f %f length %f" % (cp[0],cp[1],cp[2],norm[0],norm[1],norm[2],200))

                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[y])
                element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1, nodes[2]-1]
                meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d" nx="%f" ny="%f" nz="%f"/>\n' % (ec,1.0,element[0],element[1],element[2],norm[0],norm[1],norm[2]))
                ec = ec+1
        meshFile.write('  </boundary>\n')

        #meshFile.write('  <boundary celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n')
        #surfs = cubit.get_relatives("volume", self.vol, "surface")
        #ec = 0
        #for x in range(0, 2):
        #    tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(surfs[x])
        #    for y in range(0, len(tris)):
        #        nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[y])
        #        element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1, nodes[2]-1]
        #        ec = ec+1
        #        meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (ec,x,element[0],element[1],element[2]))
        #meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d"/>\n' % (ec+1,2,element[0],element[1],element[2]))
        #meshFile.write('  </boundary>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <neumann>\n')
        #meshFile.write('    <node id="0" marker="0" value="-1.0" />\n')
        meshFile.write('    <node id="1" marker="1" value="0.05"/>\n')
        meshFile.write('  </neumann>\n')
        #meshFile.write('  <dirichlet>\n')
        #meshFile.write('    <node id="2" marker="2" value="0.0" />\n')
        #meshFile.write('  </dirichlet>\n')
        #meshFile.write('  <stimuli number="1">\n')
        #bb = cubit.get_bounding_box("volume", self.vol)
        #x0 = bb[0]
        #x1 = 0.8*x0 + 0.2*bb[1]
        #y0 = bb[3]
        #y1 = 0.8*y0 + 0.2*bb[4]
        #z0 = bb[6]
        #z1 = 0.8*z0 + 0.2*bb[7]
        #meshFile.write('    <stim start="0.00" duration="4.00" value="-35.7140" x0="%f" x1="%f" y0="%f" y1="%f" z0="%f" z1="%f" />\n' % (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1))
        #meshFile.write('  </stimuli>\n')
 def abs_write(self, absname=None):
     # absorbing boundaries
     import re
     cubit.cmd('set info off')
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')
     from sets import Set
     if not absname: absname = self.absname
     # loops through all block definitions
     list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'all')
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc, self.block_bc_flag):
         if block != self.topography:
             name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block', block)
             print name, block
             absflag = False
             if re.search('xmin', name):
                 filename = absname + '_xmin'
                 normal = (-1, 0, 0)
             elif re.search('xmax', name):
                 filename = absname + '_xmax'
                 normal = (1, 0, 0)
             elif re.search('ymin', name):
                 filename = absname + '_ymin'
                 normal = (0, -1, 0)
             elif re.search('ymax', name):
                 filename = absname + '_ymax'
                 normal = (0, 1, 0)
             elif re.search('bottom', name):
                 filename = absname + '_bottom'
                 normal = (0, 0, -1)
             elif re.search('abs', name):
                 print "  ...face_abs - not used so far..."
             # opens file
             print 'Writing ' + filename + '.....'
             abshex_local = open(filename, 'w')
             # gets face elements
             quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
             dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
             print '  number of faces = ', len(quads_all)
             abshex_local.write('%10i\n' % len(quads_all))
             #command = "group 'list_hex' add hex in face "+str(quads_all)
             #command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
             #command = "delete group "+ str(group)
             for h in list_hex:
                 faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex', h, 2)
                 for f in faces:
                     if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('Face', f)
                         if not absflag:
                             # checks with specified normal
                             nodes_ok = self.normal_check(nodes, normal)
                             txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],\
                             txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
             # closes file
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')
Exemplo n.º 55
 def free_write(self, freename):  #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + freename + '.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                                self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography:  # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         toWritetoFile = []  #[""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
             '%10i\n' % len(edges_all)
         )  # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                                self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
             print block, flag
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
             for quad in quads:  # For each quad
                 edges = Set(
                     cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
                 )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection
                        ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the free surface
                     #print "  ",quad," -> this quad touch the free surface!"
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     #print "    it is described by nodes:",nodes," and edges :",edges
                     #print "      edges:",intersection," is/are on the free surface"
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         #print "      edge",e,"is composed of nodes",node_edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to the free surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i)  # Put it in nodes_ok
                         #print "    nodes:",nodes_ok,"belong to free surface"
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             quad, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         )  # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Exemplo n.º 56
    def saveMesh3D(self):
        cubit.cmd("brick x 5000 y 5000 z 5000")
        cubit.cmd("create cylinder height 4000 radius 500")
        cubit.cmd("subtract body 2 from body 1")
        volID = cubit.get_last_id("volume")
        self.vol = volID
        nNodes = cubit.get_node_count()
        meshFile = open(folder+"mesh3D2.xml", 'w')
        meshFile.write('<mesh celltype="tetrahedron" dim="3">\n')
        meshFile.write('  <nodes size="%d">\n' % (nNodes))
        for x in range(0, nNodes):
            coords = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(x+1)
            meshFile.write('    <node id="%d" x="%f" y="%f" z="%f"/>\n' % (x,coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]))
        meshFile.write('  </nodes>\n')
        nTets = cubit.get_tet_count()
        meshFile.write('  <elements size="%d">\n' % (nTets))
        for x in range(0, nTets):
            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tet", x+1)
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d" v3="%d"/>\n' % (x,nodes[0]-1,nodes[1]-1,nodes[2]-1,nodes[3]-1))
        meshFile.write('  </elements>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <element_data type="fiber_transversely_isotropic">\n')
        for x in range(0, nTets):
            meshFile.write('    <element id="%d">\n' %(x))
            meshFile.write('      <fiber>1.000000,0.000000,0.000000</fiber>\n')
            meshFile.write('    </element>\n')
        meshFile.write('  </element_data>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <boundary celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n')
        bsurfs = [10, 11, 12]
        ec = 0
        for x in range(0, len(bsurfs)):
            tris = cubit.get_surface_tris(bsurfs[x])
            surf = cubit.surface(bsurfs[x])
            for y in range(0, len(tris)):
                cp = cubit.get_center_point("tri", tris[y])
                norm = surf.normal_at([cp[0],cp[1],cp[2]])
                #cubit.cmd("create curve location %f %f %f direction %f %f %f length %f" % (cp[0],cp[1],cp[2],norm[0],norm[1],norm[2],200))

                nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("tri", tris[y])
                element = [nodes[0]-1, nodes[1]-1, nodes[2]-1]
                meshFile.write('    <element id="%d" marker="%d" v0="%d" v1="%d" v2="%d" nx="%f" ny="%f" nz="%f"/>\n' % (ec,1.0,element[0],element[1],element[2],norm[0],norm[1],norm[2]))
                ec = ec+1
        meshFile.write('  </boundary>\n')
        meshFile.write('  <neumann>\n')
        meshFile.write('    <node id="1" marker="1" value="0.5" />\n')
        meshFile.write('  </neumann>\n')
        #meshFile.write('  <stimuli number="1">\n')
        #bb = cubit.get_bounding_box("volume", self.vol)
        #x0 = bb[0]
        #x1 = 0.8*x0 + 0.2*bb[1]
        #y0 = bb[3]
        #y1 = 0.8*y0 + 0.2*bb[4]
        #z0 = bb[6]
        #z1 = 0.8*z0 + 0.2*bb[7]
        #meshFile.write('    <stim start="0.00" duration="4.00" value="-35.7140" x0="%f" x1="%f" y0="%f" y1="%f" z0="%f" z1="%f" />\n' % (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1))
        #meshFile.write('  </stimuli>\n')
Exemplo n.º 57
# Writting number of elements at both sides to make 
# double sure everything is going fine .
txt='%10i %10i\n' % (len(quads_fault_u),len(quads_fault_d))

dic_quads_fault_u = dict(zip(quads_fault_u,quads_fault_u)) 
dic_quads_fault_d = dict(zip(quads_fault_d,quads_fault_d)) 

for h in list_hex: 
    faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex',h,2)  
    for f in faces:
        if dic_quads_fault_d.has_key(f): 
#           print 'h,fault nodes side down :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
           txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

for h in list_hex: 
    faces = cubit.get_sub_elements('hex',h,2)  
    for f in faces:
        if dic_quads_fault_u.has_key(f): 
#           print 'h,fault nodes side up :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
           txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
Exemplo n.º 58
    def abs_write(self, absname=None):
        # absorbing boundaries
        import re

        cubit.cmd("set info off")
        cubit.cmd("set echo off")
        cubit.cmd("set journal off")
        from sets import Set

        if not absname:
            absname = self.absname
        # loops through all block definitions
        list_hex = cubit.parse_cubit_list("hex", "all")
        for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc, self.block_bc_flag):
            if block != self.topography:
                name = cubit.get_exodus_entity_name("block", block)
                print name, block
                absflag = False
                if re.search("xmin", name):
                    filename = absname + "_xmin"
                    normal = (-1, 0, 0)
                elif re.search("xmax", name):
                    filename = absname + "_xmax"
                    normal = (1, 0, 0)
                elif re.search("ymin", name):
                    filename = absname + "_ymin"
                    normal = (0, -1, 0)
                elif re.search("ymax", name):
                    filename = absname + "_ymax"
                    normal = (0, 1, 0)
                elif re.search("bottom", name):
                    filename = absname + "_bottom"
                    normal = (0, 0, -1)
                elif re.search("abs", name):
                    # print "  ...face_abs - not used so far..."
                    filename = absname + "_all"
                    absflag = True
                # opens file
                print "Writing " + filename + "....."
                abshex_local = open(filename, "w")
                # gets face elements
                quads_all = cubit.get_block_faces(block)
                dic_quads_all = dict(zip(quads_all, quads_all))
                print "  number of faces = ", len(quads_all)
                abshex_local.write("%10i\n" % len(quads_all))
                # command = "group 'list_hex' add hex in face "+str(quads_all)
                # command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
                # cubit.cmd(command)
                # group=cubit.get_id_from_name("list_hex")
                # list_hex=cubit.get_group_hexes(group)
                # command = "delete group "+ str(group)
                # cubit.cmd(command)
                for h in list_hex:
                    faces = cubit.get_sub_elements("hex", h, 2)
                    for f in faces:
                        if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                            nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Face", f)
                            if not absflag:
                                # checks with specified normal
                                nodes_ok = self.normal_check(nodes, normal)
                                txt = "%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n" % (
                                txt = "%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n" % (h, nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3])
                # closes file
        print "Ok"
        cubit.cmd("set info on")
        cubit.cmd("set echo on")